
    Podcast Summary

    • Centralizing tasks and goals for team successAsana helps teams connect daily work to long-term objectives by centralizing tasks and company goals.

      Effective goal achievement can be challenging when teams are distracted by numerous priorities. Asana, an enterprise work management platform, addresses this issue by centralizing tasks and company goals, ensuring teams understand the connection between their daily work and long-term objectives. Meanwhile, PlushCare simplifies weight loss journeys by offering online access to certified physicians who can prescribe FDA-approved medications. This Mother's Day, Blue Nile provides an opportunity to celebrate extraordinary women with exquisite, customizable jewelry. Despite the varying sizes of podcasts, their popularity remains high, as demonstrated by the Off Menu podcast's interview with director Jason Reitman. While the hosts may not agree on muesli, they continue to engage in entertaining discussions, showcasing the power of diverse perspectives.

    • Our surroundings impact experiences, even with counterintuitive preferencesPreferences for spaces and experiences can be influenced by factors like intimacy, coziness, and expertise, sometimes contradicting intuition

      Our surroundings, including the design and ambiance of spaces, can significantly impact our experiences, and sometimes our preferences can be counterintuitive. For instance, a comedian might prefer a low ceiling in a theater because it keeps the laughter contained and intimate, creating a better connection with the audience. Similarly, dim lighting in a restaurant might be preferred over bright lighting for a more cozy and enjoyable dining experience. However, the importance of professional preparation in the food industry is emphasized, as restaurants offer the opportunity to enjoy meals prepared by experts who have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft. Despite this, personal connections and nostalgia can also influence our preferences, potentially leading to a desire for homemade meals despite their potential inferiority to professionally prepared dishes. Overall, our perceptions and preferences are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, and it's essential to consider the unique aspects of each situation when making decisions.

    • Preferences for food, beverages, media differ from societal normsRespect individual choices for food, beverages, media despite differing from societal norms or personal preferences

      People have unique preferences and attachments to things, including food and beverages, which may not align with societal norms or expectations. Using the example of water, some people may prefer still water over sparkling, despite popular opinion suggesting the opposite. This preference can be influenced by personal experiences and upbringing. Similarly, individuals may appreciate homemade versions of movies, music, or other forms of media over professionally produced content due to nostalgia or a connection to the creator. Ultimately, it's essential to respect and honor these individual choices, even if they don't align with our own preferences or beliefs.

    • Learning from Past MistakesCompanies innovate and adapt based on consumer feedback, even from past mistakes like Coke's New Coke debacle, leading to new products like Coke 0.

      Companies, like Coca-Cola, learn from their mistakes and adapt to consumer preferences. The infamous New Coke debacle in the 1980s led to the creation of Coke 0, a 0-calorie beverage that tastes like the original Coke, but with fewer calories. This story highlights the importance of innovation and consumer feedback in business. Additionally, personal experiences and preferences can sometimes lead us to overlook the history behind popular products. For instance, some people might not know that Diet Coke tastes like New Coke due to its creation during the New Coke era. Overall, this anecdote demonstrates the power of learning from past mistakes and the enduring impact of consumer choices on product development.

    • Discovering new things and growing through experiencesEmbrace new experiences, be open to trying new dishes, and gain confidence in ordering popular menu items to broaden your horizons and promote personal growth.

      Trying new things, whether it's a new dish at a restaurant or a new experience in life, can lead to great discoveries and personal growth. During a conversation about pre-meal snacks, the topic shifted to the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and being open to new experiences. Popadums with yogurt mint dip were decided upon as a welcome treat for someone trying new things for the first time that day. The discussion also touched upon the idea of being confident in ordering the most popular dish on a menu, rather than shying away from it due to preconceived notions. It was acknowledged that trying new things doesn't always result in success, but the potential rewards make it worth the risk. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of broadening one's horizons and not limiting oneself to the same experiences or dishes every time. The speakers shared stories of how they had grown and changed by trying new things, such as yoga, and encouraged each other to continue being open to new experiences.

    • Heightening the Sense of Taste: Supertasters and Unique ToolsSupertasters can taste subtlest flavors and are valued in the food industry. Using unique tools like a golden spoon can enhance the taste experience.

      The sense of taste can be heightened through various means, such as being a "Supertaster" or using unique tools like a golden spoon. The discussion revolved around a woman named Rose McGowan, who became a Supertaster after an injury and could taste even the subtlest flavors. Companies look for Supertasters to analyze food and determine popular trends. The speaker shared an experience of meeting a woman who designed ice cream at Baskin Robbins, who suggested using a golden spoon to taste ice cream as it conducts temperature less and allows one to focus more on the taste. The speaker became fascinated with the idea of a golden spoon and imagined always carrying it around to ensure the best ice cream-tasting experience. While some might find this idea excessive, it highlights the importance of heightened senses and the joy of fully experiencing flavors.

