
    Tarayummy's New CELEBRITY Boyfriend & Jeff Wittek RETURNS To the Vlog Squad?

    enMarch 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Reminiscing about past Oscar wins and current cravingsTrish and her team shared their past experiences of winning awards at an Oscar party and discussed their recent cravings and wild behavior, while promoting their podcast sponsor and Patreon page.

      Trish and her team had a past experience of winning awards at an Oscar party two years ago, and they were reminiscing about it during their podcast recording. Trish also mentioned her recent cravings and wild behavior, which she attributed to her Oscar wins and current mood. The podcast episode was sponsored by Siki and Home Shave, and they encouraged listeners to support them. Trish also mentioned their Patreon page where they offer extended podcast episodes and bonus content for subscribers. The team's dynamic was playful and humorous, with Trish making references to pop culture and her personal experiences.

    • The dedication and challenges of content creationCreating content requires focus, dedication, and long hours, but also brings joy and connection with an audience.

      Creating content can be an intense and long process, requiring focus and dedication, even if it feels mundane or tedious at times. The speaker shared her experience of editing for hours on end, hunched over multiple screens, and even compared it to working in a warehouse, albeit with more flexibility and comfort. Despite the challenges, she remains passionate about her work and finds joy in engaging with her audience. Additionally, the conversation touched on the influence of popular culture, particularly the Wendy Williams talk show, and the speaker's aspirations for her own content. Overall, the conversation highlights the dedication and creativity required to produce engaging content, as well as the importance of finding inspiration and connection with an audience.

    • Friendships with Controversial Figures: Challenges and BenefitsFriendships with controversial figures can bring unique experiences, but also involve uncomfortable situations and regrettable behaviors. Evaluating these relationships requires considering the complexities of human connections and the 'lesser of two evils'.

      While having friends with controversial figures may lead to interesting experiences and even good times, it can also involve uncomfortable situations and regrettable behaviors. The speaker in this conversation reflects on her past friendship with Dream and compares it to her relationship with David Dobrik, noting the challenges and benefits of each. She also discusses the idea of the "lesser of two evils" and the complexity of evaluating relationships with flawed individuals. The conversation touches on themes of hygiene, time management, and the nature of fame, ultimately highlighting the intricacies and nuances of human connections.

    • Embracing the unexpected can lead to meaningful connections and memoriesInstead of living an absolutely boring life, be open to the unexpected and embrace chaos for meaningful connections and unique memories

      Embracing a little chaos and being absolutely ridiculous can make life more interesting than being absolutely boring. During a conversation, the hosts discussed the quote "It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring," which resonated with them. They shared their experiences of feeling uninspired when their lives became too predictable. To add excitement, they received hand-painted jackets as gifts, which brought joy and a sense of connection. Custom artists create unique pieces that showcase individuality and talent. These artists, like the one who made jackets for the hosts and P!nk, are highly sought after and demonstrate the value of one-of-a-kind creations. Embracing the unexpected and being open to new experiences can lead to meaningful connections and memories.

    • Creating Custom Clothing and Promoting SeatGeekThe speaker creates custom clothing, appreciates fan art, promotes SeatGeek for good deals and customer service, and looks forward to upcoming events.

      The speaker is currently busy creating custom clothing items for Jack Black, including a dragon flame set that she recently ordered for herself. She appreciates the talent in creating art, even if it's considered "crappy," and encourages fans to send in their own creations. The speaker also promotes SeatGeek, a ticketing app that offers great customer service and good deals on tickets for various events. She shares her positive experiences with SeatGeek and offers a discount code for her audience. Additionally, she mentions upcoming events and concerts she's looking forward to attending. Overall, the speaker expresses excitement and appreciation for creativity, talent, and the convenience of technology.

    • Navigating Online Communities and Cancel CultureStaying authentic and connected in online communities is crucial, even amidst changing trends and cancel culture. Engaging with fans and adapting to new situations are essential skills for successful content creators.

      The world of gaming and online content creation is constantly evolving, with personalities and trends emerging and fading in the public spotlight. Trisha, a popular figure in this space, discussed her experiences with getting "canceled" and her admiration for other creators like Pokimane, Hassan, and Ted. She also shared her appreciation for those who engage with their fans, even if the response isn't immediate. Trisha's conversation highlighted the dynamic nature of online communities and the importance of staying connected and authentic in the face of change. Additionally, she mentioned her upcoming interviews and guests, emphasizing the importance of staying focused and adaptable in the ever-changing landscape of content creation.

    • Intersection of Pop Culture, Social Media, and Awards RecognitionStaying informed about social issues and creating viral content on social media can lead to success and recognition. Awards shows like the Oscars impact popular culture and can be a source of both excitement and disappointment.

