
    Vitamin D for Covid, What’s the Catch? - DarkHorse Podcast Gruff Davies and Linda Benskin

    en-usDecember 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Experts Connect Over Vitamin D Research During COVID-19 PandemicDoctors Linda Benskin and Gareth Davis connected over shared research on vitamin D during the pandemic and collaborated on emphasizing its importance in treating COVID-19, but not all health agencies agree with their recommendations.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, two experts, Doctor Linda Benskin and Gareth Davis, connected through their shared research on the importance of vitamin D. They found each other through a mutual appreciation for a review Linda wrote, which cited a publication Gareth had contributed to. Together, they joined an email list of experts discussing the latest research on vitamin D and COVID-19. They also collaborated on a letter, "Vitamin D for All," which aimed to gather reputable scientists and doctors to emphasize the strong evidence for the efficacy and safety of vitamin D in treating COVID-19. Despite their efforts, not all health agencies have embraced these recommendations, and many still only promote low doses of vitamin D for bone health, which is insufficient for immune function. While some countries, like Ireland, may be taking steps to address this, more action is needed to prioritize the importance of adequate vitamin D levels in preventing and treating COVID-19.

    • The limitations of randomized controlled trials in inferring causationScientific understanding doesn't solely rely on RCTs, historical inferences and data analysis in fields like astronomy and physics provide valuable insights, and a multifaceted approach to evidence is crucial.

      The reliance on randomized controlled trials as the sole source of scientifically reliable evidence can be limiting and potentially misleading. The speaker, a physicist, argues that there are other methods of inferring causation, such as historical inferences and working with data in fields like astronomy and physics where randomized controlled trials are not an option. The speaker also emphasizes that most of our understanding of the universe did not come from randomized controlled trials. The speaker and over 200 other scientists and doctors signed a letter advocating for the importance of vitamin D in preventing and treating COVID-19, but their findings have been largely ignored. The speaker's own research on vitamin D, which was published after a long delay, showed that vitamin D deficiency is more common and more dangerous than previously thought, and that supplementation could be beneficial. The speaker argues that caution about vitamin D supplementation may be due to concerns about toxicity, but that the risks are not as great as once believed. The speaker's emphasis is on the importance of considering all available evidence, not just that from randomized controlled trials, in making scientific inferences.

    • Misconceptions about Vitamin D toxicityDespite the body's natural production and regulation of Vitamin D, public health officials overlook its benefits due to unfounded fears of toxicity.

      The concerns around vitamin D toxicity are largely unfounded, and public health officials who continue to overlook its benefits are being intentionally ignorant or worse. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that our bodies produce naturally and regulate effectively. Contrary to fears, it's difficult for most people to overdose on vitamin D due to the body's natural production and regulation mechanisms. An example of this is the Boston dairy incident, where people unknowingly consumed excess vitamin D for two years, yet no fatalities occurred. The misconception that vitamin D is dangerous due to its fat-soluble nature is based on the example of vitamin A, which is the only toxic fat-soluble vitamin. Public health officials' failure to recommend vitamin D, despite its numerous benefits, is a concerning issue that requires further attention.

    • Misinterpreted results from a flawed study on vitamin D and COVID-19Large doses of vitamin D can actually decrease levels due to a fail-safe mechanism, and normal vitamin D interaction is crucial for preventing and improving COVID-19 outcomes.

      The use of large, one-time doses of vitamin D, known as bolus doses, can actually result in a decrease in vitamin D levels in the body due to a fail-safe mechanism that causes the body to break down the vitamin D. This was evident in a poorly designed study in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave vitamin D extremely late and in the wrong form, leading to misinterpreted results. Normal vitamin D interaction with humans involves getting enough sunlight exposure or consuming adequate amounts of vitamin D from food. However, modern indoor lifestyles, which emerged during the industrial revolution, have led to a significant decrease in vitamin D levels as people spend less time outside. The implication for disease is that vitamin D plays a crucial role in preventing and improving COVID-19 outcomes, but the focus on a flawed study that showed the opposite is a concern. It's important to understand the normal interaction between humans and vitamin D and how modern life has disrupted it to appreciate the significance of this issue.

