
    Ingredients Matter: How to Choose Real Food & Avoid Toxic Chemicals with Vani Hari

    enOctober 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Informed Food ChoicesBe informed about food ingredients, avoid toxic substances, add healthier alternatives, and make healthier versions of favorite foods at home.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is the importance of being informed and proactive when it comes to the ingredients in our food. Vonnie Hari, also known as the Food Babe, shares her inspiring story of advocating for better quality ingredients in the food industry. She emphasizes the need to avoid certain toxic ingredients, such as one specific ingredient that can cause chronic disease, and encourages adding in healthier alternatives like certain oils. The conversation also covers the art of cooking and the benefits of making healthier versions of popular unhealthy foods at home. Vonnie's upcoming book, Food Babe Family, offers a comprehensive guide to eating well, including lists of foods to avoid and add, and a collection of recipes. Overall, this episode emphasizes the power of making smart choices around our health and offers practical steps to do so.

    • Focusing on ingredients for better healthRealizing the importance of whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding harmful chemicals for optimal health and wellbeing.

      Understanding the importance of ingredients and their impact on our health is crucial. Bonnie, a food activist and advocate, shares her personal journey of struggling with various health issues and the realization that focusing on ingredients was key to improving her health. She discovered that many popular diets overlook the significance of ingredients, leading her to explore fasting as an alternative approach. Through her experiences, Bonnie emphasizes that companies prioritize profits over our health by adding harmful chemicals to food. Therefore, being informed about what we consume and choosing whole, unprocessed foods is essential for unlocking our full potential and embracing a healthier lifestyle. Join Bonnie's Reset Academy to learn more and make this year an incredible one for your health.

    • Focus on real, whole foods for weight loss and healthBy eliminating processed and artificial ingredients, the body can effectively process and utilize nutrients, leading to weight loss and improved health

      The key to weight loss and overall health lies in the ingredients we consume. The food industry uses various additives and chemicals to preserve, enhance, and mimic real food, but these substances can be detrimental to our health. By focusing on real, whole foods, the body can effectively process and utilize the nutrients, leading to weight loss, improved health, and increased energy. The body gains weight as a protective mechanism, storing toxins in fat cells instead of vital organs. Therefore, by paying attention to the quality of our food and eliminating processed and artificial ingredients, we can support our body's natural processes and achieve optimal health.

    • Real food nourishes the body, processed food harms healthReal food supports health and allows the body to store nutrients, while processed food can store toxins and potentially harm health. Be aware of potentially harmful chemicals in common food items in the US.

      Real food nourishes the body and allows it to return to equilibrium, unlike processed foods that can store toxins and potentially harm health. The body's ability to store healthy fats during pregnancy is a prime example of this. Additionally, the FDA does not prioritize protecting the quality of food and its ingredients as much as it does drugs. This means that potentially harmful chemicals, like dimethyl polysiloxane, can be found in common food items in the US but not in other countries. It's crucial to be aware of this and make informed choices about what we consume.

    • FDA relies on industry for food chemical safety dataThousands of unregulated food chemicals, including those in 'natural flavors', can be harmful. Consumers should educate themselves and avoid 'natural flavors' for safer food choices.

      The regulatory process for food chemicals in the United States is not as stringent as many people believe. Companies that create these chemicals are the ones submitting safety data to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the FDA often approves their use without conducting independent safety testing. Thousands of chemicals in our food supply have never been regulated at all. An example of this is Red Number 3, which was banned in cosmetics due to cancer risks, but was still allowed in food due to industry lobbying. The FDA does not require food manufacturers to list all the chemicals in "natural flavors," allowing them to hide potentially harmful additives. By avoiding "natural flavors" in your grocery shopping, you can likely avoid 90% of a list of 10 harmful ingredients. It's crucial for consumers to educate themselves and make informed choices about the food they consume.

    • Understanding the Role of Flavors in Processed FoodsTransition to a natural, whole food diet by avoiding processed foods with added flavors and chemicals, which can negatively impact the microbiome and reinforce cravings.

      The food industry uses natural and artificial flavors to make processed foods taste and feel consistent, which can make real food seem less appealing and even lead to food addictions. This is similar to how nicotine works in tobacco products. To help transition from a processed diet to one focused on natural, unadulterated foods, it's important to start incorporating raw, whole foods into your meals and be mindful of the added flavors and chemicals in processed foods. These additives can negatively impact the microbiome and further reinforce cravings for unhealthy foods. To break the cycle, focus on eating as many whole, unprocessed foods as possible and be aware of the role that flavorings play in your food choices.

    • Transitioning to natural foods doesn't mean giving up enjoymentMake homemade versions of favorite treats using real, whole ingredients for a delicious and satisfying diet without processed foods.