      The power of social media and viral content can lead to immense success and recognition. This was highlighted in the discussion with the mention of Ted's viral video and Tara's popularity on TikTok. The speakers also emphasized the importance of staying "woke" and being aware of social issues, as well as the impact of awards shows like the Oscars. Ted and the other speakers shared their experiences of being impressed by certain performances and being disappointed when their preferred choices didn't win. Overall, the conversation touched on the intersection of pop culture, social media, and awards recognition.

    • Oscars 2023: Viewers React to Jimmy Kimmel's HostingSome found Jimmy Kimmel's jokes at the Oscars lacking in taste or cleverness, while others appreciated the overall tone of the show. Viewers also reacted to Vanessa Hudgens' pregnancy announcement.

      While Jimmy Kimmel's hosting of the Oscars was generally well-received, some viewers felt that his jokes about certain topics, such as Robert Downey Jr.'s past drug use and a joke about Barbie, were not particularly clever or tasteful. Some also criticized Kimmel for what they perceived as a lack of balance in his comedy, pointing to his past behavior that they felt was less PC. Despite these criticisms, many viewers appreciated the overall tone of the show, which was seen as more lighthearted and fun than previous years. Additionally, there was excitement about Vanessa Hudgens' pregnancy announcement, with many commenting on her recent wedding and how far along she appeared to be.

    • Reflections on Austin Butler's Acting and John Cena's ComedyI've developed a crush on Austin Butler for his acting in Elvis and am looking forward to his future projects. John Cena surprised me with his comedic skills in Nick and Jack Are Back.

      The speaker is deeply infatuated with Austin Butler and wishes he had attended an event where she was present. She admires his acting skills, particularly in his role as Elvis, and is excited about his upcoming projects. The speaker also expressed her enjoyment of the movie "Nick and Jack Are Back," featuring John Cena, and her newfound appreciation for his comedic abilities. Additionally, she shared her past experiences with being surrounded by middle-aged women admiring shirtless men and her recent realization that she has become one of them. The conversation also touched on the speaker's past experiences with touching dolphins at SeaWorld.

    • Reflections on Dolphin Experiences and EthicsSpeaker regrets past dolphin interactions due to ethical concerns, prefers observing them in nature, and values soft muscles over defined.

      The speaker's experiences with dolphins have ranged from feeding them as a child to swimming and interacting with them as an adult. However, after learning about the challenges and ethical concerns surrounding dolphin captivity, the speaker now regrets past experiences and wishes for a way to observe and appreciate dolphins in their natural habitats. The speaker also expresses a preference for the appearance of soft, bouncy muscle over hard, defined muscle. The conversation also touched upon the topic of John Cena's physique and the Oscars controversy surrounding his costume reveal.

    • Unexpected opportunities and their challengesUnexpected opportunities can bring excitement but also stress and embarrassment. Being prepared and handling situations professionally can help mitigate potential issues.

      Unexpected opportunities, like cameos or public appearances, can bring excitement and curiosity but also come with stress and potential embarrassment. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience where she was asked to do a cameo in a movie but was annoyed by the way it was handled. She also expressed concern when she saw Liza Koshy fall on the red carpet and empathized with the embarrassment that comes with such incidents. Despite the potential downsides, the speaker expressed her love for cameos and the opportunities they provide to connect with fans. The conversation also touched on the importance of being prepared, whether it's for a cameo or for an event like the Oscars, and the potential impact of shoes on one's stability on slippery surfaces.

    • A change of heart about Ariana GrandeThe speaker admires Ariana Grande not just for her music, but also her quirky personality and kind demeanor. She appreciates her unique take on pop culture references and movie recreations.

      The speaker had a change of heart about Ariana Grande, appreciating her not only for her music but also for her quirky personality and kind demeanor. The Met Gala was a topic of conversation, with the speaker expressing admiration for Hailey Bieber's boldness and the presence of various TikTokers and models like Alex Consani. Ariana Grande's performances and music videos were praised, with the speaker sharing her appreciation for the singer's unique take on pop culture references and movie recreations. Despite past scandals, the speaker's admiration for Ariana remained strong, emphasizing her talent and kindness.

    • Speaker's Strong Opinions on 'Poor Things' and the OscarsSpeaker disliked 'Poor Things' for infantilizing grown woman, disappointed Emma Stone won, disdained Amanda Bynes controversy, favorite movie 'Easy A', underwhelmed by Oscars, believed 'No Hard Feelings' should have won, met Evan Hansen.

      The speaker had strong opinions about the film "Poor Things" and its portrayal of a grown woman with the mind of an eight-year-old. They felt that the movie was inappropriate and infantilizing, and they were disappointed that Emma Stone won an Oscar for her role in it. The speaker also expressed their disdain for the controversy surrounding Amanda Bynes and Dan Schneider, and mentioned their favorite movie, "Easy A," and their admiration for Amanda Bynes. They were underwhelmed by the Oscars overall, with "Barbie" being the only notable winner for them. The speaker also shared their thoughts on the film "No Hard Feelings" and their belief that it should have won Best Picture. They also discussed their brief encounter with Evan Hansen, who starred in the least favorite movie they saw during award season.

