
    UFYB 205: Not Identifying As a Feminist: A Conversation with Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching Graduates Amy Logan, Brig Johnson, Linda Street, and Maggie Reyes

    enSeptember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding diverse perspectives in feminismAcknowledge differences in backgrounds and reasons for engaging with feminism, create inclusive spaces, and address historical exclusion to make the movement more effective.

      It's essential to understand and respect the diverse perspectives and experiences within the feminist movement. The host of the "Unfucked Your Brain" podcast had a thought-provoking conversation with some of her students, who were coaches but didn't necessarily identify as feminists. This discussion highlighted the importance of acknowledging the differences in people's backgrounds, identities, and reasons for engaging (or not) with social justice movements like feminism. The podcast emphasized the need to move beyond insular thinking and to create inclusive spaces where people can explore their relationship to feminism, even if they don't initially identify as feminists. The conversation also touched upon the historical context of feminism as a predominantly white, privileged women's movement and the importance of addressing these issues to make the movement more inclusive and effective.

    • Exploring the diversity and evolution of coaches' relationships to feminismCoaches' perspectives on feminism can shift, highlighting the importance of recognizing intersectionality within the movement.

      Our relationships to the term "feminist" have been diverse and evolving. Some coaches had little to no relationship with the word before joining the group, while others identified as feminists but didn't see it as a core part of their identity. The conversation highlighted how experiences and perspectives can shift, and the importance of recognizing intersectionality within feminism. Brick Johnson, for instance, didn't consider herself a feminist until she discovered black feminism and its relevance to her experiences as a high-achieving black woman. Maggie Reyes identified as a feminist but didn't actively label herself as such. Linda Street saw herself as a feminist due to her experiences as a single mother, but it wasn't a significant part of her identity. These coaches' experiences demonstrate that the meaning and relevance of feminism can vary greatly among individuals.

    • Understanding the diversity of feminist perspectivesFeminism means different things to different people. Acknowledge and learn from various perspectives, and strive for inclusivity and intersectionality.

      Feminism means different things to different people based on their experiences and upbringing. Some may identify as feminists and actively work towards gender equality, while others may have had negative experiences with the label or may not see it as relevant to their identity. The discussion also highlighted the importance of acknowledging and understanding the various intersections of feminism, including race, class, and sexuality, to avoid perpetuating exclusionary forms of feminism. Ultimately, it's essential to approach feminism with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to inclusivity and intersectionality.

    • Understanding the historical context of feminismFeminism has a complex history, and it's important to recognize the differences between various forms and their historical contexts to avoid exclusion and promote inclusivity

      The concept of feminism, particularly white feminism, can be complex and nuanced, with historical and societal contexts that may make some individuals feel excluded or uncomfortable. Amy, a guest on the podcast, shared her personal experience of growing up with a negative perception of feminism due to her religious upbringing. She felt a fear and reluctance to identify with the term, but later discovered the importance of understanding the differences between various forms of feminism and their historical contexts. The discussion highlighted how white feminism has been criticized for focusing primarily on the issues and experiences of middle to upper class white women, while overlooking the unique challenges faced by women of color and other marginalized communities. This historical context and its impact on individual perceptions of feminism was a key theme in the conversation.

    • Personal experiences and education shape perspective on feminismDiscovering feminism through personal growth or education broadens understanding of patriarchy and its impact on diverse communities

      Personal experiences and education can significantly shape one's perspective on feminism and its role in various communities. The speakers shared their experiences of discovering feminism, either through personal growth or educational opportunities, and how it transformed their understanding of the patriarchy and its impact on different communities. For some, like Brit, it was a gradual process of recognizing the patriarchal structures within their own religious background, while for others, like Maggie, it was an awakening to the existence of black male patriarchy. Regardless of the starting point, the Advanced Certification Feminist Coaching program provided a space for exploration and learning, helping them to expand their understanding of feminism and its relevance to different communities and experiences.

    • Understanding Systems of Oppression for Effective CoachingRecognizing and addressing systems of oppression like patriarchy and white supremacy is crucial for effective coaching. This can lead to significant impact on maternal health outcomes and personal growth for coaches.

      Understanding and addressing the systems of oppression, such as patriarchy and white supremacy, is essential for effective coaching. This was a revelation for Maggie, who grew up in challenging circumstances and later recognized the connection between these systems and her coaching work. For Linda, this understanding was particularly relevant to her work as a doctor and coach, where she could make a significant impact on maternal health outcomes by addressing intersectional issues. Amy, who grew up in a restrictive religious environment, also saw the importance of stepping into uncomfortable topics, such as feminism, to expand her knowledge and grow as a coach. Overall, this program offers a deeper understanding of the contexts that shape our lives and the opportunity to become more effective coaches by addressing these systems of oppression.

    • Exploring feminist principles in personal growth and educationRecognizing unconscious biases and embracing nonhierarchical approaches can lead to transformative identity shifts and effective communication in personal life and coaching work.

      Personal growth and education are interconnected, and embracing a feminist perspective can lead to significant identity shifts and improvements in both personal life and coaching work. The discussion highlighted how becoming aware of unconscious biases, such as heteronormativity and hierarchical mindsets, can be transformative. For instance, recognizing the importance of nonhierarchical approaches in coaching sessions or group interactions can lead to more effective communication and growth. A concrete example given was the idea of embracing messiness and doing "do overs" in group settings to encourage learning and growth. Overall, the feminist principles learned in the course opened up new perspectives and expanded the participants' ways of thinking, leading to a more inclusive and intersectional approach to their work.

    • Creating an inclusive space for open communication and peer coachingInclusive communication and peer coaching can lead to significant growth and deeper connections, challenging traditional hierarchical coaching models.

      Creating a safe and inclusive space for open communication and peer coaching can lead to significant growth and connection. This approach challenges the traditional hierarchical coaching model and allows individuals to learn from one another, fostering vulnerability, support, and understanding. Additionally, making an effort to be more inclusive through language and acknowledging the unique experiences of others can lead to deeper connections and a more equitable environment. It's essential to remember that being an expert in everyone's lived experience is not necessary, but acknowledging differences and creating a welcoming space can go a long way in fostering meaningful conversations and growth.

    • Understanding societal conditioning for personal growth and effective coachingRecognizing societal conditioning's impact on our thoughts and reactions is crucial for personal growth and effective coaching.

      Understanding the systemic roots of our experiences is crucial for personal growth and effective coaching. As the speaker shared, her participation in a podcast series called "Outside the White Box" helped her comprehend the impact of societal conditioning on her own behavior and emotions. This insight allowed her to accept her duality as a high-achieving black woman and create a safe space for her clients as a coach. While initial coaching tools may address surface-level issues, it's essential to recognize the deeper social influences that shape our thoughts and reactions. By acknowledging these systemic factors, we can better understand ourselves and help others do the same.

    • Understanding Systemic Issues in Relationships and Career AdvancementRecognize systemic issues in relationships and career advancement, acknowledge their impact, create safe spaces for dialogue, and empower individuals to navigate them.

      Systemic issues play a significant role in various aspects of people's lives, including relationships and career advancement. These issues are not individual problems but rather systemic ones that require collective understanding and action. Empowerment doesn't mean ignoring the existence of these issues but rather acknowledging them and focusing on personal resilience and finding ways to navigate them. In the context of gender and racial disparities, it's essential to recognize that there are multiple layers of marginalization that impact individuals differently. Creating safe spaces for open dialogue and understanding can help in addressing these complex issues. Ultimately, the goal is to help individuals see their experiences clearly and trust their ability to find solutions.

    • Recognizing biases and oppressive systems in negotiationsEmpower yourself by acknowledging biases and focusing on what you can control, such as how you show up and the outcomes you choose, to win regardless of the negotiation's outcome.

      Acknowledging the existence of biases and oppressive systems in negotiations doesn't mean giving up on personal power or options. It's essential to recognize that others may hold biases, but focusing on what we can control - how we show up and the outcomes we choose - empowers us to win regardless of the outcome of the negotiation. It's crucial not to internalize the belief that we have no options or that the system dictates our lives, as this mindset only strengthens the oppressive system. Instead, we must believe in our ability to change our lives and access opportunities, fostering creativity and resilience in the face of challenges.

    • Understanding and Challenging Limiting BeliefsThe 'Feminist Coaching Program' helps individuals recognize and challenge ingrained thoughts, dismantling limiting beliefs to create new, empowering ones. Recognizing the origins of self-doubt as external influences and not personal truths is a freeing and empowering process.

      Limiting beliefs can significantly impact our personal and professional lives, often stemming from societal and cultural conditioning. The discussion highlighted how the "Feminist Coaching Program" helped participants gain a broader perspective, understand the connections, and challenge these ingrained thoughts. This program allowed individuals to recognize the origins of their self-doubt, recognize it as an external influence rather than a personal truth, and ultimately, dismantle these thoughts to create new, empowering beliefs. This process was described as freeing and empowering, enabling individuals to become architects of their own lives and helping them to better assist their clients in overcoming similar challenges. The conversation underscored the importance of recognizing and addressing the root causes of limiting beliefs, particularly those related to gender and societal conditioning.

    • Embracing imperfection and messinessIt's okay to have messy conversations and put unfinished work out into the world, as imperfection is valuable and important for personal and professional growth.

      Imperfection and messiness in the creative process and in life are valuable and important, despite societal pressures to present only perfect and beyond reproach versions of ourselves, especially for marginalized individuals. It's okay to have messy conversations and put unfinished work out into the world, as people will judge us regardless. This idea was emphasized during a class discussion, and the speaker found it to be a life-changing realization. By embracing imperfection and messiness, we can model this behavior for ourselves and for our clients, and it can lead to valuable and life-changing experiences. The Clutch, a community for learning and applying the concepts of Unfuck Your Brain, is a place where individuals can connect and learn together in a supportive and imperfect environment.

    • Expressing excitement builds connectionsExpressing eagerness and anticipation can make others feel valued and appreciated, leading to deeper and more meaningful connections

      The importance of anticipation and excitement in building connections. The speaker's statement "I can't wait to see you there" conveys a sense of eagerness and enthusiasm that can help create a positive and engaging atmosphere. This attitude can be beneficial in various contexts, such as in personal relationships, professional networking, or even in social situations. By expressing excitement and looking forward to interactions, we can make others feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to deeper and more meaningful connections. So, whether it's a business meeting or a social gathering, remember that a little anticipation and excitement can go a long way in building and strengthening relationships.

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