    • Checking your shadow for vitamin D productionDuring winter or cloudy days, check if your shadow is shorter than you are tall to determine if you're getting enough vitamin D naturally. Many people need to supplement due to modern lifestyles and factors like pollution.

      While being outside can still result in sunburn from UVA rays, the UVB rays necessary for vitamin D production are not accessible during certain times and conditions. To determine if you're getting enough vitamin D, look at your shadow - if it's not sharp and shorter than you are tall, you're likely not getting significant amounts. Apps and online resources can help you determine if vitamin D production is possible in your location. However, due to increased indoor living and other factors like pollution, many people need to supplement year-round. Ancestral humans produced vitamin D during summer and stored it in fat and muscles for use during leaner times. Modern lifestyles disrupt this natural system, making supplementation necessary. Be aware that even sitting near a window or wearing sunscreen can block UVB rays, and cultural practices like wearing clothing in tropical areas can also contribute to vitamin D deficiency. The tropics, where people spend most of their time outside, have seen lower COVID-19 rates, suggesting a link between vitamin D levels and disease resistance.

    • Geographic factors, air pollution, and temperature influenced COVID-19 outbreaksNorthern regions with severe winters and high air pollution had more significant COVID-19 outbreaks, while hot, humid areas with air conditioning and heat might have contributed to transmission. Vitamin D deficiencies due to less sunlight affected older, darker-skinned populations.

      Geographic factors, air pollution, and temperature played significant roles in the spread and severity of COVID-19 outbreaks. For instance, severe outbreaks occurred mainly in areas north of 40 degrees north latitude, such as Italy and northern Ecuador, despite being close to the equator. In hot, humid regions like Guayaquil, Ecuador, and Arizona, the prevalence of air conditioning and heat might have contributed to the virus's transmission. Additionally, air pollution, which blocks UV radiation and drives people indoors, was found to be a risk factor for contracting COVID-19. Cities like Seoul and Rome, with lower air pollution levels, experienced smaller outbreaks despite having international airports. Conversely, heavily polluted cities like Wuhan and California had higher COVID-19 infection rates. Furthermore, the virus disproportionately affected older, darker-skinned populations due to vitamin D deficiencies, as these groups are often housebound or live in areas with less sunlight. It's essential to consider these factors when understanding the pandemic's patterns and addressing future health crises.

    • Censorship of Vitamin D Discussions in COVID-19Censorship of discussions on vitamin D's role in COVID-19 can hinder public health efforts, as vitamin D deficiency is linked to severe COVID outcomes and it's safe, inexpensive, and widely available.

      There have been instances of censorship regarding discussions on the role of vitamin D in relation to COVID-19, both on social media platforms and in academic publications. This is significant because vitamin D deficiency is a critical factor in COVID outcomes, and vitamin D is safe, inexpensive, and widely available. The speaker's personal experience with the publication of a paper on vitamin D and COVID-19 involved being asked to remove references to the increased risk of vitamin D deficiency in people with darker skin tones. Despite this request, the speaker refused, leading to a standoff. Another instance involved the rejection of a causal inference paper due to the use of causal language. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing the role of vitamin D in COVID prevention, and the potential impact of censorship on public health. It's estimated that a significant portion of COVID-related deaths could have been prevented if people had been aware of the vitamin D issue and taken appropriate measures.

    • Prioritizing narratives over factual information harms public healthFocusing on political agendas instead of addressing vitamin D deficiencies in high-latitude populations has harmful consequences, particularly for marginalized communities.

      The prioritization of certain narratives over factual information, such as the focus on health disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic, can have harmful consequences for those most in need. The reluctance to acknowledge and address vitamin D deficiencies, particularly in high-latitude populations, despite clear evidence of its benefits, is a prime example of this issue. The urgency to produce vaccines and push their distribution, while ignoring the potential of simple, cost-effective interventions like vitamin D, highlights a systemic problem in prioritizing political agendas over public health. The potential harm to marginalized communities, who are disproportionately affected by this censorship, adds to the urgency of addressing this issue. The importance of acknowledging and discussing the complex factors contributing to health disparities, rather than oversimplifying them, is crucial for effective and equitable public health interventions.

    • Fear of being wrong can hinder effective solutionsFear of being wrong can prevent acknowledgement and implementation of effective, low-risk interventions, even if they have significant benefits. Prioritize learning from new evidence and being open to change.

