
    Podcast Summary

    • Mint Mobile's Affordable Unlimited Data Plan and PlushCare's Online Healthcare ConsultationsMint Mobile lowers unlimited data plan price to $15/month, while PlushCare offers virtual consultations for weight loss prescriptions

      Mint Mobile, a telecommunications company, is reducing its unlimited data plan price from $30 to $15 per month, making it an affordable option for customers. Meanwhile, PlushCare, an online healthcare platform, offers virtual consultations with board-certified physicians who can prescribe weight loss medications for eligible individuals. Ryan Reynolds, the Mint Mobile spokesperson, also shared his excitement about two new discoveries: Impress press-on manicures and falsies lashes, which require no glue and cause no damage to natural nails and lashes. Additionally, the Off Menu podcast, hosted by James Acaster, features a weekly guest discussing their favorite food combinations. In this episode, Taheed Jimo, an actor known for his roles in Ted Lasso and Romeo and Juliet, shares his favorite start, main, and dessert course. The secret ingredient for this episode is homemade English tea biscuits, which have gained notoriety due to a viral video featuring someone accidentally revealing a disgusting incident involving these biscuits. In summary, Mint Mobile offers an affordable unlimited data plan, PlushCare provides online healthcare consultations for weight loss, and the Off Menu podcast continues to explore unique food combinations with celebrity guests.

    • Discussing a meme-themed dream restaurantGroup imagined a cozy, intimate restaurant with popular meme creators or subjects, featuring 7-8 tables for a balance between ambiance and intimacy, with nice smells and art on the walls.

      The group discussed the idea of having a special episode featuring people from popular memes, including "disgusting mum," "sad little life Jane," and "Come dine with me's Taheeb Gimo." They envisioned this as a dream restaurant experience where they could chat with these meme creators or subjects in a warm, homely, and inviting environment. The dream restaurant was described as big yet cozy, with nice smells and art on the walls, making it feel like home. Despite initially preferring a large restaurant, they concluded that a small restaurant with around 7 or 8 tables would be more ideal, allowing for a balance between intimacy and ambiance. The group also acknowledged the appeal of eavesdropping on other conversations at the restaurant. The conversation veered towards the White House experience, but no concrete conclusions were drawn about the significance of listening in on other tables' conversations.

    • An unexpected visit to the White House brings surprises and charmThe unexpected visit to the White House left the speakers feeling humbled and exhilarated, showcasing the power of creativity and the unpredictability of life.

      The unexpected visit to the White House was a surreal experience filled with surprises and unexpected encounters. The speakers were initially taken aback by the seemingly casual security procedures, but were soon charmed by the warmth and accommodating nature of the people they met, including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and Jill Biden. The speakers also reflected on how the success of their show, Ted Lasso, had opened doors to unimaginable opportunities. They joked about potential future encounters with world leaders, speculating about who might invite them next. The conversation also touched on various topics, including politics, UFOs, and even the Pope. Despite the numerous distractions, the speakers remained focused on their upcoming projects, including a play based on Romeo and Juliet. The experience left them feeling both humbled and exhilarated, reminding them of the power of creativity and the unpredictability of life.

    • Embracing imperfections and finding joy in traditionsFind joy in the little things and appreciate unique traditions, even if they're imperfect or don't align with personal preferences.

      Despite the imperfections and differences in preferences, it's essential to find joy in the little things and appreciate the unique aspects of traditions, like a less-than-ideal Christmas tree or a disliked beverage like sparkling water. The speaker's amusing reaction to the unimpressive tree and his strong dislike for sparkling water show that everyone has their quirks and that finding joy in these moments can make experiences memorable. Additionally, the speaker's thoughtful consideration of his menu choices highlights the importance of personal preferences and the complexity of creating a meaningful and enjoyable meal. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of embracing the imperfections and finding joy in the unique aspects of traditions and personal preferences.

    • Aversion to unexpected combinations in food and relationshipsPeople have unique preferences and combining elements they don't like can lead to unpleasant experiences, whether in food or relationships.

