
    Podcast Summary

    • PlushCare Simplifies Weight Loss, Mother's Day Shopping Convenient with 1-800-Flowers.com, and Sir Lenny Henry's New ProjectsPlushCare offers online access to certified physicians for weight loss prescriptions, Mother's Day shopping is made easy with 1-800-Flowers.com's offerings and discounts, and Sir Lenny Henry releases a memoir, a kid's book, and joins the Lord of the Rings series.

      PlushCare offers a convenient and efficient solution for individuals looking to begin their weight loss journey, with online access to certified physicians who can prescribe FDA-approved medications. Meanwhile, Mother's Day is approaching, and 1-800-Flowers.com provides an excellent platform for celebrating moms with handmade bouquets, treats, and gifts, offering a limited-time discount. Additionally, Sir Lenny Henry, a renowned comedian and national treasure, has penned two books - a memoir and a kid's book - and will appear in the new Lord of the Rings series. During the podcast, the secret ingredient was revealed as plain kombucha, which some may find unappetizing. Plain kombucha is an option for those who prefer the unadulterated taste, but its acquired taste may not be for everyone. Overall, PlushCare simplifies weight loss, Mother's Day shopping becomes more convenient with 1-800-Flowers.com, and Sir Lenny Henry's new projects add to his impressive resume.

    • Lenny Henry's Proposed Dream Restaurant: Share Tables and MealsLenny Henry suggested a unique dining experience where guests join each other's tables and share meals, sparking mixed reactions, and leading to a discussion on table manners, etiquette, and personal experiences.

      Lenny Henry, one of the guests on the podcast, had a unique dining experience suggestion for a hypothetical dream restaurant. He proposed the idea of a restaurant where guests could join each other's tables and share meals. This concept was met with mixed reactions, with some considering it disrespectful, while others saw it as an exciting opportunity to try new dishes. Lenny also shared some personal experiences where he and his wife had unwanted guests at their table during a restaurant visit. The conversation then shifted to Lenny's knighthood and the associated privileges, leading to a discussion about table manners and etiquette. Despite some disagreements, the hosts found the idea intriguing and decided to explore it further. The conversation also touched upon Lenny's comedy career and his ongoing tour. Overall, the conversation showcased the guests' unique perspectives and the hosts' open-minded approach to exploring various topics.

    • The Value of Food and HospitalityFood and hospitality bring joy, connection, and inspiration, and are essential for older adults. They evoke fond memories, create community, and boost morale and productivity.

      Food and hospitality hold significant value in people's lives, bringing joy, connection, and inspiration. Older people often appreciate the experience of dining out, and Lenny Henry imagines a scenario where he could join their table for a conversation. Food can evoke fond memories and create a sense of community, as seen in film and writing industries where good catering boosts morale and productivity. Lenny grew up with the belief that hospitality is important, and his experiences have reinforced this idea. He has written two books during the lockdown, likely fueled by the creativity and comfort that food and a well-catered environment provide. Overall, food goes beyond sustenance, serving as a source of connection, inspiration, and enjoyment.

    • The transformative power of sharing personal experiencesSharing unconventional stories can lead to meaningful connections and inspire others. Embrace your unique background and experiences.

      The power of sharing personal experiences and stories, no matter how unconventional or seemingly insignificant, can lead to meaningful connections and even inspire others. The speaker, a comedian and author, shared his experiences of growing up with a secret about his family and how he kept it hidden due to shame. He later realized that there was no reason to be ashamed and wrote a book about it. He also emphasized the importance of inclusivity and representation in storytelling, as evidenced in his upcoming book about two black kids going on a quest in a magical land where everyone looks like them. The speaker's career retrospective book covers his personal life and experiences in the entertainment industry, while his other book focuses on the craft of writing and collaboration. Overall, his stories highlight the transformative power of sharing personal experiences and the importance of embracing one's unique background.

    • Lenny Henry's Inspirational Food JourneyLenny Henry's experiences reveal how stories can inspire us to explore new things, like cooking, and that food can symbolize memories and experiences. The world of cooking can also serve as a metaphor for teamwork, discipline, and meeting deadlines.

