
    How to Connect With Your Soul and Wake Up to Who You Really Are - With Deidre Sirianni

    enNovember 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Trusting intuition and soul's desires for a fulfilling lifeDecide on life purpose, align with joy, and trust decisions to live a fulfilling life by quieting the mind and listening to the soul's whispers.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is the importance of trusting your intuition and aligning with your soul's desires to live a fulfilling life. Deidra Sirianni, a TEDx speaker, author, and coach, shared her teachings on this topic, emphasizing the need to quiet the noise of the mind and listen to the soul's whispers. She believes that the path to living the life of your dreams comes down to three crucial steps: deciding if you're on purpose with your life, aligning yourself with joy, and trusting decisions. The conversation touched on how to discern between the soul and the mind, how to navigate chaos, and the four stages of turning your light on. These stages represent the journey from taking back control of your health and life to living from a place that serves you, not others. The episode offers practical insights and inspiring stories to help listeners integrate these teachings into their own lives and prioritize their soul health, which is essential for overall well-being.

    • Join Doctor Mindy Pelton's Reset Academy for fasting support and personal growthGain access to exclusive insights, guidance towards health goals, and a supportive community in Doctor Mindy Pelton's Reset Academy for a transformative year

      Doctor Mindy Pelton's Reset Academy offers a supportive community for individuals embracing a fasting lifestyle. Members gain access to exclusive insights, guidance towards health goals, and a place to invest in their personal growth. Pelton's approach to simplifying complex concepts and encouraging action aligns with her own reading habits, making her book a valuable resource for those seeking to transform their lives. By joining the academy, individuals can unlock their full potential and make this year an incredible one in community with like-minded individuals.

    • Listening to our inner voice for personal growthIgnoring our inner voice can lead to negative consequences, but listening and acting on it can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

      Listening to our inner voice and being true to ourselves is crucial for personal growth and well-being. The speaker shared a personal story about how she ignored her intuition in the past, leading to health issues and an unhappy marriage. However, when she finally listened to her soul, she was able to discover new layers of herself and make significant changes in her life. The speaker's book resonated with her because of the introspective work she had been doing on herself. By answering the question "who are you?" and listening to our inner voice, we can live more authentic and aligned lives. The universe may send us signs, like the speaker's bald spot or a voice speaking to us, to help us on our journey of self-discovery. Ignoring these signs can lead to negative consequences, but listening and acting on them can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Listening to our bodies and soulsLearn to distinguish between mind stories and soul communication through physical symptoms and feelings, practice focusing energy on people to determine engagement, and eliminate what doesn't feel good for personal growth and healing.

      Our bodies and souls communicate with us in different ways, and it's essential to learn how to distinguish between the two. The mind tells stories and creates conclusions based on past experiences, programming, and fears. On the other hand, our soul communicates through physical symptoms and feelings originating from the solar plexus. To develop intuition and connect with our soul, we can practice focusing our energy on people and observing our body's response. This simple exercise can help us determine whether we should engage in a conversation or not. By learning to listen to our bodies and souls, we can eliminate what doesn't feel good and make space for our true selves. This journey of self-discovery may lead us to healing and personal growth.

    • Trusting our intuition leads to significant changesListening to our gut feelings and taking immediate action, despite logic, can lead to valuable growth and change in our lives.

      Trusting and acting on our intuition and instincts, even when it defies logic, can lead to the best decisions in life. Our gut feelings, though illogical, can guide us to make significant changes and create new opportunities. However, our minds, with their fear and ego, can hinder us from listening to our intuition. By taking immediate action, we can bypass our mental barriers and avoid recreating the same patterns in our lives. The speaker's example of closing her clinic based on a gut feeling, despite the potential challenges, highlights the importance of trusting our inner voice. Additionally, the recognition that the mind's categorization of good and bad may not align with the soul's plan further emphasizes the significance of trusting our intuition. Overall, listening to our gut and taking action on it, even when it goes against logic, can lead to valuable growth and change in our lives.

    • Connect with your soul to navigate challengesTo become resilient, connect with your soul by accepting situations, asking for signs, and reconnecting with your body through physical activities.

