
    UFYB 202: Self-Worth, Dating, Rejection & Love: A Conversation with Clara Artschwager

    enSeptember 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing on self-acceptance and vulnerability for relationship anxiety solutionTo overcome relationship anxiety, focus on self-acceptance and vulnerability, crucial for dating with conscious integrity.

      Our relationship anxiety often stems from our own inability to accept and receive love, rather than external factors like finding the right person or dealing with their flaws. The solution to overcoming relationship anxiety involves focusing on our relationship with ourselves and learning to be vulnerable and accept love in its various forms. This is a crucial aspect of dating with conscious integrity, regardless of the current relationship status or future goals. Listen to the podcast episode for a valuable conversation on this topic with relationship coach Clara Persis. Remember, the relationship anxiety solution webinar is also available for free by texting your email to +13479971784 with the code word "solution" or visiting unfactorybrain.com/forward/solution.

    • Navigating Misunderstandings in RelationshipsEffective communication and self-awareness are essential in relationships, and focusing on the process of self-discovery and self-love can lead to better outcomes than solely pursuing a specific result.

      Effective communication and self-awareness are crucial elements in navigating relationships, both online and offline. The conversation between the podcast host and Clara Archwager highlights the importance of clarifying misunderstandings and being true to one's identity. Clara shared her experience of having a miscommunication in her online dating journey, which led her to become a conscious dating and relationship coach. She helps women who have made significant progress in other areas of their lives but struggle with dating and relationships. Through her coaching, she emphasizes the importance of focusing on the process of self-discovery and self-love rather than just achieving a specific result, such as getting married or being in a relationship. This approach sets her work apart in the online dating coaching world, which often focuses solely on the end goal. The conversation also underscores the need for clear and accurate communication, as miscommunications can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, both in personal relationships and professional contexts.

    • Misunderstandings in communication can lead to meaningful connectionsAuthenticity and clear intentions in communication can result in valuable connections, even when assumptions are incorrect

      Authenticity in communication and understanding different intentions can lead to meaningful connections, even if there are initial misunderstandings. The speaker shared her experience of connecting with a coach via Instagram, assuming it was a friend date, only to discover it was a business call. Despite the miscommunication, they managed to build a friendship. The speaker also expressed her observation of the exhaustion and defensiveness in the realm of online dating and how she's working on addressing it by focusing on her nervous system reactions to perceived threats. In marketing and personal relationships, being true to oneself and having clear intentions can ultimately lead to valuable connections.

    • Hypersensitivity in Relationships: Defensiveness, Burnout, and the 'Boomerang Effect'Being aware of past experiences and nervous system wiring that can make us hypersensitive in relationships, and avoiding the urge to control outcomes, can lead to healthier, more fulfilling connections.

      Our past experiences and nervous system wiring can make us hypersensitive to perceived threats in relationships, leading to defensiveness and burnout. This can manifest as an overinvestment in new relationships, followed by a "boomerang effect" when things don't work out. Women, in particular, may feel like they're constantly on the defensive in dating, but they also engage in offensive behaviors without realizing it. The desire for control and validation can lead us to jump to conclusions about a relationship's potential, often before we truly know the other person. It's important to recognize these patterns and give relationships the time and space they need to develop naturally. Instead of trying to control the outcome, focus on getting to know your partner and building a strong foundation based on mutual respect and understanding.

    • Rethinking the approach to datingPatience and an open mind are key to successful relationships. Self-awareness and growth mindset are essential in the dating process.

      The instant chemistry or strong attraction we feel towards someone is not always an accurate indicator of a successful relationship. Instead, it's essential to approach dating with patience and an open mind, recognizing that getting to know someone takes time. The speaker shares her personal journey of rethinking her approach to dating and understanding that the alternative to instant chemistry is not settling for unfulfilling relationships but rather embracing the process of getting to know someone genuinely. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and recognizing that our thoughts and beliefs about dating can impact our experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of approaching dating with a growth mindset and a willingness to learn and adapt.

    • Reducing Anxiety in Dating: A Balanced PerspectiveApproach dating with a balanced perspective, recognizing that it should not consume an outsized portion of one's brain space or emotions.

