
    Side Effects of My Fave Black Characters

    enOctober 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Significance of Black Pop CultureBlack pop culture, including art, music, and television, holds deep significance in the Black community and should be appreciated and valued.

      Pop culture and art hold significant weight in the Black community, serving as a means to help Black Americans realize and legitimize their existence in a world that has historically tried to undermine it. Characters and icons in Black pop culture are not just fictional figures but can become as real and influential as actual people. Amanda emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and holding accountable Black artistic visionaries and icons. Additionally, she is excited to bring the Small Doses podcast to Brooklyn for a special Halloween edition, inviting attendees to dress as their favorite Black characters or icons. Whether it's through art, music, or television, Black pop culture carries a deep sense of significance and should be appreciated and valued.

    • Representation through iconic TV charactersIconic TV shows like 'The Cosby Show' and 'A Different World' offered meaningful representation of Black individuals, shaping viewers' perceptions and providing role models through complex characters like Claire Huxtable and fashion icons like Denise Huxtable.

      Representation matters, especially in media. The characters from shows like "The Cosby Show" and "A Different World" provided meaningful examples of Black individuals with complex identities and experiences. Claire Huxtable, for instance, was more than just a character; she was a role model as a successful lawyer and mother. Denise Huxtable was a fashion icon, and Theo Huxtable's iconic Gordon Gartrell shirt is still remembered. These characters provided representation that went beyond the fictional and had a significant impact on viewers, particularly for those growing up watching them. It's essential to honor and appreciate the impact of these characters and the representation they provided.

    • Exploring Creative Costume Ideas from Classic TV Shows and MoviesClassic TV shows and movies offer a vast array of costume inspiration for cosplayers, from iconic outfits to character transformations.

      Classic TV shows and movies offer a wealth of creative costume ideas for cosplay enthusiasts. The Cosby Show and A Different World, for instance, provide options ranging from iconic outfits like Gordon Gartrell's shirt to character transformations like different phases of Freddie Brooks. Similarly, Coming to America presents numerous choices for Akeem alone, not to mention other characters like the brothers in the barbershop and Jackson Heights' own. These shows and movies offer endless possibilities for cosplayers to explore and bring their favorite characters to life.

    • Pop Culture and Iconic FashionThe speaker shared their love for the movie 'Coming to America' and highlighted the iconic character Mars from 'She's Gotta Have It', known for his unique fashion style, including a hat and glasses with the name 'Mars' on them, a hoodie with a satin baseball jacket, leggings, and Jordans.

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed their love for the movie "Coming to America" and shared a cherished gift they received related to it. They also highlighted the iconic character Mars from the independent film "She's Gotta Have It," created by Spike Lee. Mars was known for his unique fashion style, which included a hat and glasses with the name "Mars" on them, a hoodie with a satin baseball jacket, leggings, and Jordans. However, the speaker made a mistake and mentioned flip glasses instead of Kazals, which were popular in the 80s in New York. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's appreciation for pop culture and the enduring impact of specific characters and their iconic fashion.

    • Importance of self-correction and authentic representation in mediaSelf-correction allows for growth and improvement, while authentic representation provides a sense of connection and empowerment. Characters like B.K, Spike Lee, and Black Panther's Dora Milaje challenge stereotypes and offer unique perspectives.

      Self-correction and authentic representation in media are important and impactful. Self-correction allows for growth and improvement, while authentic representation in media provides a sense of connection and empowerment for individuals. The discussion highlighted the significance of characters like B.K. from "She's Gotta Have It," Spike Lee's character from "Do the Right Thing," and Black Panther. These characters offer unique perspectives and challenge stereotypes, providing a sense of representation and inspiration. The names and backstories of these characters are not incidental, but rather intentional and impactful. The discussion also touched on the importance of badass black women characters, such as the Dora Milaje from Black Panther, who embody strength and power. The representation of these characters in media is crucial for breaking down barriers and opening up new possibilities for individuals.

    • Honoring Chadwick Boseman and Black Panther at 'Wakanda Forever' screeningFans pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman by dressing in white at 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' screening. Respect is shown by not listing his name first on the call sheet. The event aims to be a safe space for fans to enjoy characters like Penny Proud from 'The Proud Family'.

      The impact of Chadwick Boseman and his character, Black Panther, is still being felt and celebrated, even after his passing. During the upcoming screening of "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever," fans plan to honor him by dressing in white. The call sheet traditionally lists the star as the first name, but for this film, there was no first name listed in respect to Chadwick. Animation shows like "The Proud Family" also offer opportunities for creative costumes and a fun, childlike experience. The event at Kings Theatre aims to be a safe space for fans to enjoy these characters and express their love for them. Penny Proud from "The Proud Family" is a favorite character for many, as she embodies the qualities of being in charge, respecting authority, and making good choices.

    • The Importance of Positive Representations for Black ChildrenEmpower children through positive representations, celebrate hidden figures in black history, and embrace the creativity and depth of black popular culture.

      Representation and creativity are essential in children's programming, particularly for black children who have limited representations. During a discussion, the importance of empowering and guiding children through positive representations was emphasized. The significance of Black popular culture, which offers a space for creativity, vision, and imagination, was also highlighted. Halloween was suggested as an opportunity to celebrate hidden figures within black history and showcase lesser-known characters. The speaker encouraged the audience to share their ideas for cool black characters and even dress up as them at events. Black popular culture was praised for its depth and richness, adding to the continued growth of the black community. The speaker also invited the audience to attend her comedy shows in various locations.

    • Mindful of Impact of Costumes on Marginalized CommunitiesBe respectful and avoid blackface or disrespectful costumes during Halloween to avoid trivializing serious issues and causing harm to marginalized communities.

      Halloween can be a time for fun and creativity, but it's important to be mindful of the impact of costumes on marginalized communities. The speaker shared a past experience where blackface costumes were disrespectful and hurtful, reminding us of the importance of recognizing the value of all lives. As the concept of Black Lives Matter shows, these actions can trivialize serious issues and cause harm. The speaker encourages everyone to stay safe during Halloween activities and to address any instances of blackface or disrespectful costumes. Even in seemingly unrelated conversations, the speaker finds ways to bring up social justice and advocacy. So, let's remember to spread kindness and respect during Halloween and throughout the year.

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    Je vous souhaite une belle écoute.

    ▶️ N'hésitez pas à me faire un retour sur cet épisode, à vous abonner, à partager et à noter le podcast. 


    ⚠️ Avertissement : 

    Chaque récit peut venir trouver un écho en vous, selon votre propre histoire. et parfois même de manière inattendue. Soyez à l’écoute de vos ressentis et n’hésitez pas à interrompre l’écoute si celle-ci vous met inconfortable. Vous pouvez avoir besoin d’être accompagné.e pour tisser votre propre histoire de naissance. N’hésitez pas à vous rapprocher de votre doula, votre sage-femme ou toute autre personne de confiance pour trouver le soutien nécessaire. 


    Si vous souhaitez témoigner au micro des Amours Naissantes, vous pouvez envoyer un email à amoursnaissantes@gmail.com ou me contacter par Instagram @amoursnaissantes_lepodcast. Au plaisir de vous accueillir. 

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