    • Unexpected moments at the 2023 Oscars: Al Pacino announces Best Picture winner without nominations, Messi the dog bannedThe 2023 Oscars were marked by surprises, including Al Pacino's sudden announcement of the Best Picture winner and the ban of a popular dog, Messi, from attending. Despite some controversy, the event still captivated audiences with standout performances and unexpected twists, but lacked recognition for some notable actors.

      The 2023 Oscars ceremony was full of unexpected moments, including Al Pacino's sudden announcement of the Best Picture winner, Oppenheimer, without going through the usual nominations process. The ceremony also faced controversy over the presence of a popular dog, Messi, from an Oscar-nominated film, who was ultimately banned from attending. Despite not having seen many of the nominated films, the star-studded event was still able to capture the attention of viewers, with standout performances and unexpected twists. Additionally, the lack of recognition for some notable actors, such as Paul Giamatti and Ryan Gosling, sparked discussion among viewers. Overall, the Oscars once again proved to be an iconic and unpredictable event in the world of film.

    • Discussion on Greta Gerwig's 'Barbie' and Drake Bell's sexual assault allegationsThe entertainment industry's handling of allegations against individuals, especially child stars, remains a contentious issue, with reactions ranging from sympathy to questioning accusers' motives. Oversight in child stars' upbringing is also a concern.

      The entertainment industry's handling of allegations against individuals, especially those involving child stars, continues to be a complex and controversial issue. During a discussion, the topic of Greta Gerwig's film "Barbie" came up, with a focus on the songs performed by the characters Ken and Barbie. While some perceived Ken's song as promoting patriarchy, others saw it as camp and harmless. The conversation then shifted to the recent revelations about Drake Bell, a former Nickelodeon star, who is now speaking out about being a victim of sexual assault. This brought up the larger issue of how society reacts to allegations against celebrities, with some offering sympathy and others questioning the motives of the accusers. The conversation also touched on the experiences of child stars and the lack of oversight in their upbringing, leaving many to wonder about the ease with which such incidents can occur in Hollywood.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Child Stars' ExperiencesDespite the challenges faced by some child stars, like Drake Bell, it's crucial to acknowledge their complex journeys and examine industry protections for a more nuanced understanding.

      The experiences of child stars, including those who have been accused of wrongdoing, are complex and multifaceted. Drake Bell, who is currently under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct, is a prime example of this. While it's important to acknowledge the harm he may have caused, it's also crucial to understand that many offenders were once victims themselves. The entertainment industry, particularly for child stars, lacks adequate protection, and it's essential to examine the root causes of their struggles. Bell's transformation into a Mexican singer, Drake Campanada, is an example of an attempt to escape his past. While some child stars, like Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Bridget Mendler, and Brenda Song, have managed to thrive despite the challenges, others may not have had the same level of support. Overall, the experiences of child stars underscore the need for greater industry protections and a more nuanced understanding of their complex journeys.

    • Exploring Mr. Beast Chocolate and Memory ErasureThe speaker discusses the appeal of Mr. Beast chocolate, her conflicting feelings towards memory erasure, and her reflections on past relationships and experiences.

      The quality of Mr. Beast chocolate is highly praised by many, making it worth investigating further for potential business expenses. Additionally, individuals have varying perspectives on erasing memories, with some preferring to keep them as experiences, while others wish they could erase embarrassing moments. The speaker shared her experience with the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," revealing her initial disinterest due to the movie poster but later appreciation for it. She also reflected on her past relationships, noting that she's only had one official one and never lived with a partner before. She expressed that living together adds a level of seriousness to relationships that she hasn't experienced. Lastly, she shared her thoughts on erasing memories, expressing a wish to forget some embarrassing moments but ultimately valuing the experiences they provide.

    • Regrets and the Impact of DishonestyEven small lies can lead to long-term regret and discomfort. Technology may blur the lines between reality and fiction, but it also provides opportunities for quick reactions and safety measures in public settings.

      Dishonesty, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, can haunt us for a long time. The speaker shares an experience from her past where she lied about having seen a movie to seem cool, and she still regrets it to this day. She also expresses her desire to erase unwanted memories, including embarrassing moments and even videos from the internet. The conversation then shifts to the topic of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on entertainment, with the speaker expressing concerns about being replaced by AI and the blurring lines between reality and fiction. The conversation ends with the speaker sharing an incident where Tana Mongeau, a popular social media personality, had to deal with a fan rushing the stage during a performance. The speaker admires Tana's quick reaction and expresses her own fear of crowds and public appearances. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of regret, technology, and personal safety.

    • Authentic Connections and Disruptions During Live PerformancesThe speaker values genuine fan interactions but cannot tolerate disruptions or heckling during live shows, and may cancel performances if necessary for safety concerns.

