
    Rest and Recovery

    enJuly 29, 2024
    What role does sleep play in overall health?
    How can chronic stress impact physical health?
    What is the misconception about productivity hours?
    What are the effects of sleep debt?
    Why is individual nervous system awareness important?

    Podcast Summary

    • Rest and recovery importanceRest and recovery are crucial for overall well-being, but prioritizing them can be challenging. Chronic stress can lead to disease and mental health decline, and productivity can be a trauma response. Our bodies have innate wisdom to heal, but we need to learn to modulate between states of activation and rest for proper nervous system regulation.

      Rest and recovery are crucial for our overall well-being, but it's not always easy to prioritize them. Kate Northrop, author of "Do Less," shares her personal journey of discovering the importance of rest in healing from deeper trauma patterns around productivity and achievement. She emphasizes that productivity can be a trauma response and that our bodies have innate wisdom to heal, even if we don't realize it. From a physiological perspective, chronic stress can lead to disease and mental health decline, and our stress response system, while adaptive, can become problematic when it's constantly activated. The key is to learn how to modulate between states of activation and rest to ensure proper nervous system regulation.

    • Chronic stress effectsChronic stress keeps bodies in high alert, releasing hormones that hinder rest, leading to health issues like diabetes, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, and even adrenal burnout. Prioritize rest and maintain regular sleep patterns for optimal health.

      Chronic stress and lack of rest can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. Our bodies are designed to respond to stress with a fight or flight response, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. However, when we're constantly in a state of stress, these hormones can keep us in a state of high alert, making it difficult to rest and recover. Over time, this can lead to health issues such as diabetes, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, and even adrenal burnout or chronic fatigue. It's important to recognize the signs of chronic stress and prioritize rest and relaxation to prevent these negative health outcomes. Additionally, sleep plays a crucial role in restoring the body and mind, allowing for cognitive function, emotional well-being, and memory consolidation. Regular sleep patterns and quality sleep are essential for overall health and resilience.

    • Rest and recovery for trauma survivorsRest and recovery are crucial for personal growth and business success, even for trauma survivors. Practical tools, cognitive shifts, and nervous system regulation can help navigate the challenges and lead to profound change.

      Rest and recovery are essential for personal growth and business success, even if it goes against the grain of constant productivity. Kate's experience as a new mother highlights this truth. Despite working less than ever before due to her child's needs, she made more money than ever before. This shift came from a place of focus on what truly mattered, born out of the necessity to keep her child alive. This experience taught her that more is not always better and that embodied experiences can be powerful teachers. For those dealing with complex trauma, rest and recovery can be especially challenging due to heightened sensitivity and the need for safety. Practical tools and cognitive shifts, coupled with nervous system regulation, can help navigate this layered topic and lead to profound change.

    • Types of RestPrioritizing cognitive, emotional, social, and physical rest is essential for personal growth and business success. For neurodivergent individuals, addressing sleep issues and implementing restful practices can be particularly important.

      Prioritizing rest and recognizing the different types of rest we need is essential for personal growth and business success. This includes cognitive and mental rest through silence and gentle activities, emotional rest through self-care and emotional expression, social rest through meaningful connections, and physical rest through passive and active practices. For those with neurodivergences, prioritizing rest and addressing sleep issues can be particularly important due to delays in circadian rhythm and melatonin production. As humans, we are part of nature, and just like plants and animals, we have seasons and cycles. Taking breaks and allowing ourselves to rest can lead to growth and renewal, rather than burnout. Understanding this and implementing restful practices can help us access a parasympathetic response and improve overall well-being.

    • Self-care practices as cover cropsPrioritizing self-care practices, such as hobbies and retreats, can improve overall well-being, provide active rest, and contribute to personal growth.

      Taking care of ourselves, just like regenerative farmers take care of their soil, involves planting cover crops - activities that don't necessarily yield monetary gain but have significant benefits for our well-being. These cover crops, such as hobbies or self-care practices, provide active rest and help improve our overall soil quality or nervous system regulation. It's essential to recognize the importance of these activities, especially during times of stress or exhaustion, as they can contribute to personal growth and the dismantling of oppressive systems. By prioritizing cover crops, we can rejuvenate ourselves and increase our ability to focus on what truly matters. Additionally, investing in retreats or immersive experiences, like the Trauma Rewired Retreat, can offer valuable opportunities for reflection, recharging, and rewiring.

