
    Lifestyle Steps to Heal Your Menopausal Brain - with Dr. Annette Bosworth

    enMay 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Neurotransmitter Recycling for Optimal Brain HealthFocusing on a healthy lifestyle supports efficient neurotransmitter recycling, which is crucial for mood, motivation, and behavior.

      Key takeaway from this episode of the Resetter podcast is that neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, are not only produced in our bodies but also need to be recycled effectively for optimal brain health. Dr. Annette Bauz, an expert in brain health and the ketogenic diet, explains that our lifestyle choices significantly impact this recycling process. By focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can support the efficient recycling of neurotransmitters and keep our moods, motivation, and behaviors in check. The Reset Academy, a membership program led by Dr. Mindy, offers a supportive community and resources to help individuals customize their fasting and health journeys, making it an excellent investment in one's overall well-being.

    • The value of personal connections in healthcareEffective communication and understanding in healthcare require face-to-face interactions. Lifestyle factors significantly impact health, so prioritizing them alongside medical interventions is crucial for optimal outcomes.

      Personal connections and face-to-face communication are essential for effective interaction and understanding, especially when it comes to healthcare and addressing health goals. Dr. Mindy Pelz emphasized her preference for in-person interactions and the challenges of connecting deeply through virtual platforms like Zoom. She also highlighted the importance of considering lifestyle factors to enhance neurotransmitter systems, which can greatly impact various health issues, including menopause and weight loss. The conversation underscored the need to prioritize lifestyle changes alongside medical interventions for optimal health outcomes.

    • Understanding brain processes for optimal healingTrue brain healing goes beyond adding chemicals. It's essential to understand neurotransmitter and hormone production and recycling processes for optimal brain function.

      True healing of the brain, especially during times of significant change like menopause, requires more than just adding chemicals through prescriptions. The neurotransmitters and hormones in our bodies are intricately connected, and their production and recycling processes are crucial for optimal brain function. The 12-hour course mentioned in the discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding these processes and implementing rules for a healthy brain. Simply adding chemicals without addressing the underlying issues can lead to unintended consequences. For instance, antidepressants like SSRIs and SNRIs work by blocking the reuptake of neurotransmitters, requiring continuous use because the body can't recycle them on its own. This highlights the importance of considering the whole picture when dealing with brain health and healing.

    • Supporting brain health through lifestyle choicesLifestyle factors play a crucial role in producing neurotransmitters like serotonin, and teenagers' brain development is significantly impacted by these choices. Making informed decisions about diet, exercise, and substance use can positively affect brain health and future success.

      Instead of solely relying on medications to manage mental health conditions like depression and bipolar disorder, it's essential to focus on lifestyle factors that support the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin. Chris Palmer's research shows that altering the tools that help produce these neurotransmitters can change the trajectory of a depressed or cycling bipolar brain. Teenagers, in particular, are at a critical stage in brain development where lifestyle choices significantly impact brain health and future success. The hippocampus, a crucial predictor of success, can be stunted by poor choices like carbohydrate binges or alcohol consumption. By educating teenagers about the importance of brain health and the role of lifestyle factors, we can help them make better choices and set them up for success in the long term.

    • Boosting Brain Growth Through Sleep and BDNFSleep is vital for producing BDNF, a protein crucial for brain growth. Lack of deep sleep can hinder BDNF production, leading to potential mental health issues. Prioritizing good sleep hygiene is essential for maintaining and enhancing brain health.

      The hippocampus, a crucial part of the brain, can grow and be helped to grow through various lifestyle factors, particularly during adolescence. The protein BDNF plays a significant role in this process. One essential lifestyle factor for BDNF production is sleep. Lack of adequate deep sleep can hinder BDNF production, leading to potential negative effects on mental health and brain function. Depression, anxiety, and even suicide attempts have been linked to low levels of BDNF. The misconception that neuro cells are all you get at birth and cannot be replaced is no longer valid. BDNF can trigger stem cell-like growth in the hippocampus. So, prioritizing good sleep hygiene is crucial for maintaining and improving brain health.