      Stories, especially great ones, should include elements that resonate deeply with the audience, like food. Lenny Henry, an actor and writer, shares how he incorporates food as a motif in his memoir and books. He was inspired by the character of Chef from the sitcom of the same name, despite the character's mean behavior towards his staff. Lenny saw it as a role to play and an opportunity to learn about the world of cooking. Lenny trained at Lortolan and worked with renowned chefs, observing the military-like structure of the kitchens. He noted the contrast between calm, cool kitchens and those with lots of shouting, like those of Gordon Ramsay and Michael Pierre White. Lenny's experience of cooking with his family as a child also influenced his love for food and still water, which he starts every meal with. Overall, Lenny's experiences show that stories can inspire us to explore new things, like cooking, and that food can be a powerful symbol of memories and experiences. Additionally, the world of cooking can be seen as a metaphor for teamwork, discipline, and the importance of hitting deadlines.

    • Childhood adventures shaped by simple pleasuresChildhood experiences, fueled by simple joys, help shape a sense of adventure and resilience, leading to a more diverse and enriching perspective on life

      Childhood experiences, fueled by simple pleasures like sugar water and white bread, shaped the author's sense of adventure and helped him navigate social challenges in his youth. The author recalls hours of aimless play, from running around with friends to rescuing puppies from canals. As he grew older, his adventures evolved, leading him to integrate with different social circles and discover new music and foods. Despite the challenges of fitting in, the author embraced these experiences, leading to a more diverse and enriching perspective on life.

    • The power of supportive friendshipsFriends who recognize your talent and encourage you can provide the confidence and support needed to pursue your dreams.

      The power of supportive friendships and self-discovery played a significant role in the comedian's journey to success. Growing up as the only black kid in predominantly white environments, Greg faced discrimination and isolation. However, he found solace in his friends who recognized his talent and encouraged him to pursue comedy. They introduced him to various comedians and helped him develop a sense of humor. Greg's friends believed in him even when he didn't, and their support gave him the confidence to take the stage. The importance of having a strong support system, especially during challenging times, cannot be overstated. It's essential to surround oneself with people who uplift and believe in one's abilities, helping to overcome obstacles and unlock new opportunities.

    • A profound impact of music and unexpected consequencesAttending a Run the Jewels concert led to contracting COVID-19 but also discovering the impact of Killer Mike's lyrics and speeches.

      The experience of attending a Run the Jewels concert turned out to be a significant event for the speaker, as it was there where they contracted COVID-19 but also discovered the profound impact of Killer Mike's lyrics and speeches. The concert provided a release through music and loud environments, but the consequences were unexpected. The speaker's connection to Killer Mike's words deepened after the artist's moving speech following George Floyd's death. Despite the uncomfortable seating at the concert, the speaker found joy in seat wiggling and the shared love for Run the Jewels and poppadums. The conversation also touched on the speaker's fondness for curry houses and their affordable yet delicious offerings. Overall, the experience of attending the Run the Jewels concert left a lasting impression on the speaker, both in terms of the unexpected encounter with COVID-19 and the profound impact of Killer Mike's words.

    • Lenny Henry's early experiences shaped his desire for energetic audiencesLenny Henry's passion for performing stems from the excitement of engaging crowds, leading him to tour and perform in larger venues where he feels more connected to the audience.

      Lenny Henry's experiences in entertainment, from variety shows to 'Tiswas,' shaped his desire to perform in front of energetic and engaged audiences. He recalls the excitement of performing at Bishop's Stortford and the contrast to his earlier experiences. The crowd's enthusiasm and participation made him realize that he wanted to entertain people who were rabid and loving the show. This led him to tour with Phil McIntyre and eventually perform in larger venues, where he felt more connected to the audience and enjoyed the experience more. The curry analogy he uses to describe his reaction to good food can be applied to his performances – he wants to savor and enjoy the experience, rather than rushing through it.

    • Chris Tarrant's Role in Creating and Producing 'Tizwas'Despite the high pressure and expectations, Chris Tarrant's role in creating and producing 'Tizwas' led to opportunities for new talent. However, the decline of sketch shows is due to their high production costs and the preference for panel or game shows.

