
    the highs, lows and everything in between

    enJuly 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering joy and growth through building confidence in public speakingConfidence in public speaking can lead to exciting opportunities and personal growth. Don't limit yourself, embrace new experiences and challenges.

      Building confidence in a particular area can lead to numerous opportunities and personal growth. The speaker has recently experienced this in her journey with public speaking. She started by doing her first event, then spoke in front of larger crowds, and was even invited to be a panelist for Meta. Additionally, she was invited to attend the Barbie premiere, which is outside of her comfort zone but an opportunity she's excited to take on. Through these experiences, she's discovered the joy of meeting her community in person and the importance of not limiting herself. Despite some low moments, the highs have greatly outweighed them and have brought her newfound confidence and excitement for the future.

    • Overcoming camera anxietyPractice, self-confidence, trying new poses, not worrying about perfection, and reassurance from photographer help overcome camera anxiety.

      Being comfortable and authentic in front of a camera takes practice and self-confidence. The speaker shared their personal experience of feeling anxious and uneasy during professional photo shoots, but over time, they've learned to relax and be themselves. They discovered that trying new poses and not worrying about perfection is key. The photographer's reassurance that not every picture needs to be shared also helped the speaker feel more at ease. The speaker's goal is to continue practicing and improving, not for external validation, but for the personal accomplishment of mastering something they once thought was out of reach. Overall, the speaker's message is one of self-acceptance, growth, and determination.

    • From Viral Videos to Mental Health RecoveryGoing viral on social media can lead to opportunities, but an excessive focus on appearance can hinder creativity and well-being. Embrace a balanced perspective and prioritize creativity and happiness.

      Confidence in front of a camera and the ability to create engaging content can open up numerous opportunities, as the speaker discovered through her experiences with social media. However, she also learned that an excessive focus on physical appearance and self-image can hinder creativity and overall well-being. The speaker's journey involved going viral on TikTok, struggling with mental health issues, and eventually finding recovery. Through this process, she realized the importance of having a balanced perspective and making room for creativity and happiness in her life.

    • Taking a break from TikTok for authenticityDespite community and brand partnerships, the speaker chose to prioritize authenticity over views and took a break from TikTok to focus on expressing her true self through mic'd up videos, resulting in a positive audience reaction.

      Deleting TikTok after having 1.2 million followers was a difficult decision for the speaker due to her community and brand partnerships. However, she felt the need to take a break from the app as she wasn't proud of the content she was creating and found herself scrolling excessively rather than creating. During her break, she discovered the importance of being true to herself and expressing her personality through mic'd up videos with a friend, which led to a positive reaction from her audience. The experience taught her to prioritize authenticity over views and to not let social media define her worth.

    • Authenticity leads to growth and success onlineEmbrace your authentic self for personal and professional growth online, dedication and hard work are necessary for success, and authenticity combined with quality content can lead to a thriving online presence.

      Being authentic and true to oneself online can lead to significant growth and success. The speaker shares her personal experience of increasing confidence in being herself on camera and seeing her videos perform better as a result. She encourages others to embrace their authentic selves and believes that it's not just rewarding but essential for personal and professional growth. Additionally, she acknowledges that success doesn't come overnight and requires dedication and hard work. The combination of authenticity, dedication, and quality content can lead to a thriving online presence and community.

    • The Power of PersistenceConsistently working towards your goals can lead to opportunities and success, but don't forget to take care of yourself and avoid burnout.

      Consistent effort and dedication to your goals can lead to significant opportunities and successes in the future. Anna shares her personal experience of putting in the work, grinding day after day, and then suddenly experiencing a surge of opportunities and success. However, it's important to remember to take care of yourself and avoid burnout. Anna shares her own experience of pushing herself too hard and eventually crashing, but then bouncing back and feeling happier than ever. So, the takeaway is to keep pushing forward, but also to remember to take breaks and take care of yourself along the way.

    • Shifting Perspective: From Low to HighTake a break, prioritize self-care, reach out for support, and engage in joyful activities to shift perspective and improve mood.

      Perspective can change dramatically in a short amount of time, and it's important to reach out for support when feeling critically low. The speaker shared a personal experience of feeling low and then, within 24 hours, shifting her perspective and experiencing joy. She also shared a tragic story of a girl who passed away by suicide, emphasizing the importance of opening up to someone when struggling. The speaker encouraged giving oneself permission to take a break and allowing room for self-care, which can lead to feeling good about taking time for oneself rather than feeling mentally low or procrastinating. She also emphasized the value of listening to other people's perspectives through podcasts or other means, even during a break from work. Overall, the takeaway is to prioritize self-care, reach out for support when needed, and make time for activities that bring joy and inspiration.

