
    UFYB 268: Nuances in Motherhood and Thought Work: A Conversation with Sade Curry, Candice Toone, and Karen Anderson

    enDecember 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the origins of thought patterns in relationshipsRecognizing and addressing past experiences can lead to healing and growth in relationships

      Our relationships with caretakers, whether they be parents or mentors, can significantly impact our lives and shape our thoughts in profound ways. Sade, Candice, and Karen, three advanced certification graduates of feminist coaching, shared their experiences and insights on this topic. Sade helps divorced women find new partners, Candice helps women stop worrying about marital choices, and Karen coaches women on self-care and navigating relationships with their mothers. They all agreed that understanding the origins of these thought patterns can lead to healing and growth. Karen shared her personal journey of seeking a maternal figure throughout her life and realizing how her past experiences influenced her. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, we can rewire our brains and improve our relationships.

    • Pressure to conform to relationship milestonesSocietal pressure to marry young can lead to unhappy, unhealthy relationships. Prioritize personal happiness and well-being over societal expectations.

      Societal pressure to conform to traditional relationship milestones, such as getting married at a young age, can lead to unhappiness and unhealthy relationships. The speaker shares personal experiences of being pressured to get married at a young age, which ultimately led to an unwanted marriage and divorce. Additionally, the scarcity narrative that there are not enough men or opportunities for relationships can further perpetuate this pressure. It's important for individuals to prioritize their own happiness and well-being over societal expectations. Furthermore, the complexities of mother-daughter relationships and the impact of past experiences on current relationships were also discussed. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing personal growth in relationships.

    • Mothers Unintentionally Passing Limiting Beliefs to DaughtersMothers unintentionally passing down limiting beliefs can impact daughters, perpetuating societal norms. Mothers should question their thoughts and challenge these beliefs for healthier relationships.

      Mothers often pass on limiting beliefs and societal messages to their daughters, both consciously and unconsciously. These messages can stem from a place of protection or societal norms, and can impact daughters in various ways. For instance, a mother might unconsciously discourage her daughter from dressing a certain way or staying out late based on societal expectations, despite not intending harm. This cycle perpetuates as these beliefs are inherited and passed down from generation to generation. It's essential for mothers to question their thoughts and challenge these limiting beliefs to create healthier and more empowering relationships with their daughters.

    • Historical messages about women's worth and valueHistorical messages about women's worth often centered around marriage and appearance, leading to internalized beliefs of not being good enough without a husband. It's important to recognize these messages' historical context and challenge them for self-acceptance and autonomy.

      The messages women have received for centuries about their worth and value have been heavily influenced by societal norms and legal restrictions. For many women, the primary way to ensure safety and security was through marriage, leading to a focus on appearance and securing a husband. However, as societal norms and laws have shifted, these messages have become outdated and harmful. Many women internalize the belief that they are not good enough if they are not married or do not have a man in their lives. This messaging, often passed down from mothers and other female relatives, can manifest in various ways, including feelings of being too picky or not good enough. It's important to recognize that these messages are rooted in a historical context and to challenge them in order to promote self-acceptance and autonomy. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize the lack of equivalent messaging for men regarding women's desires and needs.

    • Mothers and Daughters: Navigating Safety and Self-AcceptanceMothers and daughters face societal pressures that can hinder unconditional acceptance and safety, but open communication and understanding can lead to personal growth and generational shifts.

      Mothers and daughters face challenges in navigating safety and self-acceptance in a world that imposes external pressures and conditioning. Unconscious messaging can lead to a lack of unconditional acceptance, causing mothers to question when to let go and allow their daughters to create their own safety. This dissonance can stem from various forms of societal conditioning, including patriarchy and white supremacy, and can manifest in the form of shaming and fear. Despite these challenges, daughters may choose to assert their individuality and follow their desires, leading to generational shifts in societal norms. Ultimately, it's essential for mothers and daughters to communicate openly and work towards understanding and acceptance, fostering a safe and supportive environment for personal growth.

    • Mothers and Daughters: Complex DynamicsMothers inadvertently teaching daughters to prioritize others' feelings over their own and societal messages blaming mothers for children's problems can contribute to unhealthy mother-daughter relationships. Open conversations about gender roles and expectations are crucial to untangle societal expectations and personal experiences.

      The dynamic between mothers and daughters can be complex and influenced by societal expectations and implicit messages. Mothers may inadvertently teach their daughters to prioritize others' feelings over their own or manage others' emotions, contributing to a distorted sense of boundaries and a need for approval. This dynamic can be further complicated by societal messages that blame mothers for their children's problems. It's essential to be aware of these implicit messages and strive for open conversations about gender roles and expectations without resorting to mother blaming. The goal should be to untangle the complex knot of societal expectations and personal experiences to create healthier relationships between mothers and daughters.