    • The impact of unique dining experiences on memoriesA memorable dining experience can be created by the combination of delicious food, unique quirks, and the use of specific utensils.

      The experience of dining out can be deeply connected to the utensils we use, the food we order, and the unique quirks of the restaurants we visit. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about their obsession with a specific dumpling stand in Flushing, Queens, where the only item on the menu is their famous spicy dumplings. The experience of ordering from this restaurant is unique because the owners only have enough time to make their signature dish, and the dumplings are sold until they run out. This creates a sense of excitement and urgency for customers, making the dining experience more memorable. The use of specific utensils, like a fork or a spoon, can also enhance the dining experience by allowing us to interact differently with our food. The speaker also shares a humorous reminder not to lick knives, a lesson they learned as a child. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of the small details in dining experiences and how they can leave a lasting impression.

    • The excitement of trying new and hard-to-find foods enhances the dining experienceDiscovering unique flavors and the journey of finding new foods creates cherished memories

      The excitement and anticipation of trying new and hard-to-find foods can enhance the overall dining experience. The indescribable, unique flavors and the adventure of discovering these hidden gems can make a meal unforgettable. However, not all highly anticipated foods live up to the hype. Some may disappoint, just like how some people might find White Castle or Dunkin' Donuts disappointing if they didn't grow up with them. Ultimately, it's the journey and the experience that makes the food memorable, not just the taste itself. The excitement and anticipation create a sense of adventure and adventure often leads to cherished memories.

    • Food and cultural experiences shape our perceptions and preferencesWhat we consider ordinary might be extraordinary to others based on their cultural backgrounds and experiences.

      People's experiences and associations with certain foods or beverages can be deeply rooted in their upbringing and cultural backgrounds. For instance, the speaker grew up thinking that coffee from Massachusetts was the best, and Weetabix cereal was a staple in their diet. Even though some people might find Weetabix unappealing, those who grew up with it might hold it in high regard. Similarly, the literary festival in Hay-on-Wye, Wales, is famous for its books and mutton stew, which the speaker found unpleasant but is cherished by the locals. These experiences shape our perceptions and preferences, and it's essential to remember that what seems ordinary to us might be extraordinary to others. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the humor and nostalgia that can be found in unexpected places, such as a boy band's music influencing a screenwriter's work.

    • Expanding Connections Leads to SuccessBuying an adjacent space led to a unique dining experience at Charlie's Back Door. Using Asana helps teams stay connected and maximize efficiency. Telehealth services offer convenient access to healthcare professionals. Trying new things can lead to memorable experiences.

      The power of connection and expansion can lead to great success, as seen in the transformation of Charlie's Front Door restaurant in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The owners' decision to buy and open the adjacent space as Charlie's Back Door led to a unique dining experience that became a local favorite, despite its unconventional decor and name. Meanwhile, in a different realm, using a work management platform like Asana can help teams stay connected and maximize efficiency, leading to better results for companies. Additionally, telehealth services like PlushCare offer convenient access to healthcare professionals, making it easier for individuals to receive necessary treatments and prescriptions, including weight loss medications. Lastly, the importance of trying new things, even if they seem unappealing at first, was highlighted by the group's enthusiasm for the green chile sour cream enchilada at Charlie's Back Door, which turned out to be a memorable and delicious experience.

    • Exploring the unknown through food at Mikawa tempura restaurantEmbrace new experiences in Japanese cuisine, trust the chef's expertise, and enjoy the element of surprise for unique and delicious dishes

      New experiences, especially when it comes to food, can be both exciting and intimidating. The Japanese concept of "back door" or unknown experiences was exemplified in the tempura restaurant Mikawa in Tokyo. Here, the chef decides what you eat, and you have no idea what's coming next. The element of surprise and trust in the chef's expertise leads to unique and delicious experiences, even if it means trying something unfamiliar or seemingly strange, like an entire fish. The tempura sauce, made on the spot with ingredients provided, adds to the overall experience, creating a perfect balance of lightness and heaviness. Japan's cultural emphasis on embracing new experiences and letting things unfold naturally makes it an ideal destination for adventurous eaters. Despite the occasional misstep, like the Pokemon-themed katsu curry, the overall culinary experience in Tokyo is typically positive.

    • New experiences and unexpected joysEmbrace new experiences and be open to unexpected joys and connections. Try new foods, explore new places, and combine elements from different experiences to create unique moments.