    • Giving Yourself Permission to DisconnectTaking breaks allows for creativity, productivity, and personal growth by reducing stress, inspiring new ideas, and acknowledging emotions. Engage in joyful activities to rejuvenate the mind and body.

      Giving yourself permission to disconnect and take a break is essential for creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. Listening to motivational content and allowing ideas to flow in without feeling overwhelmed or pressured to act on them can lead to valuable insights and inspiration. Additionally, recognizing that everyone carries deeper insecurities and wounds from their upbringing and understanding that it's okay to feel those emotions without letting them define you can lead to personal growth and self-acceptance. Taking time off to engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as attending a rave or repotting plants, can also rejuvenate the mind and body. Overall, taking a break and giving yourself permission to do so can lead to unexpected benefits and a renewed sense of purpose and passion.

    • Personal Growth Through TherapyTherapy can help address deep-rooted emotions and limiting beliefs, leading to increased confidence, self-understanding, and overall improvement in life. Seek help when triggered and practice journaling and self-reflection for continued growth.

      Therapy can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. The speaker shares her experience of using therapy to address deep-rooted emotions and limiting beliefs, leading to increased confidence, self-understanding, and overall improvement in her life. She emphasizes the importance of continuing therapy as a means of further self-exploration and growth. The speaker also highlights the significance of seeking help when triggered, as therapy can provide a perspective shift and help one navigate difficult emotions. Through the use of journaling and self-reflection, one can identify their strengths and shift from feelings of inadequacy to feelings of empowerment. Overall, the speaker's experience underscores the value of therapy in promoting emotional resilience and personal growth.

    • Healing through self-reflection and positive affirmationsJournaling, letting go of negativity, self-belief, and rest can help individuals overcome limiting beliefs and bounce back from lows.

      Self-reflection and positive affirmations can help individuals bounce back from lows and overcome limiting beliefs. The speaker shared her personal experience of journaling and letting go of negative thoughts by writing them down and burning them, which brought her a sense of healing and empowerment. She also emphasized the importance of believing in oneself and allowing rest, rather than constantly pushing oneself. Additionally, she mentioned her past experience with a gym crush and encouraged listeners to keep personal and professional topics separate on different social media platforms.

    • Being clear about intentions is key in relationshipsClarify your intentions early on to avoid getting carried away or causing confusion. Self-reflection can help determine what you truly want in a relationship. Communicate openly and honestly about changing intentions to prevent hurt feelings.

      Being clear about your intentions and being grounded in what you want is crucial in any relationship. The speaker went into a relationship with the mindset of not looking for a serious commitment, but got swayed when the other person had strong intentions for the relationship. This experience taught her that when someone else has a clear intention, it's essential to be clear about your own intentions to avoid getting carried away. Additionally, taking time for self-reflection can help clarify what you truly want and need in a relationship. The speaker learned that she didn't want the level of commitment the other person was seeking and valued her independence and busy lifestyle. Communicating openly and honestly about changing intentions is also important to prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

    • Honesty and changing priorities in relationshipsPeople are allowed to change their minds and prioritize their own needs in relationships. Honesty and clear communication are crucial in navigating these situations.

      Honesty, even if it's difficult, is essential in relationships. The speaker in this discussion was open about changing her priorities and not wanting a relationship at the moment, but her honesty was met with defensiveness and criticism from her partner. She stood firm in her decision and her self-worth, despite his attempts to make her feel guilty. It's important to remember that people are allowed to change their minds and prioritize their own needs, and communication is key in navigating these situations. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of understanding one another's perspectives and the impact of assumptions on relationships.

    • Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings in relationshipsClear communication and being true to oneself are essential for healthy relationships. Overlooking red flags can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications.

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications in relationships. The speaker shared an experience where she felt disconnected from someone she was seeing after a week of intense connection. She admitted that she had worked less during that week than usual and felt disengaged when her partner reminded her of her responsibilities. This led her to question the authenticity of their connection and ultimately ended the relationship. She also recognized that she had overlooked some red flags early on but was more efficient in recognizing them in the future. The experience taught her the importance of clear communication and being true to oneself. Additionally, she shared how her sensitivity to energy led to a lingering feeling of tension even after the relationship had ended, when they unexpectedly crossed paths at the gym.

