
    Jocko Underground: Start Walking | Influencing Toxic People

    enSeptember 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Stay focused on taking the next stepEven when faced with daunting circumstances, stay focused on taking the next step and trust the path will become clearer as you move forward.

      Life can take unexpected turns, and it's essential to be adaptable and resourceful when facing significant challenges. In the podcast, Jocko and Echo discussed a friend's unexpected life change, which involved a potential divorce and the possibility of selling his business and working at Home Depot to pay child support. The friend, who had built a successful business, was struggling to figure out what to do next. Jocko suggested starting to walk, meaning taking the first step towards finding a solution, no matter how small or uncertain it may seem. This story highlights the importance of staying focused on taking the next step, even when faced with daunting circumstances, and trusting that the path will become clearer as you move forward.

    • Start moving forward when uncertainWhen lost or uncertain, take action and start moving forward to gain new information and make progress towards a solution.

      When faced with uncertainty or feeling lost, it's essential to take action and start moving in a direction, even if it's not clear where that will lead. This can provide valuable feedback and help you gain a better understanding of your situation. The speaker used the analogy of being lost in the woods to illustrate this point. He explained that instead of trying to figure out where civilization is and waiting for it to come to you, you need to start walking and follow a river or a road until you reach a town. This approach allows you to make progress and gain new information that can help you navigate your situation more effectively. Furthermore, the speaker emphasized the importance of viewing challenges as opportunities rather than setbacks. He shared an example of starting at a low-level job at Home Depot and working hard to excel, eventually leading to greater responsibilities and potential career advancement. The speaker's message is that taking action and making things happen can lead to unexpected opportunities and success.

    • The power of perspective: Seeing opportunities instead of negativesReframing our perspective can lead to improved experiences and outcomes. Instead of focusing on negatives, look for opportunities to grow and succeed.

      Our perspective shapes our experiences and outcomes. The story of Home Depot millionaires illustrates this concept well. In the early days of Home Depot, many employees took stock options when the company wasn't yet a success. Today, those employees are millionaires. This success came from their ability to see opportunities instead of punishments or downturns. Jordan Peterson's philosophy of aiming towards improvement is related. When we approach a task with a positive attitude, we are more likely to succeed and be given more responsibilities. Conversely, if we view a task negatively, we are more likely to fail and miss opportunities. Another example is the story of a SEAL Team member who embraced cleaning toilets as an opportunity instead of a punishment. By doing so, he was able to find joy in the task and excel in his role. So, when faced with uncertainty or a seemingly undesirable situation, it's essential to reframe our perspective and look for opportunities instead of focusing on the negatives. By doing so, we can improve our experiences and outcomes, just like the Home Depot millionaires and the SEAL Team member did.

    • Leveraging past experiences as 'tattoos' on the mindDespite setbacks, past knowledge and experiences provide valuable guidance for moving forward, requiring a positive mindset and focus on opportunities.

      Experiencing setbacks or starting over doesn't mean you're starting from scratch. Your past knowledge and experiences serve as valuable "tattoos" on your mind, guiding you forward even when you have seemingly lost everything else. Instead of focusing on the obstacles or losses, it's essential to maintain a positive mindset and look for opportunities or "drivable terrain" to move forward. The challenge lies in avoiding dwelling on what has been lost and instead focusing on the present and future. As the movie Memento illustrates, even with limited resources, one can use their knowledge to start ahead and make progress.

    • Focusing on opportunities and persevering through challengesEmbrace opportunities and persevering through challenges leads to a fulfilling life, as seen in Jim Sorley's story, and can also benefit content creation through subscriptions like Jocko Underground.

      No matter the circumstances, focusing on opportunities and persevering through challenges can lead to an incredible life. This was evident in the story of Jim Sorley, a Vietnam veteran who lost both legs and one arm, but went on to build a successful life after rehab. However, the importance of focusing on opportunities extends beyond personal stories. The Jocko Underground podcast, which can be accessed at underground.com for $8.18 a month, is an example of seizing opportunities to build a stronger community and gain more control over content creation. By subscribing, listeners can enjoy more interaction and direct communication with the creators, as well as support the free Jocko podcast. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to embrace opportunities and persevere through challenges, whether in personal life or in the digital world.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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