      The fear of being wrong or appearing unintelligent can prevent people, including public health officials, from acknowledging and implementing effective solutions, even if those solutions have minimal side effects and significant benefits. In the case of vitamin D and COVID-19, the evidence strongly suggests that a simple, inexpensive intervention could have mitigated some of the harm caused by the pandemic. However, the perception of having missed the boat on this intervention may prevent some from embracing it now, even though it could still improve overall health and reduce the risk of other diseases. It's important for individuals and organizations to prioritize learning from new evidence and being open to changing their positions, rather than clinging to past mistakes or perceived failures. The potential costs of continuing to be wrong far outweigh the temporary discomfort of admitting error.

    • The Role of Vitamin D in Enhancing Vaccine EffectivenessVitamin D, a prehormone produced by the body, improves cell signaling and enhances vaccine effectiveness, especially in the elderly. Consuming fatty fish and supplementing with vitamin D can help maintain adequate levels and boost immunity against respiratory illnesses.

      Vitamin D, which is often referred to as a vitamin but is actually a prehormone that your body can produce, plays a crucial role in improving communication throughout the body and enhancing the effectiveness of vaccinations, especially in the elderly. This is because vitamin D improves cell signaling within and between cells. It's not accurately named as a vitamin because your body can produce it, but many people are deficient due to modern diets. To maintain adequate vitamin D levels, consuming wild-caught, fatty fish, especially from deep water sources, is essential. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to an increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses like the flu and colds. By supplementing with vitamin D, many people report fewer colds and flu, and even quicker recoveries from COVID-19. Therefore, public health initiatives should consider promoting vitamin D as an essential adjunct to vaccinations to ensure optimal health outcomes.

    • Myth of Indoors Causing Colds and Flu DebunkedCountries with more sunlight and higher vitamin D levels have lower rates of colds, flu, and pandemic cases. Focusing on maintaining adequate vitamin D levels may be more effective than lockdowns.

      The common belief that cold and flu seasons are caused by being indoors during winter months is a misconception. Many people in climate-controlled homes experience these seasons regardless of geographical location. The real reason for the seasonality of colds and flu may be linked to vitamin D levels and sunlight exposure. Countries closer to the equator, like Australia and Finland, have lower case fatality rates due to higher vitamin D levels and sunlight exposure. Japan and Finland have implemented food fortification programs to increase vitamin D intake, leading to a decrease in influenza cases. The initial hard hit on Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic was largely due to Somali immigrants, who represented less than 1% of the population, having lower vitamin D levels and being out of their normal environment, leading to a higher susceptibility to the virus. Overall, focusing on maintaining adequate vitamin D levels through diet or sunlight exposure may be a wiser approach to combating colds, flu, and potential pandemics than lockdowns.

    • Vitamin D is a vital hormone with wide-ranging effects on the bodyVitamin D deficiency shares symptoms with severe COVID-19, and the recommended daily allowance is significantly lower than the actual amount needed for optimal health

      Vitamin D is not a simple vitamin with a recommended daily allowance that guarantees sufficient intake for optimal health. Instead, it is a vital hormone with wide-ranging effects on the body, including immune function, cell signaling, and organ health. The early data from Sweden highlighted the importance of vitamin D for Somali refugees, who, despite representing less than 1% of the population, accounted for 50% of COVID-19 deaths due to their deficiency in this essential nutrient. Vitamin D deficiency shares many symptoms with severe COVID-19, including weakened epithelial junctions, impaired immune response, and increased risk of blood clots. The recommended daily allowance for vitamin D is significantly lower than the actual amount needed for optimal health, and vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating various complex systems within the body. It is worth noting that the active form of vitamin D, calcitriol, is not the same as the form we consume, and the mechanisms by which it functions are well understood.

    • Questioning the validity of vitamin D research findingsCritically evaluating research designs is essential to understanding the validity of vitamin D's health benefits, as poorly designed studies can mislead and dilute results, but well-designed studies show significant benefits, particularly for the elderly in reducing respiratory viruses and influenza rates.