    • 20-80 rule, productivityFocusing on the 20% of tasks that yield 80% of the results can boost productivity. To overcome the challenge of eliminating the other 80%, seek inner security and recognize the value of less visible seasons in life and business.

      Focusing on the 20% of tasks that create 80% of the results in various areas of life, such as business and personal relationships, can lead to increased productivity and better outcomes. However, it can be challenging to eliminate the other 80% of tasks due to feelings of unease or insecurity. To address this, it's important to find safety and security within oneself, rather than relying on external validation from completing tasks. Additionally, recognizing the importance of the invisible, less visible seasons in life and business, such as autumn and winter, can lead to greater success and productivity in the long run. By following the natural rhythms of growth and rest, we can better align with the wisdom of nature and achieve more balanced and sustainable outcomes.

    • Seasonal rhythms, productivity and fulfillmentEmbracing seasonal rhythms can lead to increased productivity and fulfillment by focusing on activities that bring joy and rest, conserving energy, and challenging internalized beliefs. Rest can be a radical act of rebellion against systems of oppression and lead to new insights and growth.

      Embracing the seasonal rhythms of life, both in nature and in our personal projects, can lead to increased productivity and fulfillment. By learning to say no to things that don't align with our values and focusing on activities that bring us joy and rest, we can conserve our energy and serve in our highest capacity. Additionally, recognizing and challenging internalized beliefs and patterns inherited from previous generations can lead to greater autonomy and empathy towards ourselves and others. Rest can be a radical act of rebellion against systems of oppression, and taking time to reflect and recharge can lead to new insights and growth.

    • Limiting beliefs around productivity and worthRecognize and challenge limiting beliefs to interrupt and transform patterns within yourself, leading to reconnection with inner power and new possibilities.

      Limiting beliefs around productivity and worth can be deeply ingrained and influenced by external systems and internal programming. To break free from this cycle, it's essential to recognize and challenge these beliefs within ourselves. By making conscious choices, such as simplifying plans to avoid overwhelming others or taking time for self-care, we can model healthier behaviors and undo intergenerational patterns. These small acts can serve as revolutionary moments, allowing us to reconnect with our inner power and imagine new possibilities. So, instead of solely focusing on external systems, consider how you can interrupt and transform the patterns within yourself.

    • Self-care and SleepInvesting in rest and self-care can increase productivity and overall health, while sleep debt and overworking can lead to burnout and decreased cognitive abilities.

      Prioritizing sleep and self-care is essential for optimal productivity and well-being. Sleep debt and pushing oneself beyond capacity can lead to burnout and decreased cognitive abilities. The misconception that more hours worked equals better results is not supported by data. Instead, investing time in rest and visual reset can increase productivity and overall health. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that every nervous system is unique, and finding the minimum effective dose for various practices is essential. Overdoing self-care or healing practices can be depleting rather than beneficial. Healing, like sleep, should be approached at a pace that the nervous system can handle to avoid re-traumatization. Active rest, such as taking breaks or engaging in simpler self-care practices, can be productive and restorative.

    • Meditation dosageCalibrate meditation practice to individual needs, consider 'cover crops' or moving meditations, and don't be too hard on yourself if you can't sit still for long periods.

      Practicing meditation and mindfulness can be incredibly beneficial, but it's important to calibrate the experience to your individual needs and capacity. Dosing it appropriately, especially when dealing with stress or intense emotions, can prevent overwhelming your nervous system. Consider trying "cover crops" or moving meditations, and don't be too hard on yourself if you can't sit still for long periods. Kate Northrup, the guest on this podcast, suggests finding her on Instagram (@katenorthrup) for more information and resources, including a free guide called the "pressure relief kit." Remember, your worth is not defined by productivity, and it's essential to prioritize self-care and self-compassion. If you're struggling with mental health, please reach out to a professional for support. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional advice.

    Recent Episodes from Trauma Rewired

    The Highly Sensitive Person and Sensory Processing Dis-Order

    The Highly Sensitive Person and Sensory Processing Dis-Order

    For highly sensitive people (HSPs), the intensity of the world often feels magnified. Their heightened sensitivity makes them highly empathetic and deeply attuned to others' emotions. This allows them to form meaningful, compassionate connections. However, it can also lead to overwhelm. Everyday stimuli—like sounds, touch, smells, textures, and colors—can be particularly dysregulating for HSPs.

