
    How Emotions Influence Our Health - With Megan Buer

    enSeptember 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding and releasing stored emotions for mental and hormonal healthExploring tools like emotion code, EMDR, and EFT to heal emotional traumas and improve mental health and hormonal balance, leading to better overall wellbeing for women and those around them.

      Recognizing and addressing the emotional traumas that are stored in our bodies and affecting our hormonal health is crucial for mental and hormonal wellbeing. In this podcast episode, Dr. Mindy and emotion code expert Megan Buhrer discuss the importance of understanding and releasing stored emotions to improve mental health and hormonal balance. They explore various tools and techniques, such as emotion code, EMDR, and EFT, to access and release these traumas. By focusing on emotional healing, women can not only improve their own health but also positively impact those around them. Additionally, Dr. Mindy invites listeners to join her Reset Academy to kickstart their fasting and health journey and invest in their overall wellbeing.

    • Healing trapped emotions for emotional and physical wellbeingThe Emotion Code is a healing technique that releases trapped emotions to improve emotional and physical health, leading to increased authenticity and presence in the moment.

      The Emotion Code is a form of energy healing that helps release emotional baggage from the subconscious mind. It deals with trapped emotions, which are unprocessed experiences that get stuck in our energy field and can cause chronic anxiety or depression. These trapped emotions can be triggered by everyday stressors and can lead to physical and emotional health issues. The goal of the Emotion Code is to help individuals wake up feeling authentic and present in the moment, free from past junk. The Emotion Code can benefit anyone, regardless of physical or emotional health conditions, as emotional and physical health are interconnected. The speaker, who struggled with thyroid and adrenal issues despite following a healthy lifestyle, found relief through the Emotion Code by releasing trapped emotions.

    • The importance of emotional healing for overall well-beingIgnoring emotions can worsen physical and mental health issues, acknowledging and releasing trapped emotions is crucial for holistic health

      Ignoring the emotional and intuitive aspects of health can actually contribute to physical and mental health issues. The speaker shared her personal experience of dismissing the importance of emotional healing and focusing only on physical solutions, which ultimately worsened her condition. She also highlighted how societal norms and the healthcare system have often overlooked the significance of emotional intelligence and validating emotions, leading to their suppression and potential harm. The speaker emphasized the importance of acknowledging and releasing trapped emotions for overall well-being, especially for women who are more attuned to their emotions and empathic nature. In essence, a holistic approach to health that includes emotional and intuitive aspects is crucial for long-term well-being.

    • Embrace Femininity, Express Emotions, and Trust IntuitionWomen should accept and express emotions, embrace femininity, and trust intuition for authentic and healthy living.

      Women's emotional and intuitive nature has been suppressed in society, leading many to ignore their feelings and intuition, causing chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. It's essential for women to embrace their femininity, express their emotions, and trust their intuition to live authentically and healthily. The conversation around women's emotional expression and ancient wisdom is emerging, and the culture is changing to accept and applaud these aspects of women. Finding a balance between acknowledging emotions and taking action is crucial for women's well-being. Women are not broken; they are sensitive, intuitive, and empathic beings, and it's time to normalize ebbs and flows in life, rather than striving for linear perfection every day.

    • Honoring hormonal needs for a balanced lifeRecognize and prioritize rest during hormonal phases to prevent burnout and emotional buildup. Rearrange schedules, set boundaries, and plan calendars based on hormonal cycles for optimal productivity and rest.

      Understanding and respecting our hormonal cycles can help us avoid burning out and suppressing emotions. The "rushing woman," as described by Dr. Libby Weaver, faces the challenge of balancing her hormonal needs with societal expectations and work demands. To prevent resentment and emotional buildup, it's essential to identify our limits and prioritize rest when needed. This may involve rearranging schedules, setting boundaries, and intentionally slowing down during certain phases of our cycles. By recognizing and honoring our hormonal needs, we can create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Additionally, planning our monthly calendars based on our hormonal cycles can help us maximize productivity during certain phases and prioritize rest during others.

    • Understanding Women's Hormonal Cycles for EmpowermentRecognize and validate emotions, embrace natural cycles, and seek help for subconscious issues for improved well-being.

      Women's hormonal cycles are natural and intrinsic aspects of their being, and understanding these cycles can lead to empowerment and improved well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and validating emotions, rather than suppressing them, and advocates for a societal shift in perception towards accepting and accommodating the natural fluctuations in women's energy levels and emotional states. Additionally, she suggests that working through subconscious emotions, such as anxiety, through the help of an emotion code therapist can be beneficial for those experiencing chronic emotional issues. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing the primal and tribal aspects of women's cycles and rejecting the societal pressure to conform to a perfect, always energized and productive persona.

    • Acknowledge and address emotionsIgnoring emotions only makes them stronger. Pause, acknowledge, and address them to move towards healing and growth.

      Emotions, much like small children, require attention and acknowledgement. Ignoring them will only make them louder and more persistent. When we feel anxiety or other emotions, it's important to pause and ask ourselves what we need in that moment. This might involve taking a deep breath, acknowledging the emotion, and giving it space to pass. Sometimes, there may be a deeper message or root cause underlying the emotion, and working through this with the help of a trusted professional can lead to healing and growth on a deeper level. By acknowledging and addressing our emotions, we can move towards a more authentic and natural state of being.

