
    The Everyday Heroine

    Welcome to the Everyday Heroine! This podcast is meant to share insights and experiences about how ordinary women are doing extraordinary things to inspire women’s leadership. 

    I believe that inside every woman there is a superhero working her magic to pioneer a better life for herself, her family, her friends, and the rest of the world. To make things better women will need to discover the truth about what they are capable of. 

    Hello! My name is Maria Kauffman and after working for a few decades in my Engineering Career, it is my honor to share my stories and my excitement for the future of women’s leadership. 

    I know how frustrating and lonely it can be working as a woman in a male-dominated industry with little to no support to be yourself and pursue your dreams. It took me way too long to figure things out on my own. 

    In this podcast, you will find plenty of inspiring women in STEM, women in engineering, and women in leadership who are changing the world for the better by offering stories, tips, tricks, and strategies to help other women do the same. 

    The world needs you more than you know, and it has never been a more important time for women to lead! 

    Follow and tune in to The Everyday Heroine where we are redefining what is possible for the world! Or for more information, follow the link to my website!

    en-usMaria Kauffman94 Episodes

    Episodes (94)

    Exercising Love Muscles - EP 031

    Exercising Love Muscles - EP 031

    Exercising Love Muscles for Deeper Loving Relationships goes in stages. 

    First Stage of Exercising Love Muscles

    Pick something to love and grow deeper in love with on this adventure.

    The first thing we are going to do is just imagine that one thing you are falling deeper in love with, simply hold it in your imagination. Secondly, you already know the reasons why you love this thing. As you hold it in your imagination you are going to slow things down. Lastly, just savor the reason or reasons why you love this thing in your mind.

    If thoughts of fear come up or if thoughts that are not loving thoughts come up, simply say - you are not invited to this party. You can go away now. Simply refocus your mind back to all of the loving thoughts you have about this one thing. Hold those thoughts in your mind. It can be just one thought or many. Hold it there.

    Being in flow is an important love muscle to use on a regular basis. It produces happiness even when we are doing a task that we may not like or enjoy. Being in flow is a mechanism that brings us more joy and happiness. And like I said, joy is in the journey and joy is a pathway to love.

    Here’s a simple truth I want to share with you about creating deeper loving relationships. Whatever your person, place, or thing is, you have a relationship to it. That relationship begins with the thoughts in your head. 

    Second Stage of Exercising Love Muscles

    This time around, choose yourself as the subject of love building.

    Let me review the simple steps of the exercise.

    First, you pick something you want to have a deeper loving relationship with. That can be a person, place, or thing.

    Then, you slow things down and imagine the love you already have for that thing.

    In slow mode, you make sure you have a solid focus on the love you have without any fear or anti-love thoughts.

    Once you have a flow of love going into the image of your relationship to that thing you want to love deeper, you begin to speed up the flow of love.

    Third Stage of Exercising Love Muscles

    The final exercise is done by choosing a person, place, or thing that you do not like.

    The first P of the 3Ps that an Everyday Heroine practices is a peace for a reason.  An Everyday Heroine realizes that when she is not practicing peace, she is practicing hate.

    Imagine a person, place, or thing that you don’t like, imagine one nice thing that you could say about that thing, slow it down to make sure you filter out any negative thoughts - simply ask the negative thoughts to leave this party. Continue pumping something nice into that thing. Keep it slow and steady until you feel some genuine niceness towards this thing. Recognize that you are generating love with even the slightest amount of niceness. You are a love factory.

    That is how you exercise love muscles for deeper loving relationships.

    Now there is a fun quiz to help with self-discovery.

    For the 2HR Leadership Makeover go here!

    To schedule a coaching consult, go here!

    Discover more about The Kauffman Institute go here.

    Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    The Ultimate Adventure Guide - EP 030

    The Ultimate Adventure Guide - EP 030

    The Ultimate Adventure Guide is an essential part of the women's leadership journey to accomplish the impossible.

    In this episode, women take a little adventure of their own as they listen to the insights and actions from the guide. 

    Step through the guide in 10 parts. Each part has plenty of insights and actions. Walk away with an action-packed list of things to do. Sit back and relax with an invitation for a free download at the end.


    A Heroine's Journey, A Heroine's Vision, Common Connections, The 80-20 Rule, Obstacles, Motives Matter, Phonenix Rising, Freedom, A World Without, A Sisterhood of Heroines


    Herstory, Set the Intention, Mindset & Attitude, The Everyday Heroine, Confidence, Truth, Embracing Change, Innovation, Your Legacy, Socialize Your Journey

    Now there is a fun quiz to help with self-discovery.