      The speaker values authentic connections and dislikes disruptions during live performances. They appreciate fans coming alone to their shows and forming new friendships. However, they cannot tolerate heckling or disruptive behavior and would cancel shows if necessary. The speaker shares concerns about safety in certain locations, such as Oakland, and has had experiences with fans behaving erratically. They prefer not to do bus tours due to the close quarters and potential for conflict or discomfort. Despite the challenges, the speaker enjoys meeting fans and connecting with them during their tours.

    • Reflections on the Evolution of a CommunityThe speaker shares past experiences with the Vlog Squad, highlighting how members have evolved and the importance of preserving memories. Individual differences and respect are also emphasized.

      The dynamics of a group or community can change over time, revealing new and interesting aspects of its members. The speaker in this conversation reflects on past experiences with the Vlog Squad, noting how some members were quieter or less prominent in the early days but have since come into their own. This retrospective view offers a fresh perspective on the group and its evolution. Additionally, the conversation touches on the idea of erasing memories, with the speaker expressing a desire to revisit old content and rediscover forgotten talents. This highlights the importance of preserving memories and the value of revisiting the past. Furthermore, the conversation touches on the topic of circumcision, with the speaker expressing differing opinions on the matter and acknowledging that preferences and experiences can vary greatly among individuals. This underscores the importance of respecting individual choices and differences. In summary, the conversation offers insights into the evolving nature of communities, the value of preserving memories, and the importance of respecting individual differences.

    • Honesty and self-awareness in intimacyCommunication and self-awareness are vital for consensual and fulfilling sexual experiences. Honesty about preferences and boundaries is essential, and everyone has unique needs and comfort levels.

      Open communication and self-awareness are crucial when it comes to intimacy and sexual relationships. The speaker shares her experience of disclosing her physical attributes beforehand to avoid confusion and discomfort for both parties. She emphasizes that everyone has unique preferences and that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to sexual encounters. The speaker also acknowledges that men may be less picky about certain aspects of sexual anatomy and that everyone has different comfort levels and boundaries. She encourages empathy and understanding when navigating these situations, emphasizing that it's essential to respect each other's feelings and needs. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of honesty, communication, and self-awareness in creating fulfilling and consensual sexual experiences.

    • Matt King's Continued Connection with the Vlog SquadMatt King, a former Vlog Squad member, stays connected through podcast appearances and various platforms, earning income from brand deals and musical theater involvement. Some members are now married, raising questions about relationships within the group.

      Matt King, a former member of the Vlog Squad, has been staying connected with the group despite not being on Jeff Fernandez's podcast. He has been appearing on various podcasts, including those of his former colleagues. Matt was known for getting significant brand deals and earning a substantial income from them. He has also been involved in musical theater and is a fan of shows like "Dear Evan Hansen." Despite the group's move to Snapchat to avoid comments, Matt continues to be active and successful on various platforms. The speaker expresses a desire to have Matt on their podcast and has many questions for him. The speaker also mentions that some members of the Vlog Squad, including Keith, are now married, which raises questions about how relationships develop within the group.

    • Social media influencers' content can influence users even unintentionallySocial media influencers' weight loss transformations can impact followers, while meal kit services offer convenient, economical, and healthy meal solutions.

      Social media influencers' content, whether it's about weight loss or other topics, can unintentionally appear in users' feeds, leading to absorption of information even if the user doesn't fully understand or connect with the influencer's persona. Some influencers, like Zane, have undergone significant physical transformations through diet and exercise, but not all influencers' weight loss journeys are successful or interesting to followers. The pressure to maintain a certain image, especially after documenting a weight loss journey, can be intense. Meanwhile, meal kit services like Home Chef offer a convenient and economical solution for individuals who want to cook at home but lack the time or energy to plan meals and shop for ingredients. These services provide fresh, pre-portioned ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, making meal preparation effortless and saving users both time and money compared to ordering out or buying groceries. Additionally, meal kits can encourage users to consume more vegetables and try new recipes.

    • Discovering Home Chef: 18 Free Meals and Free ShippingHome Chef provides fresh meals with 18 free meals and free shipping on the first box, plus free dessert for life with code 'trish'.

      Home Chef is a great meal kit delivery service that offers fresh, easy-to-prepare meals right to your doorstep. The listener can enjoy 18 free meals and free shipping on their first box, as well as free dessert for life by using the code "trish" at checkout. The speaker also shared her past experience with a weight loss campaign and expressed her belief that everyone's body is different, and weight loss may not be achievable for some people despite their efforts. She also mentioned the trending topic of controversy surrounding popular Minecraft YouTubers and their alleged abusive behavior towards their girlfriends. Overall, Home Chef was the clear highlight of the discussion, offering a convenient and enjoyable solution for busy individuals looking for fresh and delicious meals.

