
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Effective Ways to Begin Your Weight Loss JourneyFind personalized plans or online consultations, celebrate life's moments, and embrace unique journeys for weight loss and good health

      There are various effective ways to begin your weight loss journey and maintain good health. PlushCare offers online consultations with certified physicians who can prescribe FDA-approved medications for those who qualify. Meanwhile, personalized plans from apps like Noom have helped many people, including those who don't prefer salads, achieve weight loss. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and it's essential to find what works best for you. Moreover, celebrating life's special occasions is essential, and companies like 1800flowers.com provide high-quality gifts to help you do so. In the world of podcasts, Off Menu offers an entertaining and engaging experience where hosts James Acaster and Ed Gamble invite guests to share their favorite meals. Lastly, it's important to remember that everyone experiences challenges and grief, and resources like Carrie Lloyd's book "You're Not Alone" can offer helpful tips and support. So, embrace the journey, find the tools that work for you, and don't forget to celebrate life's special moments along the way.

    • Exploring the Idea of Incorporating a Genie into a PodcastThe hosts discussed the potential of adding a genie to Griefcast to engage guests and add a new dimension, emphasizing the importance of choosing a podcast topic one can talk about endlessly, respecting people's boundaries, and acknowledging the role of mediums in grief.

      Both genies and podcasts have been around for a long time, each with their unique elements. While genies have been part of folklore since ancient times, podcasts have been a constant source of entertainment and information since the late 2000s. During a conversation, the hosts touched upon the idea of incorporating a genie into a podcast, specifically Griefcast, as a way to engage guests and add a new dimension to the show. The hosts also acknowledged the importance of choosing a podcast topic that one can talk about endlessly, such as grief or food. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the sensitivity of dealing with grief and the importance of respecting people's boundaries when it comes to discussing their experiences. The hosts emphasized that not everyone may be ready or willing to share their stories, and it's essential to respect their privacy. The conversation also touched upon the role of mediums in grief and the potential for exploitation, adding a thought-provoking layer to the discussion. Overall, the conversation showcased the hosts' genuine interest in exploring new ideas and their commitment to creating a welcoming and respectful podcast environment.

    • Navigating the complexities of podcasting: Sensitive topics, cancellations, and jealousyCreating a podcast involves dealing with various challenges, from handling sensitive topics and cancellations to managing emotions like jealousy. Embrace a broad spectrum of experiences and emotions to create engaging content.

      Creating and hosting a podcast involves dealing with various challenges and emotions, from handling sensitive topics to dealing with cancellations and even jealousy. Clementine, the podcast host in the discussion, shares her experiences of creating a podcast about death, "Griefcast," and the complexities that come with it. People approach her with personal stories, and she must be respectful and understanding, even when they cancel at the last minute. She also expresses jealousy towards other podcasts that cover different topics, like comedy. The conversation also touches on the importance of understanding different backgrounds and food preferences, as Clementine shares her experiences of growing up with different food habits compared to her husband's. Despite the challenges, Clementine continues to create and explore new topics, acknowledging the importance of embracing a broad spectrum of experiences and emotions.

    • Parents' struggles with sugar addictionAddiction is complex and parents, despite their best efforts, can still become addicted to sugar.

      Even parents, who try to set boundaries around sugar intake for their children, can struggle with their own addictions. James shared a story about how he unintentionally turned Sugar into a full-blown sugar addict, and now finds himself sharing his pudding as a result. He also reminisced about his own childhood experiences with his father, who hid his sugar addiction from them. Despite their best intentions, both James and his father found themselves succumbing to their cravings. It's a reminder that addiction is not always a simple issue of willpower, and even parents, who are supposed to be the role models, can fall short. It's important to recognize the challenges and complexities of addiction and approach it with compassion and understanding.

    • Finding Comfort in Unexpected Sources During GriefDuring challenging times, it's natural to seek solace in small pleasures and connections, even when dealing with grief. Unexpected sources of comfort can provide valuable relief and help us navigate difficult emotions.

      The discussion revolved around the experiences of coping with grief and the use of unexpected sources of comfort during challenging times. Tammy, an author, shared her personal journey of writing a book about grief during the pandemic while caring for two young children. She found solace in small pleasures like Hotel Chocolat and bath bombs, acknowledging that it wasn't about the sugar but the experience itself. The conversation also touched upon the increased contemplation of mortality and the importance of supporting those experiencing grief. The overall tone was uplifting, emphasizing that it's natural to seek joy and connection even during difficult times. The book, "A New Way to Grieve," serves as a helpful guide for anyone dealing with grief, offering insights into the history and expectations surrounding it.