    For the 2HR Leadership Makeover go here!

    To schedule a coaching consult, go here!

    Discover more about The Kauffman Institute go here.

    Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Discovering and Embracing Your Greatness - EP 029

    Discovering and Embracing Your Greatness - EP 029

    The Playbook outline comes to a complete final draft in this episode.

    Wonder Woman as a Guide

    From an early age, remember the most that superpowers are revealing themselves.

    Jumping bravely off of cliffs is a great start as long as you are immortal. 

    Living in a nurturing environment is crucial for emotional intelligence, guidance, and support.

    Tapping into that 'je ne sais quoi' is the epitome of confidence.

    Superman as a Guide

    Learn the how-to's of life from Superman. 

    Sometimes you need to be the alter-ego like Clark Kent

    Weaknesses must be avoided like Kryptonite. Survival is key if you are going to save the world.

    The Playbook Outline Finalized

    1. The Objective of the Game
    2. The Playing Field
    3. Skills, Talents, and Essence
    4. Connection, Inspiration, and Support 
    5. Playing the Game 
    6. Improper play, Illegal action, and misconduct
    7. Outside the Playing Field

    Both Wonder Woman and Superman had a way to discover and embrace their neverending greatness. Learn the dos and don'ts from your favorite superheroine!

    Take the Quiz

    Now there is a quiz to take for fun to help with self-discovery.

    For the 2HR Leadership Makeover go here!

    To schedule a coaching consult, go here!

    Discover more about The Kauffman Institutehere.

    Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Avoiding the 7 Deadliest Sins - EP 028

    Avoiding the 7 Deadliest Sins - EP 028

    As you probably already know, in each episode of the Playbook I attempt to do a bit of a review to help in two ways. #1 it reminds us of where we have gone in order to continue to where we need to go and #2 it recommits me to the mission and the purpose of the playbook. It gives me a chance to remember what the objective and the ultimate goal are. And it challenges me to build integrity into the guidelines. From the positive psychology perspective, it provides the opportunity for micro-adjustments to fine-tune the precision of hitting our target. Otherwise, it is not useful or it is not as useful as it can be. That would be a disappointment for me. 

    Really what I’m hoping for is to create something that can stand the test of time from any different perspective and still hold true. With this particular facet, it is definitely challenging for me to look at how humans actually play the game of life. This is probably drastically different from how humans think they play the game of life. And here is where the magic either happens or it doesn’t. Most people do not understand this crucial part.  

    The Playbook is an opportunity to look at happiness and success in a bigger way and hopefully a more beautiful way for everyone. I love it! I do, I love to be challenged. I love to learn. I love to grow and that’s really the whole point. I actually believe that there is a way to see life that offers true abundance where there is room for everyone to experience that joy in life. 

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!



    Exploring Illegal Actions for Playing the Game of Life - EP 027

    Exploring Illegal Actions for Playing the Game of Life - EP 027

    As we go explore illegal actions for playing the game of life we find gold.

    Here are three categories that will ultimately lead us to narrow down how to define improper play, illegal action, and misconduct. By themselves, they are not games that we play in life so that they are not vulnerable like the justice system is. These are the catalysts for change. They are the fuel in your tank to take your adventure through the long and windy journey. 

    The categories are: 

    1. Attitude
    2. Abundance -vs- Scarcity
    3. Motivation - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    Our attitude in life and our ability to avoid a scarcity mindset while working toward self-actualization is a pretty good and general mission for humanity. Regardless of where you are on any scale, there is always room for improvement. The path to improvement would be to have a positive attitude, an abundance mindset, and effort toward self-actualization more often. Too much time in a negative attitude, a scarcity mindset, and avoiding self-actualization is the equivalent of improper play, illegal action, and misconduct in baseball.

    My mission with this episode was to bring awareness to human potential. I know in my life, when I was struggling the most, I was actually searching to find these guidelines that could help me work toward more success and happiness and stay away from misery. 

    The one simple truth I learned is that the only person I can control is me. To be the best me I can be is being the change I wish to see in the world. That makes me a winner! And that alone actually brings me more success and happiness every single time. I can count on it. 

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Scrooged with the Ghosts of Women's Leadership - EP 026

    Scrooged with the Ghosts of Women's Leadership - EP 026

    This episode is full of inspiration as we are Scrooged with the Ghosts of Women's Leadership Past, Present, and Future.

