
    Podcast Summary

    • Uncovering the Origins of Our Money MindsetIdentify and shift limiting beliefs about money by acknowledging it as a tool for exchange, recognizing its renewability, and embracing abundance instead of scarcity.

      Our unconscious relationship with money, often shaped by childhood experiences and societal norms, can limit our earning potential and create unnecessary stress. The speaker, Tara Lowenthal, shares her personal experience of growing up with entrepreneurs but still holding limiting beliefs about money due to her identification with the stable salaries of lawyers and academics. She encourages listeners to identify and shift their money mindset by recognizing the origins of their beliefs and adopting new, more abundant perspectives. The three key shifts she suggests are acknowledging that money is a tool for exchange, recognizing that money is renewable, and embracing abundance rather than scarcity. By consciously challenging our unconscious beliefs and adopting a more positive and abundant mindset towards money, we can unlock greater financial success and reduce stress.

    • Reframing Mindset towards MoneyChanging limiting beliefs about money can lead to identifying new actions and creating more value, resulting in increased revenue.

      Our mindset towards money plays a significant role in the growth of our business. The speaker shares her personal experience of how her limiting beliefs about money held her back from scaling her coaching business. She believed that money was a finite resource that had to be maintained, rather than a resource that could be created through producing value. Her coach challenged her to reframe her mindset and think beyond the idea of replacing a fixed amount of money. By doing so, she was able to identify new actions she could take to create more value for her clients and reach more people, leading to a significant increase in revenue. It's essential to recognize that our mindset towards entrepreneurship and business ownership can impact our financial success, and shifting our perspective can open up new opportunities for growth.

    • Our mindset towards money affects our earningsLimiting beliefs can cost us financially. Recognize and challenge them to unlock greater earning potential.

      Our mindset towards money significantly impacts our financial situation. Many people, especially women, leave potential earnings on the table due to discomfort and fear. For instance, an entrepreneur who avoids introducing herself and her services to new people because of awkwardness or fear of being perceived as pushy, could be missing out on significant income. Let's say this entrepreneur is a physical trainer, and one out of ten people she meets would hire her if she shared her services. If her average client brings her $30,000 over their lifetime, then for every ten people she doesn't approach, she is effectively paying $30,000 to avoid the discomfort of introducing herself. This is just one example of how our mindset can cost us financially. The speaker encourages us to recognize and challenge these limiting beliefs, and to be honest with ourselves about our priorities. By shifting our mindset, we can unlock greater financial potential.

    • Fear of discomfort holds back earnings potentialOvercoming fear of asking for raises and recognizing value of every financial investment can lead to significant financial growth

      People often leave significant amounts of money on the table throughout their careers due to a fear of feeling uncomfortable or anxious during conversations about salary and raises. This fear can cause individuals to forgo asking for what they deserve, potentially costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of their lives. Another common mistake is failing to recognize that every time we spend money, we are making an investment and will receive some kind of return. The key is to consider the value and worth of that return, whether it be financial or emotional, before making the investment. By acknowledging and addressing these money mindset mistakes, we can work towards maximizing our earning potential and financial growth.

    • Consider the financial and non-financial benefits of an expenseEvaluate the costs and returns of various expenditures to make informed decisions about where to allocate your money

      Every expense involves an investment and a return, whether immediate or long-term. It's essential to consider the financial and non-financial benefits of an expense before making a judgment. For instance, hiring a coach to help you land a better-paying job or a personal trainer to improve your health may seem expensive initially, but the potential long-term financial gains and overall well-being can outweigh the costs. By evaluating the costs and returns of various expenditures, you can make more informed decisions about where to allocate your money.

    • Understanding Money's Value as an Investment and ExchangeRecognize money as a tool for exchanging value, not an emotion tied to self-worth or gratitude.