    This is why understanding where we fall on the sensitivity spectrum is crucial. By recognizing how we process sensory input, we can learn to regulate our experiences and harness our gifts, rather than suppressing them for the sake of coping.

    In today’s episode, hosts Elisabeth and Jennifer discuss the subjectivity of sensory experiences—how they're shaped, how they influence our overall health, and why two people can experience the same environment very differently. They also introduce NSI tools, which help manage overwhelm when sensory input becomes too intense. Finally, Elisabeth and Jennifer explore the behaviors that arise from sensory mismatches, and how high sensitivity influences these responses.

    While high sensitivity may feel both like a gift and a curse, at Trauma Rewired, we believe it can be transformed into a powerful asset. With NSI tools, anyone can expand their capacity for life and share their unique gifts with the world—free from shame or discomfort.

    Tune in to learn more about how you can harness your sensitivity and live more fully.

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • How our sensory experience impacts our overall health

    • What is sensory processing disorder?

    • Different ways we try and regulate sensory inputs

    • What is a highly sensitive person?

    • Is it possible to change your sensitivity level?

    • How sensory information is processed in the brain

    • Why it’s important  to train the interoceptive system for accuracy and awareness

    • Sensitivity is an evolutionarily selective trait and an adaptation to trauma

    • What are behavioral activation and inhibition systems?

    • Our subjective sensory experiences

    • How to work with our nervous systems to harness our sensitivity

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the fall cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    ADHD, Burnout, and Development

    ADHD, Burnout, and Development

    We live in an extremely overstimulating society, where information is coming at us from all angles, and the brain is constantly working to make sense of it all. As we continue to unravel and understand ADHD, we're beginning to see it not just as a disorder, but as an adaptive response to the world. With this perspective, we can work with ADHD more effectively and with greater empathy.

    In today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer are joined by Neuro-Somatic Intelligence (NSI) Coach Mari Del Luna, who specializes in trauma resolution and works with neurodivergent individuals. This conversation is packed with insights to help you better understand ADHD from an NSI perspective and reframe how it is approached. They explore why ADHD is not actually a deficit in attention, the reasons behind burnout and fatigue in those with ADHD, effective tools for managing ADHD, and how addiction can be a behavioral response to an overstimulating world—plus much more.

    Our brains and bodies are designed to seek safety and regulation by adapting to an overstimulating society. If we can learn compassionate tools to process information more effectively in the context of ADHD, we have a chance to bring relief to a growing population of neurodivergent individuals. It all starts with reframing and changing our perspective, and that’s what we aim to help you with today.

    Tune in to hear this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Why ADHD is not a deficit in attention

    • Fatigue associated with ADHD

    • Hormonal reaction to sensory stimulus in ADHD

    • How containment tools are key to working with ADHD

    • Understanding high sensitivity in ADHD 

    • The role the cerebellum plays in expressing emotions

    • How complex trauma develops in the brain

    • What is attunement?

    • How interoception works from an NSI perspective

    • Addiction as a behavioral output to provide relief 

    • Alcohol dependency in social settings

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the fall cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Complex Trauma Is A Neurodivergence

    Complex Trauma Is A Neurodivergence

    What is a neurotypical world? Here at Trauma Rewired, we don’t believe it exists. As humans, we are biodynamic, unique, individuals that process the world around us differently. So understanding how that happens is key to unlocking our healing potential. Complex trauma adds another layer to the mix, which we believe is not separate from neurodivergence. The “extra” neural pathways reinforced by traumatic events to keep us safe is what shapes the neurodivergent spectrum.

    On today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer are joined by founder of Next Level Neuro, Matt Bush, to discuss how complex trauma IS neurodivergence. They take a deep dive into what goes on  in the brain during development and when traumatic events happen, that result in shaping our neurodivergent superpowers. They also discuss how to hone in and take control of these unique nuances to better share our gifts with the world.

    Although we cannot change our past experiences, we can change how we process sensory information and rewire the brain to reinterpret triggers that may not be helpful. Through proper dosing of NSI tools, we want to show you how you can achieve that.

    So tune in to learn about this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Does a neurotypical world exist?

    • How neurodivergence effects sensory processing

    • CPTS is ongoing relational trauma during development

    • How everyone’s neurodivergence is experienced differently on a spectrum

    • The chemical change that happens in the brain during stress responses

    • The energy cost of self care and healing

    • Rewiring the brain go reinterpret triggers

    • Why does understanding how we process trauma matter?

