
    Podcast Summary

    • Setting Boundaries with Mentor ColleaguesFocus on positive intentions, communicate clearly, and maintain a professional attitude when dealing with mentor colleagues who overstep boundaries.

      When dealing with older colleagues who may see themselves as mentors or coaches but constantly lecture and teach you, it's essential to focus on the positive intentions behind their actions while setting clear boundaries. Communication and specificity are key in addressing the situation. Keep your questions or requests for help concise and specific to ensure productive interactions. Remember, it's important to acknowledge your own feelings, but try not to let them escalate into frustration or anger. Instead, approach the situation with a growth mindset and maintain a professional attitude. If the issue persists, consider addressing it directly with the colleague or seeking guidance from HR or a trusted supervisor.

    • Focus on changing ourselves instead of othersExamine our thoughts and beliefs before reacting to others, and practice self-compassion and forgiveness when we make mistakes.

      Our emotions and thoughts are deeply connected, and often, our reactions towards others reflect our own inner beliefs and biases. In the given discussion, the speaker emphasizes that instead of focusing on changing someone else's behavior, we should work on our thoughts and beliefs about the situation. For instance, if we feel disrespected by someone, it's essential to examine whether we are also disrespecting them in return. This dynamic, known as projection, can make it challenging to build respect and connection with others. Regarding the second question, the speaker suggests that when we have done something morally wrong, it's natural to feel guilt and shame. However, continuously punishing ourselves by reliving those moments and labeling ourselves as unworthy or bad can hinder our personal growth. The key is to acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them, and choose new thoughts that foster self-compassion and forgiveness. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and focusing on self-improvement can help us move forward and find inner peace.

    • Understanding the Difference Between Shame and GuiltRecognize that thoughts create feelings and actions, and to move past shame, develop self-compassion, forgiveness, and focus on personal growth.

      Shame and guilt are two distinct emotions. While guilt is specific to a particular action, shame is a feeling we have about ourselves when we believe there's something fundamentally wrong with us. It's essential to recognize that our thoughts create our feelings and actions, and the thoughts that create shame are often rooted in beliefs about our worthiness and acceptability as individuals. To move past shame, it's crucial to develop compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and recognize the distinction between our past actions and our present selves. Regarding the listener's question, it's important to remember that feelings of unattractiveness or not meeting societal standards do not define our worthiness or lovability as individuals. Instead, focusing on self-compassion, self-care, and personal growth can help us build a strong sense of self-worth that is not dependent on external validation.

    • Limiting beliefs impact self-perceptionBeliefs shape self-perception, focusing on mindset change is crucial for self-improvement, and personal growth resources are valuable for everyone

      Our beliefs and perceptions significantly shape how we view ourselves and how we interpret interactions with others. If we believe we are unattractive or not lovable, we may not even recognize when others are attracted to us. Changing our physical appearance may provide temporary confidence, but it doesn't address the underlying beliefs that cause us to feel unattractive. To break free from these limiting beliefs, it's essential to focus on changing our mindset and challenging negative self-talk. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone can benefit from personal growth and self-improvement resources, regardless of gender. So, keep an open mind and continue seeking knowledge and insights that can help you grow and improve yourself.

    • Managing thoughts and emotions in interpersonal conflictsUnderstand when to respond and when to let go, practice mindfulness and emotional intelligence for healthier relationships.

      When dealing with interpersonal conflicts, especially with a spouse, it's essential to manage your thoughts and emotions before responding. However, it's crucial to understand that not every situation requires a response or problem-solving approach. Sometimes, acknowledging your role in the situation and apologizing can be an effective solution. It's essential to question whether the situation warrants a response or if it's an opportunity to let go of emotional investment and allow the other person to have their feelings. By focusing on managing our thoughts and responses, we can reduce the drama and tension that can ensue during arguments. Ultimately, the goal is to practice mindfulness and emotional intelligence, which can lead to healthier and more productive relationships.

    • Our emotions are shaped by our thoughts, not others' actionsFocus on changing your own thoughts and taking responsibility for your feelings to effectively deal with relationship issues

      Our emotions are shaped by our thoughts, not by others' actions or words. Therefore, focusing on changing our own thoughts and taking responsibility for our feelings is the most effective way to deal with relationship issues. In the given situation, the speaker's ex-boyfriend is struggling to move past the fact that she dated someone else during their separation. The speaker is concerned about his emotional block and wants to help him overcome it. However, she realizes that she cannot control his thoughts or feelings and needs to focus on her own. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of accepting the reality of a situation and moving forward, even if it's painful. Ultimately, the speaker can only offer support and patience, and the ex-boyfriend must work through his emotions on his own.

