
    Side Effects of the '94 Crime Bill (with Tracey Corder)

    enNovember 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing the importance of local organizing and amplifying voices of changeSupporting local organizers and amplifying their voices can lead to significant community impact.

      There are dedicated individuals working tirelessly to bring about change and make a difference in their communities, and it's essential to support and amplify their voices. Our guest today, Tracy Quarter, is one such individual. She's an organizer inspired by the political climate during Obama's run in 2007-2008 and has since dedicated her life to making a difference at the local level. Tracy's work includes touring the country with the Black Outside Again Tour, where she brings organizers on stage to talk about their work and how people can get involved. Her story highlights the importance of recognizing the difference between national politics and local organizing and the impact individuals can have on their communities. It's crucial to continue supporting and amplifying the voices and work of organizers like Tracy to create lasting change.

    • The power of community and supportive parentsCommunity and supportive parents can instill values, humble arrogance, and shape passions and career choices

      The value of a strong community and supportive parents can shape a person's perspective and future in profound ways. The speaker's parents, despite their humble beginnings, were influential figures in their community, and they instilled in their child the importance of hard work, resilience, and compassion. The speaker's arrogance was humbled when reality hit, and they learned the value of working for what they wanted and understanding the struggles of others. The experiences of their childhood, though initially annoying, ultimately shaped their passions and career choices. The importance of community and parental support, even when it may not be apparent, can have a significant impact on a person's life.

    • Personal experiences fueling social justiceEmpathy from personal experiences can drive motivation to address societal issues. Understanding and listening to communities is key to making a larger impact.

      Personal experiences can drive a deep sense of empathy and motivation to address societal issues. The speaker, who worked as a social worker while also supporting her family and volunteering, realized that her efforts were not enough to address the root causes of the problems her clients faced. This led her to shift her focus from social work to organizing, with the goal of addressing societal issues at their source. Her experiences taught her the importance of understanding and listening to communities, and she went on to run for public office and work on political campaigns to effect change. Ultimately, her personal experiences fueled her passion for social justice and inspired her to make a larger impact.

    • Lessons from community politicsAuthentic engagement and listening to community needs are essential for effective political work and creating meaningful change.

      The speaker's experience in politics and community work taught her the importance of authenticity and listening to the needs of the community. After working on campaigns and issues like criminal justice reform, she moved to Oakland, California, to work at Oakland Rising and engage in community politics. She emphasized the significance of using language that resonates with people and can provoke action. The speaker also highlighted the importance of understanding the unique challenges and needs of different communities, as she had to learn to navigate Oakland's local issues and culture. Overall, her experiences showed that authentic engagement and listening to the community are crucial for effective political work and creating meaningful change.

    • Understanding the Influence of Headlines and Language on Our Perception of NewsDo thorough research before forming opinions based on headlines, understand language and context, improve financial literacy to avoid cash bail issues, and play Best Fiends to improve cognitive skills offline.

      Our perception of news and information can be influenced by sensational headlines and provocative language. Amanda Rach Lee, a social justice advocate and Instagram influencer, encourages people to do thorough research before forming opinions based on headlines. She uses her platform to teach people about the importance of understanding language and context. Another topic discussed was the need to improve the criminal justice system, specifically addressing the issue of cash bail. Lee emphasized that the majority of people in jail due to lack of bail money are not the most dangerous criminals, but those who are struggling financially. Additionally, the conversation touched on building credit and financial literacy. Chime, a financial technology company, offers a secured credit card that helps users build credit with their own money. This card, issued by Stride Bank NA, has no annual fees, large security deposits, or credit checks to apply. Lastly, the discussion included a recommendation for the mobile game Best Fiends. This game, which can be played offline, offers an engaging and challenging experience, keeping players constantly advancing towards new goals. It's a fun way to escape and collect new characters while improving cognitive skills.

    • Shifting the conversation and naming the oppositionStay truthful and authentic in political discourse, shift conversations, name opposition, acknowledge harms caused by policies, and remain committed to decency and truth.