      Money is not about feeling grateful or deserving, but rather about understanding its value as an investment and exchange of energy and resources. Society's expectations of women to be grateful for what they receive can hinder their ability to earn what they truly deserve. Feeling grateful is not inherently problematic, but using it as an excuse to undercharge or under-advocate for oneself is not empowering. Similarly, believing that one deserves a certain amount of money can lead to feelings of self-worth being tied to external validation, which can be detrimental. Instead, recognizing that money is not an emotion, but a tool for exchanging value, can help individuals navigate their financial situations with confidence and clarity.

    • Your worth is not determined by your skills' financial valueDon't attach emotional weight to money negotiations, focus on the financial value of your skills instead.

      The value of your skills and the amount of money you make are not reflections of your worth as a person. Money is a business transaction, and the financial value of your skills is determined by the market. You don't deserve a certain amount of money, and other people don't owe you money to prove their valuation of you. Negotiating from a place of needing others to agree on your worth creates emotional drama and can prevent you from asking for raises or selling your services. Instead, focus on the financial value of your skills and ask for what you're worth without attaching emotional weight to the outcome. Remember, the emotional drama surrounding money is optional.

    • Mistakes in Money MindsetDon't leave money on the table due to discomfort, consider full investment returns, and remember money is math, not emotion.

      Money is a mathematical concept, not an emotional one. Three common money mindset mistakes include leaving money on the table due to discomfort, failing to consider the full returns of investments, and attaching personal worth to financial transactions. To overcome these mistakes, ask yourself where you're leaving money on the table, consider the financial and non-financial returns of investments, and remember that money is just math. For help applying these concepts to your own life, check out The Clutch, a feminist coaching community at www.unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch.

    • Text or visit website to learn about Unf*ck Your Brain's new clutchUnf*ck Your Brain makes it easy to explore their new clutch by texting or visiting their website for more info

      The company Unf\*ck Your Brain is offering a convenient way for people to learn about their new product, a clutch, through text messaging or online. By texting the number 34 79348861 with your email address, you will receive a text response with a link to explore the clutch in detail. Alternatively, you can visit the website www.unfuckyourbrain.com and go to forward/theclutch to access the same information. The company is excited for you to check out the clutch and looks forward to seeing you there. This method of sharing information is a user-friendly and accessible way for potential customers to engage with the product and learn more about it.

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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Having my book out in the world is such a surreal experience. I’m incredibly proud of the work it took to write it, and get it out into readers' hands all over the planet (and, hopefully, your hands too)! But honestly, there have been some serious highs and not-so-highs with the whole process, and I’m diving into why in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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    Please share this episode on your social media or with a friend who will benefit from it! 


    Get Social with Becca Luna!

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    Contact Email: hello@boldxboho.com

    Shop Templates: https://boldxboho.com/shop-all


    Get Social with Willow Kaii!

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/willowkaii/

    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@willowkaiii

    Website: https://willowkaii.com/

    Pin to Sales Method: https://willowkaii.com/pin-to-sales-method

    Contact Email: willow@boldxboho.com


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    One thing that becomes clear over time, especially as conscious creators and entrepreneurs, is that our inner life shows up in how we experience our results.

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    I remember that day that I realized that my money mindset was holding me back, when this really hit home for me: I was enrolling a client in a heart-centered enrollment conversation, and I didn’t even offer them the VIP package… because I didn’t think they would want to invest that much with me.

    I couldn’t have been more wrong.

    On today's episode, we’re diving into what could be behind your money mindset issues that are holding back your soul business. How you might be holding YOU back.

    Get out of the self-sabotage cycle my friend, and really rock your purpose! 

    Inside this episode:

    • How your money mindset shows up as an entrepreneur.
    • Inner barriers to expansion & growth.
    • The energetic training required to expand into more income.
    • How to know if self-sabotage is holding you back.

    Mentioned in the show:

    Don’t forget to take a screenshot of you listening to this episode, and tag us all about your takeaways in your Instagram Stories: @emilyperry.co, and @rockyourpurpose.

    Take care, be well, and we'll talk to you soon.