
    3 Years Has Really, Really Made This Apparent... DO THE WORK #580

    enJuly 28, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the Challenges of ParentingParenting involves immense challenges beyond raising a newborn, including the emotional and physical strain of having multiple children over a short period of time. It's normal to feel uncertain and doubtful, but acknowledging these struggles can help new parents normalize the experience.

      Learning from the last 3 years of being a parent and hosting the Do the Work podcast is the immense challenges that come with the role. It's not just about the difficulties of raising a newborn, but the collective life experiences of having multiple children over a short period of time. Parenting can be emotionally and physically draining, leaving one feeling doubtful, uncertain, and even questioning their abilities. The stress can be overwhelming, and it's important to acknowledge that these hard times are a normal part of the experience. Contrary to the perceived image, parenting is not all fun and joy, and it's crucial for people to discuss the challenges they face to help normalize the experience for new parents.

    • Navigating the complexities of parentingDespite difficult emotions and challenges, love and connection can still exist between parents and children. Parenting is a continuous learning process, essential to adapt and communicate effectively.

      Parenting in today's world comes with its fair share of challenges and complexities. The relationship between parents and children can go through ups and downs, and it's essential to understand that it's not uncommon to experience difficult emotions towards each other. Kids growing up in an ever-changing world, with access to vast amounts of knowledge, may not always respond to parental guidance as expected. It's natural to feel disconnected or even dislike each other at times due to personality clashes or differing perspectives. However, it's important to remember that these feelings don't define the parent-child bond forever. Love and connection can still exist despite the challenges. Parenting is a continuous learning process, and it's essential to adapt and find ways to communicate effectively with our children. It's not always an easy journey, but it's a rewarding one.

    • Navigating the joys and challenges of parenthoodParenting requires resilience, adaptability, patience, and a willingness to learn and grow. Keep trying different approaches and avoid being mean or abusive to your child.

      Being a parent is a challenging and rewarding experience that requires resilience and adaptability. It involves pushing through difficult times, absorbing criticism, and learning to cut yourself some slack. Parenting is a long-term commitment that lasts for at least 18 years, and it comes with both highs and lows. The highs are fulfilling, but the lows can be disheartening and may leave you questioning your decisions. It's important to remember that you're doing the best you can, and to keep trying different approaches if things aren't working. And even when you make mistakes or lose your temper, it's crucial to avoid going to the "dark side" and being mean or abusive to your child. Ultimately, being a parent is a 24/7 job that demands patience, understanding, and a willingness to learn and grow.

    • The Reality of Parenting: Epically Hard, Epically GreatParenting is a challenging journey filled with ups and downs, but the rewards far outweigh the struggles. It's essential to stay resilient, find support, and remember that progress may not always be linear.

      Parenting is a challenging journey filled with ups and downs. While some people may find it easier than others, most parents will encounter difficult times and feel overwhelmed at times. It's important to remember that progress may not always be linear, and it's essential to keep trying different approaches to communicate and adapt with children. Parenting is not always smooth sailing, and it's crucial to find ways to stay resilient and keep moving forward. It's essential to acknowledge the struggles and not compare ourselves to others' perceived perfection. Ultimately, the rewards of parenting far outweigh the challenges, and it's a journey worth taking. Parents should remember that they are not alone in their struggles and that it's okay to ask for help when needed. The reality of parenting is epically hard, but epically great.

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    See more of my content:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.






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    Here are a list of some the big words Arthur uses in the episode…just in case you need it :-)

    Routinized - to develop into a regular procedure.

    Syndicalized - to join together as one entity, as in a labor union. 

    Pedagogical - instructional, characterized by the art or science of teaching. 

    Metacognitive - having to do with metacognition, high-level thinking that enables understanding.

    Baroque - of or relating to the musical period following the Renaissance, extending roughly from 1600 to 1750.

    Fugue - Music. a polyphonic composition based upon one, two, or more themes, which are enunciated by several voices or parts in turn, subjected to contrapuntal treatment, and gradually built up into a complex form having somewhat distinct divisions or stages of development and a marked climax at the end.

    Liminality - a state of transition between one stage and the next, especially between major stages in one's life or during a rite of passage.

    Disconsolate - characterized by or causing dejection; cheerless; gloomy.

    Wizened - withered, shriveled.

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    N.B. this conversation was recorded in October 2019.

    Show notes available at drchatterjee.com/110

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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