
    How to Use EMDR for Emotional Resilience at Midlife with Kambria Evans

    enSeptember 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring EMDR therapy for menopause with Cambria EvansEMDR therapy, led by expert Cambria Evans, offers valuable resources and techniques for women going through menopause to address traumas, rewire the brain, and find hope and possibility.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is that EMDR therapy, led by expert Cambria Evans, can provide valuable resources and answers for women going through menopause. EMDR is a form of therapy that quickly addresses traumas and can rewire the brain for more hope and possibility. Cambria, a trained EMDR clinician and trainer, offers both personal insights and practical techniques to help listeners navigate emotional ups and downs. The conversation emphasizes that listeners are not alone and not out of answers, with some immediate EMDR techniques and resources available. The podcast aims to empower listeners and provide a supportive community, with the Reset Academy offering exclusive access to resources and guidance for those interested in fasting and health.

    • Investing in Yourself and Health Goals with Dr. Mindy PelzJoin Dr. Mindy Pelz's Reset Academy for community support, Zoom calls, and tools like EMDR to process past experiences and emotions, unlocking your full potential and embracing a fasting lifestyle.

      Investing in a membership to the Reset Academy is an investment in yourself and your health goals. Dr. Mindy Pelz is passionate about helping her members unlock their full potential and embrace a fasting lifestyle. Through her academy, you'll have access to community support, Zoom calls, and tools to help you process past experiences and emotions using techniques like EMDR. Our brains have a strong connection to voices and sounds, which is why hearing a caregiver's voice from childhood can bring up complex emotions. EMDR therapy utilizes this connection to help individuals process information and heal. As you explore your own brain patterns and thoughts, tools like EMDR can be invaluable in understanding and managing new patterns that emerge.

    • Processing traumas and incongruencies with EMDREMDR combines CBT, somatic experiencing, and emotional psychology for efficient trauma processing. Bilateral stimulation helps desensitize memories, allowing individuals to reconfigure thought patterns and gain control over bothersome ideas.

      EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful therapeutic approach that combines elements of various therapies, including CBT, somatic experiencing, and emotional psychology, to create an efficient and effective modality for processing traumas and incongruencies. EMDR's unique approach of bilateral stimulation helps desensitize disturbing memories and thoughts, allowing individuals to reconfigure their thought patterns and choose new, healthier curriculums. The result is a softening of problematic thoughts and a surprising loss of importance for previously bothersome ideas. EMDR offers a refreshing perspective on dealing with thoughts and emotions, enabling individuals to gain control and move forward in their healing journey.

    • Neutralizing disturbing thoughts and memories through EMDR therapyEMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation to integrate disturbing thoughts and memories across the brain and body, reducing intensity and promoting calm and resolution. Individual experiences and body's role are unique and crucial in the therapeutic process.

      EMDR therapy, through the use of bilateral stimulation, helps neutralize disturbing thoughts and memories by integrating them across the brain and body. This integration allows for the reduction of intensity and disturbance, leading to a sense of calm and resolution. However, it's important to note that everyone's experience is unique, and factors like hormonal changes can impact the body's ability to achieve and maintain a calm state. Additionally, the body plays a crucial role in storing both positive and negative associations, and a skilled EMDR therapist can help identify and expand positive experiences to counterbalance negative ones. For instance, something as seemingly innocuous as a Christmas tree can hold negative associations for some individuals, highlighting the importance of considering the body in the therapeutic process.

    • Process past experiences during stressful times with EMDR therapyEMDR therapy helps individuals identify and address the four variables of memory to process and desensitize negative experiences, bringing younger parts of us into the present and decreasing disturbances.

      EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy can help individuals process and desensitize negative experiences, even during stressful situations like Christmas, by identifying and addressing the four variables of memory: picture, belief, body sensation, and emotion. By going back to past experiences that may be linked to the current situation and processing them with EMDR, individuals can decrease disturbances and create positive resources. This process involves a "time traveler," "scientist," and "good enough parent" role to help younger parts of us get reparented and bring them into the present. The end goal is to not be triggered by the situation, but instead, have a curious and positive response. EMDR allows individuals to integrate the brain and body together, which can lead to a strangely non-triggering experience when faced with the disturbing memory in the future.