    The Ghosts of Women's Leadership Past

    Ten women from past episodes speak to us and send a message for a brighter 100-years to come.

    The 100-year theme seemed to stick out in two ways. The last global pandemic we had was 100 years ago for one. And two, after studying several amazing women leaders as part of this podcast there seemed to be a common thread that was popping out. These women were speaking to me.

    There is something special that seems to tie us all together. By looking at a couple of milestones at both the 100-year mark and the fifty-year mark we can learn more. It’s like the data was begging me to dig a little deeper to expose something. Or was it the ghosts of Women’s Leadership Past?

    The Ghost of Women’s Leadership Future

    What happens in the future without our participation in Women’s Leadership?

    When we continue to let our planet and humanity waffle, what happens to the misunderstanding of the misunderstood?

    What happens if we don’t intervene with more curiosity, compassion, and kindness to resolve conflict, gain insight, and build respect?

    I find it far more useful to paint a picture of possibilities of prosperity than to get stuck in the mud from the old order of thinking that we are all separate and different.

    Imagine in the future, Women’s Leadership is leading the way.

    In the next 100-years, I believe the following is absolutely possible!

    The Ghost of Women's Leadership Present

    We must honor and not ignore the Ghost of Women’s Leadership Present. We must learn to be fully present so that the future has a chance.

    I invite you to see a brighter future for yourself and for others. I invite you to be inspired with a unique vision of what you see for the next 100-years. May it be full of possibilities and challenges that are meant to be solved only by you. I invite you to a greater understanding of how important you are in the world!

    Believe in your version of the Ghost of Women’s Leadership Future!

    Information in this episode sourced from Wikipedia.

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    BONUS 002: Alleviate Stress with Three Deep Breaths

    BONUS 002: Alleviate Stress with Three Deep Breaths

    Find a quiet place without distractions to practice Mindfulness.

    Do not participate if you are driving, pregnant, or if you have health concerns. Always consult a doctor if you have questions.

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    BONUS 001: Tree of Knowledge, Mindfulness with Maria

    BONUS 001: Tree of Knowledge, Mindfulness with Maria

    Find a quiet place without distractions to practice Mindfulness.

    Do not participate if you are driving, pregnant, or if you have health concerns. Always consult a doctor if you have questions.

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Adjusting an Attitude for a Successful Life - EP 025

    Adjusting an Attitude for a Successful Life - EP 025

    This sealed my fate for the part of my journey to discover a new mission in life. I started an endless search for new information and experiences that could answer many of the new questions that were building up in my mind. It created a new source for questions of a different nature and a different quality. I grew to understand Einstein's quote, you cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created them. I was changing, my thinking was changing and my ability to solve problems was changing. 

    This was my massive attitude adjustment. Once I learned this framework so many things fell into place. 

    It was evident that I had created the change that I was seeking. I was beginning to answer that question my Uncle inspired so many years ago ‘‘how can I like myself more so that I can find or attract people who like me more too’? 

    During this time, I am consuming leadership development like it is a full-time job. On my path, I pivot from prioritizing fun and adventure and making more money than my parents to creating impact, justice, and making a contribution to the world. 

    As I consume knowledge and experience in an effort to change myself and others, I refine and improve my attitude adjustment skills.

    Today, I look back on the moment when I first heard the word attitude. It was a significant moment for me. That may have also been the first moment when I felt I needed to stick up for myself. There was a quality about that moment that I knew what I believed was right at the moment. And that was an act of radical self-love. I was too young to understand most of it. My life makes greater sense when I look at a series of significant moments, when I connect the dots between them, and when I realize that my experiences are driving thought-provoking questions that put me on a path to live a life that answers those questions and solves problems. 

    We are playing the game of life. Our attitude is everything in this game. We have two types of energy or attitudes to choose from which can help or hamper our success and happiness in life. We can further refine our attitude into seven different levels. 

    When we live in the helpful levels without stress or conflict, we drive success and happiness in a helpful direction toward positive change in the world. 

    When we operate with stress or conflict we hamper our ability to solve problems. Staying in stress and conflict makes it more difficult to heal from these moments. It becomes more harmful when we endure too much time in stressful situations. 

    The trickiest part is that we can easily become entrained into a certain attitude as it becomes a comfortable place to exist even when it is hampering our progress toward success and happiness. It takes effort and commitment to change. The reward for change is priceless and worth the effort to achieve it. 