      Some people have strong preferences when it comes to food and beverages, and combining elements they don't like can lead to an unpleasant experience. The speaker shared their dislike for boba tea due to the texture and need for a special straw, which reminded them of olives in sparkling water, another disliked combination. This aversion to unexpected combinations extends to other areas of life, such as romance, where the speaker imagines a failed relationship between someone who prefers still water and another who prefers sparkling water. The speaker also revealed they're not passionate about hot drinks, including tea, and don't think they're the most like Ted Lasso. The conversation then veered towards discussing other characters' eating habits and the speaker's discomfort with watching Christo eat large quantities of eggs.

    • Nutrition and Personal Experiences for Healthy Hair and Well-beingEating eggs and essential nutrients promotes hair health, while enjoying personal experiences and indulging in luxuries contributes to overall well-being.

      Proper nutrition, such as the consumption of eggs and various nutrients, can contribute to maintaining healthy hair and overall well-being. Additionally, personal experiences and discoveries, like the enjoyment of specific types of bread and butter, can bring great joy and satisfaction. The speaker also highlights the importance of indulging in luxuries, like salted butter, on occasion. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the unique experience of visiting prestigious places, like the White House, and the charm of certain individuals, like Hannah Waddingham, who can make even simple requests feel special.

    • Unexpected luxury and mundane foodThe speaker shares a fond memory of an unexpected encounter with high-end catering and reflects on the evolution of food choices on their TV show set, expressing a longing for unhealthy options while acknowledging the importance of making healthier choices.

      The speaker fondly recalls an unexpected encounter with high-end catering during a visit to the White House, where they were served delicious but ultimately incompatible biscuits. This experience stood out to them due to the contrast between the unexpected luxury and the mundane nature of the food item. The speaker also reflects on the evolution of the catering on their TV show set, where they initially had an abundance of unhealthy options, but later transitioned to healthier choices. The speaker expresses a longing for the unhealthy options, but acknowledges the importance of making healthier choices. The conversation also touches on the speaker's food preferences, specifically calamari and a Nigerian dish called gizzard andur do, which they consider their dream starters. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's appreciation for unexpected experiences and the role of food in creating memorable moments.

    • Nigerian dish Gizdodo showcases unique flavors and spicesAppreciate the unique flavors and spices in Nigerian cuisine like Gizdodo, and embrace the cultural connections and debates surrounding dishes like Jollof rice.

      Food plays a significant role in Nigerian culture, and dishes like Gizdodo showcase the unique flavors and spices that make Nigerian cuisine special. The speaker shares his fondness for this dish, which consists of spicy tomato sauce, plantains, and chicken gizzards, often served with jollof rice. The debate over Nigerian versus Ghanaian Jollof rice also highlights the strong connection people have to their food and the passion it ignites. Ultimately, it's about appreciating the differences and similarities that make up the rich tapestry of African culinary traditions.

    • A musical project with shoe punsThe group is working on a creative musical project, 'shoesicle,' and collaborating to bring unique ideas to life, including a tap dancing number, while sharing personal experiences and exploring various diets.

      The group is working on a unique musical project titled "shoesicle," where all the songs revolve around shoe puns. The musical is being developed with the help of Ellie, who is in charge at her workplace and has been instrumental in the creative process. Despite the challenges, they are brainstorming ideas, such as a tap dancing number, and are excited about the upcoming project. The group also discussed their personal experiences with various diets and weight loss programs, with one member sharing how Noom worked for him despite his dislike for salads. Overall, the conversation showcased their creativity, collaboration, and the pursuit of unique and enjoyable projects.

    • Nigerian pasta dish evokes fond childhood memoriesFood, especially a traditional Nigerian pasta dish, holds strong emotional connections and can evoke cherished memories of childhood and companionship.

      Food, particularly a specific pasta dish, holds strong nostalgic and emotional connections for the speaker. This pasta, which is a traditional Nigerian meal with a tomato stew base and assorted meats, reminds him of happy childhood memories of playing video games with his brother and enjoying home-cooked meals. The speaker's fondness for this dish is so strong that it's his dream meal if he were on his deathbed. The meal's mystery and variety, with different types of meats, add to its allure. The speaker's association of this meal with his happiest times in life underscores the power of food in evoking memories and emotions. This discussion also reveals the speaker's deep bond with his older brother, which was built on their shared love for video games. The speaker's enthusiasm for Gears of War 2, a cooperative post-apocalyptic game, highlights the importance of teamwork and companionship in creating cherished memories.