    • People's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can't be changedWe can't force others to open up or change, it's important to make clear-eyed decisions about relationships based on consistent patterns.

      We cannot change other people's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, no matter how much we may want to or believe that we can. In the context of relationships, it's essential to recognize that people are consistent in their patterns and that trying to manage or control their thoughts and feelings is a losing battle. If someone is emotionally unavailable or unable to commit, it's unlikely that they will change, regardless of external circumstances or actions. It's crucial to make clear-eyed decisions about relationships, acknowledging the other person's consistent patterns and deciding whether that's the kind of relationship we want to be in. Ultimately, we cannot force someone to open up to us or change their mind, and putting our lives on hold in the hopes of this happening may not be worth it.

    • Focus on personal growth in relationshipsInstead of trying to change partners, focus on managing own mind and decisions for personal fulfillment and happiness.

      Individuals in romantic relationships need to focus on their own desires and personal growth, rather than trying to change their partners. The speaker emphasizes that people vastly underestimate their own ability to change their thoughts and feelings, while overestimating the likelihood that their partners will change. Instead of trying to control or manipulate their partners, individuals should focus on managing their own minds and making their own decisions. This perspective shift can lead to greater personal fulfillment and happiness in relationships. Additionally, the speaker encourages individuals to join The Clutch, a coaching community where they can learn new tools and techniques to apply these concepts to their own lives and connect with like-minded individuals.

    • Access the Clutch for valuable informationText your email to 347-934-8861 or visit the website to receive a link to the Clutch, a resource offering essential info on personal growth.

      The Clutch, a resource offered by Unf\*ck Your Brain, can be accessed easily by texting your email address to 347-934-8861 or visiting the website www.unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/theclutch. This resource provides essential information about the clutch, and once you text your email address, you will receive a link to check it out. It's a convenient and quick way to access valuable content, making it an efficient solution for those interested in learning more. So, whether you prefer texting or browsing online, the Clutch has got you covered. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and take the next step towards personal growth.

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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/346

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

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    Lily is a feminist dating coach and the founder and creator of Date Brazen, a feminist dating coaching program and movement that I really wish was around when I was dating. We discuss dating apps and why they are both useful tools and addiction-creating slot machines, how to navigate the dating world with your values and true desires at the forefront, and how to give yourself the radical permission you crave to go after what you want. Her new book "Thank you, More Please!: A feminist guide to breaking dumb dating rules and finding love" is out today!

    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 11, 2024

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Take Back Your Brain!

    Take Back Your Brain!

    IT'S HERE! My new book "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head... and How to Get it Out" is officially available wherever books are sold!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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    Website https://jocko.com/


    Jocko Podcast https://www.youtube.com/@JockoPodcastOfficial


    Extreme Ownership: How Navy SEALS Lead and Win (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Ownership-U-S-Navy-SEALs/dp/1250067057 

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    Today, Violetta welcomes Sasha Pieterse - American actress, singer, and model who gained significant recognition for her role as Alison DiLaurentis on the popular TV series "Pretty Little Liars." 

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    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:44 Most people don’t know about you
    • 04:53 Fulfilling moments in the industry
    • 06:35 When roles rub off on you in real life
    • 11:09 Do you miss Pretty Little Liars?
    • 13:16 Starting young in the industry
    • 15:58 Advice for your younger self?
    • 16:44 How do you handle criticism
    • 19:52 Diagnosed with PCOS
    • 26:59 Every woman had different needs
    • 30:48 Have people around you can trust
    • 31:57 Physically and mentally stronger as a mother
    • 36:13 You can’t be another person
    • 39:57 Your purpose should be what you love doing
    • 44:00 Remember people as a whole, not just the positives
    • 47:37 Talking is important even when it’s not fun 

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    Thank you for joining me this week, and please make sure to subscribe where you listen to podcasts.

    Follow Nikki on Instagram @nikkibannisterlanguagecoaching or nikkibannisterlanguagecoaching.com.