    An Everyday Heroine is committed to the greater good which requires a personal transformation. That personal transformation offers insight, compassion, and motivation to pursue her life mission and to help others transform the world. 

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Choosing an Attitude for Playing the Game of Life - EP 024

    Choosing an Attitude for Playing the Game of Life - EP 024

    Playing the Game of Life is all about your attitude!

    In this episode, we begin with a real-life story of playing the game of life. We add some incentive for practicing peace. And finally, we compare and contrast practicing peace with practicing conflict.

    Then we move on to a short and sassy recap of the Playbook to date. This version may be the most motivating of all.

    The 5th facet of the Playbook is rolled out. This part of all about attitude.

    The two types of energy and 7 different levels are revealed.

    Catabolic energy is destructive and draining.

    Anabolic energy is uplifting and self-motivating.

    For playing the game of life you have seven choices as follows:
    Level 1 energy - I lose
    Level 2 energy - You lose
    Level 3 energy - I win, it's okay if you win too
    Level 4 energy - You win
    Level 5 energy - I win & You win
    Level 6 energy - Everyone always wins
    Level 7 energy - Winning and losing are illusions

    Last-minute gift ideas are also touched before the closing of this episode.

    Donations for Women's Leadership are suggested by going to Heifer International.

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    The Everyday Heroine
    en-usDecember 12, 2021

    Game Preliminaries for Playing the Game of Life - EP 023

    Game Preliminaries for Playing the Game of Life - EP 023

    In this episode, I give some holiday gift suggestions for STEM girls and confident women.
    I also share the news of my Mindfulness with Maria meditations on Instagram.

    The 4th facet of the Playbook is discussed in detail in this episode. As we dive into this deeper, it will become hugely helpful for everyone and anyone trying to be an Everyday Heroine, leaving the world better than we found it!

    To sum this episode up, with have the 4th facet – Game Preliminaries that includes the following:

    4.01 Inspiration

    4.02 Support and Guidance

    4.03 Box of Awesome Lite

    4.04 Social, Cultural, and Global Influences

    4.05 Scientific Facts around Conscious and Unconscious Biases

    4.06 No Fraternization

    4.07 Security

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Skills, Talents, and Essence for Playing the Game of Life - EP 022

    Skills, Talents, and Essence for Playing the Game of Life - EP 022

    Skills, Talents, and Essence for Playing the Game of Life

    Let’s get into facet #3.0 – Skills, Talents, and Essence which is the equivalent to Major League Baseball’s – Equipment and Uniforms. Yes, I know sounds like more fun!

    For The Everyday Heroine’s Playbook, I chose skills, talents, and essence because they seem fitting to the general idea around this facet. You can ask yourself, what do I take with me to play the game of life?

    In your career or business, this is either your resume, your CV, your business plan, your qualifications, certifications, or licenses.

    In the game of life this is like having a resume for each role you play – professional, sister, mother, neighbor, pet owner, good Samaritan, charity worker, volunteer, auntie, grandmother, community member, let’s not forget human and steward of the planet earth, the list goes on and on. 

    You get the picture from a conceptual standpoint. I’m not actually suggesting that you create a resume for each role you play in life. Just be aware that you play many roles and you have many skills and talents that go with each!


    Skills are probably self-explanatory and because most professionals have a resume, I’m sure I don’t need to explain this part. Although I must say that most women underestimate themselves, so it is important to get feedback from others to make sure you are properly representing yourself.


    Talent is defined as a natural aptitude or skill. It is typically something that cannot be manufactured if you do not naturally have the ability already.

    Talent is a little different and it may show up for highly talented humans in the form of achievements. For MLB talent, you could be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Or any sports Hall of Fame recognized.

    For talents like chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, and literature you may achieve a Nobel Peace Prize.


    And then there is Essence. This one is more nuanced because it allows for uniqueness. This is a place where we describe a person’s attitude and leadership qualities and some of the more intangible attributes that define a person. It is the sum of the natural aspects that make you who you are and therefore it is part of what you bring with you to play the game of life. This can include your values, beliefs, philosophies, and life experiences which are part of who you are.

    So for the Everyday Heroine who wants to play the game of life, we must also minimize the undue socialization and culturalization that holds us back from being an individual that is fully expressed and sovereign of herself.