    • Discussion about inappropriate behavior in Minecraft community, accusations against popular influencersConcerns over inappropriate behavior towards young fans in Minecraft community, allegations against influencers, impact on mental health, victim-blaming in comment sections, importance of addressing issues openly, brief mention of Shovel and her young toddler's abilities

      The Minecraft gaming community has faced allegations of inappropriate behavior towards young fans, with some popular influencers under scrutiny for their interactions. A sad story was shared about an ex-boyfriend, Wilbur, who was accused of abuse, and the discussion brought up several instances of underage fans coming forward with their experiences. The conversation also touched upon the potential pressures and mental health implications for young male influencers gaining popularity and attention from fans. The comment sections of these discussions were often filled with victim-blaming, which added to the overall concerning nature of the situation. Despite this, it was acknowledged that it's important for these issues to be addressed and discussed openly. Additionally, the conversation briefly touched upon a YouTube personality named Shovel, who is known for her tall stature and young age, and the awe-inspiring abilities of her toddler, Malibu.

    • Different Approaches to Health and WellnessPeople have unique ways of prioritizing rest and productivity for their health and wellbeing. Supporting each other's goals, despite differences, can lead to a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

      While some people are naturally more talkative and productive, others value rest and relaxation. The speaker in this conversation expresses her need for downtime and worries about gaining weight when not strictly controlling her food intake. She also shares her experience with finding motivation for weight loss through social media and walking. However, she acknowledges the importance of balance and productivity in her life. In contrast, her partner is more active and dislikes spending too much time in bed. They both have different approaches to health and wellness, but value each other's perspectives and support each other in their goals.

    • Unexpected collaborations from shared experiencesEmbrace individuality and value connections for meaningful collaborations, even if it means working with trusted individuals or unexpected friends.

      Connections and shared experiences can lead to unexpected and meaningful collaborations. In the conversation, the speaker shared an anecdote about a friend, Jimmy, who had created memes featuring the speaker in the past and would frequently use them whenever the topic of driving came up. Despite receiving numerous inquiries for video editing work, the speaker expressed a preference for working with trusted individuals, leading to a conversation about identity and labels. Ultimately, they acknowledged the importance of being true to oneself and valuing individuality, even if that means embracing labels or rejecting them altogether. The conversation also touched on the challenges of finding the right collaborators and the potential for unexpected friendships.

    • Exploring the Lives of Social Media Influencers Post-FameThe world of social media influencers raises complex questions about their lives beyond online fame, with experiences ranging from education and graduation to dealing with infamous situations and fan culture.

      The world of social media influencers raises interesting questions about what happens to them after their online fame. Matt and Ashley discussed the possibility of creating a show where they investigate the lives of YouTubers post-YouTube. They also shared their own experiences with education and graduation, revealing that they may not have diplomas despite having worked after college. The conversation then shifted to the infamous Matt Rife situation and the reaction of the involved girls, who bonded over their shared experience and poked fun at the situation. The discussion also touched on the phenomenon of Matt Rife stans and the societal norms that might have prevented similar friendships in the past. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and realities of online fame and the experiences of those who navigate it.

    • Exposing Deceitful Individuals on Social MediaSocial media provides a platform for accountability, deterring manipulation and lies through exposure, and empowering those who have been wronged to speak out.

      Social media has given a platform for people to hold those who manipulate and deceive accountable for their actions. The speaker shares her experience of dating actors who led her on, only to be exposed on social media for their infidelity. While she regrets not handling the situations "classier" ways, she acknowledges the trend of exposing deceitful individuals on TikTok as a form of "social media justice." The speaker believes that those who manipulate and lie should face consequences for their actions, and that the exposure on social media serves as a deterrent for future wrongdoing. She also emphasizes that those who are manipulated and lied to should not be ashamed for speaking out, as they are not ruining lives, but rather exposing the truth. The speaker concludes by expressing her support for women who have been manipulated and deceived, and encourages them to continue speaking out.

    • Discovering Common Ground Through Personal ExperiencesDespite age and experience differences, shared personal stories created a bond between speakers. They found comfort in their appreciation for family and overcame fears of moving out.

      The speakers in this conversation have had experiences with sexually transmitted infections and have found common ground in their shared pasts. They also discussed the rapid rise in popularity of Tara Yummy on social media platforms and her unique dynamic with content creators Jake Paul and John Cyrus. The speakers also shared stories about their own experiences with moving out of their parents' homes and the fear and uncertainty that comes with it. Despite their differences in age and experiences, they found common ground in their appreciation for the comfort and companionship of living with family. There was also a brief mention of Tara Yummy's paparazzi encounters but no controversy was mentioned in the conversation.

    • Tara's Date with Brandon and Jake's Mystery WomanInfluencers Tara and Jake's personal lives are under public scrutiny, with Tara potentially finding a more rock star partner in Brandon, while Jake is spotted with a mystery woman. Tara's flirtatious relationship with Zach remains just friends, and she gains even more fame as a permanent host on Dropouts.