    • Expressing emotions is crucial for hormonal balance and overall well-beingAcknowledging and expressing emotions, especially for women, is essential for hormonal balance and overall well-being. Don't suppress negative emotions; instead, give them attention to prevent longer-term unhappiness.

      Expressing and acknowledging emotions, especially for women, is crucial for hormonal balance and overall well-being. Talking about feelings, whether it's to a trusted person or even to oneself, can help process emotions and prevent them from being suppressed. Abraham Hicks' teachings emphasize looking away from negativity, but it's also important to acknowledge and lean into negative emotions when necessary, as they will not go away by ignoring them. Suppressing emotions can lead to longer-term unhappiness, and it's essential to recognize that being human means experiencing a range of emotions, not just positive ones. So, don't be afraid to talk about your feelings and give them the attention they deserve.

    • Embrace Emotions for Better HealthEmotional suppression harms health, Emotion Code work addresses subconscious mind, Muscle testing reveals emotional insights, PowerSync 60 offers hormone-focused fitness program

      Allowing yourself to fully experience and process your emotions, especially grief, is crucial for both mental and physical health. Suppressing emotions can lead to trapped feelings, disease, and difficulty trusting yourself or accessing intuition. While positivity has its place, it's not a long-term solution for dealing with deep-rooted emotional issues. Additionally, Dr. Mindy's new fitness program, PowerSync 60, was created with the understanding that hormones play a role in workouts. It's a revolutionary 60-day program for men and women, offering a free bonus meal plan and customized eating guidance. Emotion Code work and therapy serve different purposes. While talk therapy focuses on the cognitive level, Emotion Code work addresses the subconscious mind, where a significant portion of our experiences reside. This approach can help uncover the root causes of long-term anxiety and depression, leading to greater healing and understanding. Emotion Code work is conducted through muscle testing, allowing the body to communicate what it needs to release and why. This non-invasive method can provide valuable insights and facilitate emotional healing.

    • Identifying and healing physical and emotional blockagesThrough muscle testing and intuition, individuals can address past traumas and negative thought patterns, empowering self-healing and maintaining balance and wellbeing.

      Muscle testing and intuition can help identify physical and emotional blockages in the body, allowing it to heal itself. The body is self-healing, but sometimes it needs assistance in removing trapped emotions and toxins. This process is not a lifelong commitment but rather a series of sessions to address specific issues, with the goal of empowering individuals to maintain their own balance and wellbeing. The body's perfection lies in its ability to heal, and addressing past traumas and negative thought patterns is crucial to prevent the creation of new traumatized cells. Embracing healthy habits, such as fasting, can further support the body's natural healing process.

    • Addressing emotional and physical healthHonor emotions, clear emotional blocks, detoxify body, embrace imperfections, prioritize self-care, acknowledge cycles, set boundaries, support personal growth

      Our physical and emotional wellbeing are interconnected, and addressing both aspects is crucial for overall health. The subconscious work, like Emotion Code therapy, can help clear emotional blocks, while conscious efforts like fasting can detoxify the body. Women, in particular, experience natural highs and lows, and it's essential to honor these emotions and communicate them effectively with loved ones. Embracing our imperfections and allowing ourselves to feel the full range of emotions is an essential part of the healing journey. By prioritizing self-care, acknowledging our cycles, and setting boundaries, we can create a supportive environment for personal growth and wellbeing.

    • Embrace natural cycles for emotional and hormonal balancePracticing self-acceptance, self-love, and releasing emotional trauma through practices like Emotion Code can lead to hormonal balance and overall health improvement for women. Nature is essential in this process as we are a part of it.

      Honoring ourselves emotionally and mentally, allowing ourselves to feel and be who we are, and releasing traumatic emotional interference through practices like Emotion Code, can lead to hormonal balance and overall health improvement for women. Nature is an essential part of this process as we are a part of nature, and we need to understand and trust the natural cycles of our bodies and the world around us. Instead of seeing setbacks or challenges as signs of something being wrong, we should embrace them as part of the natural cycle and focus on self-acceptance and self-love.

    • Embracing Winter: Healing and RebirthDuring challenging times, embrace and accept, remembering that spring always comes, and self-care and gratitude practices can aid healing and rebirth.

      Just like the natural cycle of the seasons, women go through various emotional and physical stages, including winter. During these challenging times, it's essential to embrace and accept the situation instead of fighting it. Comparing this to the rebirth of a tree in spring, we must remember that spring always comes, and we will eventually heal and rebirth. Conversations and practices that encourage self-care and gratitude, such as menstrual leaves and daily gratitude practices, can help transform women's health and well-being. So, let us give ourselves permission to be in our winter and teach the world how to support us during these times. As a reminder, Megan, who shares this perspective, can be found on Instagram @harmonyrestored, her website harmonyrestored.com, and at Guiding Arrow Camp for Autistic Children's website. Let us continue to have open conversations and learn from one another to better understand and care for ourselves and each other.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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