    • Cherishing Memories and Authenticity in the Face of MortalityMemories and authenticity are essential in the face of mortality. Cherish them through records and media, and be true to oneself even if it goes against the norm.

      Death, in the abstract, is a concept that leaves us with memories and keeps the essence of the person alive. James, from the discussion, has a theory that he won't die, but ultimately, everyone will. This leads to the thought that our podcasts, records, and other forms of media can keep people present even after they're gone. The fear of losing access to these memories, especially in a future where technology may no longer exist, is a concern. However, even in a hypothetical society where entertainment is played on a loop in people's brains, the podcast app could still be running. The conversation also touched on the importance of being true to oneself, even if it means going against the norm, like preferring still water or homemade marshmallows in a meeting. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of cherishing memories and being authentic to oneself, even in the face of mortality.

    • Personal experiences highlighting the importance of staying hydratedStaying hydrated can significantly improve mood, energy levels, and self-perception. A simple glass of water can change our perspective and boost our confidence.

      Staying hydrated is essential for our well-being and can significantly impact our mood and energy levels. The speaker shared a personal experience of being in a crowded lift and accidentally dropping an egg, causing everyone to stare at him. He compared this situation to his father's odd behavior of staying behind in the lift to avoid being identified. The conversation then shifted to the topic of water and how some people find it unappealing, while others, like the speaker, find it refreshing and necessary. He also shared how dehydration can make us feel bad about ourselves and how a simple glass of water can change our perspective. The conversation ended with the discovery of frozen hot chocolates and the speaker expressing his desire to try them. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying hydrated and how it can positively impact our daily lives.

    • A Surprising Chocolate Bread Choice and its Unique NameSpeaker Lloyd shares his love for panachocolate, a unique chocolate bread, and its intriguing name that sets expectations for an indulgent experience.

      During a discussion about food preferences, a pan of chocolate was brought up as a unique choice for a bread course. The speaker, Ed, was surprised by this selection and initiated a conversation about the specific type of chocolate bread, panachocolate, and its relation to bread. The speaker, Lloyd, explained his appreciation for panachocolate and even shared his personal experiences with it. He also mentioned the importance of the name and how it's often referred to as "panoshock" or "panashox" in some circles. The conversation highlighted the unique characteristics of panachocolate and the speaker's fondness for it, even comparing it to a good bread. The discussion also touched upon the various names and forms of this dessert, and how the name "panachocolate" or its shortened versions can create an expectation of a certain experience, which may not always be met. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's passion for food and the unique experiences associated with different dishes.

    • Discovering Delights in Unusual DishesBe open-minded and willing to try new dishes, even if they seem unusual or unappetizing at first, as they may offer unique flavors and textures that are worth experiencing.

      Despite appearances, some dishes, like the panachot latte and okonomiyaki pancake, may seem unappetizing due to their greasiness or unusual ingredients, but they can offer delightful flavors and textures that are worth trying. The Lancaster's description of his mother's panachot latte, filled with chocolate and butter, may seem disgusting to outsiders, but he finds it delicious. Similarly, okonomiyaki, a Japanese dish made with cabbage, meat, and fish, among other ingredients, is served in a round shape and topped with bonito flakes, mayonnaise, and barbecue sauce, which may seem odd to those unfamiliar with it, but it is a beloved dish in Japan and offers a unique taste experience. The key is to appreciate these dishes for their authenticity and the joy they bring to those who enjoy them. Kewpie mayo, a popular Japanese mayonnaise, is another example of an acquired taste, with its distinct sweetness and texture, but it is a beloved condiment in Japanese cuisine. Ultimately, it's important to be open-minded and willing to try new things, even if they don't look or sound appealing at first.

    • Personal experiences shape our perceptions of food and griefUnderstanding that personal preferences and experiences greatly influence our reactions to things, be it food or grief, is crucial for empathy and compassion. Offer comfort during grief and acknowledge anniversaries, and respect individual differences in entertainment choices.