    • Deep sleep and brain healthDeep sleep, particularly Delta sleep, is vital for brain repair and growth through the production of BDNF. Consistent deep sleep patterns contribute to optimal cognitive function and overall well-being.

      Deep sleep, specifically the 15 minutes of Delta sleep within it, is crucial for producing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein essential for brain repair and growth. Deep sleep occurs during the first few hours of the night and is important for cognitive function and overall brain health. While wearable devices like Oura Ring and Muse headband can help monitor sleep patterns, they don't provide the same level of accuracy as EEG measurements. Sleep is the foundation for brain health, and a consistent deep sleep pattern is essential for maintaining optimal cognitive function and overall well-being. PowerSync 60, a new 60-day fitness program developed in collaboration with Tony Horton, can help support healthy sleep habits and contribute to improved brain health.

    • Considering hormonal balance during workoutsHormonal balance and overall health are crucial when engaging in physical activities and making lifestyle choices. Neglecting this aspect can have significant impacts, including potential damage to the developing brain from substances like alcohol.

      Our hormones play a crucial role in our workouts, and neglecting this aspect can have significant impacts. Dr. Mindy, during a meeting with Tony, introduced the concept of considering hormonal balance while working out. They also included a customized meal plan, fasting, and a community for support. This project, which can be accessed using the code "ps 60pels" on DoctorMindy.org, aims to help individuals optimize their fitness journey. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the effects of substances like alcohol on the teenage brain. Alcohol consumption, especially during critical developmental stages, can negatively impact brain activity. This is because alcohol is a chemical that readily crosses the blood-brain barrier and pulls water into the brain cells, causing them to swell. This swelling can be compared to a traumatic brain injury, potentially leading to severe consequences. Therefore, the key takeaway is the importance of considering hormonal balance and overall health when engaging in physical activities and making lifestyle choices. It's essential to be mindful of the potential impacts of substances like alcohol on the developing brain and overall well-being.

    • Aging and Alcohol: A Harmful CombinationFocus on long-term brain health by prioritizing deep sleep, a ketogenic state, and avoiding alcohol to support optimal brain function and aging.

      As we age, we may turn to alcohol for relaxation and euphoria due to hormonal changes. However, this short-term solution can lead to long-term damage, including brain swelling and trauma. To support brain health and repair, it's crucial to focus on the long game, which includes deep sleep, a ketogenic state, and avoiding alcohol. The Mormon example shared highlights the importance of prioritizing sleep and overall health over short-term pleasures, even if societal pressures may suggest otherwise. By addressing the root causes of hormonal imbalances and supporting the brain with proper nutrition and lifestyle choices, we can promote optimal brain function and aging.

    • Replacing one addiction with anotherDiscovering alcohol in pill form led to increased consumption, and benzodiazepines, despite being prescribed as sleeping aids, can lead to chronic use and negatively impact brain health. Prioritize getting off these substances for better sleep and brain health.

      Replacing one addictive substance with another, even if it's a prescription medication, can have negative consequences. The speaker shares an experience from their medical residency where they discovered that putting alcohol in a pill form led to increased consumption instead of helping people quit. This phenomenon is particularly relevant to benzodiazepines, which are prescribed as sleeping aids but can lead to chronic use and depletion of the brain similar to alcohol. The speaker also mentions that falling asleep with these medications or alcohol prevents the brain from entering deep, restorative sleep, impacting brain health and potentially contributing to dementia. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize getting off these substances and focusing on alternative methods for improving sleep and overall brain health.

    • Boosting Brain Health with Ketogenic Diet and Exogenous KetonesThe ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones can aid in brain repair by reducing inflammation and promoting neuron regeneration, especially beneficial for brain injuries and degenerative conditions.

      The ketogenic diet and the use of exogenous ketones can help speed up the healing process in the brain by reducing inflammation and promoting neuron repair. This is often misunderstood as just a weight loss solution. The consumption of medium chain triglycerides, a type of fat that can cross the blood-brain barrier, further enhances this effect by providing energy to the brain and reducing inflammation. It's important to note that this is not a quick fix, and staying in a state of ketosis long enough for the repair process to take place is crucial. The use of these methods can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with brain trauma or degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia. However, it's important to approach this as a sustainable plan and not just a short-term solution. Additionally, focusing on other factors like sleep and avoiding alcohol and medications can further support brain health.