    • Brothers sharing experiencesBrothers create deep connections through shared experiences and inside jokes, despite age differences and occasional conflicts.

      The bond between the speaker and their older brother was strengthened through their shared experiences, including sibling rivalry and playing video games together. The speaker looks back on their childhood memories fondly, despite the teasing and jokes from their older brother. The brother's presence in the speaker's life, even as a background image on their phone, serves as a constant reminder of their close relationship. The shared experiences and inside jokes have created a deep connection between them, despite the age difference and occasional conflicts. The speaker also shares a love for pasta and fond memories of eating large bowls of it as a child.

    • Trusting that it's enoughLearn to trust judgement, appreciate balance in life to prevent excess and unnecessary stress

      Sometimes, we tend to overdo things and keep adding more, even when we feel it's enough. This behavior can lead to unnecessary stress and excess. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of feeling the need to add more to a mac and cheese dish, even when it was already delicious, and how he longed to learn to trust that it was enough. He also mentioned the importance of balance in life, whether it's in food or social situations, and how it can help prevent hangovers and save the night. So, the key takeaway is to learn to trust our judgement and know when to stop adding, and to appreciate the importance of balance in various aspects of life.

    • Unexpected opportunities for Ted Lasso cast in real life and in video gamesThe Ted Lasso TV show has led its cast to unexpected places like the White House and FIFA, and they've even been suggested as potential main characters in video games like Gears of War. The show's depth of storyline influences the player's decisions based on the characters' off-pitch lives.

      The Ted Lasso TV show has opened up unexpected opportunities for its cast, leading them to unexpected places like the White House and FIFA, despite not being professional footballers in real life. The speaker finds it amusing that his character, who is not an 89 pace in real life, has such high stats in FIFA. The discussion also touched upon the idea of incorporating Ted Lasso characters into a video game like Gears of War, with the speakers suggesting Roy or Coach Beard as potential main characters. The speakers also mentioned the depth of the show's storyline, where the player's decisions are influenced by the characters' off-pitch lives. The speakers ended the conversation by expressing their desire to produce a Gears of War musical and a dream drink. Overall, the Ted Lasso show has brought unexpected success and opportunities to its cast and has provided fans with a rich and engaging storyline.

    • Nostalgia for the Discontinued Lilt Pineapple and Coconut DrinkSome individuals feel nostalgic and sad about the discontinuation of Lilt pineapple and coconut drink, which holds childhood memories and unique characteristics like its glass bottle and higher sugar content. Despite its exclusivity, it will not be completely discontinued.

      The discontinuation of the Lilt pineapple and coconut drink, which is being folded under the Fanta umbrella, has sparked nostalgic feelings and a sense of loss for some individuals due to its iconic status and unique characteristics, particularly its glass bottle and higher sugar content. This drink holds significant childhood memories for many, and its distinct taste and presentation set it apart from the regular Fanta. The fact that it is only widely available in certain regions, such as Africa, adds to its allure and exclusivity. Despite the sadness over its transformation, some are still glad that it will not be completely discontinued. The discussion also touched upon the potential reasons for its superior taste, such as the use of real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and lower carbonation, which are reminiscent of other superior products like Mexican Cola.

    • Exploring the diverse flavors of Fanta around the worldThe taste of Fanta can differ greatly depending on the recipe and location, with some offering a more natural or complex flavor profile. Enjoy the unique experiences and food pairings that come with each variation.

      The experience of consuming Fanta can vary greatly depending on the specific recipe and location. While some may find the UK version to be more natural tasting, others, like the Nigerian recipe mentioned, offer a more complex and evolved flavor profile. This was compared to the experience of drinking a fine wine. The blog discussed the existence of various Fanta recipes around the world, focusing on the Nigerian version, which is said to have a richer taste and depth of flavor. The conversation also touched on the importance of food pairings, with jollof rice and coleslaw being suggested as ideal side dishes. The overall sentiment was that these unique experiences and flavors should be appreciated and enjoyed, even if they differ from what one might be used to.