      Personal preferences and experiences can greatly influence our perceptions and reactions to things, even if they are seemingly simple like sweets or licorice. The discussion revealed that some people may have strong dislikes or negative associations with certain foods, while others may love them. This was exemplified through the speakers' experiences with Swedish fish and licorice. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy and support during times of grief, even if one has negative feelings towards the person or thing that is grieved for. The speakers suggested offering comfort and acknowledging the anniversary of the loss as ways to help someone cope. Furthermore, the discussion touched on the topic of true crime podcasts and how they can provide a sense of catharsis and entertainment for some, but may not be suitable for everyone, especially those dealing with grief or trauma. Lastly, the speakers shared their appreciation for the diversity of experiences and perspectives, and the importance of embracing them, even if they challenge our own beliefs or preferences. Overall, the conversation underscored the complexity and richness of human experiences and the value of open-mindedness and compassion.

    • Discovering Unique Food Preferences and Gifting Tech for Mother's DayPlushcare offers FDA-approved weight loss meds and accepts insurance. Consider gifting an Aura digital picture frame for Mother's Day with a deal from Oura. One guest shares his dream meal of a roast chicken and dessert.

      Plushcare offers FDA-approved weight loss medications like Wegovy and Zeppound, and accepts most insurance plans for those who qualify. Meanwhile, for Mother's Day, consider gifting an Aura digital picture frame, which offers unlimited storage and an easy-to-use app to keep updating with new family photos. The episode's sponsor, Oura, offers a deal for Mother's Day with $30 off and free shipping on their best-selling frame. As for food preferences, one guest shared his dream meal involves a simple roast chicken to save room for a sweet dessert. The conversation also touched on various food preferences and aversions, with some surprising discoveries along the way.

    • Disappointment with food expectations at eventsCommunication and respect are crucial when food expectations aren't met, and everyone has unique preferences and dietary needs.

      Disappointment can arise when expectations are not met, especially when it comes to food, such as cakes being replaced by other dishes or even cheese piles. This can be particularly frustrating at events like weddings where cake is often anticipated. People tend to linger around the cake, and some may even go as far as hiding or taking large portions for their children to avoid sharing. The speaker's experience of being caught eating icing meant for her child in front of strangers was an awkward social situation that highlighted the challenges of first-time parenting. Despite the disappointment, it's essential to remember that everyone has unique preferences and dietary needs. In the speaker's case, her husband's exceptional cooking skills led to her craving simple foods like ham sandwiches during lockdown. Ultimately, it's crucial to communicate openly and respect each other's choices, even if they don't align with our own expectations.

    • Exploring food experiences and preferencesUnderstanding and respecting each other's unique food backgrounds and preferences leads to enjoyable culinary adventures.

      Everyone has unique experiences and preferences when it comes to food, especially during special occasions like dinner parties. Some people may find certain dishes uncomfortable due to specific ingredients, while others may cherish the undercooked vegetables from their childhood. The quality of cooking tools, like a good griddle pan, can significantly impact the outcome of a dish. Moreover, growing up with different culinary backgrounds can lead to misunderstandings and discoveries in adulthood. For instance, some people might have been accustomed to using pre-made sauces or gravies, while others may have learned to make them from scratch. Ultimately, the key is to appreciate and respect each other's food experiences and preferences, and to continue exploring new culinary adventures together.

    • Food brings comfort and nostalgiaFood holds special significance in our lives, bringing comfort, nostalgia, and joy through unique traditions and preferences.

      Food brings comfort and nostalgia, and people have unique ways of preparing and enjoying it. The speaker fondly recalls the excitement of discovering a salty gravy mix as a child and how her friend's family made their gravy with potato water. She also shares her preference for roast chicken and the leg over the breast, despite her husband's argument. The conversation also touches on the importance of sharing food and the speaker's creative solution to feed foxes during lockdown. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of food in our lives and the joy and comfort it can bring.

    • The value of unique experiences and discoveriesEmbrace unconventional ideas and share discoveries, even if they're not initially accepted, as they can lead to new knowledge and potential improvements

      Our conversation revealed the importance of sharing unique experiences and discoveries, even if they may seem unconventional or unapproved of. The speaker shared an anecdote about leaving a chicken carcass out for foxes and the unexpected discovery of making chicken stock from it. While some parts of the story may not have been well-received initially, the value of the new information and the potential for improvement through it was emphasized. The conversation also touched upon the topic of personal preferences, such as the size of Yorkshire puddings and the importance of finding joy in small things. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of open-mindedness and the sharing of diverse experiences.