    Celebrating the milestone of women in engineering as a result of the many recent efforts from supporters of all kinds. Here's the article I mentioned in the podcast. 

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    The Playing Field for Playing the Game of Life - EP 021

    The Playing Field for Playing the Game of Life - EP 021

    In this episode of The Everyday Heroine, we define the Playing Field for Playing the Game of Life.

    There are three main components defined for the playing field for playing the game of life.

    The Playing Field for Playing the Game of Life

    Let’s get into facet #2 from the Playbook outline – The Playing Field

    Just for reference, here’s how Major League Baseball breaks it down. They have five aspects of the field: The layout of the field, home base, the bases, the pitcher’s plate, and the benches interestingly enough.

    That is well and good for playing a very specific game in a very specific place and in a very specific way.

    So I am challenged with playing the game of life in an equally specific place and a specific way. But keep in mind that when I created the outline, I intentionally left room to handle all situations when I included facet #7 called – Outside the Playing Field.


    Container – this is like the white room where Neo and Morpheus trained as one example. In the movie the Matrix, you understood that people could travel from one container to another container when they answered a ringing phone in a phone booth. You don’t completely know how they travel, but you accept it as a known truth as something that is possible. The container where they slept and ate was some sort of vessel like a ship or an aircraft combination. I’m not sure how it was all connected… but they did have different containers.

    Major League Baseball clearly defines a baseball playing field including the benches as the container.

    As a coach, I may define the container between me and a client as a phone call or a
    Zoom meeting.

    In a workshop, the container may be a conference room or webinar.

    As a speaker, the container may be an auditorium.  


    Defined activity – with Neo and Morpheus, the activity was necessary training for the chosen one. MLB the activity is baseball. As a coach, the activity is coaching. As a keynote speaker, the activity is speaking.  


    Classification for existence – further defines the activity meaning that sometimes we use the container for practice or for play and sometimes we use it for work or for competition. And even for competition, there may be additional attributes that further define the work or competition. In baseball, that means the difference between regular season play and world series competition.

    Descriptive Attributes

    When I’m coaching a client on negotiation skills, we use role-playing as an activity in the container we create. Then, the client changes the container when she performs the same activity in a work environment or container. If she needs to escalate the negotiation activity inside her organization then the container and the classification for existence may also change as she continues the same activity through to the end.

    So the playing field is defined as a container where the defined activity can be held in a safe space for the given classification for existence and where other attributes may be further defined.

    I’m pretty happy with that facet of the playbook… once again, I’m always open to feedback and would love to hear your thoughts!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Playing the Game of Life as an Empowered Woman - EP 020

    Playing the Game of Life as an Empowered Woman - EP 020

    Moving on to the much-anticipated Playbook practice. 

    I loosely defined the Playbook as a new perspective and guide on playing the game of life for the Everyday Heroine.

    Happiness may be the easiest one to agree upon in this way. Each person has a unique perspective on what makes them happy. It is very personal and specific to each person. I love it because it inspires a very rich and colorful way to live life. It can bring out the beauty in humanity. We can see how the products and services we use and consume are designed to allow for a unique experience for self-expression. With different colors, shapes, and sizes we feel like we can get exactly what we want to make us feel like true individuals.  

    Now when we take a similar approach to life and liberty, we can open a conversation that is free to explore the extremes. Liberty, also known as freedom and independence has a sliding scale where one side opposes the other. 

    The balance between surviving and thriving is something we know a little bit about. We can send regular everyday humans into space and bring them back safely. As humans, we can learn more and thrive more, so the Playbook is a place to start the conversation so that everyone benefits. 

    From my perspective, I see the Playbook as a way to educate and inspire women to live a life of empowerment. It is a topic I am passionate about, and it is my mission in life not only to live a more empowered life myself but also to help others do the same.

    So it looks like the Playbook is turning into a practice of gaining perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as we play the game of life like an Everyday Heroine.

    First, let me remind you of the outline I started previously. 

    There are 7 facets to the Playbook guidelines:

    As you may know, I am generally following the Major League Baseball rule book as I create this Playbook. And it may surprise you that the objective of the game of baseball is described in 6 sentences. 

    I will read them to you for perspective and appreciation of the game known as America’s National Pastime.

    As I bring this episode to a close, I’ll share the 6 sentences that make up the objective for this Playbook and Playing the Game of Life - like an Everyday Heroine.

