
    Food 3.0: Prioritizing Health, Sustainability, & Conscious Choices with Ocean Robbins

    enNovember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Amplifying health through mindful eating during a fasting lifestyleMaking the most of your eating window by focusing on superfoods, mindful eating, and the habits of longevity-renowned communities can enhance the benefits of a fasting lifestyle and contribute to overall health and well-being.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is the importance of making the most of your eating window during a fasting lifestyle to amplify your health. Ocean Robbins, a renowned nutrition advocate, shared insights on superfoods, mindful eating, and the habits of the Okinawa women, whose longevity is renowned. Robbins emphasized the significance of the sweet potato as a superfood and discussed the importance of mindful eating in a supportive environment. Additionally, he explored the health benefits of the Okinawa women's food habits. Robbins' new cookbook, "Real Foods, Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health," offers practical applications of these concepts. By understanding how to optimize your eating window, you can enhance the benefits of your fasting lifestyle and contribute to your overall health and well-being.

    • Discovering the Path to Optimal Health with Dr. Mindy PelzDr. Mindy Pelz emphasizes the importance of setting personalized health goals and embracing a fasting lifestyle. Her passion for health stems from her upbringing and the influence of 'The Diet for a New America'. Join her academy for a transformative health journey.

      The speaker, Dr. Mindy Pelz, is passionate about helping people achieve their health goals and believes that her academy is the best place to do so. She emphasizes the importance of setting individualized goals and embracing a fasting lifestyle. Dr. Pelz shares her personal story of how the book "The Diet for a New America" influenced her respect for food and health. Her upbringing, with parents who practiced healthy habits and grew their own food, further shaped her perspective. Her father, who had a legacy in the ice cream industry, made a different choice and followed his own path to promote healthier food choices. Overall, Dr. Pelz invites listeners to join her academy to unlock their fullest potential and make this year an incredible one for their health.

    • Experiences and family dynamics shape our livesDespite deeply entrenched habits, one can make dramatic changes for better health and an extended life by being open to new ideas

      Personal experiences and family dynamics can significantly influence one's perspective and choices in life. In this story, the estrangement between a grandfather and his son led to the grandfather's disillusionment with his business and eventually, his health issues. However, when he read a book promoting healthier living, he made a dramatic change, leading to improved health and an extended life. This experience shows that even those deeply entrenched in unhealthy habits can turn their lives around. It also highlights the importance of being open to new ideas and making changes, no matter how difficult they may seem. The story serves as a reminder that our experiences shape us, but we have the power to transform our lives for the better.

    • From Wealth to Health: A Significant ShiftRecognize food as nourishment, prioritize health over wealth, and consider the long-term benefits of Food 3.0.

      Every person has the opportunity to make positive and healthy choices in their lives, no matter if it's their first or tenth chance. This was inspired by a story about an individual who made a significant impact on someone's life by prioritizing health over wealth. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing that food is more than just a source of short-term pleasure, but rather a source of nourishment that shapes our destiny. They called for a shift towards Food 3.0, which prioritizes health for both our bodies and the planet. The speaker also shared their experience of advising high school teachers on how to support a healthier immune system during the pandemic. Overall, the message was to consider what we truly want most in life, as there is more pleasure in a healthy body and mind.

    • Using fasting to promote conscious eatingFasting can help break addictive cycles around food, increase consciousness around food choices, and emphasize the importance of nutrient-dense foods like sweet potatoes.

      Fasting can be a powerful tool for promoting conscious and healthy eating habits, especially when affordable or nutritious food options may be limited. Fasting can help individuals break free from addictive cycles around food and make more deliberate choices about what they consume. The speaker shared her personal experience of increased consciousness around food after fasting and emphasized the importance of high-quality, nutrient-dense foods, such as sweet potatoes, when time for eating is limited. The speaker also mentioned the potential benefits of sweet potatoes, which are rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber, and are known to support longevity and overall health. The speaker's admiration for people who fight for better food options for children led her to suggest fasting as a potential solution until the food industry makes improvements.

    • Okinawan Longevity: Diet and Social ConnectionsThe Okinawan people's long lifespan is due to their healthy diet and strong social connections, including the MOAI community that supports each other. Love and belonging are essential for well-being, and purple sweet potatoes, a dietary staple, offer unique health benefits.

      The Okinawan people's long lifespan is not only attributed to their diet, which includes a lot of purple sweet potatoes, but also their strong social connections. The concept of MOAI, a community that supports each other, plays a significant role in their lifestyle. Love and belonging are crucial for our physical and mental well-being, and studies show that loneliness can be as harmful as smoking. Okinawans, along with other Blue Zones communities, embrace this pillar of lifestyle medicine through their strong social ties. Sweet potatoes, a big part of their diet, come in various colors and levels of sweetness, each with unique antioxidants and phytonutrients. The purple-fleshed ones, in particular, feed specific bacteria in the lower intestinal tract, contributing to overall health. In summary, a healthy diet and strong social connections work together to promote longevity and well-being.