    • Discovering the Authenticity of Miso SoupMiso soup, a traditional Japanese dish, holds personal significance for the speaker due to its comforting qualities and the transformative experience of trying an authentic version. It has become a benchmark for Japanese restaurant quality and a source of excitement with recent dessert trends.

      Miso soup, a traditional Japanese dish, holds a significant place in the speaker's heart due to its comforting and transformative qualities. The speaker's sister-in-law introduced her to the authentic version, which stands in contrast to the brown, warm liquid she had known before. Miso soup has become a litmus test for the quality of Japanese restaurants for the speaker, and its improvement over the years has made it an exciting addition to meals. The speaker also expresses excitement about recent trends of miso in desserts but emphasizes the importance of balance between savory and sweet flavors. Overall, miso soup represents comfort, nostalgia, and a sign of good food to come.

    • Opinions on Michelin Star meals and non-alcoholic optionsSpeaker values unique experiences, dislikes subpar puddings, prefers elderflower spritzes, and emphasizes importance of non-alcoholic options for sugar-heavy diet

      The speaker has strong opinions about food and drink experiences, particularly when it comes to expensive Michelin Star meals and the importance of non-alcoholic options. She shares her disdain for being served subpar puddings and her preference for elderflower spritzes. The speaker also discusses her low tolerance for alcohol and her past experiences with social situations and drinking. She emphasizes the importance of finding drinks that complement her sugar-heavy diet, rather than adding to it. Overall, the speaker values unique and refreshing experiences, whether it be through food, drink, or social situations.

    • A Passionate Appreciation for Corson Press Beverages and Exceptional DessertsThe speaker values both Corson Press beverages and exceptional desserts, with a preference for sweet treats that have a tang or tartness. They were particularly impressed by a marigold custard dessert in Copenhagen, highlighting the importance of flavor and variety in dessert experiences.

      The speaker is passionate about both Corson Press beverages, particularly the Rhubarb and Elderflower varieties, and appreciates the full range of their custom press offerings. Additionally, they have a strong preference for sweet desserts, especially those with a tang or tartness, and have high standards for dessert experiences. The speaker described an exceptional dessert they had recently at a restaurant in Copenhagen, which featured a marigold custard with wild Swedish blueberries, bee pollen, and lavender honey. This dessert was small but packed a big flavor and was described as a summer in a pudding. The speaker values variety in desserts and believes that one pudding is not enough for a dream restaurant experience.

    • A heartfelt discussion about favorite desserts and their emotional connectionsThrough sharing their favorite desserts and the emotional connections they have to them, the speakers demonstrated the joy and excitement that food can bring.

      The speakers in this conversation are passionately discussing their favorite desserts and the emotional connections they have to them. Henry Widdicombe shared his deep affection for a strawberry cheesecake from Bertel's Salon, which he described as the best he's ever had and a long-time pursuit. They also enjoyed a brambly apple souffle with salted caramel ice cream, which reminded them of autumn. The conversation then shifted to pavlova, with one speaker sharing her expertise and the importance of adding cornflour and vinegar to achieve the desired chewy texture. Despite some mishaps, they agreed that making pavlova is a simple and impressive way to impress others. Overall, this conversation showcases the speakers' enthusiasm for desserts and the emotional connections they have to them.

    • The speaker's fondness for desserts, particularly hot chocolate, frangipan, and macarons, and their ideal mealThe speaker cherishes desserts like hot chocolate, frangipan, and macarons, and their ideal meal includes various sweet treats such as malagard custard, brambly apple souffle, salted caramel, ice cream, and Pierre Herme macarons.

      The speaker has a deep appreciation for delicious desserts, particularly hot chocolate, frangipan, and macarons. They have fond memories of a cafe in Paris called Mami Gato, where they would often go for a freshly baked raspberry and pistachio frangipan and a hot chocolate. The speaker's quest for the perfect hot chocolate led them to discover Italian hot chocolate, which they now prefer over the Cadbury's hot chocolate they grew up with. They also enjoy Pierre Herme macarons, particularly the passion fruit and chocolate flavors. The speaker's ideal meal includes a starter of panachoccolar, a main course of roast chicken with various sides, and a dessert course featuring malagard custard, brambly apple souffle, salted caramel, ice cream, homemade Rolos from Hawksmoor, and petite fours of the homemade Rolos and Pierre Herme macarons. The speaker's love for desserts is so strong that they feel they need to get through the other parts of the meal to reach it.