      Chris Tarrant, a well-known figure in British television, played a significant role in the creation and production of the popular comedy show "Tizwas." The show was a live, unscripted program where the cast, including the speaker, contributed jokes and sketches. Tarrant would assemble the show on Fridays and the team would perform it live on Saturdays. The pressure to please Tarrant was high due to his reputation as a producer who gave opportunities to new talent. However, after Tizwas ended, they attempted to create a grown-up version called OTT, but it failed as the audience expected a more organized show. The speaker believes that the decline of sketch shows is due to their high production costs and the preference for panel or game shows. Despite his reservations about being on these types of shows, he acknowledges that they have become a cultural staple and that younger comedians seem to handle them better.

    • The importance of a talented chef's preparation and attention to detail in creating exceptional culinary experiencesA talented chef's dedication and attention to detail can transform simple dishes into unforgettable culinary experiences.

      The preparation and thought put into creating exceptional culinary experiences can make even the simplest dishes into unforgettable ones. The speaker shared an experience of dining at the Ritz, where they had hand dive scallops prepared by a talented chef named Spencer. The speaker was surprised by the level of preparation and attention to detail that went into the dish, which made it one of the best things they had ever tasted. The chef's involvement in the dining experience added to the sense memory and overall enjoyment. The speaker also mentioned their appreciation for the competition show "Great British Menu," where they had discovered new favorite dishes and chefs. Despite the pressure and competition, the chefs' dedication to their craft shines through in their creations.

    • Emphasizing the importance of proper food preparation and not overcookingProperly preparing food and avoiding overcooking are essential for delicious results, as emphasized by the speaker's criticisms towards certain cooking methods and his desire to improve as a chef.

      Despite the speaker's criticisms towards certain aspects of cooking, the importance of properly preparing and not overcooking food was emphasized. This was contrasted with the speaker's mother's methodology of burning the exterior while preserving the interior of her cakes. The speaker expressed the desire to improve as a chef and cook dishes that are barely cooked, as seen in top-end restaurants. Additionally, the speaker shared nostalgic memories of looking forward to their mother's Saturday soup after a week of less desirable meals. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of both the technique and the emotional connection to food in cooking.

    • Memories of mom's legendary soupFood can transport us back in time and evoke deep feelings, making it an essential part of our lives

      Food holds a special place in our hearts and memories. The speaker fondly recalls her mom's legendary Saturday soup, which was a staple in her childhood. This dish, made with a variety of ingredients including yam, mutton, dumplings, and potatoes, was a vat of comfort and stability. The anticipation and longing for this dish continued even after she left home and became a professional comedian. The soup's delicious and garlicky flavor, along with the succulent and marrow-filled bones, made it a memorable and cherished part of her past. The speaker's connection to her mom's cooking was so strong that even a similar soup from a different place could bring back powerful memories and emotions. Food has the power to transport us back in time and evoke deep feelings, making it an essential part of our lives.

    • Steve Martin's Serious Approach to MealsRenowned artist and actor Steve Martin takes every meal seriously, striving for perfection. He believes every meal should be extraordinary, and pays attention to details like good marinades and tender meat.

      Steve Martin, a renowned artist and actor, takes every meal seriously and strives for perfection. During a lunch encounter, he was observed being particular about his food, even if it was just a hot dog or ribs. He believes that every meal should be extraordinary, and he takes the time to ensure it is. This discussion also highlighted the importance of a good marinade and tender meat in ribs, as well as the difference in preferences between fall-off-the-bone ribs and those that require a pull. Despite his fussiness, his dedication to enjoying each meal was appreciated by those around him.

    • Unexpected connections and meaningful experiencesUnexpected encounters with heroes, comics, and football stars can leave lasting impressions and remind us to cherish simple pleasures

      Our connections to people and experiences can be unexpected and meaningful, even if they seem unrelated at first. The speaker shared stories about meeting their heroes, from Steve Martin to Aretha Franklin, and how these encounters left a lasting impression on them. They also reminisced about the Beano comic and its focus on food, which brought back memories of their own upbringing. Another surprising encounter was guessing the identity of Joe Namath in a comedy game show. The speaker's lack of knowledge about Namath showed how our experiences and knowledge are constantly evolving. The speaker's obsession with food, as reflected in the Beano comics, was also a reminder of the importance of cherishing simple pleasures, even during times of scarcity. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of embracing unexpected connections and cherishing the moments that make life memorable.