    • Fiber: The Key Nutrient for a Healthy Gut EcosystemFiber, found in whole plant-based foods, is crucial for a healthy gut ecosystem by feeding beneficial bacteria and creating a balanced microbiome.

      Fiber, a type of carbohydrate often overlooked, plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut ecosystem. Fiber is not just one type but comes in various forms, each feeding different types of bacteria and contributing to microbial balance. Prebiotics, which are fiber-rich foods, are essential for the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, creating a diverse and balanced microbiome. The fiber-rich foods include whole plant-based foods, while animal products, bottled oils, and added sugars lack fiber. The goal is to restore the ecosystem by feeding the right food, and fiber is the key nutrient to support the growth and harmony of the gut microbiome.

    • Essential Fiber and a Healthy Microbiome from Whole Plant FoodsConsume more whole plant foods, especially fruits and veggies, for fiber and a diverse microbiome. Get probiotics from fermented foods, which also provide beneficial postbiotics.

      Consuming whole plant foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, is essential for getting adequate fiber and supporting a healthy microbiome. The average American only gets about 15 grams of fiber a day, while our ancestors in many parts of the world consumed 100 grams or more. Fiber intake is crucial because it feeds the microbes in our gut, and a diet rich in whole plant foods provides the necessary polyphenols, probiotics, and prebiotics. While probiotic supplements and pills are popular, the best way to get probiotics is through fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and permit pickles. These foods contain a diverse range of bacteria and also provide postbiotics, which are compounds created by the bacteria that may have even greater health benefits than the probiotics themselves. So, incorporating more whole plant foods, including fermented ones, into your diet can significantly improve your overall health and microbial health.

    • The Importance of Balancing Sodium and PotassiumSoaking cabbage without salt can lead to harmful bacteria, but adding the right amount of salt helps prevent it. Consume whole foods rich in potassium to regulate sodium levels and maintain balance. Excessive sodium and high insulin can lead to cardiovascular issues.

      Our bodies need the right balance of sodium and potassium for optimal health. Soaking cabbage in water without adding salt can result in a putrid smell and potentially harmful bacteria, but when we add the right amount of salt, it can help prevent harmful pathogens. However, excessive sodium consumption, especially when combined with high insulin levels, can lead to cardiovascular issues. It's important to focus on consuming whole foods rich in potassium to help regulate sodium levels and maintain a healthy balance. The food industry's focus on individual compounds and hyper-processing can lead us astray from the natural ecosystem of whole foods. In collaboration with Tony Horton, I've created PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program designed to help individuals of all fitness levels and genders, which includes a customized meal plan and consideration of hormones. Join me and my community at doctormindy.org using the code p s 60pels for a 20% discount and lifetime access.

    • Whole foods vs isolated nutrientsOur bodies benefit most from whole, unprocessed foods and maintaining dietary diversity, while overconsumption of even healthy foods can lead to negative consequences. Avoid processed foods to reduce the risk of overeating and bingeing on unhealthy options.

      Our bodies respond best to whole, unprocessed foods and not isolated nutrients. Just as we can't fully appreciate a concert by only listening to the trumpets, our bodies don't recognize the benefits of a single nutrient in isolation. Overconsumption of even healthy foods can lead to negative consequences, and it's essential to maintain dietary diversity. Processed foods, on the other hand, are engineered to be addictive and difficult to resist. By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods, we take control of our food choices and reduce the risk of overeating and bingeing on unhealthy options.

    • Revamp your kitchen for healthier choicesTransform your kitchen to encourage healthy eating habits by removing unhealthy options and stocking nutritious foods, use fasting as an opportunity to break old habits, prepare meals in bulk, make friends with leftovers, and embrace the freezer for convenient and nutrient-rich meals.

      Transforming your kitchen environment can significantly influence your food choices and ultimately lead to a healthier lifestyle. By removing unhealthy options and stocking up on nutritious foods, you're more likely to make conscious decisions. Fasting can provide the freedom to break old habits, but it's essential to use that freedom wisely. Preparing meals in quantity, making friends with leftovers, and embracing the freezer are practical strategies to save time and maintain a healthy diet. Frozen foods, when properly stored, can be more nutrient-rich than fresh produce due to the quick freezing process that locks in nutrients. Overall, small changes in your kitchen can lead to substantial improvements in your eating habits and overall health.