      Tara, a popular influencer, was recently spotted on a date with Brandon Barker at Nobu Malibu, and her high-energy personality is believed to need a more rock star partner to match it. The paparazzi labeled it a date, but neither party has confirmed it. Meanwhile, Jake Ehrenreich, another influencer, was also spotted at Barney's Beanery with a mystery woman. Tara has a flirtatious relationship with Zach from Dropouts, but they are just friends. She became a permanent host on Dropouts, leading to even more fame. The influencer world is full of parties and networking opportunities, and Moana, the speaker, regrets missing Tara's party due to being pregnant. Influencers like Tara and Jake have a significant impact on their audiences, and their personal lives are often subject to public scrutiny.

    • Discussing Exciting Collaborations and Upcoming ProjectsThe hosts look forward to future collaborations with guests like Bad Bunny, Holly, Janelle Parvody, and Poverty, and are thrilled about potential Traders episodes and merchandise from Peacock.

      The podcast hosts are excited about potential collaborations and upcoming projects. They mentioned several guests they would love to have on their show, including Bad Bunny, Holly, Janelle Parvody, and Poverty. They also received merchandise from Peacock and discussed the possibility of a Traders episode. The hosts expressed their admiration for certain guests and their connections, while acknowledging that not all contestants know each other well on reality shows. They also shared their thoughts on past seasons and specific contestants, expressing surprise and admiration. Overall, the conversation revolved around the excitement for potential collaborations and upcoming projects.

    • Survivor: Trust and DeceptionPlayers must navigate trust and deception, balancing loyalty and self-preservation in Survivor.

      The game of Survivor involves accusations and betrayals, and sometimes the line between loyalty and deception can be blurred. In the specific case discussed, it seemed that Tristan was suspected of being a traitor, but it's unclear whether this was a genuine belief or a setup. The players were in a difficult situation, as they had agreed to vote together but found themselves in a situation where they had to choose between loyalty and self-preservation. Ultimately, MJ, who was perceived as a poor game player but a good person, was kept in the game due to her genuine nature. Another player, Kate 2, who had been ruthless throughout the game, surprisingly chose to leave voluntarily due to her discomfort with lying. The complex dynamics of trust and deception make Survivor an intriguing game.

    • Discussing Alan Cumming's Acting CareerGroup admired Alan Cumming's work in X2 X-Men United, Annie, and Cabaret, shared personal experiences, and appreciated European actors, ending with a shared love for Cumming's talent.

      During a conversation, the topic of Alan Cumming's acting career came up, and several people shared their admiration for his work in various films and musicals. They discussed his roles in "X2 X-Men United," "Annie," and "Cabaret," among others. Some mentioned their personal experiences meeting or interviewing him. The group also touched upon their appreciation for European actors and their experiences with starstruck moments, including encounters with Garth Brooks and Christina Aguilera. The conversation ended with a shared love for Alan Cumming's talent and a desire to see more of his work.

    • The Impact of Names on Legal Issues and ReputationBeing mindful of one's name can help avoid legal issues and negative reputation. Education and voting are important for everyone's voice to be heard.

      Names can cause legal issues and people may use them as a form of trolling or intimidation. In a recent incident, Mister Beast urged a man named Dznuts to change his name to avoid getting sued. This man had previously tried to sue Jimmy for copyright infringement. The name Dznuts gained notoriety after its owner was arrested for battery. The arrest was likely a result of the man's unusual name causing confusion and misunderstandings. The incident highlights the importance of being mindful of one's name and how it can impact one's life. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of education and voting, emphasizing that everyone's voice matters, regardless of their background or knowledge in politics.

    • Politicians and MisrepresentationThe speaker expresses skepticism towards the political system, sharing personal experiences of feeling manipulated by campaign messaging and misunderstanding politicians' stances on issues. They believe that everyone, regardless of education level, can contribute to important conversations and make a difference.

      The speaker expresses skepticism towards the political system and its ability to represent voters' true preferences. They share anecdotes about misunderstanding politicians' stances on issues and feeling manipulated by campaign messaging. The speaker also touches upon the topic of space exploration and its importance, but the conversation often drifts towards other topics, such as pop culture and personal experiences. Ultimately, the speaker seems to believe that everyone, regardless of education level, can contribute to important conversations and make a difference. They also share a light-hearted perspective on the entertainment industry and its sometimes questionable behavior.

    • Mystery Surrounds Kate Middleton's Photo with ChildrenSuspicions arose from a high-quality photo of Kate Middleton without her wedding ring, leading to theories of manipulation or AI-generated images. Transparency is crucial in image releases to prevent speculation.

      The release of a seemingly casual photo of Kate Middleton and her children without Prince William present raised suspicions due to its high quality, the absence of Kate's wedding ring, and apparent manipulations in the image. The fact that the Associated Press removed the photo added to the intrigue, as they rarely do so. Kate later explained that she had been experimenting with photo editing, but the inconsistencies in the image were noticeable. Theories ranged from the photo being manipulated to make it look newer, to multiple photos being edited together, or even AI-generated. The overall incident highlights the power of social media to fuel speculation and the importance of transparency in image releases.