    • MCT oil benefits brain healthMCT oil, specifically C8 and C10, can maintain cognitive function, reduce inflammation, enhance neurotransmitter production, and cross the blood-brain barrier, making them valuable additions to a brain-building diet. Exploring alternative sources and natural aids like THC can add diversity and potential benefits.

      MCT oil, specifically C8 and C10 medium chain triglycerides, can provide numerous benefits for brain health. These fats can help maintain cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and even enhance the production of certain neurotransmitters. The ability of these fats to cross the blood-brain barrier sets them apart from other fats, making them a valuable addition to a brain-building diet. Furthermore, exploring alternative sources of these healthy fats, such as goat milk, can add diversity to our diets and potentially offer additional benefits. Additionally, the use of marijuana, specifically THC, can stimulate the production of anandamide, a neurotransmitter that promotes euphoria, focus, and calm, making it a potential natural aid for brain health. However, it's important to note that marijuana use comes with potential risks and should be approached with caution. Overall, incorporating these natural substances, along with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to maintaining and improving brain health.

    • Marijuana interferes with dopamine productionMarijuana's THC blocks dopamine receptors, leading to depletion and long-term hippocampus damage, causing mood and energy dips during withdrawal

      Marijuana, particularly when it contains THC, can interfere with the natural production and recycling of dopamine in the brain. This can lead to a euphoric feeling initially, but over time, the user may experience dopamine depletion. This is due to the fact that THC binds to the same receptors as dopamine, effectively "parking" there and preventing the natural dopamine from being produced and recycled. This can be particularly problematic for those who have become dependent on marijuana as a means of coping with neurochemical losses, such as during menopause. Unlike alcohol, which is water-soluble and leaves the body relatively quickly, THC is fat-soluble and can linger in the body for weeks, causing long-term damage to the hippocampus. When someone decides to quit marijuana, they may experience a significant dip in mood and energy levels for several weeks as their brain adjusts to producing dopamine naturally again. It's important for individuals to be aware of this and to have realistic expectations during the withdrawal process.

    • Repairing the Brain with a Ketogenic DietFocus on real, whole foods to reduce inflammation, enter a high-fat state, and regularly measure ketone and insulin levels to maintain a consistent ketogenic state during brain healing.

      The body stores a molecule called myelin in the fat, which is essential for brain function. When this myelin is damaged, it can result in the axon not working properly. To repair the brain as quickly as possible, it's important to reduce inflammation and enter a high-fat state, such as a ketogenic diet. However, it's crucial to ensure that one is actually in a state of ketosis and not just consuming keto-labeled products. The amount of insulin in one's body plays a significant role in achieving and maintaining a ketogenic state. The goal is to make the healing process as short and simple as possible by focusing on real, whole foods and measuring one's ketone and insulin levels regularly. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution regarding the optimal amount of ketones for brain healing, as it depends on whether the ketones are being effectively used by the cells. Ultimately, the key is to work with healthcare professionals to understand one's unique needs and maintain a consistent ketogenic state during the healing process.

    • Monitoring BOS ratio for insulin effectiveness and metabolic healthMonitoring both blood glucose and ketones is essential for understanding insulin resistance and metabolic health. The BOS ratio, calculated by dividing glucose by ketones, can help determine the need to stimulate metabolism further.

      Monitoring both blood glucose and ketones is crucial for understanding insulin effectiveness and metabolic health. The doctor's mother introduced the Doctor's BOS ratio, which is calculated by dividing the glucose number by the ketone number. This ratio can help determine insulin resistance and the need to stimulate metabolism further. As the body becomes less insulin resistant, ketones may increase, and glucose may decrease. However, it's essential to continue stimulating metabolism to maintain optimal ketone levels and improve overall health. The process requires consistent monitoring and adjustments, similar to how a bodybuilder must continue working out to build muscle.