    • Finding balance in drinks and dessertsThe speaker values strong drinks with control, unique experiences, good recipes, and the ability to impress others, while also enjoying desserts despite dietary restrictions.

      The speaker enjoys drinks that offer a good balance between strength and control, whether it's a rum punch or a well-made martini. They appreciate the experience of a strong drink but don't want to be overly intoxicated before a meal. The speaker has fond memories of unique drinking experiences, such as a farm-fresh white wine and a legendary bread pudding with whiskey. They value the importance of a good recipe and the ability to impress others with their culinary creations. Despite dietary restrictions, they still enjoy desserts, particularly a chocolate chocolaty brioche bread pudding that they were fortunate enough to obtain the recipe for. Overall, the speaker's preferences revolve around finding the perfect balance between strength, flavor, and nostalgia in their drinks and desserts.

    • Appreciating the complexities of whiskey and fine diningWhiskey tasting and fine dining are about savoring the intricacies of taste, texture, and presentation, not just getting drunk or satisfying hunger.

      Both whiskey tasting and fine dining experiences offer more than just getting drunk or satisfying hunger. They are about appreciating the intricacies of taste, texture, and presentation. During a whiskey tasting night, the speaker discovered that whiskey should be savored like a fine wine or liqueur, not just consumed to get drunk. Similarly, the speaker fondly recalled a childhood memory of discovering the delight of bread pudding, which he had previously disliked due to its unusual name. He also expressed excitement about the potential transition of Caribbean food from being considered "peasant food" to a fine dining experience, with the emergence of talented Caribbean chefs. Both whiskey and fine dining offer opportunities to savor and appreciate the complexities of their respective flavors and textures.

    • Caribbean food's global rise and Lenny Henry's new projectsExplore Caribbean food's rich heritage and Lenny Henry's memoir, while appreciating the affordability and ethical practices of Quince and daily inspiration from The Rob Orton Daily Podcast

      Caribbean food is on the rise and its rich heritage is being celebrated in restaurants around the world. Rusty Lee's experience of enjoying Caribbean food, particularly Saturday Soup, in various places like Antigua, Jamaica, and even in France, highlights the pride and elevation of this cuisine. The conversation also touched upon Lenny Henry's new memoir, books, and upcoming projects. Despite the emotional and busy nature of the episode, the hosts expressed their appreciation for the experience and encouraged listeners to explore Caribbean food and Lenny Henry's work. Additionally, they mentioned the affordability and ethical manufacturing practices of Quince, a company offering high-end goods at reduced prices. Lastly, Rob Orton's podcast, The Rob Orton Daily Podcast, was introduced as a source of daily inspiration through short poems, stories, or amusing takes on various subjects.

    • Exploring Imagination and EmotionsLet creativity flow, but ensure emotions are authentic. Engage with diverse content for new perspectives.

      Our imagination can lead us to intriguing and unexpected places. For instance, considering what a beach might look like if it was made from digestive biscuits is a playful exercise of creativity. However, life can also present us with situations where we may try to cry about something we're not truly emotionally invested in. It's essential to be mindful of our emotions and ensure they are genuine. Another takeaway is the recommendation to listen to the Rob Orton Daily Podcast for diverse and thought-provoking content. By incorporating various topics from the discussion, this podcast could offer valuable insights and perspectives. In summary, let your creativity run wild, but ensure your emotions are authentic. Engage with content that stimulates your mind and broadens your horizons.

    Recent Episodes from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    ‘How Did This Get Made?’ podcaster and ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ star Jason Mantzoukas finishes up series 11. And half of his meal is lurking in the shadows…

    Listen to Jason’s podcast ‘How Did This Get Made?’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    TV presenter, author and Strictly contestant Helen Skelton takes on her next challenge: ordering her Off Menu menu in the Dream Restaurant.

    Helen Skelton’s book ‘In My Stride’ is out now published by Headline. Buy it here.