    • Understanding the complexities of motherhoodRecognize societal pressures and personal experiences causing internalized stress in motherhood, and work on personal growth to create a more compassionate environment

      Motherhood is a complex role filled with societal expectations and personal experiences that can lead to internalized stress and feelings of inadequacy. Moms often face the pressure to be perfect caretakers, which can be compounded by their own past experiences and societal norms. These pressures can result in feelings of guilt, shame, and a belief that they are not doing enough. It's essential to understand that these feelings are not a reflection of their abilities as mothers but rather a result of deeply ingrained societal and personal beliefs. By recognizing and having compassion for these feelings, we can begin to repair relationships with our own mothers and work on our own personal growth. It's our responsibility as adults to decide which belief systems we want to keep and which ones we want to let go. By acknowledging the challenges of motherhood and working to repair relationships and heal our own wounds, we can create a more compassionate and supportive environment for ourselves and future generations.

    • Understanding experiences and their impactRecognize people's actions don't define worth, learn from past, strive for empathy, honesty, and self-reflection.

      Understanding the causes of our experiences and the impact they have on us is crucial for personal growth. It's important to recognize that people act based on their own pressures and socialization, and their actions don't define their worth. We can't change the past, but we can learn from it and use that knowledge to improve ourselves and our relationships. It's also essential to remember that there's no perfect system of socialization, and we're all doing the best we can with the knowledge and resources we have. Instead of focusing on blame and control, we should strive for empathy, honesty, and self-reflection. By acknowledging the complexities of our experiences and the impact of socialization, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

    • Expanding our capacity to feel and question our experiencesRecognize the importance of self-reflection and drawing answers from within to make decisions based on current reality, while maintaining compassion for self and others.

      No matter how well we're parented or how well we parent our children, we'll still encounter difficult emotions. The world is constantly changing, and what we've learned may become outdated. It's essential to expand our capacity to feel and stop seeking answers outside of ourselves. Instead, we should question our own experiences, draw answers from within, and make decisions based on our current reality. Additionally, our nervous systems may be affected by past experiences, leading to feelings of shame and sensitivity. To repair relationships, particularly with our mothers, it's crucial to take responsibility without getting bogged down in blame or fault. Instead, let's focus on understanding our emotions and taking action to improve our relationships while maintaining compassion. Remember, we have the power to decide how we feel and can work towards healing and growth.

    • Focus on your own healing, not the abuser's responsibilityIndividuals should prioritize their self-healing and cultivate a strong self-concept, rather than relying on the person who caused harm to provide it.

      Individuals who have experienced harm or abuse in relationships should focus on their own healing rather than relying on the person who caused the harm to provide it. It's essential to understand that the person who hurt you is not responsible for your healing. Instead, it's important to cultivate a self-concept based on your values, traits, and qualities, and associate a felt sense with them. This self-concept can help you establish healthy boundaries and show up as the person you want to be in relationships. Estrangement from family can be a valid choice, but it's essential to recognize that cultural norms and expectations around family involvement vary greatly. Pop psychology discussions around boundaries and cutting people out of your life may not be helpful or desirable for everyone, and it's crucial to consider alternative solutions. For instance, my mom, who was estranged from both her parents, provides an example of how healing and establishing healthy boundaries can still be possible even in the context of family estrangement.

    • Navigating Complex Relationships: Choosing Intentions and ValuesUnderstanding our intentions and values can help us navigate complex relationships, even when circumstances are challenging. Focusing on what's right for us, even if it's not always comfortable, can lead to positive outcomes.

      We have the power to choose our reactions and responses towards our relationships, even when circumstances seem beyond our control. The speaker shares her personal experiences of estrangement from her parents and how she chooses to focus on her intentions and values instead of dwelling on the negative feelings. She emphasizes that relationships and family dynamics are not always pleasant, but it's essential to understand what we want to achieve and what's right for us. The speaker also acknowledges that making choices that align with our values may not always feel good, but the positive outcomes are worth the discomfort. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, intentionality, and resilience in navigating complex relationships.

    • Focus on consistent goal setting and achievementSet attainable and meaningful goals, break them down into smaller steps, and utilize resources for guidance and support to increase chances of success

      Consistent goal setting and achievement is key to personal growth, rather than setting multiple goals and not following through each year. Instead, focus on setting attainable and meaningful goals, and break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This will help increase the chances of success and create a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, utilizing resources such as texting "resolutions" to +13479971784 or visiting "unfuckyourbrain.com/resolutions" can provide helpful guidance and support in the goal-setting process. Remember, the end of the year is a great time for reflection and setting intentions for the future, but the real work begins in taking action towards those goals. So, let's make 2023 the year of consistent progress and growth, my chickens.

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