    • The Speaker's Love for Carrot CakeDespite his basic cooking skills, the speaker has a deep affection for carrot cake, specifically one from a colleague, and goes to great lengths to recreate its moist texture using oil in his own baking.

      The speaker holds a deep affection for carrot cake, specifically the one he used to receive from a colleague. He describes it as the perfect consistency of soft and flavorful with just the right amount of frosting. The speaker's love for this carrot cake was so strong that he would always prioritize it over other treats, regardless of who brought them. The cake's moistness was attributed to the use of carrots and oil in the recipe. The speaker even went as far as making a carrot cake himself using oil instead of other ingredients to achieve the same level of moistness. He also expressed skepticism towards carrot cakes with carrots on the icing, believing that they might be trying to make up for the cake's lack of quality. The speaker's fondness for carrot cake is so strong that he plans to make one himself. He also shared his belief that unnecessary variations of cakes, such as courgette cake, are not for him. The speaker's cooking abilities are described as basic, and he is notoriously bad at it.

    • Exploring food preferences and pop cultureSpeakers shared quirks, laughed about misunderstandings, and showed excitement for new experiences through food and pop culture.

      During a conversation about food preferences and pop culture references, the speakers revealed their unique quirks and shared a few laughs. The speaker admitted to not recognizing a character from Stranger Things and joked about having two favorite desserts in one. They also discussed their nervousness about pronouncing unfamiliar menu items and shared an amusing story about getting fired from an ice cream parlor for asking to see vanilla pods. Throughout the conversation, they showed their excitement for trying new things and their attachment to their favorite foods and shows.

    • Discovering joy and savingsFind happiness in new experiences and save money on high-quality products with deals and discounts.

      The joy and satisfaction of creating or experiencing something new was a common theme in the discussion. Whether it was Taheeb's delight with his menu on the podcast or the softening quality of Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, there was a sense of happiness and contentment that came from the discovery or enjoyment of something. Additionally, there were also mentions of great deals and savings to be had, such as free shipping and discounts on high-quality gifts from 1-800-Flowers and Quince. The Rob Orton Daily Podcast also offered thought-provoking and amusing musings on everyday subjects. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding joy in new experiences and taking advantage of opportunities for savings and quality products.

    Recent Episodes from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    ‘How Did This Get Made?’ podcaster and ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ star Jason Mantzoukas finishes up series 11. And half of his meal is lurking in the shadows…

    Listen to Jason’s podcast ‘How Did This Get Made?’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    TV presenter, author and Strictly contestant Helen Skelton takes on her next challenge: ordering her Off Menu menu in the Dream Restaurant.

    Helen Skelton’s book ‘In My Stride’ is out now published by Headline. Buy it here.

    Follow Helen on Twitter and Instagram @helenskelton

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    US stand-up and ‘I Think You Should Leave’ star Patti Harrison is this week’s dream dinner guest. She arrived so early her table wasn’t ready yet.

    Trigger warning: this episode contains talk of eating disorders.

    Patti Harrison is bringing her show ‘My Huge Tits Huge Because They Are Infected NOT FAKE’ to London’s Soho Theatre at the end of May and the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

    Follow Patti on Instagram @party_harderson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    ‘Drag Race Down Under’ judge and ‘Taskmaster Australia’ star Rhys Nicholson is our guest diner this week. And they’ve brought along their pal Jeff Tartare.

    Rhys brings their new show ‘Huge Big Party Congratulations’ to the Edinburgh Fringe this August and then is touring the UK. For dates and tickets go to rhysnicholson.com.au

    Rhys’s book ‘Dish’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Watch Rhys’s special ‘Live at the Athenaeum’ on Netflix.

    Follow Rhys on Instagram @rhysnicholson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Comedian and podcaster Huge Davies brings disturbing news. Another great episode of Off Menu with Ed Gamble and The Boy.

    Listen to Huge Davies’s podcast ‘Slime Country’ with Ed Night and Sunil Patel wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Watch Huge’s special ‘The Carpark’ on YouTube for free.