    1.0     The Objective of the Game

    1. The Game of Life is a game played by a human living in a physical world between birth and until death, under the direction of that human being, and in accordance with the rules of nature. 
    2. The human has cycles of sleep and wake stages that are a normal part of surviving and thriving, under the hierarchy of Maslow’s needs. 
    3. During the sleep stage, the human enters a state that provides rest and replenishment that supports advancement for the human’s existence during the wake stage. 
    4. During wake stages the human enters a realm with a variety of options for existence that ultimately facilitate growth and advancement. 
    5. The objective of the human is to progress through the hierarchy of Maslow’s needs based on the human conditions available in the physical world at the time of existence. 
    6. The quality of life is solely judged by its creator and there is no such thing as losing.

    That gets us started on the Playbook for now. There will be so much more to come in next week’s episode and beyond.

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Guest Interview with Sarah Merrifield - EP 019

    Guest Interview with Sarah Merrifield - EP 019

    Introducing Sarah Merrifield creator of the Liberated Fitness Playbook

    I found Sarah on IG when Jameela Jamil shouted her out. I was beginning my playbook for playing the game of life so when I saw your Liberated Fitness Playbook, I immediately became a fan. Sarah is a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, and yoga instructor. When she works with clients she tailors a unique plan to achieve their personal goals getting their whole lifestyle on point.

    Sarah’s Story

    Sarah started a relationship with fitness in an unhealthy way at the age of 14. She developed orthorexia and compulsive exercising. She suffered through her college years. Later she became socially isolated and realized that fitness was taking over her life. Sarah decided to take a different track and get certified in fitness. She discovered her niche in helping others get out of unhealthy fitness and nutrition habits.

    Sarah tells us that orthorexia is an obsession with healthy eating and the quality of food. She also tells us that fitness should be 5% of your life.

    The Everyday Heroine Characteristics

    1. Favorite super heroine is Serena Williams.
    2. She goes against the status-quo to make the world a better place with activism for animal rights, social justice, vegan, using social justice against modern fitness industry to dismantle diet culture and fat phobia
    3. Answers her call to greatness with communication, writing, poet, blogging, activism, human connection – skills and talents.
    4. Works toward self-mastery 10,000 hours in the same domain – Bi-lingual in Spanish, fitness, mental health, positive psychology
    5. Has the freedom to explore her passion & purpose in a way that inspires women’s leadership – Started her own business to be her own boss. Being a role model for others.
    6. Must earn notable accomplishments – two Bachelor’s Degrees in fashion merchandising and Spanish, certified in personal training, group training, nutrition and 200 hours in yoga. Published writer and poet. Speaks Spanish fluently. Travel around the world. Honored and awarded for activism. Created her business from scratch on her own. Overcame an eating disorder and created Liberated Fitness to help others healing their relationship to food and exercise.
    7. Shows evidence of transformation – Giving clients the tools to work through stressful situations so that can stay in a healthy place. As she helps her clients, they help her learn and grow as well.

    Practicing Peace

    Sarah is Buddhist and takes her meditation practice into her everyday meditative state.

    Three Pillars to Holistic Wellness

    1. Stabilize your mental health
    2. Establish a healthy routine (discover intuitive eating and movement)
    3. Transform your mindset (unlearn diet culture and fatphobia and relearn radical self-love)

    Contact Sarah

    Here is Sarah's website: https://www.merri.fit/

    And here is the link to info on her program that we discussed: https://www.merri.fit/liberated-fitness-playbook

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Guest Interview with Patricia Damon - EP 018

    Guest Interview with Patricia Damon - EP 018

    Introducing Patricia Damon as a Transformational Expert

    In this discussion, Trish walks us through five phases of a transformational story.

    Patricia Damon is a highly successful entrepreneur, CEO, President, and executive coach.


    Shutting down

    At age 16, Trish finds herself pregnant. One failed attempt by her family encouraged adoption for her son. Nine months later, one successful attempt left her without her son.

    Cracking Open

    Eighteen years later, her son returns to her. That reunion cracked open Trish’s awareness around her childhood trauma through post-traumatic flashbacks of abuse.  

    Building Awareness

    We need awareness to understand what is informing and influencing our behaviors.

    With our negative behavior patterns, we unconsciously continue the pattern unless we have something to help us change the pattern. We need to go back into childhood memories. We need to heal and transmute ourselves into a different realm.

    For women working in male-dominated industries, Trish offers some tips.