      The validity of research findings, particularly those related to vitamin D and its potential health benefits, can be influenced by the design and execution of the studies. Vitamin D's reputation has been questioned despite decades of research due to a combination of factors, including historical biases and poorly designed studies. Some studies, for instance, have underdosed participants, shortened supplementation periods, or included both deficient and sufficient individuals in the same group, diluting the results. These inadequately designed studies have led some physicians to dismiss vitamin D as ineffective, but a well-designed meta-analysis of individual patient data from poorly designed studies showed significant benefits, particularly in reducing respiratory viruses and influenza rates in the elderly. It's crucial to critically evaluate research designs and be aware of the potential for underpowered studies to mislead, as this phenomenon is not unique to vitamin D research.

    • Factors influencing interpretation and application of scientific studiesMisinterpretation of data, flawed peer review, and political interference can lead to harmful consequences in the application of scientific studies, particularly in medicine. The absence of evidence for an effect is not the same as evidence of no effect, making it challenging to definitively prove the absence of an effect.

      The interpretation and application of scientific studies, particularly in the field of medicine, can be influenced by various factors including incompetence, laziness, corruption, and politics. Studies reporting no evidence of effect are often mistakenly assumed to provide evidence of no effect, and it's challenging to definitively prove the absence of an effect. The case of a flawed biobank study serves as an example of how broken peer review and misinterpretation of data can lead to harmful consequences. The ongoing debate around the use of vitamin D, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, and other potential COVID-19 treatments highlights the issue of evidence standards and the potential for political interference. If we were to address vitamin D deficiency seriously, we could potentially reduce harm from COVID-19, but the challenge lies in overcoming the barriers to recognizing and implementing effective preventative measures.

    • Vitamin D as a powerful tool against COVID-19Addressing vitamin D deficiency could reduce COVID-19 harm, lower transmission rate, and eventually extinct the virus. Long-term solution: improve overall host health through good nutrition and lifestyle choices.

      Addressing vitamin D deficiency could significantly reduce the harm of COVID-19. Vitamin D acts as a prophylactic, lowering the transmission rate and the degree of sickness in individuals. This double effect can bring the infection rate below the critical threshold (R<1), leading to the eventual extinction of the virus. This perspective comes from understanding the exponential nature of pandemics, which involves both viral replication within the body and the spread in the community. Vitamin D's impact on both processes makes it a powerful tool against COVID-19. Moreover, the long-term solution to managing pandemics like COVID-19 lies in improving overall host health through good nutrition and lifestyle choices. This approach, unlike expensive and potentially limited solutions, can effectively address the root cause of the issue and help prevent future outbreaks. It's important to note that viruses like COVID-19 have a large reservoir in wild animals and food markets, making it impossible to immunize all animals. Therefore, relying solely on vaccines to eradicate the virus is an unrealistic goal. Instead, focusing on enhancing human host response through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices is a more effective and sustainable strategy.

    • Managing COVID-19 in Wild Animal PopulationsFocus on managing COVID-19 in humans, as eradication in wild animal populations is unlikely. Boost human immune systems to reduce need for interventions.

      While it would be delightful to drive COVID-19 extinct, it's unlikely due to the presence of animal reservoirs. Instead, the focus should be on managing the virus to make it less threatening. The virus does not care about societal virtues, and it has been found in various animals, including wild populations. For instance, SARS CoV 2 has been detected in minks and wild minks in Utah. Once the virus enters a wild population, it's impossible to immunize every animal, and testing all animals is not feasible. Instead, efforts should be made to ensure that people's immune systems function properly, which could reduce the need for vaccines and other interventions. The skepticism towards vaccines arises from the fact that their efficacy in real-world scenarios can be significantly lower than the trial results suggest. Vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in the immune system, could be a more effective solution, but efforts to promote its benefits have been suppressed for years due to potential threats to various industries.

    • Maintaining a Healthy Immune System: More Than Just Vitamin DAdequate sleep, balanced diet, addressing personal nutrient deficiencies, and vitamin D through sunlight or supplements contribute to a healthy immune system.

      Maintaining a healthy immune system involves more than just ensuring adequate vitamin D levels. While vitamin D is crucial and can significantly reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms, other factors such as melatonin for adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and addressing personal nutrient deficiencies also play essential roles. Vitamin D is unique because it's the only vitamin that our ancestors obtained primarily through sunlight, and most people today are deficient due to modern lifestyles. Its relevance to various processes in the body, including hormonal and cell signaling, further distinguishes it. To maintain optimal health, consider using modern tools like apps to help you optimize your vitamin D intake through sunlight exposure and supplementation during winter months or in areas with limited sunlight. Remember, a balanced approach that addresses multiple aspects of health is essential.