    • Addressing gym conflicts through effective communicationEffective communication is crucial for resolving conflicts, even in minor situations. By addressing concerns in a mature and respectful manner, both parties can express themselves and find a resolution, leading to a more positive environment.

      Effective communication is key to resolving conflicts, even in seemingly trivial situations. In the discussed scenario, the speaker took the initiative to address an issue with a gym-goer who had inadvertently blocked her in. Despite not having interacted with him before, she communicated her feelings and concerns in a mature and respectful manner, leading to a resolution. The conversation allowed both parties to express themselves and move past the issue, creating a more positive gym environment for both. Additionally, recognizing and addressing changes in routines or behaviors can help prevent future misunderstandings. Overall, this incident demonstrates the importance of addressing conflicts head-on and maintaining open communication to foster a positive and respectful environment.

    • The Importance of Authentic Connections for Personal GrowthClarify misunderstandings, be true to yourself, value friendships, and express yourself freely for personal growth and deeper connections.

      Understanding and connecting with people on a deeper level, whether romantically or as friends, is essential for personal growth and happiness. The speaker shared her experience of clarifying misunderstandings with someone older than her and realizing the importance of being true to herself and her desires. She also emphasized the value of friendships built on shared experiences and understanding, rather than romantic connections. Furthermore, she discussed the challenge of expressing herself freely on her podcast without fear of judgment from her mother. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-expression, authentic connections, and independence in navigating relationships and personal growth.

    • Growing Up: Setting Boundaries and Asserting IndependenceCommunication and understanding are vital for maintaining healthy relationships, especially between parents and adult children. Everyone has the right to live their lives in their unique way, and love and support can take many forms beyond criticism and advice.

      Setting boundaries and asserting independence are essential parts of growing up. The speaker in this conversation had been feeling suffocated by her mother's constant suggestions and criticisms, which she perceived as attempts to control her life. The speaker wanted to be treated as an adult and valued her way of doing things, even if they weren't perfect. She expressed her need for her mother to love her in different ways and to respect her boundaries. The conversation underscores the importance of communication and understanding in maintaining healthy relationships, especially between parents and adult children. It's crucial to recognize that everyone has the right to live their lives in their unique way and that love and support can take many forms beyond criticism and advice.

    • Mother's visit disrupts speaker's independenceSpeaker deeply values independence, feels agitated when autonomy threatened, and prioritizes maintaining control in her own living space.

      The speaker values her independence deeply and feels agitated when her autonomy is threatened, even if it's from her family. She has worked hard to achieve financial independence and her own living space, and feels frustrated when she is expected to follow someone else's rules. During a recent visit from her mother, the speaker felt regressed and treated like a child, triggering her anger and leading to a heated argument. The incident left her feeling emotionally drained and longing for her own space. Ultimately, the speaker's need for independence is a deeply rooted part of her identity, and she prioritizes maintaining control in her own living space.

    • Childhood experiences impact present behaviorsRecognizing patterns rooted in past relationships can lead to insight and healing, but may also cause misunderstandings and miscommunications.

      Our past experiences and relationships can significantly impact our present behaviors and emotions. The speaker shared an experience of reuniting with her mother after a long time, which triggered an old defense mechanism from her childhood. Despite wanting comfort and love, she pushed her mother away when questioned, leaving her mother with concerns about her well-being. This incident made the speaker realize that she often pushes away those closest to her when feeling vulnerable, a behavior rooted in her past relationship with her mother. By recognizing this pattern, the speaker gained insight into her actions and was able to heal and move forward. However, her mother's perception of her may have been negatively affected, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Understanding the roots of our behaviors and communicating openly with loved ones can help prevent misunderstandings and promote healthy relationships.

    • Sharing personal stories and connecting with othersAuthenticity and sharing personal experiences can lead to validation, encouragement, and deeper connections with others.

      Sharing personal experiences, even in a public forum like a podcast, can be vulnerable but also rewarding. The speaker in this podcast episode opened up about her complicated relationship with her mother and invited listeners to share what resonated with them. By doing so, she received validation and encouragement, which in turn gave her the confidence to continue sharing her story. Additionally, she reminded listeners that she also has a YouTube channel for those who want more of her comforting presence. Overall, this episode emphasizes the importance of authenticity and the power of connection through shared experiences.

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