    • Will you lose your neurodivergent superpowers while you heal?

    • Nurturing the body to be a place of rest and joy

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the fall cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Autism & NeuroSomatic Intelligence

    Autism & NeuroSomatic Intelligence

    There is a staggering number of adults with ADHD, autism, and neurodivergence, who have yet to be diagnosed. Even in the age of information, many adults don’t realize they are wired differently until their children are diagnosed. This can create all sorts of issues in the nervous system for these folks, by suppressing, repressing, masking their true selves, and feelings of inadequacy can take a toll. This is why a diagnosis is so important when it comes to these types of disorders, because once we can name and identify what is going on in our mind and body, we can learn how to work with our unique wiring and turn what once felt like a burden into a gift.

    On today’s episode, our hosts Elisabeth and Jennifer are joined by clinical psychologist, researcher, and writer, Dr. Megan Anna Neff. They discuss neurodivergence, autism, ADHD, and its intricacies in children, adults, and the power of a diagnosis. They also discuss how these disorders can be easily masked, hidden behind feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, and there is an eye opening discussion about how neurodivergence is complex trauma.

    We are just learning about how prevalent these disorders are, and how diagnosing them can be a challenge, especially in certain groups of people who have become really skilled at masking their symptoms. This is why these discussions are so important, especially with an expert like Dr. Megan Anna Neff, so we can understand ourselves and others on a deeper level and without judgment.

    Tune in for this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Dr. Megan Anna Neff’s diagnosis journey

    • The benefits of an autism diagnosis

    • The impact of our disconnection from our humanness

    • Is complex trauma a neurodivergence?

    • Identifying with a neurodivergent diagnosis

    • Dr. Megan Anna Nef’s first signs of neurodivergence 

    • Negative self talk that comes with neurodivergence

    • How dissociation can be related to high sensitivity

    • What is alexithymia and who does it affect?

    • Gender bias in autism research

    • Why Aspergers isn’t diagnosed anymore

    • Neurodivergence is genetic 


    To learn more about Dr. Megan Anna Neff visit their website here: https://www.meganannaneff.com/

    Connect with Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Instagram here: 


    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg

    Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity by Devon Price

    Is This Autism?: A Guide for Clinicians and Everyone Else by Donna Henderson and Sarah Wayland

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the fall cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Neurodivergence and NeuroSomatic Intelligence

    Neurodivergence and NeuroSomatic Intelligence

    In a society where we are encouraged, and sometimes forced to conform, life can become quite dysregulating for neurodivergent people. Feeling misunderstood, not good enough, or wanting to fit in, suppresses a person’s ability to be in full self-expression and wreaks havoc on the nervous system. The isolation and shame associated with being neurodivergent can create its own protective outputs, adding another layer to the neurodivergent lens. However, our diversity and differences are what makes us special, which should be celebrated and integrated, not suppressed or corrected to meet a certain standard.

    On today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer go over neurodivergence and how NSI can be a great tool to regulate, accept, and integrate the unique and diverse abilities of neurodivergent people. Our hosts explain what neurodivergence is and touch on the stigma attached to it, as well as the disparities among genders and people of color when it comes to diagnosing neurodivergence. They also highlight the invaluable skills and strengths of neurodivergent people and their need in our society.

    Neurodivergence is so common, yet so misunderstood. If we can learn to accept ourselves just the way we are, we can offer our gifts to the world, which is so incredibly valuable. By rewiring how we talk to ourselves and our beliefs around what it means to be different in this way, we can walk a path toward healing and creating a more inclusive, diverse, and beautiful society.

    Be sure to tune in to hear this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What is neurodivergence?

    • Neurodiversity vs. neurodivergence

    • Neurodivergence and concurrent mental health disorders

    • The stigma attached to neurodivergence and its implications

    • Underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis disparities within populations

    • What is neurotypical?