    • EMDR goes beyond talk therapy with techniques like bilateral stimulationEMDR uses bilateral stimulation techniques to deepen healing, engaging the brain and reducing intensity of disturbing thoughts

      EMDR therapy goes beyond talk therapy by incorporating techniques like bilateral stimulation to desensitize and rewrite disturbing memories, allowing for deeper healing. Talk therapy lays the foundation by creating new narratives and resources, but EMDR takes it further. Bilateral stimulation, which can be done through eye movements, hand tapping, or other methods, engages the brain and can even be as effective as traditional eye movements. This theory suggests that giving the working memory a task, like walking or counting, can also decrease disturbance. Our bodies may not be meant to sit and think during therapy; instead, engaging in physical activity can help calm the brain and reduce the intensity of disturbing thoughts.

    • Exploring the Connection Between Movement and HealingMovement and mental awareness are crucial for healing old wounds and improving overall health. Dr. Mindy's PowerSync 60 program combines fitness and customized eating plans to promote both physical activity and mental well-being.

      Our physical movements and mental states are interconnected. Sitting still for too long can trigger old freeze responses, while moving can be part of the healing process. Dr. Mindy, a healthcare professional, emphasizes the importance of movement and has teamed up with Tony Horton to create PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program for both men and women. This program, which includes a free bonus meal plan and customized eating plans, was designed with various demographics in mind. During EMDR therapy sessions, Dr. Mindy has noticed that the bilateral simulation with tappers can accelerate linkages in the brain and bring forth unexpected memories or sensations. She believes that these linkages provide the fuel for the brain to make new connections and heal old wounds. These discoveries highlight the importance of both physical activity and mental awareness in the healing process. Join Dr. Mindy and her community on this journey to improve mental and physical health by visiting doctormindy.org and using the code ps60pels for a discount.

    • Interconnected memories and the balance between fear and possibilityDuring menopause, an overactive amygdala can lead to disproportionate fear, while EMDR therapy can help integrate memories and balance fear and possibility

      Our memories are not isolated events, but rather interconnected experiences linked to other memories in our brains. This linking process helps us make sense of new experiences and form a cohesive sense of self. However, sometimes our brains may intentionally separate certain memories to protect us from trauma. The amygdala and prefrontal cortex, two key parts of the brain, often work against each other, with the amygdala prioritizing safety and the prefrontal cortex focusing on hope and possibility. During menopause, a decrease in certain hormones can lead to an overactive amygdala and a disproportionate focus on fear and potential danger. To integrate these two parts of the brain and find a balance between fear and possibility, various techniques such as EMDR therapy can be helpful. Ultimately, understanding the interconnected nature of our memories and the role of different brain regions in shaping our experiences can provide valuable insights into mental health and personal growth.

    • Understanding Menopause SymptomsLearning about hormonal changes and using techniques like EMDR or shoulder tapping can help women reduce the intensity of menopause symptoms and feel more in control. Access to education and resources, as well as a supportive community, is crucial for navigating this experience.

      Women going through menopause or perimenopause may experience physical and emotional symptoms that can feel traumatizing due to a lack of understanding and resources. These symptoms, such as anxiety, hot flashes, and racing heart, can trigger an "alarm system" response, even without a clear trauma history. The confusion and lack of understanding can make women feel unsafe and vulnerable. However, by learning about the hormonal changes happening in their bodies and using techniques like EMDR or shoulder tapping to create a sense of safety, women can reduce the intensity of these symptoms and feel more in control. It's important for women to have access to education and resources about menopause, as well as a supportive community to help them navigate this experience. The lack of attention and understanding surrounding menopause can make women feel isolated and shame, but by acknowledging and addressing these symptoms, healing can begin.

    • Understanding natural responses during agingAcknowledging feelings and expanding positive triggers can help reduce the impact of self-gaslighting and traumatic experiences in aging.

      Recognizing and understanding the body's natural responses during the aging process can help reduce the toxic effects of self-gaslighting and traumatic experiences. Naming and acknowledging these feelings, rather than being confused or shocked by them, can decrease the traumatic experience and help individuals feel less alone. Additionally, expanding positive triggers through practices like butterfly hugs and tapping can help regulate emotions and integrate positive memories into one's system. It's important to remember that processing traumatic material alone is not ideal, and seeking support from a healthcare professional can be beneficial.