    Follow Helen on Twitter and Instagram @helenskelton

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    US stand-up and ‘I Think You Should Leave’ star Patti Harrison is this week’s dream dinner guest. She arrived so early her table wasn’t ready yet.

    Trigger warning: this episode contains talk of eating disorders.

    Patti Harrison is bringing her show ‘My Huge Tits Huge Because They Are Infected NOT FAKE’ to London’s Soho Theatre at the end of May and the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

    Follow Patti on Instagram @party_harderson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    ‘Drag Race Down Under’ judge and ‘Taskmaster Australia’ star Rhys Nicholson is our guest diner this week. And they’ve brought along their pal Jeff Tartare.

    Rhys brings their new show ‘Huge Big Party Congratulations’ to the Edinburgh Fringe this August and then is touring the UK. For dates and tickets go to rhysnicholson.com.au

    Rhys’s book ‘Dish’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Watch Rhys’s special ‘Live at the Athenaeum’ on Netflix.

    Follow Rhys on Instagram @rhysnicholson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Comedian and podcaster Huge Davies brings disturbing news. Another great episode of Off Menu with Ed Gamble and The Boy.

    Listen to Huge Davies’s podcast ‘Slime Country’ with Ed Night and Sunil Patel wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Watch Huge’s special ‘The Carpark’ on YouTube for free.

    Follow Huge on Twitter and Instagram @hugedavies

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    It’s the final b-b-b-b-bonus episode from the live tour and what better way to end than with Irish comedy god and ‘Father Ted’ star Ardal O’Hanlon. Oh, and eating a creamy dessert.

    Follow Ardal on Twitter @ardalsfolly and Instagram @ardalohanlon

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Co-founder of Hoppers restaurants Karan Gokani has a table booked this week, and he’s bringing along Edward Stephenson Jamison Gamble as his dining companion.

    ‘Hoppers: The Cookbook’ is out now, published by Quadrille Publishing. Buy it here.

    Go to Hoppers restaurants in London. Visit hopperslondon.com to book a table.

    Follow Hoppers on Instagram and TikTok @hopperslondon

    Follow Karan on Instagram @karancooks

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Irish comedy icon Tommy Tiernan joins us for night one in Dublin. And, no, this episode hasn’t been edited much.

    Tommy Tiernan is on tour now with ‘Tommedian’. For dates and tickets go to tommytiernan.ie

    Follow Tommy on Twitter @Tommedian and Instagram @officialtommedian

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Superb stand-up and podcaster Sara Barron has a reservation this week. And did you know her brother is a babe?

    Listen to Sara’s podcast ‘They Like to Watch’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Sara Barron is at the Edinburgh Fringe this August with her new show ‘Anything For You’. For tickets and info visit edfringe.com

    Follow Sara on Twitter @sarabarron and Instagram @sarabarron1000000

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Despite wanting to go home, Joe Wilkinson showed up for his table at the Dream Restaurant, live in Brighton.

    Listen to Joe’s podcast Chatabix with David Earl wherever you listen to podcasts and follow Chatabix on Instagram @chatabixpodcast

    Joe’s book ‘My Autobiography’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Follow Joe on Instagram @gillinghamjoe

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Brighton Dome.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    In this podcast episode, Lauryn is transparent on a completely real level about what it’s like to be a minority in the financial industry and why this shouldn’t even be a discussion in 2019.  

    Here are a few things that Lauryn shares in this episode:

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    When you sign up to live in a place like New York City, you are signing up for the unexpected. Do you expect someone to steal parts of your bike piece by piece until the only thing left is part of the knob from the bike lock? No. Do you expect to work seventeen jobs at one time in order to pay for an 8 x 10 foot apartment room that smells like limburger cheese? Why, of course not, sir! So, you are not allowed to be flummoxed when a feral cat attacks you, your dog, and your dog's sexy backpack. 

    In Episode Three, "CATS," join me and my faithful companion, Mabelle, as we get attacked by a possessed pussycat. 

    CREDITS: All essays written by Caitlin Allgood. Music composed by David Allgood, and performed and arranged by The Parkers. Stream their music online coming soon. Also, if you find my voice irritating--I don't blame you--you can find the stories in print, as well as embarrassing photographs, at www.averagelyallgood.com.