      New experiences, whether it's trying unfamiliar food or exploring a new place, can lead to unique and memorable moments. The speaker shared an anecdote about their first experience in Japan, which was influenced by their jet lag and love for Pokemon. They also spoke about bonding with their nephew over Pokemon and watching "Detective Pikachu" together. The conversation then shifted to the idea of combining elements from different experiences and places, such as a tempura enchilada or a Marvel Universe made up of Alexander Payne films. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of trying new things and the potential for unexpected joys and connections that can result.

    • A conversation between Quentin Tarantino and a character from one of his movies about food and unique experiencesQuentin Tarantino appreciates unique experiences, whether it be in food or film, and is fascinated by the combinations and creations that result from them.

      Quentin Tarantino, in an imaginary scenario, would have his character Juno from one of his movies persuade audiences to watch his lesser-known films. During the conversation, they discussed the City Bakery's pretzel croissant in New York, which is a croissant with a pretzel exterior. Tarantino expressed his preference for traditional croissants and found the pretzel croissant to be delicious despite its dryness and saltiness. They also touched upon the TV series "Frankenfood," where contestants combined dishes to create new ones, some of which were disgusting. Tarantino shared his fascination with the show and how it relates to the unique food offerings at American baseball parks. In essence, the conversation showcased Tarantino's appreciation for unique experiences, whether it be in food or film.

    • Deep-fried hot dogs and pickles or cheesecake with Halloween candy?The group discussed unusual food combinations, deep-fried dishes, and cultural differences surrounding Halloween and its traditions in the US and UK.

      The discussion revolved around unusual food combinations and deep-fried dishes, specifically a food item called a "dilly dog." Joe and Ed expressed their fondness for this deep-fried hot dog wrapped in a pickle. The conversation also touched upon a man from a food competition who created a cheesecake filled with Halloween candy. The group pondered over the differences between Halloween and its traditions in the US and the UK. Joe shared his indifference towards the holiday and its candy, while Ed's fiancé was more enthusiastic. The group joked about the high cost of importing American Halloween candy to the UK. The conversation also included some inside jokes and banter between Joe and Ed. In essence, the conversation showcased unique food creations, cultural differences, and friendly banter.

    • Experience and Flavor: The Speaker's Love for Memorable Food and DrinksThe speaker cherishes unique and theatrical food and drink experiences, from smoky old fashioneds to ninja scares, and values the personal connections to favorite dishes.

      The speaker enjoys unique and theatrical experiences, particularly when it comes to food and drinks. He shared his fondness for a smoky old fashioned at a restaurant in Calgary, which involves injecting smoke into a glass sphere and rolling the drink inside it for an enhanced flavor and presentation. The speaker also mentioned his dislike for restaurants that try to add smoke to dishes ineffectively. He also reminisced about a restaurant in New York called Ninja, where diners are given a theatrical experience with ninjas jumping out to scare them. The speaker's favorite course is dessert, and he shared a personal connection to a home-cooked pudding from his grandmother. Overall, the speaker's conversation highlights his appreciation for memorable and immersive experiences, whether it's through food, drinks, or dining.

    • Discovering the joy of a unique dessert experienceThe Hungarian kugloff dessert offers a unique balance of bread texture and rich chocolate, with each slice having a varying chocolate-to-bread ratio, making every bite an adventure.

      The Hungarian pastry called kugloff, found in Toronto, offers a unique dessert experience with its distinct combination of bread-like texture and incredibly rich chocolate. The surprise of varying chocolate-to-bread ratios in each slice adds to the excitement of the meal. This dessert, which can be served room temperature or reheated, is unlike other desserts, such as babka, and holds a special place in the speaker's heart, representing the joy of discovering a beloved home-cooked food. The combination of the bread and rich chocolate creates a perfect balance, with the chocolate taking the lead in sweetness and the bread accommodating the indulgence. The experience of sharing this dessert with others, where each person may have a different slice, adds to the enjoyment. The uncertainty of the dessert's balance makes each bite an adventure, much like the unexpected moments in the speaker's movies.

    • Jason Reitman's Ideal Meal at a Dream RestaurantJason Reitman shares his love for diverse dishes including poppadoms, spicy dumplings, enchiladas, pretzel croissants, old fashioned drinks, and Hungarian pastry kugloff. He also expresses his fondness for bread and the Ghostbusters films.

      Jason Reitman, the director, shared his ideal meal at a dream restaurant, which included various dishes such as poppadoms, spicy dumplings, enchiladas, pretzel croissants, old fashioned drinks, and Hungarian pastry kugloff. He also expressed his love for bread and revealed his fondness for the Ghostbusters films. The conversation was filled with excitement and humor, and they even made a reference to the new Ghostbusters film. The off-menu menu of Jason Reitman turned out to be quite intriguing and delicious. The podcast also encourages listeners to check out their social media and podcast channels for more content. Additionally, Jason's love for bread was compared to that of a drug dealer in Los Angeles, where not many people eat bread. The conversation ended with Rob Orton, the podcast host, promoting his daily podcast and Pretty Litter, a health monitoring litter for cats. The discussion was light-hearted and entertaining, leaving the audience with a positive feeling.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Love, Art, and Imagination1800 Flowers brings joy through thoughtful care in every order, while the Rob Orton Daily Podcast sparks creativity and imagination with absurd scenarios.