      To become more resilient and navigate life's challenges, we need to move from our minds to our souls. When faced with difficulties or decisions, it's essential to accept the situation and ask ourselves what the message or lesson is. By being present and quiet, the answer will reveal itself. Additionally, when making decisions, we often get stuck in our minds, weighing pros and cons. In such cases, stepping back and asking for signs from the universe can help us make the right choice. If you're disconnected from your body, engaging in physical activities like dance or exercise can help you reconnect and receive guidance from within.

    • Trusting Intuition and Body for Important DecisionsTrusting intuition and body can lead to making aligned decisions. Feel into options, dismiss what contracts, and develop additional senses to navigate life's challenges.

      Trusting our intuition and body can lead us to make important decisions in life. The speaker shares her personal experience of asking for signs and listening to her body to guide her through a major decision. She emphasizes the importance of feeling into options and trusting what feels expansive or peaceful, while dismissing what feels contractive. The speaker also highlights the role of neuroscience in recognizing intuition and the soul's language as additional senses that can be developed and trusted to navigate life's challenges. By tuning in to our intuition and body, we can make decisions that align with our soul's purpose.

    • Exploring the journey of intuitive developmentIntuition is a skill that can be developed through self-discovery, trust, and practice, allowing us to connect deeply with ourselves and others.

      Spiritual gifts and intuition are available to everyone, but developing them requires self-discovery, trust, and intuitive development. This involves removing obstacles, practicing presence, and mastering energetic hygiene. Empaths, in particular, need to learn to distinguish their energy from others'. The journey of self-discovery also involves understanding who we are not, as much as who we are. This process can be challenging, but the rewards are the ability to live in alignment with our true selves and to connect deeply with others. The speaker's personal experiences and research show that intuitive development is a skill that can be honed through practice and the right environment, just like any other scientific discipline.

    • Examining our obligations and beliefs to understand ourselves betterIdentifying obligations and joy sources, questioning beliefs, and taking action for self-discovery and growth

      Identifying and examining our obligations and the underlying beliefs that led us to take them on can help us understand who we were when we said yes and who we want to be moving forward. By creating a list of our obligations and a separate list of things that bring us joy, we can begin to question the beliefs that may no longer serve us and make decisions that align with our true selves. This process can lead to a greater sense of self-discovery and personal growth. Additionally, by taking action to release obligations that no longer serve us and nourishing the things that bring us joy, we can continue to discover more about who we are and become the best version of ourselves. The PowerSync 60 fitness program, created in collaboration with Tony Horton, offers a unique opportunity for individuals to prioritize their health and well-being as they embark on this journey of self-discovery.

    • Embracing spiritually aligned chaosRecognize when managing becomes draining, focus on tasks that give energy, and let go of tasks that drain to embrace spiritually aligned chaos for greater fulfillment and alignment

      We all encounter chaos in our lives, and it's essential to recognize when we're managing it instead of embracing spiritually aligned chaos. Spiritually aligned chaos refers to the idea that we're here to face specific challenges, or soul lessons, to grow and contribute to the world. When we resist change and keep managing instead of evolving, we drain our energy and may feel burnt out, stressed, or unfulfilled. Entrepreneurs are particularly susceptible to this, as they may hold onto tasks or ways of doing things out of obligation or fear of change. Instead, we should focus on the tasks that give us energy and let go of those that drain us. Embracing spiritually aligned chaos means acknowledging the signs that it's time to change and allowing the process to unfold, rather than trying to control it. This can lead to greater fulfillment, purpose, and alignment with our authentic selves. To join Doctor Mindy's program and learn more about this concept, visit doctormindy.org and use the code ps60pels for a discount.

    • Embrace the unknown for personal growthLetting go of resistance to new experiences and identities can lead to personal growth and a more authentic life.