      Transitioning from processed to natural foods may initially seem less exciting, but it doesn't have to be boring. People often assume that avoiding processed foods means giving up enjoyable foods and leading a less satisfying life. However, by using good ingredients, one can still enjoy favorites like ice cream, pizza, and even Chick-Fil-A-inspired recipes without the harmful additives. The key is to navigate the over-processed world by making homemade versions of favorite treats using real, whole ingredients. For instance, kettle corn can be made healthily using organic popcorn, avocado or coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and natural sweeteners. Similarly, Doritos can be recreated using nutritious ingredients, as demonstrated in a collaboration between the speaker and Tony Horton, the creator of P90X. The bottom line is that it's possible to maintain a delicious and satisfying diet while avoiding processed foods.

    • A customizable meal plan and fasting for hormonal healthPowerSync 60 offers a personalized approach to hormonal health through a customizable meal plan and fasting, making real food accessible and affordable for all.

      PowerSync 60 was created with a focus on hormonal health and includes a customizable meal plan and fasting, making it suitable for various demographics. Dr. Mindy, who created the program, emphasizes the importance of finding healthier alternatives to unhealthy foods instead of eliminating them entirely. She also shares her experience of speaking to teachers concerned about their limited resources and time for healthy eating. Her solution is meal planning and meal prepping, which can help individuals save money and time while still eating nutritious foods. The PowerSync 60 program aims to make real food accessible and affordable for everyone.

    • Efficient Meal Planning for a Healthy DietCook proteins and vegetables in bulk, use leftovers, shop for fresh produce, stock pantry with healthy options, and plan meals ahead for a healthy and satisfying diet despite a busy schedule.

      Prioritizing real, whole foods and efficient meal planning can lead to a healthy and satisfying diet, even with a busy schedule. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having good ingredients on hand and planning meals in advance, such as cooking proteins and vegetables in bulk and using leftovers. She also stresses the importance of educating people about the connection between food quality and health, and encourages shopping for fresh produce and stocking the pantry with healthy options on the weekends. By focusing on simple, nutritious meals and planning ahead, individuals can save time and money while improving their overall well-being.

    • Maintaining a Healthy Diet with the Right IngredientsFocus on reading ingredient lists, avoid foods with sugar, refined flour, and natural flavors as first or second ingredients, and research unfamiliar ingredients to make informed choices for a healthy diet.

      Having the right ingredients on hand is crucial for maintaining a healthy and convenient diet. It's essential to prioritize grocery shopping and budget wisely to access affordable, real food options. Ignore marketing on the front of packages and focus on reading the ingredient lists. Avoid foods with sugar, refined flour, and natural flavors as their first or second ingredients. Be curious about unfamiliar ingredients and research their purpose to make informed choices. By doing so, you'll better understand what you're consuming and make healthier decisions for your body.

    • Mindful Eating: Ask Questions About Your Food's Nutritional Value and OriginBe curious about food sources and production methods, educate kids, and make informed decisions for healthier options.

      Being mindful of what we eat involves asking simple questions about the nutritional value and origin of our ingredients. By doing so, we can make better choices for ourselves and our families. This doesn't require a background in nutrition or science; common sense goes a long way. Be curious about where your food comes from and how it's produced. If you involve your kids in this process, they can learn valuable lessons about food and health, and even start a movement towards healthier food options. Remember, not all companies that claim to offer healthy options are truthful. Take the time to investigate and share your knowledge with others. Empowering your children with this knowledge will not only benefit their health but also help them make a positive impact on their communities. As parents, we have a significant responsibility to educate our kids about the food industry and its complexities. By doing so, we can help them make informed decisions and contribute to a healthier future for all.

    • Create a food sanctuary at homeMaking your home a sanctuary for healthy food can help promote healthy eating habits by reducing temptation and struggles with unhealthy options. Be mindful of the oils you use and choose healthier alternatives.

      Creating a "food sanctuary" in your home by not bringing toxic or unhealthy food into it can be an effective strategy for promoting healthy eating habits, not just for children but for adults as well. This means making conscious choices when grocery shopping and setting rules around what is brought into the household. By making the home a sanctuary for healthy food, you can reduce the temptation and struggles associated with saying no to unhealthy options. Additionally, be aware of oils like cottonseed oil, which is commonly used in restaurants and fast food chains, and may contain heavy toxic pesticides and have been genetically engineered. Making informed choices about the oils you use can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

    • Common cooking oils are harmful to healthAvoid harmful oils like cottonseed, corn, soy, and canola, and opt for healthier alternatives such as olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter to improve health and gain momentum towards a healthier lifestyle. The type of cholesterol raised by coconut oil is not necessarily harmful.