    Trish talks about the overwhelm of emotions that came through on her path to healing. She lost two family members during this time. Those events brought her to a crossroads of needing support and healing at the same time. In a tearful moment with the universe, she reached out for support. She received direction from the universe to explore psychedelics.

    Trish was called to the jungle to do a psychedelic journey which undoubtedly saved her life.

    Hope for the future 

    We do our own personal work. We then shift one person at a time in those we influence in how we show up differently. Each one of us has an internal system of knowing and heightened intuition. It is up to us whether we want to be in co-creation with that voice and whether we want to do the work to see that full expression. 

    Don’t abandon yourself in anything you are doing. That self-care and self-love trumps all in transforming who we are.




    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Guest Interview with Mindi Rosser - EP 017

    Guest Interview with Mindi Rosser - EP 017

    Welcome to the show Mindi! Mindi is a LinkedIn Expert, mother, and surfer. As a B2B social media coach that uses LinkedIn to grow prosperity and confidence for others.

    Mindi steps us through her early life experiences being a super manifestor of her dream career and life.

    A strategist and explorer, she maintains balance naturally. Her view of seeing a door wide open to walk through while walking cautiously through it is a balanced approach to living life wide open.

    Mindi takes her freedom seriously and follows an entrepreneurial path to gain deeper freedoms. Making poor decisions is all part of the process to explore life full out.

    Surfing and growing a business requires grit as a recommended quality. Both are very strategic activities where a person must make dozens of decisions to navigate on a regular basis. The Everyday Heroine persona resonates through her storytelling. Riding waves through her eyes is like navigating a day in the life of a hectic problem solver.

    Her insights inspire anyone that enjoys strategy and decision-making as she gets the audience rejuvenated. Mindi says, 'We can do hard things!'

    Three Tips for Strategy and Decision-Making

    Beginners Strategists

    Intermediate or Advanced Strategists

    Closing a Sessions like a Champion Strategist

    The Everyday Heroine Characteristics

    Practicing Peace

    Mindi practices peace through journaling during tricky times and sticky points in life. Journaling gets her out of her head. The sauna is one of her favorite things to do to bring peace into her life. Yoga and stretching regulate her system in a healthy form. Breathwork also regulates her system.

    Transformational Story with Dreadlocks

    We get the full story on the dreadlocks. The change in hairstyle helped her to let things be. It was a practice of acceptance. She lets the wild out. This is a must listen to the episode!

    To Discover More About Mindi 


    LinkedIn Accelerator Waitlist: https://learn.mindirosser.com/linkedin-accelerator-waitlist




    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Guest Interview with Claire Wilkinson - EP 016

    Guest Interview with Claire Wilkinson - EP 016

    Claire Wilkinson helps me get grounded with a centering exercise right at the beginning of the episode.

    I met Claire inside a networking community. Immediately, I gravitated toward her positive and outgoing energy. Claire has a lovely accent and lives in the UK.

    I’ve been on her Clubhouse gatherings, and I just cannot get enough of your soothing voice and the soothing message you deliver to the world.

    Claire’s opening stories help describe what it is like to access her deep inner-self and inner-strength. Her story is a journey of self-discovery that led her to the change she was searching for in life. The steps she talks about if a great explanation of what happens in the human world to get us off the path of being our authentic selves.

    Claire introduces the chakras to our conversation. She takes us through an exercise that helps us speak our voice with greater ease and power. This exercise can be done any time you feel the need to overcome a struggle with finding your voice.

    Get in touch with your inner self first. You check in to make sure that your opinion is coming from a true place. We walk through the chakras from the bottom up to get to your throat chakra while getting your energy flowing in the way you need to take it.

    This exercise can be done before a meeting or during a meeting within yourself.

    Claire Wilkinson can be found on the web here:


    For a free mini-course go to:


    On Instagram at:


    On Facebook at:


    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

    Guest Interview with Melissa LaGrant - EP 015

    Guest Interview with Melissa LaGrant - EP 015

    Today we have Melissa LaGrant as a guest on the show. Melissa's mission is to help people Drop the Diet! 