    • ACE scores and neurodivergence

    • Negative self talk and inner criticism associated with neurodivergence

    • Invaluable skills and strengths related to neurodivergence

    • Mimicking neurotypical behavior as a coping mechanism

    • Common physical dysfunctions from stress overload

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the fall cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved

    Beliefs, Identity, and Diagnosis

    Beliefs, Identity, and Diagnosis

    Our beliefs about ourselves and the world are so deeply ingrained in our being that every sensory input is filtered through the lens of these beliefs. Beliefs like, “I am not enough” or “I am unworthy”, can create maladaptive emotions, behaviors, or thoughts, and can cause a ton of stress on our nervous systems and result in illness or disease, especially when that belief is misaligned with who we truly are. Addressing our core beliefs and how they have shaped our identity, is so important to understanding how our nervous systems process the world around us.

    In this episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer are joined by a special guest, Piper Rose. Piper is a NeuroSomatic Relationship and Intimacy Coach, licenced hypnotherapist, and transformative ritualist, who owns and operates Shadow Play Coaching. Piper joins our hosts to discuss where beliefs live in our brains and how they’re formed, as well as their impact on our identities. They also discuss how receiving a diagnosis can be either a liberating experience or soaked in shame through identifying with what being diagnosed means to the self and others.

    To change a belief that isn’t serving us is so important in the healing process. It is the key to creating safety in the body and the precursor to living an authentic life in alignment. The good news is change is possible, and it happens by working with the nervous system, and we want to show you how. So tune in to today’s episode to learn about this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Where do beliefs live in our brains?

    • How beliefs are patterned

    • The questions our brains are always asking us

    • How core beliefs impact our identity

    • The relational aspect of how our sense of self is created

    • Why we self abandon

    • The liberation and shame around identifying with a diagnosis

    • Why belief change is so important 

    • How to work on the nervous system to change beliefs about oneself


    To learn more about Piper Rose and Shadow Play coaching, head to https://piperrosecoaching.com/ 


    Connect with Piper on Instagram by heading to  https://www.instagram.com/shadowplaycoaching/


    Come join us at our first ever Trauma Rewired in-person retreat by heading to https://www.thenatureofmindbody.com/book-online


    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the fall cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Rest and Recovery

    Rest and Recovery

    In a society that often equates our worth with productivity, focusing on rest and recovery can feel unsafe, potentially leading to increased stress in both our minds and bodies. By challenging the need to be constantly productive and redefining our relationship with rest, we can uncover a common theme: doing more doesn’t always equate to achieving more. Whether that is career success, finances, healing, etc. Actually, the opposite can be true: the more we rest, the more productive we are able to be.

    In today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer invite entrepreneur, best-selling author, and mother of two, Kate Northrup, to discuss how crucial rest and recovery are for the success of our businesses, families, and overall well-being. They emphasize the importance of feeling safe when resting, especially for those who may not be accustomed to it due to past experiences with rest, or lack thereof, shaped by family or societal influences. Kate also touches on her frameworks discussed in her book Do Less, and how they can help reframe how we view rest.

    It’s no wonder our society is burnt out and exhausted when we are constantly told that we aren’t doing enough, often pushing ourselves to the brink. It can feel like an uphill battle trying to keep up or excel, especially while exhausted. Collectively, our nervous systems are in need of a gentle touch, which requires rest, whether that is passive or active. So we want to give you a peek into the importance of priming your nervous system for rest and reframing how to incorporate rest into your life today.

    Join us to learn about this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Why Kate Northrup wrote her book “Do Less”?

    • How sleep is crucial for emotional wellbeing

    • The lack of felt safety to rest in business

    • Passive rest vs. active rest

    • Tapping into the cyclical nature of being human

    • Kate’s regenerative farming metaphor for rest in life and business

    • What is Pareto’s principle and how Kate used it in her business

    • Kate’s Upward Cycle of Success framework

    • Toxic patriarchy and its influence on how the lack of rest is rewarded


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com

    If you would like a sneak peak into Kate Northrup's principles, send her a DM on Instagram with the word “MELT” to receive a FREE guide: https://www.instagram.com/katenorthrup/


    Visit Kate’s website to connect or learn more about her programs: https://katenorthrup.com/

    Check out Kate’s podcast “Plenty” by visiting https://katenorthrup.com/plenty/


    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/



    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved

    Chronic Fatigue, Functional Freeze, and Depression

    Chronic Fatigue, Functional Freeze, and Depression

    Depression is one of the most researched mood disorders, but if we look a bit deeper into how depression is able to develop, it is more nuanced than we think. This means, treating depression isn’t a one size fits all solution.