    • A sweet end to a savory mealThe desserts at Carrie's dream restaurant evoked strong emotional responses, leaving listeners feeling happy and satisfied, just like a delicious dessert after a hearty meal. Resources like Carrie Anne Moss's book and the Griefcast podcast were also highlighted for those dealing with grief.

      The roast dinner at Carrie's dream restaurant was not just about the savory dishes, but also the emotional and delicious desserts. The conversation often veered towards desserts, and even though some listeners might not be fond of sweets, the descriptions were so enticing that it was hard to argue against their deliciousness. The desserts discussed were not just bad, but evoked strong emotional responses, making for an unforgettable dining experience. Carrie Anne Moss's new book, "You Are Not Alone," and the Griefcast podcast were also highlighted as important resources for those dealing with grief. The episode was a special one, leaving listeners feeling happy and satisfied, much like a delicious dessert after a hearty meal. Quince, a brand offering ethical and affordable travel essentials, was also recommended for those planning their next trip.

    Recent Episodes from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    ‘How Did This Get Made?’ podcaster and ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ star Jason Mantzoukas finishes up series 11. And half of his meal is lurking in the shadows…

    Listen to Jason’s podcast ‘How Did This Get Made?’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    TV presenter, author and Strictly contestant Helen Skelton takes on her next challenge: ordering her Off Menu menu in the Dream Restaurant.

    Helen Skelton’s book ‘In My Stride’ is out now published by Headline. Buy it here.

    Follow Helen on Twitter and Instagram @helenskelton

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    US stand-up and ‘I Think You Should Leave’ star Patti Harrison is this week’s dream dinner guest. She arrived so early her table wasn’t ready yet.

    Trigger warning: this episode contains talk of eating disorders.

    Patti Harrison is bringing her show ‘My Huge Tits Huge Because They Are Infected NOT FAKE’ to London’s Soho Theatre at the end of May and the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

    Follow Patti on Instagram @party_harderson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    ‘Drag Race Down Under’ judge and ‘Taskmaster Australia’ star Rhys Nicholson is our guest diner this week. And they’ve brought along their pal Jeff Tartare.

    Rhys brings their new show ‘Huge Big Party Congratulations’ to the Edinburgh Fringe this August and then is touring the UK. For dates and tickets go to rhysnicholson.com.au

    Rhys’s book ‘Dish’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Watch Rhys’s special ‘Live at the Athenaeum’ on Netflix.

    Follow Rhys on Instagram @rhysnicholson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Comedian and podcaster Huge Davies brings disturbing news. Another great episode of Off Menu with Ed Gamble and The Boy.

    Listen to Huge Davies’s podcast ‘Slime Country’ with Ed Night and Sunil Patel wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Watch Huge’s special ‘The Carpark’ on YouTube for free.

    Follow Huge on Twitter and Instagram @hugedavies

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    It’s the final b-b-b-b-bonus episode from the live tour and what better way to end than with Irish comedy god and ‘Father Ted’ star Ardal O’Hanlon. Oh, and eating a creamy dessert.

    Follow Ardal on Twitter @ardalsfolly and Instagram @ardalohanlon

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Co-founder of Hoppers restaurants Karan Gokani has a table booked this week, and he’s bringing along Edward Stephenson Jamison Gamble as his dining companion.

    ‘Hoppers: The Cookbook’ is out now, published by Quadrille Publishing. Buy it here.

    Go to Hoppers restaurants in London. Visit hopperslondon.com to book a table.

    Follow Hoppers on Instagram and TikTok @hopperslondon

    Follow Karan on Instagram @karancooks

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Irish comedy icon Tommy Tiernan joins us for night one in Dublin. And, no, this episode hasn’t been edited much.

    Tommy Tiernan is on tour now with ‘Tommedian’. For dates and tickets go to tommytiernan.ie

    Follow Tommy on Twitter @Tommedian and Instagram @officialtommedian

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Superb stand-up and podcaster Sara Barron has a reservation this week. And did you know her brother is a babe?

    Listen to Sara’s podcast ‘They Like to Watch’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Sara Barron is at the Edinburgh Fringe this August with her new show ‘Anything For You’. For tickets and info visit edfringe.com

    Follow Sara on Twitter @sarabarron and Instagram @sarabarron1000000

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Despite wanting to go home, Joe Wilkinson showed up for his table at the Dream Restaurant, live in Brighton.