      Effective communication and understanding of messaging is crucial in political discourse. The use of fear-mongering and misinformation by opposition can be challenging to overcome, but it's essential to remain truthful and authentic in response. The speaker emphasized the importance of shifting the conversation and naming the opposition. They also discussed the historical impact of movements on public discourse and the need to acknowledge and address the harms caused by policies like the 1994 crime bill. Ultimately, it's important to remain committed to decency and truth while also finding ways to effectively counter misinformation and false narratives.

    • Historical debates over criminal justice reformUnderstanding the complexities of criminal justice reform requires acknowledging historical context, political motivations, and profit. Engage in open conversations to find solutions prioritizing community safety and well-being.

      The debate around policing and criminal justice reform involves complex considerations, including historical context, political motivations, and profit. During the 1990s, the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was a contentious issue within the Congressional Black Caucus, with some members supporting it while others opposed it due to concerns about increased policing and surveillance in black communities. This history illustrates the multifaceted nature of the issue and the importance of understanding various perspectives. Moreover, the push for police reform and defunding the police is not a simple matter of absence but also about creating conditions that make such institutions unnecessary. For instance, conversations around defunding the police should consider alternative solutions to address community safety and well-being. Additionally, profit plays a significant role in the criminal justice system. For example, gunshot detection systems like ShotSpotter can lead to increased police presence and surveillance in communities, which can further perpetuate cycles of violence and inequality. To effectively address these complex issues, it is essential to engage in open and nuanced conversations with individuals who may hold differing viewpoints and work together to find solutions that prioritize community safety and well-being.

    • Historically, police prioritized protecting capital over peopleThe speaker challenges the belief that police exist to protect individuals, suggesting resources could be better spent on education and trauma care, and advocating for a reevaluation of law enforcement's role.

      Our current policing system has origins rooted in protecting capital rather than people. The speaker argues that the police's role in society has historically been to maintain order and suppress dissent, rather than to allow for safety and wellbeing. This perspective challenges the common belief that police exist primarily to protect individuals. Furthermore, the speaker suggests that resources allocated to law enforcement could be better spent on alternative solutions, such as improving education and providing trauma-informed care for victims of violence. The conversation around defunding the police and ending harmful systems involves recognizing the unnecessary roles that police play and shifting those responsibilities to trained professionals better equipped to handle specific situations. Overall, this perspective calls for a reevaluation of the role and function of law enforcement in our society.

    • Media's Impact on Societal Issues: Grey's Anatomy and Station 19Television shows like Grey's Anatomy and Station 19 created by Shonda Rhimes address societal issues such as racial bias and mental health, inspire important conversations, and promote change through realistic depictions and storylines.

      Media, specifically television shows like Grey's Anatomy and Station 19 created by Shonda Rhimes, plays a significant role in reflecting and influencing societal issues, including racial bias and mental health. In Grey's Anatomy, a call for mandatory bias training for police was addressed, while Station 19 introduced a crisis response unit without police involvement. These shows not only provide realistic depictions of these issues but also contribute to important conversations and promote change. The relationship between media and real life is complex, and while some may view it as a distraction, it has the power to inspire and bring awareness to critical social issues. As an organizer, it's essential to engage with people where they are and use media as a tool for dialogue and understanding.

    • Discussing the importance of community and caring for all childrenEngage in conversations, educate others, and build stronger communities instead of judging or arguing. Media can shape perceptions, so it's crucial to understand their impact. Instead of criticizing, create meaningful conversations about sensitive topics.

      Community and caring for one another, especially in times of need, are essential for creating a supportive and inclusive society. The conversation around a viral TikTok video about a father buying food for one child sparked a larger discussion about the importance of feeding and caring for all children, not just our own. It's important to engage in conversations and educate others instead of judging or arguing. Furthermore, media, such as TV shows, can shape our perceptions and understanding of the world. In this case, shows like SVU, which deal with sensitive topics like sexual violence, can give a false understanding of the role of law enforcement. Instead of criticizing others for their choices, we should strive to create meaningful conversations and build stronger communities.