      Certain vegetable oils like cottonseed, corn, soy, and canola oils, which are commonly used in cooking and processed foods, are harmful to our health. These oils are often produced using chemical solvents and are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can turn on cancer cells. They also destroy gut bacteria and are denatured from their original state, making it difficult for our bodies to process them. The speaker recommends avoiding these oils and instead using healthy alternatives like olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter. By making this simple change in your diet, you can improve your health and gain momentum towards a healthier lifestyle. If you've been told to avoid coconut oil due to its impact on cholesterol levels, it's important to note that the type of cholesterol it raises is not necessarily harmful. The speaker advocates for focusing on whole, nutritious foods and taking control of your own health.

    • The Food Industry's Influence on Health InformationBe critical thinkers about health information, as industry-sponsored studies and marketing can create confusion. Educate yourself about food sources and potential health risks, such as PFAS in mineral water.

      The food industry can influence health information through sponsored studies and marketing, creating confusion about what is truly healthy. For instance, the demonization of coconut oil as unhealthy due to its saturated fat content is a common narrative, but it's actually a medium-chain triglyceride that can help metabolism and is healthier than many seed oils. It's crucial for individuals to be critical thinkers and educate themselves about their food sources, as not everything in the supermarket is in their best interest. A recent example is the discovery of high levels of PFAS (forever plastic chemicals) in Topo Chico mineral water, which once enjoyed by the speaker and her family, but now they have switched to Mountain Valley Spring water. These findings underscore the importance of being informed and vigilant about the products we consume.

    • Improve health through diet changes and self-careChanging diet to unprocessed foods and starting a consistent self-care routine with morning nourishment, daily exercise, and family meals can improve health and overall well-being.

      Making simple changes to your diet, such as removing seed oils, natural flavors, and eating unprocessed food, can significantly improve your health. Regarding self-care, creating a consistent routine that includes morning nourishment, daily exercise, and family meals can contribute to overall well-being and happiness. The guest emphasized the importance of starting the day with a healthy morning routine, engaging in regular physical activity, and prioritizing family meals. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of passing down healthy habits to her children, such as enjoying long meals and outdoor time.

    • Creating Special Family Meal TraditionsRegular family meals foster strong social connections and enhance quality of life, with tenacity being a key superpower in advocating for healthier options and inspiring change.

      Creating a positive environment for regular family meals can significantly enhance the quality of life. Sharing good food and meaningful conversations can foster strong social connections that last a lifetime. Vadia shared her personal experience of making Sunday nights a special tradition in her family, which her children cherish even in their early twenties. Tenacity was identified as a superpower by both speakers, with Vadia sharing her persistence in advocating for healthier food options and inspiring change in corporations. To connect with Vadia and learn more about her work, visit foodbabe.com and follow her on social media. Additionally, check out her company, Truvani, for high-quality supplements and protein powders without unnecessary additives.

    • Bonnie's impact on health and wellness conversationBonnie emphasizes the importance of self-care and interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit for good health

      The incredible impact Bonnie has had on the conversation about health and wellness. Her insights and expertise have added immense value to the discussion. I am grateful for her participation and am always excited to bring such thoughtful discussions to you. If you resonated with today's episode, please consider leaving a review or sharing it with a friend. Your feedback and support help us continue to bring you valuable content. A key takeaway for me was Bonnie's emphasis on the importance of self-care and the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in maintaining good health. Let me know what stood out to you in the conversation. Thank you for joining me today.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    Instagram:                @hollanhawaii

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    There is biochemical beauty hidden within the colors, shapes, and diversity of the fruits and vegetables that line our grocery aisles and I hope after listening to today's podcast you’ll be inspired to explore even more of them!

    Dr. William Li is back on the podcast, you will have heard myself and William on previous episodes where we explored the world of food as medicine. By eating foods that you already enjoy, like tomatoes, blueberries, sourdough bread, and dark chocolate your body activates its five health defense systems to fight cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases, and other debilitating conditions. 

    In William’s latest book, Eat to Beat Your Diet, Dr. Li introduces the surprising new science of weight loss, revealing healthy body fat can help you lose weight.

    Today we talk about:

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    • Plus William’s research led approach to food

    Remember you can watch the podcast on YouTube if you want to see Dr Li’s show and tell, plus subscribe to the channel whilst you\re there!

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    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Ultimate Potentials for Health and Longevity with David Avocado Wolfe

    Ultimate Potentials for Health and Longevity with David Avocado Wolfe
    While David Avocado Wolfe holds many degrees, he is most well known for his work in nutrition. For decades, David has been a highly sought-after speaker at conferences, sharing his unique perspective on the importance of the types of food we consume. In this informative show, David provides many useful tools and insights that can easily be implemented into our daily lives to boost our physical, mental and emotional states of health. Learn more about David's work at www.DavidWolfe.com