    Listen to Joe’s podcast Chatabix with David Earl wherever you listen to podcasts and follow Chatabix on Instagram @chatabixpodcast

    Joe’s book ‘My Autobiography’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Follow Joe on Instagram @gillinghamjoe

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Brighton Dome.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Get JoLynn's super quick cheat sheet for making weight loss easy and fun. Download it now! www.EasyFunWeightLoss.com

    Get Seven Secrets for WINNING the weight loss game in the New Year. Get started now!

    Click the link below for extra notes to accompany this free weight loss podcast episode:


    Seven Secrets to Win with Your Weight in the New Year | Free Weight Loss Podcast Ep# 377

    Originally published January 09, 2020

    © 2020-Present JoLynn Braley International LLC


    Want help?

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    There is a way out and the way out is not a new food diet. You need to heal your Inner Self to break free of these ongoing struggles so that you can finally lose weight for good.

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    It's your first step towards freedom from the struggle.

    Let's Get Real: When Shame is a Good Thing for Your Weight Loss Motivation | Ep #559 Free Weight Loss Podcast | Get Real Ep #127

    Let's Get Real: When Shame is a Good Thing for Your Weight Loss Motivation | Ep #559 Free Weight Loss Podcast | Get Real Ep #127

    This may sound counterintuitive but what if shame could be used for GOOD in your life? 

    What if Shame could be a positive motivator for your weight loss?

    What if that feeling of shame could propel you forward towards your best body ever, instead of keeping you stuck in the loop of endless emotional eating?

    Listen in to episode #559 of The JoLynn Braley Show for more on this topic but only if you are willing to Get Real!

    Listen in now:


    Get my free ebook here:


    Let's Get Real: When Shame is a Good Thing for Your Weight Loss Motivation | Ep #559 Free Weight Loss Podcast | Get Real Ep #127 | The JoLynn Braley Show

    Original copyrighted content published July 06, 2023

    © 2023-Present JoLynn Braley International LLC



    Do you want to stop emotional eating?

    Do you want to do this as fast as possible so that you can start losing the weight you want to lose?

    If "Yes!" then apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with JoLynn. It's your first step towards freedom from the struggle. 

    Click here and apply now: www.discovery-session.com

    First come first serve, limited availability due to time constraints. Only 3 people at most per week can be scheduled for a complimentary session with JoLynn.


    #WeightLoss #EmotionalEating #Shame #Food #FoodAddiction #CantStopEating #CompulsiveOvereating #WeightLossCoach #WeightLossCoaching #WeightLossPodcast #LoseWeight #BingeEating #FatLoss #Mindset #MindBody #MindBodyConnection #Emotions #Cravings

    Why It's So Hard to Lose 50 pounds (and what to do about it) | Free Weight Loss Podcast Ep# 564

    Why It's So Hard to Lose 50 pounds (and what to do about it) | Free Weight Loss Podcast Ep# 564

    When you have 50 pounds to lose it can seem daunting, just because .... it's going to take "so long" to lose weight.

    But what if that's just a mindset problem? What if it doesn't have to be hard to lose 50 pounds?

    Listen in now:


    Get my free ebook here:


    Why It's So Hard to Lose 50 pounds (and what to do about it) | Free Weight Loss Podcast Ep# 564 | The JoLynn Braley Show

    Original copyrighted content published August 10, 2023

    © 2023-Present JoLynn Braley International LLC



    Do you want to stop struggling with your eating and your weight?

    Would you love to get normal with food?

    Do you want to do this as fast as possible so that you can start losing all the weight you want to lose and do it as fast as possible?

    If "Yes!" then apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with JoLynn now. It's your first step towards freedom from the struggle. 

    Click here and apply now: www.discovery-session.com

    First come first serve, limited availability due to time constraints. Only 3 people at most per week can be scheduled for a complimentary session with JoLynn.


    #WeightLoss #EmotionalEating #Shame #Food #FoodAddiction #CantStopEating #CompulsiveOvereating #WeightLossCoach #WeightLossCoaching #WeightLossPodcast #LoseWeight #BingeEating #FatLoss #Mindset #MindBody #MindBodyConnection #Emotions #Cravings #Hunger #UnconsciousEating #MindlessEating #Holistic #MindBodyWeightLoss #Coach #Worry #Anxiety #Focus