    • Engage with people where they areEffective organizing involves building connections and finding common ground, even on complex issues, through respectful and compassionate conversations.

      Effective organizing involves engaging with people where they are, even if it means acknowledging their preferences or beliefs that may not align with your own. This can mean having conversations about seemingly irrelevant topics, like TV shows, to build a connection and establish common ground. Listening is also crucial in these conversations, as it allows you to understand people's perspectives and provide context that can help them gain a new perspective. Organizing isn't always about being oppositional or divisive; it's about building coalitions and finding common ground, even when it comes to complex issues like electoral politics. It's important to remember that not everyone may agree with us on every issue, but that doesn't mean we should dismiss or belittle them. Instead, we should strive to find areas of agreement and work towards creating positive change together. This approach takes patience, understanding, and a willingness to listen and engage with people in a respectful and compassionate way.

    • Challenges and Risks of Activism for Marginalized IndividualsActivism comes with consequences, especially for marginalized individuals. Accountability and preparation are crucial for facing criticism and staying committed to the cause.

      Activism comes with consequences, especially for marginalized individuals. The speaker, a grassroots organizer, shared her experiences during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, where she was sent to confront politicians like Jeff Flake and Mitch McConnell. She went viral for her activism but faced intense backlash, particularly from Republicans and even fellow Democrats. Despite the attacks, she remained committed to her cause and continued to disrupt events and speak out. She emphasized the importance of accountability within her community and being prepared for criticism. The experience underscores the challenges and risks that come with activism, but also the impact it can have in bringing about change.

    • Creating a new legislative approach to criminal justiceThe People's Coalition For Safety and Freedom is working to create a new federal legislation from the ground up, shifting the narrative around policing and criminal justice by ensuring communities most impacted have a voice.

      The People's Coalition For Safety and Freedom is working to undo the harmful effects of the previous crime bill by creating a new federal legislation from the ground up. This new approach aims to shift the narrative around policing and criminal justice by ensuring that the communities most impacted by these issues have a voice in the legislative process. The coalition believes that the previous crime bill, which incentivized policing, prison building, and harsh sentencing, perpetuated harmful narratives and policies that did not address the root causes of crime. By engaging local organizations, previously incarcerated individuals, and advocates in the drafting process, the coalition hopes to create a more transparent and equitable approach to legislation. Despite facing resistance and fear of backlash, the coalition remains committed to pushing for change and starting conversations that challenge the status quo.

    • Listening to previously incarcerated individuals for crime reduction solutionsEngage in conversations and actions to address the impacts of the 1994 crime bill, learn from previously incarcerated individuals, and explore alternative funding options for law enforcement.

      Authentic voices and experiences of previously incarcerated individuals are valuable in shaping solutions for reducing crime and recidivism. These individuals can provide firsthand insights into what could have kept them out of the system. Regarding the ongoing crime bill discussions, while some believe in defunding the police, others suggest reallocating funds. However, it's essential to engage in conversations and actions, rather than just using language as an excuse to avoid involvement. The People's Coalition, an organization mentioned in the discussion, is a great resource for staying informed and getting involved in efforts to address the impacts of the 1994 crime bill and its ongoing effects. Additionally, the coalition hosts educational events and live discussions on various topics related to social justice and systemic change.

    • Activism and organization: two sides of the same coinActivism brings attention to issues, while organization brings people to the problem and drives progress.

      Activism and organization go hand in hand in creating meaningful change. The recent teach-ins, born out of anger and frustration following the Dobbs decision, are a prime example of this. Activists bring attention to issues, while organizers bring people to the problem and work to escalate it. This dynamic, often seen in powerful group chats like the one discussed, is essential for driving progress. Tracy, a guest on the podcast, shared her experiences as an organizer and the impactful work she and her team have done. It's crucial to recognize the differences between activism and organization and appreciate the unique roles each plays in creating change.

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