    • Managing ketone levels for optimal healthMaintain a ketogenic diet, keep ketones under 100 for weight loss, and consider lower levels for serious conditions. Achieve this through healthy fats, low processed foods, and intermittent fasting.

      Achieving optimal health, especially for mental health and immune disorders, involves managing ketone levels and maintaining a ketogenic diet. This means keeping ketones under 100, with ideal weight loss occurring under 80. For more serious conditions like cancer or seizures, even lower ketone levels, around 20, may be necessary. Achieving these levels requires a diet rich in healthy fats, low in processed foods, and potentially incorporating intermittent fasting. The size of food particles also plays a role, as smaller, processed particles can hinder progress. Mental health, including menopause, can greatly benefit from this lifestyle, but it's essential to prioritize this approach before considering additional treatments like HRT. The foundation of this approach is addressing insulin's role in the body, which is closely linked to sleep, diet, and overall health. Self-love, a theme for this year on the Resetter podcast, is an essential practice for maintaining this commitment to health. By identifying a daily self-care practice and acknowledging personal strengths, individuals can effectively support their wellbeing on this journey.

    • Learning to receive love instead of constantly givingSuccessful women can prioritize self-care and surrender in relationships for joy and fulfillment.

      Being a strong and independent woman in her professional life doesn't mean she has to give up on the need for nourishment and surrender in her personal relationships. The speaker, a successful woman in medicine, shared how she learned to take off her "superpower hat" and receive love instead of constantly giving in her marriage. This shift brought her happiness and fulfillment in her personal life, contrasting the authoritative role she takes on in her career. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-love and finding ways to show up in relationships that bring joy and nourishment. She encouraged listeners to reflect on their own relationships and consider how they can prioritize self-care and surrender in their personal lives. The speaker, Dr. Bozz, can be found on her website bozzmd.com and YouTube channel under the name "doctor Bozz." She emphasized the importance of prioritizing her YouTube presence as a platform for sharing her insights and experiences.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Do Yourself a Favor and Forgive

    Do Yourself a Favor and Forgive

    I really like listening to Joyce Meyer. If you know any of her story, you know she experienced childhood incest for 15 years at the hands of her own biological father.

    Yet she was, eventually, able to forgive him. (It doesn't make what he did okay, it just means she decided to stop letting what happened make her miserable.)

    Cari and I suffered abuse in childhood (not from our parents - it was someone else), and I was physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by my first husband. We've both had other rotten things happen in our lives, too.

    But eventually we learned that harboring the bitterness of unforgiveness in your body and soul is actually a sort of trap, in that it damages YOU, not the person who hurt you.

    We've forgiven the people who abused us, because it made us sick not to, same as Joyce Meyer.

    So what does all this have to do with losing weight and keeping it off?

    Simple. After nearly 30 years in this industry, I've learned time and time again that a lot of people who battle obesity are holding the weight because they're also holding guilt, shame and unforgiveness in their lives.

    That's why, in this week's new podcast, Cari and I are revealing how forgiveness helps you stay on track in your Code Red journey.

    If you harbor ANY unforgiveness, whether it's toward someone else, or even yourself, make sure you catch this one. It might be what finally unlocks your success.

    Catch this week's new episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle on your favorite podcast software, on YouTube, or in the Code Red network!


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    Dr. Harrison discusses the biochemistry on iron in the body and how that affects sleep. In more depth, iron and other chemicals mentioned in the podcast all play various roles on neurotransmitters which Dr. Harrison goes over. 

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    Master and Servant

    What if you created an interest in your life around finding out more about this human body? This is after all the only true physical possession you'll carry with you from the cradle to the grave. If you knew a little more about how you operate - consciously and unconsciously - do you think you could live a healthier more fulfilling life?  

    Strive to live with intent and not through habit. To be the master of health and body you have to more than just go through the motions. We should strive to create purposeful action and recognize that we control our thoughts.

    Accept that you can change your thoughts because you are the thinker of your thoughts and therefore the master of operations. 

    Please my friends step into the role of the operator and develop some curiosity about this amazing human body.

    Be the creator of Promise in your life. Build your health esteem by nurturing your mind body and spirit. Build a better body from the top-down and the inside out.