    • Frozen food: A path to fresh and nutritious produceFrozen food can lock in nutrients, be convenient, and promote better health through nutrient-dense options and enjoyable cooking experiences

      Frozen food can be a viable path to consuming fresh and nutritious produce. Contrary to common belief, freezing food immediately after harvest can lock in nutrients and prevent them from degrading. This is particularly beneficial for vegetables that are picked before they are fully ripe for transportation and storage in grocery stores. Frozen food can offer the convenience of being readily available and easy to cook, making it a great option for busy individuals. Additionally, focusing on adding nutrient-dense foods to your diet, rather than eliminating unhealthy options, can lead to better overall health. Building a better relationship with recipes that use real whole foods, taste good, are simple and affordable, can make cooking a more enjoyable and less daunting experience.

    • Incorporating superfoods and healthy habits for improved healthSmall diet and lifestyle changes, like adding superfoods and mindful coffee/tea consumption, can lead to significant health benefits

      Incorporating easy-to-make superfood recipes into your diet, along with healthy habits like regular exercise and avoiding smoking, can significantly improve your health and longevity. For instance, consuming coffee and tea, which are rich in antioxidants and have been linked to lower risks of various diseases, can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. However, it's important to note that everyone metabolizes caffeine differently, so not everyone may benefit from these beverages in the same way. Additionally, green tea, which contains L-theanine and other calming compounds, may be a better option for those who are sensitive to caffeine's stimulating effects. Ultimately, making small changes to your diet and lifestyle, such as incorporating superfoods and mindfully consuming coffee and tea, can lead to big improvements in your overall health and well-being.

    • Types of tea and coffee with antioxidant benefitsHibiscus tea has the highest antioxidant content, followed by green tea. Listen to your body and consider personal preferences and tolerances when choosing between black tea, oolong, coffee, and other options. Be mindful of added sugars, dairy, and potential contaminants for optimal health benefits.

      Certain types of tea and coffee offer various antioxidant benefits, with hibiscus tea leading the way due to its high antioxidant content. Green tea follows closely, while black tea, oolong, and coffee have lower antioxidant levels. However, everyone's body reacts differently, so it's essential to listen to your body and consider your personal preferences and tolerances. Additionally, be mindful of added sugars, dairy, and potential contaminants like plastics in your beverages, as they can negatively impact the health benefits. Yerba mate is another option with potential health benefits, but its long-term effects are still being studied. Ultimately, paying attention to your body and the quality of your beverages is crucial for maximizing their health benefits.

    • Making Conscious Choices for a Better WorldBy choosing fair trade and organic products, we can support ethical farming practices, reduce the use of harmful pesticides, and contribute to better working conditions and sustainable farming.

      Our consumption choices have a significant impact on the lives of people and the environment. Fair trade is an important step towards ensuring that farmers are paid fairly and can afford to provide for their families. This not only benefits the farmers but also results in a cleaner product. Organic certification is another way to support ethical farming practices and reduce the use of harmful pesticides. By making conscious choices, such as buying fair trade and organic products, we can align our taste buds with the humanity of the world and contribute to making a positive difference. For instance, many of our everyday items like coffee and chocolate may come from places where child labor or toxic pesticides are used. By opting for fair trade and organic options, we can help reduce the demand for these unethical practices and promote better working conditions and sustainable farming practices. It may seem like a small step, but every dollar spent is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.

    • The Impact of Food on Health, Farmers, and the EnvironmentEating superfoods like legumes, whole grains, alliums, spices, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens benefits both personal health and the planet by reducing harm to farmers and the environment, and increasing access to nutritious options for all.

      The food we consume has a significant impact not only on our own health but also on the health of those who grow it and the environment. The use of pesticides in conventional farming can harm farm workers and contribute to health issues, including high rates of cancer. Moreover, these practices can negatively affect the soil, water, and wildlife. To create a sustainable world for future generations, it's crucial to move towards pesticide-independent agriculture. Superfoods, such as legumes, whole grains, alliums, spices, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens, are accessible, affordable, and can benefit the most people. By making these foods the staples of our diets, we can reap numerous health benefits and contribute to a healthier planet. Food is a form of love and nourishment, and the food revolution is about promoting health, reducing harm, and increasing access to nutritious options for all.

    • Loving our bodies, the planet, and the people involved in growing our foodFocusing on love and positivity in our food system benefits everyone involved, including our bodies, the planet, and those who grow our food.

      Loving our bodies, the planet, and the people involved in growing our food are essential elements of creating a harmonious and healthy food ecosystem. This was emphasized during a conversation between Ocean Robbins and Mindy, who expressed their shared passion for promoting a more loving and sustainable food system. Ocean's work has inspired Mindy, and they both believe in the importance of spreading love and positivity in their respective endeavors. By focusing on these aspects, we can create a more harmonious and loving food ecosystem that benefits everyone involved. If you enjoyed this discussion, please consider leaving a review, sharing it with your friends, and sharing your biggest takeaway.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep232

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep231

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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