      While modern dating and the use of dating apps can provide numerous opportunities for connection, the initial effort should not solely focus on finding a relationship but rather on reducing the stress and anxiety often associated with it. The speaker's personal experience with renovating a house and the anticipation of potential misery mirrors the anxiety and disproportionate impact dating can have on one's life. It's essential to consider the importance of dating in one's life and the potential disconnect between wanting a partner and experiencing constant anxiety upon finding one. The speaker also mentions the concept of attachment theory and its potential relevance to understanding and addressing anxiety in dating. Overall, the takeaway is to approach dating with a more balanced perspective, recognizing that it should not consume an outsized portion of one's brain space or emotions.

    • Attachment styles impact relationships, but personal beliefs and socialization can influence themUnderstanding attachment styles is crucial for healthy relationships, but remember, they can be shaped by personal beliefs and socialization. Focus on personal growth and self-awareness for a more fulfilling connection.

      Attachment styles, such as anxious or avoidant, can significantly impact our relationships. However, these styles can be influenced by socialization and personal beliefs, making the situation more complex than just finding a securely attached partner. Anxiety in a relationship may stem from attachment issues, but it can also arise when we're overly attached to the story or outcome of the relationship. Moreover, the scarcity mindset, which is not related to attachment, can also lead to anxiety and attachment issues. The book "Secure: A Nested Model of Attachment, Trauma, and Healing in Polyamorous Relationships" by Jessica Fern offers valuable insights into disorganized attachment, a condition characterized by features of both anxious and avoidant styles. It's essential to remember that even with a secure attachment, we're still human and will face challenges. Therefore, focusing on personal growth and self-awareness can be more beneficial than solely seeking a securely attached partner.

    • Understanding Attachment Styles and Their Impact on RelationshipsRecognizing our attachment styles and past experiences can help us manage emotions and respond effectively to perceived rejections in relationships

      Understanding our attachment styles and the underlying emotions driving our behaviors can help us navigate relationships more effectively. The speaker shares her experience of having a disorganized attachment style, marked by anxiety and defensiveness. She relates to a book that accurately describes this style and how societal expectations can exacerbate it. The speaker emphasizes that reactions to perceived rejections are often rooted in past experiences and can be disproportionate to the present situation. By recognizing these patterns and learning to separate present threats from past ones, the speaker has gained valuable insight and improved her ability to manage her emotions in relationships. It's important to remember that managing reactions to rejection is a human endeavor, not a sign of imperviousness or excessive confidence.

    • Navigating Emotions in RelationshipsSelf-awareness and managing emotions are crucial for effective communication in relationships. Overinterpreting situations can lead to unnecessary stress and shutdowns. Focus on having conversations as they come up and trusting oneself to handle the outcome. Recognize and accept feelings of disappointment without attaching excessive meaning to them.

      Effective communication in relationships requires self-awareness and the ability to manage emotions. The speaker shared her experience of overinterpreting situations for danger in past relationships, leading to unnecessary stress and shutdowns. She's now focusing on having conversations as they come up and trusting herself to handle the outcome. The speaker also mentioned the importance of recognizing and accepting feelings of disappointment without attaching excessive meaning to them. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-compassion and mindfulness in navigating relationships and managing emotions.

    • Focusing too much on red flags in dating can cause anxietyInstead of fixating on potential issues, allow people to show up authentically and learn valuable lessons from every relationship

      Focusing too much on identifying red flags in dating can lead to unnecessary suffering and anxiety. Instead of looking for specific signs of potential issues, it's essential to recognize that everyone's experiences and relationships are unique. The fear of wasting time or making the wrong choice can create a heavy burden, especially for those actively working on personal growth. By letting go of the need to control the outcome and allowing people to show up authentically, we can reduce our internal struggles and find more freedom in the dating process. Ultimately, it's important to remember that not every relationship will be perfect, and that's okay. The lessons we learn along the way are valuable, even if the relationship doesn't last.