    • Using EMDR therapy to anchor positive experiences during menopauseEMDR therapy involves tapping on specific body points while recalling positive memories or beliefs to help anchor oneself during moments of anxiety or trauma. This physical act stimulates the body to remember positive experiences and empowers individuals to take control of their emotional responses.

      EMDR therapy involves tapping on specific body points while recalling positive memories or beliefs to help anchor oneself during moments of anxiety or trauma. This physical act stimulates the body to remember positive experiences and helps create a sense of safety and strength. For women, especially during menopause, it's essential to interrupt negative experiences and choose how to store them in real life. This can be done by recalling positive resources and beliefs, such as being a good mom or being able to figure things out. The use of tapping tools, like buzzers or shoulder taps, can also help regulate emotions and desensitize negative experiences. Overall, EMDR therapy empowers individuals to take control of their emotional responses and choose the curriculum they integrate into their lives.

    • Harnessing the innate healing power of the brainThe brain naturally seeks to heal and adapt, using techniques like EMDR and self-soothing to access this process, while recognizing and addressing fixations for growth and understanding.

      Our bodies and brains have an innate desire to heal and regulate themselves. Techniques like EMDR and self-soothing through tapping can help us access this healing process. During EMDR, the brain tends to gravitate towards adaptive and healing information. Our brains can also become fixated on certain thoughts or challenges, much like a dog with a bone. It's important to recognize this tendency and use it as an opportunity for growth and understanding. In essence, our brains are designed to be curious and resilient, constantly striving for healing and adaptation.

    • Managing Emotional Looping During MenopauseDuring menopause, women may experience heightened emotions and obsessive thoughts due to hormonal changes. To break free, change the environment and engage in physical activity. Avoid coping mechanisms like excessive eating, drinking, or shopping.

      During menopause, women may experience heightened emotions and obsessive thoughts due to hormonal changes, particularly the lack of GABA and progesterone, which can impact the amygdala and lead to increased anxiety. To break free from these looping thoughts, it's essential to change the environment and engage in physical activity, such as moving the body or going outside. These actions can help disrupt the pattern of thoughts and provide a fresh perspective. Additionally, women may turn to adaptive behaviors, like excessive eating, drinking, or shopping, to cope with feelings of unease. By focusing on altering the environment and engaging in physical activity, women can effectively interrupt the cycle of obsessive thoughts and find relief.

    • Understanding the origins and nature of our adaptationsRecognizing and addressing our adaptations can lead to greater self-awareness and personal power

      Our experiences, particularly those that involve trauma, shape our adaptations and the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us. These adaptations, formed in our childhood and carried into adulthood, can serve us well or limit us. Understanding the origins and nature of our adaptations is crucial to mastering our mental curriculum and modifying those that no longer serve us. This holistic approach to understanding our experiences, combining medical, emotional, and educational perspectives, can help us feel empowered and in control of our own growth. No one is immune to adaptations, but recognizing and addressing them can lead to greater self-awareness and personal power.

    • Exploring the power of EMDR therapy for self-discovery and growthEMDR therapy helps integrate past experiences, leading to new understandings and positive beliefs, and is a tool for continuous growth and self-discovery, not a one-time solution, and can be applied to various areas of life for healing and creating a more authentic self.

      EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a powerful thing that helps people integrate and make sense of past experiences, leading to new understandings and positive beliefs. This process can be disorienting at first as the brain sorts through old memories and associations, but with time, these new insights settle in and create a new reality. EMDR is not a one-time solution, but rather a tool for continuous growth and self-discovery. It's important to remember that our minds are powerful and we have the ability to rewrite our narratives and heal from past pain and suffering. EMDR can help people gain clarity and congruence in various areas of their lives, from toxic relationships to societal expectations. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. And, it's important to know that EMDR is not just for trauma therapy, but for anything that feels incongruent in our lives. It's a way to bring what's been hidden to the surface and create a more authentic and congruent self. So, if you're feeling stuck or disoriented, consider giving EMDR a try. It might just change your reality.

    • EMDR therapy: A quick and effective resource for managing intrusive thoughts and traumatic memoriesEMDR therapy helps individuals unlink from unhelpful memories and thoughts, providing control and agency, especially for those in menopause. Find a specialist through search directories and ensure sufficient training and experience.