    • Royal Family Drama: Conspiracy Theories and SecretsA UK news outlet's refusal to share metadata about a photo of a royal family member sparks speculation of a potential divorce or marital issues, with possible implications for the monarchy.

      There seems to be a great deal of speculation and intrigue surrounding the whereabouts and potential issues of a certain royal family member. The refusal of a UK news outlet to receive metadata related to a photo of this individual has fueled conspiracy theories, with many believing that a divorce or marital problems could be at the heart of the matter. The potential implications of a royal divorce, particularly if the individual in question is set to become king, have also been discussed. Additionally, there have been suggestions of health issues or cheating scandals. The fear and secrecy surrounding the royal family have been compared to high-profile cases involving public figures and allegations of affairs or scandals. The individual's uncle's appearance on Celebrity Big Brother has also added to the intrigue, as he has limited connection to the royal family beyond being a relative. Overall, the conversation highlights the intense public interest and speculation surrounding the personal lives of the British royal family.

    • Irish history and British monarchy connectionHistorical conflicts, royal family ties to trainers, and cultural misunderstandings shape the complex relationship between Ireland and the British monarchy. Empathy and understanding are crucial for bridging historical divides.

      The Irish history and the British monarchy are interconnected in various ways, including a historical conflict for Irish freedom. The discussion also touched upon the association of famous trainers with the royal family and the idea of Ireland not being welcoming to the royal family due to its past occupation by England. Another topic that emerged was the representation of leprechauns and the rainbow in Irish folklore, which was mistakenly assumed to be related to the LGBTQ+ community. The conversation also highlighted the significance of cameo appearances and the challenges of making a living through such platforms. Ultimately, the conversation showcased the complexities of history, cultural misunderstandings, and the importance of empathy and understanding towards people's circumstances.

    • Contestant's Divisive Actions and CriticismSpeaker expresses disbelief over contestant's extravagant spending and criticizes her comments towards another contestant, questioning her intelligence and motivations.

      The discussion revolved around the finale of a reality show and the contestant's extravagant outfits, with some criticism towards another contestant's comments. The speaker expressed her disbelief in the contestant's actions and the large sums of money spent on the show. She also shared her thoughts on the contestant's behavior towards her and her doubts about the contestant's intelligence. Additionally, they touched on the Dance Moms reunion and the contestant's controversial comments towards other dancers. The speaker questioned the contestant's motivations and her ability to understand the impact of the show on the dancers' lives. Overall, the conversation highlighted the contestant's divisive actions and the speaker's skepticism towards her.

    • Jojo Siwa's Defense of Abby Lee Miller Raises ConcernsJojo Siwa's continued defense of Abby Lee Miller despite criticisms and allegations of abuse raises questions about her perspective and potential victim shaming.

      Jojo Siwa's comments about her experience on "Dance Moms" and her reactions to others' criticisms have raised concerns about potential victim shaming and an apparent loyalty to her former abuser, Abby Lee Miller. Siwa's insistence on defending Miller and dismissing the experiences of others who have spoken out about the negative effects of their time on the show has left many questioning her perspective and motives. Additionally, her mainstream success and high public profile could potentially lead to further negative consequences if she continues to make divisive statements. Instead, it's recommended that Siwa focus on her career and personal growth, learning from her past experiences rather than dwelling on criticisms or defending those who may have caused harm.

    • Public Figures' Unpredictable Actions and ControversiesDespite past controversies, some public figures continue to make headlines for their actions or statements, like Jojo Siwa, Millie Bobby Brown, and Matt Rife. Unusual trends and reminiscing about old YouTube travel tours were also discussed.

      Some public figures, despite their past controversies, continue to make headlines due to their actions or statements. Jojo Siwa, for instance, has been known for her uncensored comments and actions, while Millie Bobby Brown and Matt Rife have been involved in allegations. The podcast hosts discussed their reactions to these situations and shared their thoughts on the matter. Additionally, they talked about unusual trends, such as Wizz Air's mystery destination flights, and reminisced about old YouTube travel tours. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unpredictability and intrigue of the public figure sphere.

    • Seth Rogen's borrowed lines and societal pressure to have childrenSeth Rogen's use of Alan Cummings' lines sparks plagiarism debate, while his emphasis on enjoying childless moments starts a conversation about societal pressure to have kids. Rogen also faces accusations of copying a makeup brand, adding to his recent controversies.

      Seth Rogen has been borrowing lines from Alan Cummings' monologues in his own videos, which some people find amusing, while others believe it's a form of plagiarism. Rogen's recent emphasis on enjoying childless moments has sparked a conversation about societal pressure to have children and the joys of being childfree. Meanwhile, Seth Rogen is facing accusations of copying a blush makeup brand, adding to his recent controversies. The hosts also discussed the idea of highlighting a new country each week on their podcast, and the importance of correctly pronouncing town names to avoid confusion. They also touched upon the representation of LGBTQ+ characters in children's media, such as the Leprechaun in Lucky Charms, and the possibility of a gay Leprechaun in a potential Lucky Charms movie. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from pop culture to societal pressures, with a lighthearted and humorous tone.

