
    Podcast Summary

    • Managing mindset: Long-term and short-term solutionsLong-term: Practice habits, self-care, and techniques for negative emotions. Short-term: Shift focus and redirect energy during emotional challenges.

      Managing your mindset involves both short-term and long-term solutions. The long-term approach includes setting habits, practicing self-care, and mastering techniques to help cope with negative emotions. During my experience with postnatal depression, I learned the value of focus and distraction through cognitive behavioral therapy. By focusing on different sounds, I was able to move my mind away from distressing thoughts. However, this technique required consistent practice. The short-term solution comes into play when dealing with immediate emotional challenges. Recently, I received some disappointing news and felt embarrassed after making a mistake. Instead of dwelling on these negative emotions, I chose to shift my focus and redirect my energy. I apologized for the mistake, accepted the situation, and channeled my energy into my work. In essence, the long-term approach lays the foundation for maintaining a positive mindset, while the short-term solution helps us navigate through the ups and downs of daily life. By combining both, we can effectively manage our emotions and improve our overall wellbeing.

    • Practicing deliberate distraction to break free from shameWhen feeling overwhelmed by shame, intentionally shift focus to something else to build mental resilience and improve overall well-being

      Recognizing and addressing negative emotions like shame can help us break free from their grip and improve our overall well-being. When we're in the midst of a shame spiral, practicing deliberate distraction can help us build mental resilience and move past the feelings. By focusing our thoughts on something else, we can weaken the hold that shame has on us and make our next work or experience even better. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed by shame, try intentionally shifting your focus to something else, even if it's just for a moment. Remember, it's okay to acknowledge and feel your emotions, but don't let them define you. Keep building that mental muscle and keep moving forward.

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    127: Kick Shame to the Curb

    127: Kick Shame to the Curb

    #127: Kick Shame to the Curb

    In this mindset episode, we are diving into all of the extra emotions we are carrying around during this time of isolation.  I am hearing dozens of messages from people who are feeling all kinds of self-shame, doubt, fear in general, and fear of the judgment of others.  All kinds of statements of, “I am not doing enough”, “I should be doing x, y, z., etc.”  Let’s dive into all the topics that are holding us down while we are in the isolation of COVID-19. 

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1. Brené Brown said: Shame is a painful emotion that responds to a sense of failure to attain some ideal state. Shame encompasses the entire self. Shame is the feeling that “I am bad”. Self-shame means that we are continually feeling that we are bad…and all that stems from the way we judge ourselves, hence “self”.
    2. We are the only ones who can change these words that we are telling ourselves. It takes work and commitment and freeing ourselves from these “labels” will help to free us from feeling stuck and improve our self of worth.
    3. Brene Brown said: Guilt involves a negative evaluation of a specific behavior. Guilt is, "I did something bad." Feeling shame and guilt during a time of isolation where we have so little control, actually no control over what is happening in our external world is setting us up for failure.
    4. We must take back control over the things that we can control, and that is ourselves. Our choices, our actions, our decisions, and how we choose to respond to what we have right to deal with right now. Carrying all of these other emotions is not helping us deal with this time of isolation. Give these emotions a voice, and watch the shame disappear. Giving shame a voice is the only way to move through it and release it.
    5. We are the biggest project we will ever take on. It is our responsibility to make ourselves a priority, especially during this time.  What if instead of being hard on ourselves, we dedicate this time to working ON ourselves like we are a top priority in our life because we are.  We can come out of this time with a whole new set of life skills, habits and rituals in place.
    6. When we focus on taking radical responsibility for ourselves, we own what is ours to own, and ultimately, we become more powerful. This is how we step into our leadership potential and this is what the world is calling on us to do now.


    Connect with Marsha:

    FREE Zoom call on the 3 tips to taking Radical Responsibility in your life



    Fill out the Radical Responsibility Mastermind Application to book your Discovery call



    About me –

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker, and Life Coach

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation.

    Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others


    80. Are You Feeling Lost? Really Good Advice on Getting From Here to There with Hallie Bateman

    80. Are You Feeling Lost? Really Good Advice on Getting From Here to There with Hallie Bateman

    Hallie Bateman is is an illust-writer based in Los Angeles. She is the author of “DIRECTIONS: Really Good Advice for Getting from Here to There.” In this episode, we talk with her about following your intuition, overcoming doubt, and what it means to truly be alive.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why you should follow your intuition
    • How art can help you heal and connect with others
    • Why overcoming doubt is important
    • How to learn to love yourself
    • Why you should not be embarrassed - ever


    Guest Website

    Fit Mess Toolkit

    Reframing Trauma with Malachi Leopold

    Reframing Trauma with Malachi Leopold

    Reframing Trauma with Malachi Leopold: Practical tools for rewiring using polyvagal theory, self love and more


    Malachi Leopold is a trauma-informed yogi dad (*he’s single, ladies) talking marriage + relationship, the refugee experience, emotional trauma and silent shame,and how healing really works.⁣⁣
    Learn what trauma really means, and how trauma gets trapped in the body.⁣ ⁣

    Why rage is a good thing.

    That release is real, and why it happens in layers, waves.

    Let’s talk about this. ⁣⁣


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    #127 Costs of Feeling Guilty To Take Care Of Yourself, How Guilt Blocks Optimal Health & Tips To Start Releasing Guilt

    #127 Costs of Feeling Guilty To Take Care Of Yourself, How Guilt Blocks Optimal Health & Tips To Start Releasing Guilt

    Body love podcast talking about Costs of Feeling Guilty To Take Care Of Yourself, How Guilt Blocks Optimal Health & Tips To Start Releasing Guilt.



    ** Announcements (01:10).

    ** The costs of feeling guilty for taking care of ourselves (04:35).

    ** How guilt blocks optimal health (19:58).

    **  Tips for starting to release guilt (27:46).



    Show notes: amberapproved.ca/podcast/127

    Leave me a review at amberapproved.ca/review

    Email me at nosugarcoatingpodcast@gmail.com


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    Contact Joni:


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