
    UFYB 252: Don’t Fetishize the Burps of Your Subconscious

    enAugust 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the mix of life's experiencesNo matter where we go or what we do, life will always present us with a mix of positive and negative experiences. Stay true to ourselves and our unique perspectives.

      Life, even in its most luxurious moments, is still a mix of joy and challenges. Cara Lowenthal, the host of Unfuck Your Brain, shared her personal experience of dealing with stress, annoyances, and grief during her Italian vacation. Despite the beautiful surroundings and delicious meals, she still encountered human emotions and experiences. This serves as a reminder that no matter where we are or what we're doing, life will always present us with a mix of positive and negative experiences. Additionally, Cara's quirky preference for old European things, even when upgraded to newer, fancier options, highlights the importance of staying true to ourselves and our unique perspectives. Overall, this episode emphasizes the importance of embracing the full range of human experiences and staying authentic to who we are.

    • The value of a thought is not determined by its originRecognize that all thoughts are just mental constructs, and we have the power to choose which ones to focus on and believe, challenging limiting beliefs and making progress in our lives.

      The value or truth of our thoughts is not determined by whether they are original or conscious or unconscious. Changing your thoughts on purpose is not gaslighting or lying to yourself, but rather a way to challenge and potentially improve the thoughts that may be holding you back. The idea that unconscious or original thoughts hold more weight or truth is a common cognitive bias, but it's not based in reality. Instead, it's important to recognize that all thoughts are just mental constructs, and we have the power to choose which ones to focus on and believe. By understanding this, we can begin to challenge limiting beliefs and make progress in our lives. So, next time you find yourself worrying that you're lying to yourself by changing your thoughts, remember that the value of a thought comes from the meaning and truth we assign to it, not from its origin.

    • The power of attachment to our thoughtsRecognize that our thoughts are not fixed or inherently true, but rather the product of external and internal factors. Choose and shape conscious thoughts based on goals, values, and belief systems.

      Our attachment to our thoughts, whether they are conscious or unconscious, can lead us to overvalue them and perceive them as more real or true than they actually are. This bias, rooted in our human tendency to value things more when they belong to us, can manifest in various ways, such as our unwillingness to let go of certain thoughts or beliefs, even when presented with new information. However, it's important to remember that our thoughts are not fixed or inherently true, but rather the product of various external and internal factors beyond our control. Our conscious thoughts, which we have the power to choose and shape based on our goals, values, and belief systems, are the most authentic reflection of who we are. By recognizing this, we can learn to be more mindful of our thoughts and challenge those that no longer serve us, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

    • Choosing conscious thoughts aligns with values and prioritiesDistinguish between authentic and fear-based thought changes, recognize the value of conscious thoughts, and disrupt the belief that unconscious thoughts are more true to self.

      The thoughts we consciously choose are more representative of who we truly are than the unconscious thoughts we may have. It's important to distinguish between changing thoughts for authentic reasons and changing them out of fear or scarcity. The act of choosing a new thought on purpose is not gaslighting or tricking oneself, but rather a tool for aligning thoughts with values and priorities. The motivation behind using thought work is what matters, and it's essential to recognize that our original thoughts are not inherently more valuable or true than the ones we consciously choose. The goal is to disrupt the assumption that our unconscious thoughts hold more weight and are more reflective of our true selves.

    • Choose your thoughts on purposeEvaluate subconscious thoughts and intentionally select thoughts that align with values and goals.

      While our subconscious thoughts play a role in shaping our identity, it's important not to blindly accept them without evaluation. Our brains are constantly interpreting and filtering reality, and the thoughts we consciously choose to focus on are a reflection of our true selves. By intentionally selecting our thoughts, we take control of our mental processes and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. It's not about suppressing subconscious thoughts, but rather evaluating them and deciding which ones align with our values and goals. Remember, everything is subjective, and our perception of reality is influenced by our brains. So, choose your thoughts on purpose and don't believe everything you think. For more guidance and support in applying these concepts to your life, join The Clutch, the podcast community for Unfuck Your Brain.

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