      Trying to manage and hold on to situations that are causing us pain or uncertainty can drain our energy and prevent us from evolving on our life path. Instead, it's important to observe and let go of resistance, even if it means facing the discomfort of the unknown. This can lead to new opportunities and a clearer sense of direction. The resistance we face when trying to manifest new identities or experiences is a natural part of the process, but if we don't move through it, we'll remain stuck. The 4 stages of turning your light on can help guide us through this process. In stage 1, we may appear successful on the outside but feel unfulfilled or disconnected from our true selves. In stage 2, we begin to question our current reality and seek answers. In stage 3, we take action to align with our soul's desires. And in stage 4, we fully embody our new identity and live authentically. Remember, the storms in our lives are opportunities for growth, not obstacles to be managed. Letting go of resistance and embracing the unknown can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    • Navigating the stages of discovering your purposeDevelop intuition, surround self with positivity, understand triggers, reprogram mindset, develop self-trust, and learn to quiet the noise to progress in finding and living your purpose

      The journey towards finding and living your purpose involves navigating through different stages, each with its unique challenges. At the first stage, you may feel disconnected and stuck, like being in a dark forest with a non-functioning flashlight. The most important thing here is to develop your intuition and surround yourself with positive environments. In the second stage, your progress may be halted by self-sabotage and old belief systems. Understanding your triggers and reprogramming your mindset are crucial to moving forward. Lastly, at stage three, you may feel overwhelmed and lack self-trust, spreading your energy in various directions instead of focusing on your deepest desires. Developing self-trust and learning to quiet the noise are essential to progress.

    • Stages of Personal Growth: Understanding, Reprogramming, Aligning, and TrustingUnderstanding yourself, reprogramming limiting beliefs, aligning actions with values, and trusting a higher source are crucial for personal growth and self-actualization.

      Personal growth and development involve going through different stages, each with its unique challenges and rewards. The first three stages - understanding yourself, reprogramming, and aligning yourself - are essential for self-discovery and preparation. However, the most significant impact is made in the fourth stage, where you trust a higher source, surrender, and move into a state of constant manifestation. This stage requires trust and faith, and even if you may go back through the stages, the skills and experiences gained enable you to make conscious choices and overcome fears. Remember, the journey to self-actualization may not always look like the movies, and self-doubt may arise, but trusting the process and staying committed to your path can lead to remarkable transformations.

    • Following intuition leads to magical momentsTrusting your intuition and taking action can lead to amazing experiences, new connections, and synchronicities.

      Listening to your intuition and trusting yourself to take action, even when faced with uncertainty or fear, can lead to amazing experiences and opportunities. The speaker shares her personal journey of following her intuition despite setbacks and doubts, and how it led her to discover new places, form meaningful connections, and manifest synchronicities. She emphasizes the importance of trusting your initial feelings and taking massive action to keep the road smooth. This year, she expresses gratitude for the risks she took, trusting herself, and the ability to live and work from anywhere. Her story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most magical moments come from stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting the journey.

    • Empowering Women to Practice Self-GratitudeRecognize self-control, embrace self-love and gratitude for healthy relationships and personal growth.

      Women need to practice self-gratitude and trust themselves in order to live healthy and empowered lives. As discussed in the podcast, many women have been disconnected from their hormones and have been programmed to seek validation and answers from outside sources. However, it's essential to recognize that we are in control of our own lives and that self-love and gratitude are the foundation for healthy relationships and personal growth. Deidra Suriani, the podcast guest, emphasized the importance of this message in her upcoming book "Turn Your Light On," and encouraged listeners to connect with her online to share their experiences and support each other. Overall, the goal for 2023 is for women to empower each other and come together to create a community of love and growth.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    We all have intuitive experiences, from an occasional hunch to powerful gut feelings. Unconscious intelligence is a storehouse of instincts and wisdoms humankind has accumulated over millennia. We would be lost without intuition and give importance to warnings and inspirations that saved or made the day.

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    I walk outside of my front door and notice a storm is brewing in the grey sky. The wind feels like it could pick me up and take me, but I remain steady and fixated on the intensity and beauty of the sunset. I walk several feet and stand on top of a flowerbed I’ve been building.

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    Jonathan Haidt. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion (Amazon).

    Malcolm Gladwell: Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Amazon)

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