      1800 Flowers puts heart and love into every aspect of their business, from farming and baking to floristry and delivery, to ensure their customers receive a smile. Picasso's art is unique, just like how 1800 Flowers approaches each order with care and dedication. Meanwhile, in a lighter vein, the Rob Orton Daily Podcast invites listeners to ponder the absurd, such as painting a house Picasso-style or creating a digestive biscuit beach. These seemingly unrelated topics showcase the power of creativity and imagination. So, whether you're planning a special occasion or just looking for a daily dose of amusement, remember that love, art, and the power of the imagination can bring joy to our lives. For more information, visit 1800flowers.com/acast, or tune in to the Rob Orton Daily Podcast.

    Recent Episodes from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    ‘How Did This Get Made?’ podcaster and ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ star Jason Mantzoukas finishes up series 11. And half of his meal is lurking in the shadows…

    Listen to Jason’s podcast ‘How Did This Get Made?’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    TV presenter, author and Strictly contestant Helen Skelton takes on her next challenge: ordering her Off Menu menu in the Dream Restaurant.

    Helen Skelton’s book ‘In My Stride’ is out now published by Headline. Buy it here.

    Follow Helen on Twitter and Instagram @helenskelton

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    US stand-up and ‘I Think You Should Leave’ star Patti Harrison is this week’s dream dinner guest. She arrived so early her table wasn’t ready yet.

    Trigger warning: this episode contains talk of eating disorders.

    Patti Harrison is bringing her show ‘My Huge Tits Huge Because They Are Infected NOT FAKE’ to London’s Soho Theatre at the end of May and the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

    Follow Patti on Instagram @party_harderson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    ‘Drag Race Down Under’ judge and ‘Taskmaster Australia’ star Rhys Nicholson is our guest diner this week. And they’ve brought along their pal Jeff Tartare.

    Rhys brings their new show ‘Huge Big Party Congratulations’ to the Edinburgh Fringe this August and then is touring the UK. For dates and tickets go to rhysnicholson.com.au

    Rhys’s book ‘Dish’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Watch Rhys’s special ‘Live at the Athenaeum’ on Netflix.

    Follow Rhys on Instagram @rhysnicholson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Comedian and podcaster Huge Davies brings disturbing news. Another great episode of Off Menu with Ed Gamble and The Boy.

    Listen to Huge Davies’s podcast ‘Slime Country’ with Ed Night and Sunil Patel wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Watch Huge’s special ‘The Carpark’ on YouTube for free.

    Follow Huge on Twitter and Instagram @hugedavies

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    It’s the final b-b-b-b-bonus episode from the live tour and what better way to end than with Irish comedy god and ‘Father Ted’ star Ardal O’Hanlon. Oh, and eating a creamy dessert.

    Follow Ardal on Twitter @ardalsfolly and Instagram @ardalohanlon

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Co-founder of Hoppers restaurants Karan Gokani has a table booked this week, and he’s bringing along Edward Stephenson Jamison Gamble as his dining companion.

    ‘Hoppers: The Cookbook’ is out now, published by Quadrille Publishing. Buy it here.

    Go to Hoppers restaurants in London. Visit hopperslondon.com to book a table.

    Follow Hoppers on Instagram and TikTok @hopperslondon

    Follow Karan on Instagram @karancooks

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Irish comedy icon Tommy Tiernan joins us for night one in Dublin. And, no, this episode hasn’t been edited much.

    Tommy Tiernan is on tour now with ‘Tommedian’. For dates and tickets go to tommytiernan.ie

    Follow Tommy on Twitter @Tommedian and Instagram @officialtommedian

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Superb stand-up and podcaster Sara Barron has a reservation this week. And did you know her brother is a babe?

    Listen to Sara’s podcast ‘They Like to Watch’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Sara Barron is at the Edinburgh Fringe this August with her new show ‘Anything For You’. For tickets and info visit edfringe.com

    Follow Sara on Twitter @sarabarron and Instagram @sarabarron1000000

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Despite wanting to go home, Joe Wilkinson showed up for his table at the Dream Restaurant, live in Brighton.

    Listen to Joe’s podcast Chatabix with David Earl wherever you listen to podcasts and follow Chatabix on Instagram @chatabixpodcast

    Joe’s book ‘My Autobiography’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Follow Joe on Instagram @gillinghamjoe

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Brighton Dome.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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