
    Bonus: Taking Stock of Our Worth + Birthday Reflections

    enApril 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Conditioned to view self-worth as a fluctuating stock valueRecognize and challenge beliefs that tie self-worth to external factors to cultivate a steady sense of self-worth and value.

      Women are often conditioned to view their self-worth as a fluctuating stock value based on external factors. This can lead to a constant preoccupation with meeting societal expectations and can hinder personal growth and the ability to create a fulfilling life. The more we can recognize and challenge these conditioned beliefs, the more we can cultivate a steady sense of self-worth and value, allowing us to better evaluate and navigate our lives. By identifying the specific factors that influence our perceived worth and challenging their hold on us, we can work towards a more stable and authentic sense of self.

    • Focus on inner growth for self-worth renewalReflect on self-worth attachments, change thoughts for self-evolution, and embrace aging as a chance for growth.

      Our self-worth should not be determined by external factors or fleeting achievements. Instead, we need to focus on changing our thought patterns and the way we think about ourselves. This is a gift we can give ourselves, leading to a renewal or rebirth every year. Society may tell us that aging is a negative thing, but through thought work, we can evolve and grow, looking back at each year with excitement for the changes we've made. Ultimately, lasting worthiness cannot be hustled, meditated, or bought; it comes from within. Reflect on what you've attached your self-worth to and consider if it's something you want to continue controlling your feelings and outlook on life. Remember, you have the power to change your thoughts and, in turn, change your life.

    • Empowerment comes from withinBelieve in your ability to create the things you want and grow from whatever happens. Reflect on self-worth and change thought patterns step-by-step to rewire the brain.

      Empowerment comes from within and the ability to change one's thought patterns is key to taking control of one's life. The speaker shares her personal experiences of learning to live with someone and co-parent, as well as the upcoming goal of publishing a book and becoming a New York Times bestselling author. She emphasizes that this sense of empowerment doesn't mean being in control of every circumstance, but rather the belief that one can create the things they want and grow from whatever happens. The speaker encourages everyone to reflect on their own sense of self-worth and consider changing their thoughts if they're not happy with what they find attached to it. She also shares that the process of changing thought patterns is not about positive thinking or manifesting, but rather a step-by-step approach to rewiring the brain. Through her program, the Clutch, she teaches this process to others.

    • The impact of society on our brains and self-coachingSociety shapes our thoughts and behaviors through complex biological and personal experiences. Practical tools like relaxation, somatic practices, and pleasure support brain health and effective self-coaching.

      Understanding the complex interplay between biology, society, and personal experiences is crucial for effective self-coaching or therapy. Society's impact on our brains is often overlooked but plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and behaviors. To help make decisions and promote change, the speaker offers bonuses, including trainings on relaxation, somatic practices, and pleasure, which support brain health and thought processes. Additionally, joining during the program's limited public openings provides a title reveal for the speaker's upcoming book. By acknowledging the importance of various factors influencing brain function and offering practical tools, individuals can better grasp the challenges they face and work towards meaningful solutions.

    • Improvements to The Clutch membership programThe Clutch now offers an initial course on changing thinking, followed by select courses on various topics, making the learning experience more effective and accessible.

      The Clutch, a membership program from the book "Unf\*ck Your Brain," has undergone significant improvements to make the learning experience more effective and accessible. Members now go through an initial course on changing thinking, followed by a selection of courses on various topics with new teaching materials. The program is organized in manageable chunks, addressing past issues of overwhelming content. Joining also comes with a free tote bag and access to a live teaching session. The Clutch has helped many people achieve remarkable results, and those who previously found it overwhelming can now benefit from the improvements. To join, visit unfuckyourbrain.com/clutch or text your email address to +1347-934-8861. Remember to join safely, especially if you're driving.

    • Join The Clutch for deeper learning and growthThe Clutch is an extension of Unfuck Your Brain podcast, offering individual help, new coaching tools, and a supportive community for those committed to transforming their lives.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the invitation to join The Clutch community as a way to celebrate personal growth and rebirth, just like a birthday. The Clutch is an extension of the Unfuck Your Brain podcast, offering individual help in applying the concepts, learning new coaching tools, and connecting with like-minded individuals. It's a supportive environment where members can deepen their understanding of thought work and transform their lives. The speaker is passionate about The Clutch and believes it will make a significant difference. If you're interested in maximizing your learning and growth from the podcast, consider joining the community at [www.unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch](http://www.unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch).

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

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    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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