    • Relationships are cocreated, not predeterminedShift perspective, approach relationships with open mind, focus on present moment and connection

      Relationships are not predetermined or controllable, and it's unrealistic to believe that we can identify a "right person" or a "wrong person" based on early signs or red flags. Instead, relationships are cocreated by both partners and the circumstances of their lives. The belief that we can predict the outcome and judge someone's worth based on early signs perpetuates a fixed mindset and can prevent us from truly getting to know the person. It's essential to shift our perspective and approach relationships with an open mind, recognizing that uncertainty and change are inherent parts of life. We cannot control the outcome, but we can control how we respond to the challenges that come our way. Ultimately, the key is to focus on the present moment and the connection we have with our partner, rather than trying to predict the future or judge based on past experiences.

    • Focusing on fitting partners into plans leads to misunderstandings and emotional wallsBe present and open to experiencing people for who they are, acknowledge and address emotional barriers for authentic connections.

      In modern dating, people often focus more on fitting a potential partner into their preconceived narrative or plan, rather than truly getting to know them as individuals. This approach can lead to objectification and misunderstandings, ultimately resulting in emotional walls being put up and relationships being cut short. It's essential to be present and open to experiencing people for who they are, rather than trying to control the situation or fit them into a predetermined slot. Additionally, it's important to recognize that negative emotions, such as anxiety and resistance, can significantly impact our perception of potential partners, making it difficult to accurately assess whether or not there is mutual interest or compatibility. By acknowledging and addressing these emotional barriers, we can foster more authentic and meaningful connections.

    • Perspective and Communication in RelationshipsOur perception of people and situations can shift greatly when we change our perspective. Texting anxiety can cloud our judgment, leading to assumptions that may not be accurate. Recognizing this and letting go of resistance and self-criticism can improve our relationships and communication.

      Our perception of people and situations can change significantly when we shift our perspective. This was discussed in relation to dating experiences and the anxiety surrounding text messaging. People may seem uninteresting or meh in one headspace but intriguing in another. Our engagement system, including our expectations and interpretations, needs to be recalibrated. Texting anxiety, which can be a significant element of this larger issue, stems from the weight we give to text messages and the time we spend interpreting them. The idea that someone not constantly texting means they're cheating is a common but unfounded belief. Our own anxiety and obsession with texting can cloud our judgment, leading us to make assumptions that may not be accurate. By recognizing this and letting go of resistance and self-criticism, we can approach relationships and communication in a healthier way.

    • Understanding Texting Anxiety in RelationshipsTexting anxiety in relationships can stem from personal beliefs, past experiences, societal norms, and nervous system responses. It's important to recognize that it's not a definitive sign of a problem and can be managed with understanding and communication tools.

      Communication preferences and anxiety around texting in relationships can stem from various factors, including personal beliefs, past experiences, and nervous system responses. Men and women may have different perspectives on texting due to societal norms and self-worth. However, it's essential to recognize that texting anxiety isn't a definitive sign of a problem or insanity. Instead, it can be a control issue or a symptom of a nervous system that overinterprets potential threats. By understanding these patterns and tracking emotional responses, individuals can learn to manage their anxiety and improve their relationships. Ultimately, coaching can provide valuable insights and tools to help individuals navigate their unique communication styles and build healthier, more fulfilling connections.

    • Maintain Detachment in Relationships for HappinessConstruct relationships on your own terms with detachment for maximum joy and happiness. Find Clara at claraarchwager.com for coaching programs and community.

      While relationships bring joy and connection to our lives, it's essential to maintain a sense of detachment and not let another person's behavior determine every minute of our lives. Clara Archwager, a relationship coach, emphasizes the importance of constructing relationships on our own terms, with the least amount of worry and anxiety. She shares her personal experience of finding the most bliss in relationships when she's quite detached from her partner. The conversation also touched upon the topic of relationship anxiety and its correlation with the timeline pressure around kids, but they decided to explore that further in a future episode. To connect with Clara, listeners can find her at claraarchwager.com, where she offers coaching programs, a newsletter, and shares her writing. She invites everyone to join The Clutch, the podcast community for all things Unfuck Your Brain, where they can learn new coaching tools, get individual help applying concepts, and connect with like-minded individuals.

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