    • Importance of Balanced Sun Exposure for Vitamin D Production and Melanoma Risk ReductionBalanced sun exposure is crucial for vitamin D production and reducing melanoma risk. Too much sun too soon increases risk, while limited sun exposure due to modern lifestyles necessitates vitamin D supplementation for those above 40 degrees latitude.

      Contrary to popular belief, getting enough sunlight to produce a healthy amount of vitamin D, without burning, is important for reducing the risk of melanoma. Exposure to too much sun too soon is the real culprit. Additionally, for those living above 40 degrees latitude, supplementing with vitamin D year-round is recommended due to modern lifestyles limiting sun exposure. It's important to note that not all sunlight is created equal, and UVB rays, which are essential for vitamin D production, are less abundant in sunlight. Public health authorities not recommending vitamin D during a pandemic, despite its proven effectiveness, is a concerning double standard that could result in unnecessary harm and death.

    • Advocating for the importance of Vitamin DVitamin D is a vital nutrient with numerous health benefits, especially during pandemics. Educate yourself and share reliable information to promote individual and community health.

      Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient with significant health benefits, especially during times of pandemic, yet its importance and effectiveness have been underrepresented and even suppressed by certain authorities and media outlets. The speakers, Griff and [Name], have been advocating for vitamin D since early 2020, but their messages have not gained widespread attention. They urge listeners to educate themselves and share this information with others, as vitamin D is an affordable, safe, and effective intervention for individual health and the health of those around us. However, it's essential to distinguish reliable sources from misinformation and debunk any flawed studies that may claim vitamin D has no effect. Additionally, the speakers encourage questioning the motives behind the suppression of vitamin D information and considering the potential implications for other public health recommendations.

    • Decades of Overlooking Vitamin D's Importance in Public Health Due to Profit MotivesProfit motives have led to the underestimation of vitamin D's importance for public health, with scientific journals and fact-checkers influenced by big pharma funding.

      The evidence supporting the importance of vitamin D for public health has been overlooked or rejected for decades, likely due to profit motives. The measurement and reporting of COVID-19 cases are misleading and full of scare tactics. The majority of scientific journals are funded by advertising from big pharma, influencing editorial policies, and fact-checkers are also funded by pharma. These factors create significant pressure on editors to conform to certain narratives, leading to a lack of transparency and understanding of the true state of scientific information. It's crucial for the public to be aware of these influences and strive for a more unbiased approach to understanding health and wellness, particularly during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    WHO’s Your Daddy (DarkHorse Livestream 197): https://rumble.com/v3pr3ao-bret-and-heather-197th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html

    Meryl Nass on the defeat of the WHO’s Treaty: https://x.com/nassmeryl/status/1795151440182218878

    WIAA main site, links to heat sheets and final scores for both Yakima & Tacoma meets: https://www.wiaa.com/tournament-xtr/

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    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ohalo Genetics: https://ohalo.com

    Discussion with Ohalo CEO on The All-In podcast: https://x.com/noorsinghrai/status/1793006932862587370.

    Wood et al 2009. The frequency of polyploid speciation in vascular plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 106(33): 13875-13879. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.0811575106

    Otto et al 2007. Climatic variation and the distribution of an amphibian polyploid complex. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76(6): 1053-1061. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01300.x

    Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan: https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=DMKHwvPdbnlFt3hJ

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    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


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    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Why President Fico was a special problem for the powers that be: https://twitter.com/april_harding/status/1790817554493010143

    Ben Davidson on the Sun and on DarkHorse: https://rumble.com/v4ucpc6-apocalypse-when-ben-davidson-on-darkhorse-live.html

    Ozempic—don’t be fooled: https://twitter.com/HeatherEHeying/status/1738959829321036212

    Chao et al 2023. Semaglutide for the treatment of obesity. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 33(3): 159-166.


    The Times of London: Weight loss jab cuts heart disease deaths by 20%: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-weight-loss-jabs-prescription-drugs-ozempic-7dbsvkblg

    31st European Conference on Obesity: https://eco2024.org

    Abstracts from Conference: https://karger.com/ofa/issue/17/Suppl.%201

    Biden speaks: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1790713878248038478

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    DarkHorse Podcast
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    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

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    Find Ben Davidson on X: @SunWeatherMan (https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan)


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 224th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss animal behavior: the implications of an orangutan using a medicinal plant to treat a wound, and the one-off videos that we’ve all seen—of cats preventing toddlers from falling, of a beluga whale retrieving a woman’s phone. What does this say about the minds of these other organisms, and about us? Also: dog domestication, from wolves, but not from foxes. And: the New York Times publishes more insipid garbage about vaccine injury, Bret returns to the question of what safety means, and The Nation turns its back on its muckraking roots.


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    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Laumer et al 2024. Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.8932. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-58988-7

    County Highway: https://www.countyhighway.com

    Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    Chris Martenson on the NYT: https://twitter.com/chrismartenson/status/1787602191114526836

    Benn et al 2023. Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?. Iscience, 26(5): https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/publications/randomized-clinical-trials-of-covid-19-vaccines-do-adenovirus-vec

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    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 223rd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss science and religion, materialism and other ways of understanding our world. Can analysis and quantification explain everything? Can narrative, intuition, and creativity? All are or should be part of the scientific process; science is incomplete with only one mode. We also discuss models, how they fail, how difficult they are to assess, and what one recent climate model has to say about the role of air pollution in Earth’s temperature. Enlightenment values require that we use our freedom to inquire about all things that we are curious about. Also: happy Beltane!


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    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

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    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Third Man Syndrome and Shackleton: https://twitter.com/brianroemmele/status/1785827941718614291

    Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming: https://www.science.org/content/article/clearer-skies-may-be-accelerating-global-warming
    Hodnebrog et al 2024. Recent reductions in aerosol emissions have increased Earth’s energy imbalance. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1):166: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01324-8

    Nature editorial: What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00993-x

    Animation about mental health and climate change: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publications/all-publications/the-impact-of-climate-change-on-mental-health-and-emotional-wellbeing-current-evidence-and-implications-for-policy-and-practice.php

    Growing up is hard to do (do not pay others to do your thinking for you): https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/growing-up-is-hard-to-do

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    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    Dr. Kat Lindley is the President of the Global Health Project. Bret Talks to her about the state of the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty.

    Find Dr. Lindley on X: @KLVeritas (https://twitter.com/KLVeritas)



    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.

    Sole: Carefully designed, personally moldable footbeds for healthy feet. Go to https://yoursole.com/darkhorse to receive 20% off their new Jasper Chukkas.


    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 222nd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss evolution, and how we know that it is true. We discuss the different kinds of beliefs that people have—beliefs that attempt to reconcile with reality, vs beliefs that reconcile with social standing and comfort. If your beliefs put you on the outs with your friends, do you change your beliefs, or your friends? Are you willing to give up the cocktail party for reality? We also discuss research published in 2000 and funded by Fauci’s NIAID, which demonstrated that it was possible to make chimeric coronaviruses, swapping the spike protein from one to a different species entirely. Finally: sex-biased gene expression, in which genes are expressed differently in the two sexes, in anatomical systems as varied as brain, kidneys, and liver.

    Our sponsors:

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Kennedy 2023. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bio-Weapons Arms Race: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510773981/the-wuhan-cover-up/

    Kuo et al 2000. Retargeting of coronavirus by substitution of the spike glycoprotein ectodomain: crossing the host cell species barrier. Journal of virology, 74(3):1393-1406: https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/jvi.74.3.1393-1406.2000

    Rodríguez-Montes et al 2023. Sex-biased gene expression across mammalian organ development and evolution. Science 382(6670), p.eadf1046: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf1046

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    The post Chiropractor Jobstown NJ – Why Is Stretching Good For You? appeared first on Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille HealthNews.

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    The post Chiropractor Jobstown NJ – Diet and Mental & Neurological Illness appeared first on Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille HealthNews.

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    Former CDC Intel Officer & Chief Medical Officer at Osmosis.org Dr. Rishi Desai on Why It's Hard to Get a Grip on the Coronavirus Pandemic |
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