    Melissa and I discuss the seven characteristics of an Everyday Heroine:

    1. Melissa’s favorite superheroine is Moana
    2. Goes against the status-quo to make the world a better place – being a woman-owned business, dropping the diet, won’t tell people what to do without coaching the mindset around eating
    3. Answers her call to greatness with her skills or talents – empathy, compassion, and self-awareness
    4. Works toward self-mastery 10,000 hours in the same domain – nutrition and fitness, learning, studying, mindset, self-development, student, coaching
    5. Has the freedom to explore her passion & purpose in a way that inspires women’s leadership – being her own boss with her own studio, the freedom to create with podcast and digital courses, supportive women’s community
    6. Must earn notable accomplishments/achievements – brick and mortar business, digital course, podcast
    7. Shows evidence of transformation – not about weight loss or looks, it is about how women talk to themselves, no longer beating themselves up, self-talk, a new belief in a person, self-confidence, self-trust, transforming through increased joy and fulfillment, and having a positive impact on women’s lives

    We get quick tips on our ‘Why’ and the importance of figuring this out first. Prioritizing this is top of mind when working with her clients.

    She teaches us to redefine our expectations of what fitness and nutrition should look like. We can learn how to go out, socialize, be around food, and be okay. 

    Most people don’t get started because it is so daunting. To be successful it should not be that way. It is possible to enjoy the process. The diet industry teaches us how to spend money on the latest and greatest and does not address a healthier mindset about food.

    Lastly, keep it simple! There does not need to be a magic formula. Melissa suggests that with fitness she disassociates movement from weight loss. She suggests doing your physical activity of choice because it makes you feel good not to beat yourself up for something you ate.

    With nutrition start small. There is no need to go from French fries to broccoli. It just doesn’t work. 

    Find the tiny, little, simple thing that you can do 100%. When that step becomes so easy that you don’t think about it anymore, then you move on to another tiny change. That’s how to effectively build healthy habits that will last.

    Melissa practices peace is throwing around the weights to see what her body can do.  Set an alarm to take a two-minute walk. Journaling is another form of peace in her practice. 

    She suggests that we journal about our eating from an emotional perspective for improving our eating habits. 

    Progress is not the scale! That’s just data!

    Right down three wins a week for your wins no matter how tiny.

    Grab Melissa’s Freebie: 6 biggest weight loss myths at:


    Podcast website: https://www.dropthedietweightloss.com/podcasts/drop-the-diet-weight-loss

    Apple podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/drop-the-diet-weight-loss/id1575135550

    Instagram: @melissa.lagrant https://www.instagram.com/melissa.lagrant/

    Life coaching with Maria Kauffmanproducts and services here. and consults with Maria, go here!

    Guest Interview with Cheryl Haley - EP 014

    Guest Interview with Cheryl Haley - EP 014

    Today we have Cheryl Haley as a guest on the show. 

    Hey, Cheryl!

    You have been invited to the show because you are an Everyday Heroine, I know you personally and I like to call you ‘Fun Cheryl’ because you can turn an ordinary event into the most extraordinary fun a group of friends can have! You bring a sense of extra fun to everything you do, from the way you wrap a gift, and then to the extra thoughtfulness in the gift itself, all the way to the extra joy the gift continues to bring well after it is presented. You are that thoughtful. 

    Plus, you inspire others through the everyday things you do especially when you make your family life extraordinary through big and little adventures. You go over the top by preparing adventures with extra fun things way before they begin, and then you bring the fun during and after your adventures as well.

    Cheryl cautions us about the do’s and don’t of going to an interview. She also gives us advice on how to be persistent and follow your dreams for a career regardless of what anyone tells you to do. Her courageous story of wanting to be a flight attendant turns into a prosperous career as a travel agent.

    Cheryl and I discuss her seven characteristics of an Everyday Heroine:

    1. Cheryl’s favorite superheroine is Wonder Woman
    2. Goes against the status-quo to make the world a better place – always try to do what is right
    3. Answers her call to greatness with her skills or talents – travel and helping people travel
    4. Works toward self-mastery 10,000 hours in the same domain – travel skill 
    5. Has the freedom to explore her passion & purpose in a way that inspires women’s leadership - freedom to explore the world in general
    6. Must earn notable accomplishments/achievements – raising two children, sticking with a career for 33 years
    7. Shows evidence of transformation – she’s come a long way from the girl who had her first interview with a soiled blouse, all the vacations that she has booked over the years has produced lots of great memories

    Cheryl has a morning peace practice of sitting with coffee, reading and walking.

    She is currently reading Boundary Boss by Terri Cole, The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+ by Suze Orman, and Eyewitness travel guides. 

    Find Cheryl on the web at http://cherylsvacationclub.com/

    Or on her social media channels at https://www.facebook.com/Cherylsvacationclub


    Or book an appointment with Cheryl to talk about travel. 

    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!