
    UFYB 277: Three Ways Judaism Has Shaped My Work in the World

    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing the Complexity of Beliefs and IdentitiesPeople's beliefs and identities can be multifaceted, going beyond traditional definitions or expectations, emphasizing the importance of open-mindedness and understanding in coaching.

      Our identities and beliefs are complex and may not fit neatly into Western categories of religion or spirituality. Tara Lowenthal's experience at a bar mitzvah reminded her of this, as Judaism is more than just a religion for her – it's an ethnotribal religion deeply connected to her identity. This experience highlights the importance of coaching and opening our minds to new ways of thinking about things. It's essential to recognize that people's beliefs and identities can be multifaceted and may not align with traditional definitions or expectations.

    • Judaism's Intersection of Spirituality, Community, and Personal GrowthJudaism fosters open dialogue and acceptance during religious rituals, demonstrating the intersection of spirituality, community, and personal growth.

      Judaism, as a cultural and religious identity, encompasses multiple aspects of community, ethnicity, and spirituality, which can influence individuals' perspectives on various aspects of life, such as coaching. This was exemplified during a bar mitzvah ceremony, where the person undergoing the ritual is encouraged to share their thoughts and struggles, including religious doubts, in front of the congregation. This acceptance of open dialogue in a religious context highlights the unique intersection of spirituality, community, and personal growth within the Jewish tradition.

    • Jewish Values Shape Coaching ApproachJewish traditions' emphasis on questioning influenced speaker's coaching style and business creation

      The values and priorities of the Jewish community, particularly the emphasis on questioning, have significantly influenced the speaker's approach to coaching and creating her business. This value of questioning is deeply rooted in Jewish traditions and scholarship, which encourages challenging and debating learned concepts. Whether or not one identifies as Jewish, reflecting on the implicit or explicit lessons learned from one's own community can provide a valuable framework for understanding how these experiences shape our perspectives on the world. The speaker plans to explore this further in a podcast episode, discussing three specific ways that Judaism has impacted her work. Despite not identifying as a spiritual being, she recognizes that the values and traditions she was raised with have had a profound influence on her life and work.

    • Jewish tradition values questioning and interpreting ideasJewish culture encourages constant questioning and interpretation, leading to a rich diversity of thought and scholarship.

      In Jewish tradition, the pursuit of knowledge and questioning of ideas is highly valued. This culture encourages engagement with the tradition and constant interpretation, as evidenced in the ritual of asking questions during the holiday of Passover. Additionally, Judaism's long history and decentralization have led to a multiplicity of Jewish thought and scholarship, with no single person or institution holding ultimate authority. This emphasis on questioning and the diversity of thought have significantly influenced the speaker's perspective on the world.

    • Growing up with diverse branches of JudaismExposure to various interpretations of religious texts fostered an appreciation for diverse perspectives and the understanding that there isn't one objective truth.

      Growing up as a religious minority and being exposed to various branches of Judaism with their differing interpretations of religious texts instilled in the speaker an understanding of the multiplicity of ways to live and interpret the world. This awareness of diverse perspectives and the recognition that there isn't one objective, correct source for everything has significantly influenced the speaker's worldview and approach to life. Furthermore, the concept of Tikkun Olam, which emphasizes the importance of repairing the world and making a positive impact, has also been a crucial aspect of the speaker's upbringing and continues to shape their values and actions. Overall, the speaker's experiences have taught them the importance of intentional meaning-making, decentralizing authority and scholarship, and embracing the complexity and diversity of human experiences.

    • Tikkun Olam: Repairing and improving the worldWe have a responsibility to take action and work towards making the world a better place, no matter our career choices.

      The world is not perfect, and it is our responsibility as individuals to repair and improve it, a concept known as Tikkun Olam in Judaism. This perspective acknowledges the existence of suffering and unfairness in the world, but it is not a depressing concept. Instead, it calls on us to take action and work towards making the world a better place. This belief has been a driving force in the speaker's career choices, from being a reproductive rights attorney to running a free podcast for over 5 years. The work is never done, and it is up to each of us to contribute to the ongoing effort to repair the world.

    • Contribute to making the world a better placeRecognize your impact, support loved ones, pursue passions, and share valuable knowledge to make a positive difference in the world

      Everyone has a responsibility to contribute to making the world a better place, no matter how small or large the contribution may be. This concept, known as Tikkun Olam, encourages individuals to use their unique abilities and resources to make a positive impact on their communities and the world at large. It's not necessary to have a grand, world-changing mission or to work for a nonprofit organization to make a difference. Instead, it can be as simple as supporting and loving your friends and family, or pursuing a passion that brings joy to yourself and others. The important thing is to recognize the impact of your traditions and community on your thinking and to use that awareness to make a positive contribution. Additionally, if you have gained value from this podcast, consider sharing it with others to help spread the message.

    • Leaving a review helps the show reach more peopleReviews on Apple Podcasts or other platforms can boost a show's visibility and help it reach a larger audience.

      Leaving a review for the "Unf\*ck Your Brain" podcast on Apple Podcasts or other platforms significantly helps the show reach a larger audience. The host expresses her gratitude for listeners who have found value in the podcast and encourages them to leave a review to help boost its visibility. Even for popular podcasts, new reviews can make a difference in the algorithm, leading to more people discovering the show. If the podcast has had a positive impact on you, taking a few minutes to leave a review is a simple yet powerful way to support its continued growth and reach.

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