    • Misunderstanding movie preferences and social media dramaJimmy Kimmel and Guest discussed their contrasting movie tastes, Hailey Bieber's upcoming cosmetics launch, and the drama it sparked on social media, touching upon the influence of social media on beauty trends and celebrities.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including movies, celebrity crushes, cosmetics, and social media drama. Jimmy Kimmel's joke about going to the mountains with Ryan Gosling was misunderstood, leading to a conversation about their differing movie preferences. They also talked about Hailey Bieber's upcoming blush stick launch and the ensuing drama on social media. The conversation also touched upon the monotony of makeup packaging and the influence of social media on beauty trends. Overall, it was a lively exchange about pop culture and the impact of social media on celebrities and consumers alike.

    • Hailey Bieber's Influencer Status and Social Media ImpactHailey Bieber's public image and lower Hollywood status lead to increased scrutiny, while social media fuels the criticism. The power of social media shapes celebrity culture, and influencers like Hailey and Ariana Grande face hate but continue to influence.

      Hailey Bieber, as an influencer, faces more scrutiny and criticism than some other celebrities due to her public image and lower tier status in Hollywood. The speaker also shares their personal experiences with overspending, particularly on expensive food and smoothies, and the importance of saving money. They reflect on Hailey Bieber's influence and the impact of social media on celebrity culture, comparing her to an influencer like Ariana Grande who has faced hate but continued to release music. The speaker also touches on the topic of accents and their use in storytelling, mentioning their past experience in writing screenplays. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of social media and the public's perception of celebrities, as well as the importance of being mindful of spending habits.

    • Desire to Visit a Coffee Shop Near Quarantine's TheaterThe speaker expresses her excitement to visit a coffee shop connected to Quarantine, a movie production company, and shares shout outs to various people and brands.

      The speaker expresses her strong desire to visit a coffee shop connected to Quarantine, a movie production company, which is located in Silver Lake. She mentions that it's a Pam Grier coffee shop and shares its proximity to Quarantine's theater. The speaker also takes the opportunity to give shout outs to several people and brands, including Emily, Hassan, Ted, Attna McEntire, Just Trish, patreon.com/justtrish, Notadynify, no labels, RuPaul, SeatGeek, Home Chef, and Oscar Moses. The episode will cover discussions about Millie by Brown, Matt Rice, and Oscar's differing opinions on a particular topic. The next Patreon episode will feature these topics and more.

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    We're back to discuss this week's top headlines - Al Pacino anticlimactically announced Best Picture at the Oscars, Dave reacts to "I'm Just Ken," the internet found another Mark Zuckerberg look alike, the Kate Middleton conspiracy, Tara Yummy and Landon Barker, Jake Paul is fighting Mike Tyson, the women from the Matt Rife groupchat made it to the Cancelled tour, Adin Ross' unsanctioned boxing match, Hailey Bieber responds to divorce rumors, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Grace is opening for Whitney Cummings, Bri is bored on tour, Dave was too tan at UFC 299, Miss Peaches is getting PR, Josh is featured in Forbes and broke his hand, and we read Mean Comments. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Come for the chicken fingers and stay for sauce! Order online at https://raisingcanes.com/home/ Visible: Switch now at https://Visible.com. Rate with service on the Visible Plan. For additional terms and network management practices, see https://Visible.com. Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    Episode 28: 7 steps I would take if I were to start my coaching business today

    Episode 28: 7 steps I would take if I were to start my coaching business today

    Someone recently told me “you give away so much value for free; you shouldn't give so much away - then people won't buy from you”.


    I disagree. I don't believe that you can give away too much free value. I believe in changing people's lives even before they invest in working with me. 


    I often get messages like "this was the most valuable thing I have read or listened to in a long time; you not only share what's possible but you also teach how I can get there too". 


    This is much more potent than "that's inspiring". "Inspiring" does not change lives, nor does it lead to sales.


    In this Body-Led Business episode, I am sharing the exact strategic steps I invite you to take if you're in the earlier stages of building your business. After 4 years of running my business, going from 0 to 6 figs in the first year, taking lots of leaps and making plenty of mistakes along the way, I discuss the 7 steps I would take if I were to start my business today. 


    Yes, I am giving you so much value for free which, I know, can change the trajectory of your life.
    Get ready to take plenty of notes xoxo


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • The program for new coaches - Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/ 

    • Velocity Business Mastermind waitlist :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/velocity-2024 

    • FREE Body-Led Business movement practice :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/bodyledbusinesspractice 

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/


    175 | 5 Most Horrifying Facebook Encounters

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    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices