
    UFYB 232: Changing Biased Preferences in Dating or Anywhere Else: An Interview with Damona Hoffman

    enApril 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Online dating as a tool for self-discovery and relationship growthOnline dating can amplify societal trends, help navigate internalized biases, and lead to meaningful connections and long-term relationships when approached as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection

      Online dating, when used correctly, can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and rewiring the brain for better relationships. Damona, a celebrity dating coach with extensive experience in the field, shares her insights from over 15 years of coaching singles and her own personal experience of finding love online. She emphasizes that online dating is an amplifier of societal trends and can help individuals navigate internalized biases. Despite common misconceptions, Damona believes that online dating can lead to meaningful connections and even long-term relationships. She encourages listeners to approach online dating as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection, rather than a source of frustration or disappointment. By embracing the process and learning from each experience, individuals can use online dating to unfuck their brains and discover the relationships they truly desire.

    • Expanding Social Circles and Challenging BiasesRecognizing and addressing racial bias through dating apps can lead to more enriching experiences and accurate impressions of different cultures.

      Racial bias, a social construct with real-world impacts, limits our understanding and connections with people from different backgrounds. The speaker, with a diverse personal background, emphasizes the importance of expanding our social circles and challenging our biases, especially in the context of online dating. By using dating apps, we can encounter a broader range of people than we might in our daily lives, leading to more enriching experiences and accurate impressions of different cultures. The speaker's experience in corporate media and diversity work further highlights the significance of representation and the need to engage with people from diverse backgrounds. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing racial bias to foster greater understanding and connection in our personal and social lives.

    • Impact of technology on modern dating and relationshipsTechnology has made connecting across cultures and continents easier, but also highlights the existence of biases that need to be addressed.

      You can't deny the impact of technology on modern dating and relationships. It has broken down geographical barriers, making it easier for people to connect across cultures and even continents. However, it has also brought to the forefront the existence of biases, such as racial bias, that continue to play out in the dating world. These biases, while some may argue they are just preferences, are deeply rooted in societal constructs and need to be examined and addressed. The discussion also highlighted the importance of questioning our own biases and understanding where they come from. Overall, technology has revolutionized dating, but it also presents new challenges that require conscious awareness and effort to overcome.

    • Exploring the origins of dating preferencesQuestion deeper-rooted biases, use techniques like 5 whys for self-examination, and challenge assumptions for a more inclusive and authentic dating experience

      Our dating preferences may be influenced by deeper-rooted biases, conscious or unconscious, shaped by societal norms and media portrayals. It's essential to question these preferences and explore their origins using techniques like the 5 whys to uncover any hidden biases. This self-examination can lead to increased awareness and understanding, promoting more inclusive and authentic relationships. However, it's important to acknowledge that preferences can also stem from personal experiences and cultural backgrounds, requiring a nuanced approach when considering biases within marginalized communities. Ultimately, being open to introspection and challenging our assumptions can lead to growth and a more diverse, inclusive dating landscape.

    • Understanding Core Values in RelationshipsExamine your reasons for dating choices and ensure they align with your values and beliefs, prioritizing cultural connections while staying open-minded.

      When it comes to dating and relationships, it's essential to understand and prioritize our core values and beliefs. The speaker shares her experience of hosting a show focused on black love and the importance of cultural connections in relationships. However, she also emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and considering individuals for who they are beyond their race or cultural background. The speaker encourages examining the reasons behind our dating choices and ensuring they align with our values and beliefs, rather than making arbitrary decisions based on uninterrogated preferences. Ultimately, the autonomy to choose our values and beliefs in relationships is crucial, but it's essential to do so with intention and reflection.

    • Understanding unique values and intentions in relationshipsRecognize there's no one-size-fits-all approach to love and relationships. Clarify goals and values, then take action and learn through experience.

      Everyone's values and intentions regarding relationships and personal connections are unique. It's essential to recognize that there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to love and relationships. Some people may feel the need to adhere to their family traditions or cultural norms, while others may yearn for liberation and exploration. It's crucial to be intentional about our decisions and recognize the potential pain that comes with change. If someone realizes they have written off a group of people due to socially constructed biases, they can start by clarifying their goals and values. Once that foundation is established, they should take action and learn through experience. Remember, growth and learning are essential parts of the journey.

    • Dating apps broaden horizons and challenge preconceptionsDating apps expand users' perspectives, expose them to new possibilities, and challenge stereotypes through personalized algorithms and increased intermarriage.

      Dating apps can broaden your horizons and challenge your preconceptions. The algorithms learn from your choices and adapt quickly, exposing you to new possibilities. A writer's personal experience of expanding her own perspective through using dating apps and encountering unexpected matches underscores this idea. The rise of swipe-based apps like Tinder has led to increased intermarriage and a shift in dating patterns, challenging stereotypes and expanding the pool of potential partners. While some may view dating apps as shallow or limiting, they can actually expose users to new experiences and help break down barriers.

    • Expanding dating pools with ease and speedOnline dating apps like Tinder offer convenience and expanded opportunities, but require a strong mindset and effective app selection to navigate rejection and expectations.

      The rise of dating apps like Tinder has significantly increased the speed and ease of making connections, but it also comes with an increased risk of rejection and the need to manage expectations. Before apps, the process of meeting people was much more time-consuming and expensive. Now, with a few swipes, you can expand your dating pool and make connections quickly. However, it's essential to find the app that works best for you and to have a strong mindset to handle the ups and downs of online dating. Additionally, it's important to remember that attraction is socially constructed and conditioned to some extent, and working on self-improvement and expanding your horizons can lead to new and unexpected connections.

    • Societal beliefs and stereotypes shape our attractions and biasesChallenge limiting beliefs and expand your parameters for new attractions and connections. Be open-minded and avoid rigid deal breakers to discover new possibilities.

      Our attractions and biases are not just inherent, but socially constructed. The speaker shares how societal beliefs and stereotypes can impact our perceptions of people and limit our experiences. For example, these beliefs can influence our romantic and sexual preferences, leading us to miss out on potential connections with people who are different from us. The speaker encourages us to challenge these biases and expand our parameters, using dating apps and real-life experiences as tools for learning and growth. By doing so, we may discover new attractions and connections that we never thought possible. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and avoiding rigid deal breakers, as they can limit our opportunities for meaningful connections. Overall, the takeaway is to approach life with curiosity and a willingness to explore new possibilities, rather than being closed off by limiting beliefs and biases.

    • Embrace the unique aspects of relationships for personal growthRelationships challenge us to clarify our values and intentions, leading to deeper connections and self-love. Embrace differences and nuances for growth and learning.

      The true value of a relationship lies in personal growth, self-discovery, and understanding one another's unique cultural backgrounds, rather than checking external boxes or fitting into preconceived notions. Damona Hoffman, a relationship coach, emphasizes that relationships challenge us to clarify our values and intentions, leading to deeper connections and self-love. By embracing the differences and nuances that come with every relationship, we can grow and learn from one another. To explore more of Damona's insights, check out her podcast "Dates and Mates" and follow her on social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Her book, "Find the One: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Finding Love," is set to be released in January 2024.

    • Perception and Self-Perception of Creative WorksOur perception of our creative works can impact how we present them and speak about them. Address internal biases, seek resources, and work on self-improvement to be better allies and present our work confidently.

      Our perception of our creative works, be it a book or any other form of art, can greatly influence how we present and speak about it. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of labeling her book as a "masterpiece" or simply a "book," depending on her mood. She also emphasizes the importance of addressing internalized biases and encourages listeners to work on themselves and seek resources to be better allies. Additionally, she promotes her podcast and the community, The Clutch, where individuals can apply the concepts learned from the podcast, receive personalized help, and connect with like-minded people. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of self-perception and the importance of continuous growth and learning.

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