      EMDR therapy can provide a quick and effective resource for individuals struggling with intrusive thoughts and traumatic memories, particularly for those in menopause who may lack neurochemical armor. This therapy can serve as a lifesaver by helping individuals unlink from unhelpful memories and thoughts, offering a sense of control and agency. To find an EMDR specialist, consider using search directories, asking key questions, and ensuring they have sufficient training and experience. Remember, EMDR therapy is not just about addressing past traumas but also about installing protective or nurturing figures and expanding positive memories to enhance overall well-being.

    • Exploring Alternatives to EMDR Therapy for Trauma HealingEMDR therapy is effective for trauma healing but alternatives like brain spotting and ART can also yield similar results. Access to mental and physical health resources should be accessible to all.

      EMDR therapy is an effective approach to healing from traumatic experiences, but it's not the only option. Alternative methods like brain spotting and ART can also yield similar results. If you can't find an EMDR therapist, consider trying these alternatives. Additionally, it's important to make mental and physical health resources accessible to everyone, not just those with financial means. As for self-love practices, the speaker shared that trusting oneself is a daily self-care practice and her superpower is the ability to notice and create positive adaptations in her life.

    • Clear communication essential for growth and healingEffective communication is vital for personal growth and healing, and the ability to make complex information accessible can positively impact others.

      Clarity and clear communication are essential for personal growth and healing. The speaker expressed her admiration for the interviewee's ability to communicate clearly and effectively, which she believes is crucial in the healthcare system and in life in general. The speaker also shared her passion for making complex information accessible to others, and her appreciation for the interviewee's presence, intelligence, and loving nature. The conversation highlighted the importance of clear communication in creating a clear path for growth and healing, and the impact it can have on others. The speaker concluded by expressing her gratitude for the interviewee's work and her influence on women's lives.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep232

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep231

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

    Sara Szal Gottfried MD is a physician, researcher, educator, mother, and seeker. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and MIT, and completed residency at UCSF, but is more likely to prescribe a CGM and personalized nutrition plan than the latest pharmaceutical. Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker and the author of four New York Times bestselling books about trauma, hormones, and health. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. Her focus is on the interface of mental and physical health, N-of-1 trial design, personalized molecular profiling, use of wearables, and how to leverage these tools to improve health outcomes.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    Want to join in on the conversation? Follow us on social media!

    Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Twitter: @girlswithgutspod

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

    Alanna’s Instagram: @alannamartella

    Nicole’s Instagram: @thenikkidee


    Lauren’s Socials:

    Instagram: @flourishtherapyak

    Website: https://www.flourishtherapy.llc


    Some Suggested EMDR Resources!

    Books: "Getting Past Your Past" by Dr. Francine Shapiro

    Find a Specialist: www.emdria.org

    More Specialist Help: www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists

    (It's important to note, there are certification levels to EMDR. The first level of training makes you a specialist. The second level, which requires further education and consultation, is Certified. The highest level of someone who is the most qualified to practice EMDR is referred to as a Master. It's important to know for when you're seeking out different levels of help!)

    To learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit our website at https://www.girlswithgutspodcast.com.

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    21 | Find Your Passion In The Second Act Through Meditation & Mindfulness

    Find Your Passion In The Second Act… Are you ready?

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken, in an honest conversation about why and how meditation & mindfulness can help us find our passion in “the second” act, midlife. Suze Yalof Schwartz, founder, and CEO of Unplug Meditation, also explains how using and building meditation practices helped her, self recreate in the second half of life.

    We are going to dig deep into the details of Suze’s journey, in her “midlife remix”, in her second half of life. Get up close and personal! After you finish this episode, we have a cool “minisode” with Suze. We do a run-through of her beauty, self recreation, fitness, and meditation secrets, Mildife’s 10 Things (mini episode).

    Some highlights: 

    - First job out of college working as an assistant to the PR director at Giorgio Armani

    - Getting interviewed for a job at Vogue by Anna Wintour

    - Leaving her job as a fashion editor and moving her family to LA

    - Starting a business and doing everything herself, starting small 

    - Opening up the Unplug drop in-studio and meditation app, and meditation teacher training courses

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/21

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    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com