    Follow Huge on Twitter and Instagram @hugedavies

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    It’s the final b-b-b-b-bonus episode from the live tour and what better way to end than with Irish comedy god and ‘Father Ted’ star Ardal O’Hanlon. Oh, and eating a creamy dessert.

    Follow Ardal on Twitter @ardalsfolly and Instagram @ardalohanlon

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Co-founder of Hoppers restaurants Karan Gokani has a table booked this week, and he’s bringing along Edward Stephenson Jamison Gamble as his dining companion.

    ‘Hoppers: The Cookbook’ is out now, published by Quadrille Publishing. Buy it here.

    Go to Hoppers restaurants in London. Visit hopperslondon.com to book a table.

    Follow Hoppers on Instagram and TikTok @hopperslondon

    Follow Karan on Instagram @karancooks

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Irish comedy icon Tommy Tiernan joins us for night one in Dublin. And, no, this episode hasn’t been edited much.

    Tommy Tiernan is on tour now with ‘Tommedian’. For dates and tickets go to tommytiernan.ie

    Follow Tommy on Twitter @Tommedian and Instagram @officialtommedian

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Ep 244: Sara Barron

    Superb stand-up and podcaster Sara Barron has a reservation this week. And did you know her brother is a babe?

    Listen to Sara’s podcast ‘They Like to Watch’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Sara Barron is at the Edinburgh Fringe this August with her new show ‘Anything For You’. For tickets and info visit edfringe.com

    Follow Sara on Twitter @sarabarron and Instagram @sarabarron1000000

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Ep 243: Joe Wilkinson (Live in Brighton)

    Despite wanting to go home, Joe Wilkinson showed up for his table at the Dream Restaurant, live in Brighton.

    Listen to Joe’s podcast Chatabix with David Earl wherever you listen to podcasts and follow Chatabix on Instagram @chatabixpodcast

    Joe’s book ‘My Autobiography’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Follow Joe on Instagram @gillinghamjoe

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Brighton Dome.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Forest Immersion & Why It’s Good For You

    Forest Immersion & Why It’s Good For You

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    If you are interested in nature connection and spending time in nature, you may have noticed a massive increase in people offering this as a form of therapy, ecotherapy, or simply just to take stressed-out people into nature to make them feel better and really connect with nature and themselves. This is of course, what the Creatrix Journey is all about, spending time in nature and connecting with all of your senses to the elements and the nature around you and expressing it through creative writing. 

    So I'm obviously a massive fan.


    Here are the highlights:

    (01:53) How forest bathing helped me

    (04:57) Take your shoes off and connect to the ground

    (05:27) Forest bathing can improve wellbeing in general 

    (07:58) Too much time online can contribute to health problems

    (09:32) The forest school movement

    (12:39) Nature prescription

    (15:43) The Creatrix Journey retreat 

    Connect with Claire:

    To find out more about the Creatrix Journey go to: 


    Weekend Creatrix Retreat in Wales: https://creatrixjourney.com/walk-and-write-retreat/

    To download our free creative writing guide: https://creatrixjourney.com/free-writing-guide/ 

    Instagram: @thecreatrixjourney

    Facebook: The Creatrix Journey 


    Meet the host:

    Claire Winter is a journalist, ICF accredited coach, Nordic Walking instructor, speaker, and podcaster who loves being out in nature. She is passionate about sharing the healing medicine of walking and writing with people. 

    She wants to make an impact helping women to connect back to nature, ignite their creativity and share their stories and light with the world. She is on a mission to build a movement of women around the world who create the time and space to walk, write, journal, and create. 

    Studying Social Anthropology as her first degree Claire has always been fascinated by ritual and ceremony to mark important moments in life. Now a regular columnist for the Female CEO magazine, she started her career at ITN and has worked in radio, TV, online and in print. 

    Claire truly believes you can walk your way to happiness. She is a dedicated Earl Grey tea drinker and often spends her weekends going on long walks or paddle boarding with her family, friends and dog Leo.

    Produced by Phoebe Winter @phoebewinter