    It is agreed upon that depression is a chemical imbalance and can be treated with SSRIs or SNRIs, etc., which can work for some, but this doesn’t always work for everyone. Understanding what happens in the body and brain when it comes to nervous system outputs and how we are wired, as well as our connection to nature and sunlight, we can start to understand the complexities of depression, and find ways to treat it at an individual level.

    In today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer are joined by Matt Bush to talk about depression, chronic fatigue and functional freeze, and how they are all interlinked with one another. They discuss myths about depression and how pharmaceuticals aren’t the only, or best, way to treat depression. Also, how we may become wired toward depression at a young age by witnessing and mimicking caregivers in their own depressive states and how social connection, nature, and neurodrills that produce domaine, can help rewire the brain.

    Depression can look and feel insidious, but its main function is to be protective. If we reframe the way we look at depression, we can be effective in healing it. 

    Join us to learn about this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Different levels of freeze responses

    • The overlap of functional freeze and burnout

    • Chronic fatigue as a protective output

    • What is depression?

    • Some myths about depression

    • Are pharmaceuticals necessary to treat depression?

    • How depression can be wired into us by mimicking our primary caregivers

    • Social connection as a way to rewire depression

    • Dopamine’s role in the correlation between addiction and depression

    • How neurodrills can rewire and change brain chemistry

    • Nature as a healing tool

    • The socioeconomic and cultural impact on the nervous system


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Join the Next Level Neuro Mentorship Program:






    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved




    magine a flame that isn’t receiving adequate fuel, slowly dying down. This is a great visualization of what happens in the body when we are experiencing burnout. When we push past our capacity and boundaries, while doing things that may not be authentic or aligned with us, we are essentially burning through our reserves faster than we can replenish them.

    This is so common for people to experience in our society, with so many pressures to do more constantly. The demand it has on our physical, mental, and emotional health is greater than we think. This is not to villainize growth, growth is good, but taking the time for rest and recovery is essential for that growth to be sustainable. 

    In this episode, our hosts Elisabeth and Jennifer discuss what burnout means, and dive deep into the science behind what happens in the body when we push ourselves further than our capacities can handle, and end up feeling tired, dissociated, and uninspired. They touch on the warning signs of burnout, as well as possible causes, such as social media, self abandonment, attachment styles, and socioeconomic pressures.

    The Western world rewards those who push themselves whether that is through physical training, needing to be at every event to maintain social connections, or even in our own somatic healing. Doing more, in less time, has become so intertwined in our culture, it’s no wonder so many of us experience high levels of stress and burnout, when it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Tune in to learn about burnout and learn the importance of rest and recovery so you can live a more present, fulfilling life, with your best foot forward. 

    You don’t want to miss this one!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What is burnout?
    • Getting real with our capacity
    • Adrenal burnout and cortisol levels
    • How sleep and rest is crucial for integration and repair
    • How social media and blue light exposure adds to the stress bucket
    • What is functional freeze?
    • Misalignment and inauthenticity’s role in burnout
    • How the cognitive load of high sensory input can affect stress levels
    • Being performative as an indicator of burnout
    • The different ways we exceed our capacity
    • How women and men differ when it comes to stress levels



    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com



    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com



    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved

    Somatic Memory

    Somatic Memory

    As humans we rely on visual memory the most, but what if we told you that memories, especially memories that were formed before we had language, live primarily in our bodies. It’s safe to say, the body keeps score, more than we know. 

    It can be extremely dis-regulating to try to retrieve memories that live in the body without proper training because the visual aspect of the memory may not correlate to the sensations that show up in the body. This is why having awareness and training is so crucial to the healing process, which is what we will be discussing in today’s episode.

    In this episode, our hosts Elisabeth and Jennifer sit down to discuss how somatic memories are stored in the body and the science behind the whole process. Our hormones, cells, and epigenetics play a crucial role, and understanding how they store and express trauma through our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions, we can start to really heal on a deep level. Possibly even heal parts of ourselves we didn’t know needed healing.

    Just as our brain and body can be wired, they can also be rewired. Through our awareness and understanding, and by learning effective tools to dig deep and re-pattern those hidden parts of ourselves. 

    Tune in to hear this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • How we trust visual memory over somatic memory
    • The science behind preverbal memory
    • The role hormones play in somatic memory
    • Freedom in repatterning the nervous system
    • Cellular health and cellular memory
    • Memories are stored in our cells
    • How water holds memories
    • Generational trauma and our collective memory



    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/

    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com



    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved