
    UFYB 169: Misconceptions about Thought Work & Mindset Coaching

    enJanuary 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal growth is a continuous processEmbrace personal development as a lifelong journey, not a destination, and approach challenges with a growth mindset.

      Personal growth is a continuous process, not a destination. The host, who is a Harvard Law School graduate and a coach, shares her experience of working on her relationship issues for six months, which led to a significant breakthrough. She emphasizes that personal development is not about solving a problem and moving on, but rather about opening up new doors for growth. It's a high-level, ongoing process that requires a growth mindset. The host encourages listeners to be gentle and realistic with themselves, especially during challenging times like the winter months, and to remember that time is a mental construct. Ultimately, the goal is to keep learning, growing, and expanding our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    • Understanding the continuous nature of thought workThought work is a long-term process, progress may seem slow, but be patient and trust the process for significant rewards.

      Thought work is a continuous process and not a one-time solution for personal growth. It's essential to understand that our suffering comes from our thoughts about our circumstances and not the circumstances themselves. Additionally, the results of thought work may not be immediate, and it's important to have patience and faith in the process. Comparing it to learning a new language, progress may seem slow, but sudden breakthroughs can occur, and the rewards are significant. Avoid getting frustrated or discouraged by the lack of immediate results and instead trust in the process.

    • Embracing Your Humanity with Thought WorkThought work is about self-acceptance and self-love, not perfection. It's a continuous process of personal growth and understanding that everyone experiences moments of insight and change.

      Thought work and mindset coaching are not about fixing you or making you perfect, but rather about accepting and loving yourself. This process involves understanding that neuroplasticity and personal growth are ongoing, and that everyone experiences moments of revelation or insight through faith and dedication. Misconceptions about thought work include the belief that it will completely fix you, that you should always change your thoughts to be happy all the time, that it's only for privileged people, that needing coaching means there's something wrong with you, and that it's solely about your brain and should be figured out on your own. However, thought work is about embracing your humanity and learning to accept and love yourself, which can lead to behavioral and personality changes.

    • Embrace curiosity and compassion in thought workThought work is not about forcing happiness or fixing ourselves, but rather navigating emotions with curiosity and compassion

      Thought work and self-coaching are not about trying to fix or "be happy all the time." Instead, they are about approaching life with curiosity and compassion. When we believe there's something broken about us that needs to be fixed, we create resistance and rush, making it difficult to truly practice thought work effectively. It's essential to understand that happiness is a natural physical state, not a constant requirement. Life is a mix of emotions, and thought work is a tool to help us navigate and understand our thoughts, not to force happiness. By embracing this perspective, we can more effectively use thought work to grow and develop, rather than trying to manipulate our emotions.

    • Embracing the full range of human emotionsUnderstanding and accepting negative emotions is essential for empathy, human connection, and living a rich, meaningful life

      Striving to be happy all the time is an unrealistic goal and may even hinder our ability to truly appreciate positive emotions. According to the speaker, experiencing negative emotions is a natural part of life and is necessary for understanding and empathizing with others. Furthermore, mindset coaching and thought work are not about always being happy or bypassing negative emotions, but rather about learning to accept and process them. The speaker emphasizes that this is not about blaming individuals for their problems, but rather about understanding the human condition and helping individuals develop the skills to navigate their emotions effectively. In essence, embracing the full range of human emotions is what makes us human and allows us to connect with others and live rich, meaningful lives.

    • Recognizing the subjectivity of problemsThought work is about empowering individuals to choose their perspective and respond effectively to life's challenges, rather than blaming or judging.

      Thought work is not about blaming people for their problems or results in life. Instead, it's about recognizing that our perception of problems is subjective and optional. We get to decide if we want to label something as a problem or not. Thought work is also not about suggesting that our thoughts create the world's issues, such as world hunger or genocide. Rather, it's about learning how to respond effectively to the challenges and suffering that are inherent in life. It's important to remember that all humans experience suffering, and thought work is not about blame or judgment, but rather about empowering individuals to choose their perspective and respond in a way that serves them best.

    • Changing perspective towards challenges and sufferingPractice thought work to recognize what's within and outside our control, develop healthy relationships with both, and navigate life's complexities with peace

      Thought work is about changing our perspective towards the suffering and challenges in life, rather than trying to change or blame external circumstances. It's about recognizing the things we can change and the things we can't, and learning to develop a healthier relationship with both. Thought work is not about blaming people for their problems or labeling their emotions as right or wrong. Instead, it's about practicing discernment, openness, and allowing ourselves to fully experience the human condition without excessive resistance. It's important to remember that some things, like the death of a loved one, are natural parts of life that we can't control, and it's okay to grieve and feel sadness. The goal is to become more skillful at navigating the complexities of life and finding peace within the human experience.

    • Empowering individuals to decide their thoughts and attitudesMindset work is essential for individuals facing significant obstacles and empowers them to navigate discrimination and adversity, without absolving society of responsibility.

      Mindset work, or the practice of changing one's thoughts and attitudes, is not just for the privileged or those with minor challenges in life. Instead, it is essential for individuals facing significant obstacles, as they require greater resilience and emotional strength to navigate a world filled with discrimination and adversity. The resistance to teaching this skill may stem from a misunderstanding that it places blame on individuals for their circumstances. However, this is not the case. Mindset work empowers individuals to decide how they think and feel about their experiences, regardless of their origins. It does not absolve society of responsibility for creating discriminatory thoughts or actions. Ultimately, mindset work is a powerful tool for addressing the bigger issues in life, not an avoidance of them.

    • The Essential Guide to Coaching and Thought Work in PhilosophyCoaching and thought work are valuable tools for improving resilience, reducing anxiety, and enhancing overall well-being. Seeking coaching is an investment in personal growth, not a sign of weakness.

      Thought work and coaching are essential components of philosophy, which has been a part of human history for centuries. They are not only beneficial for those facing daily challenges but for anyone with a human brain. Contrary to popular belief, seeking coaching is not a sign of weakness, but rather an investment in becoming a more resilient and capable human being. It may not solve all problems, but it can significantly impact how we think about them and, in turn, our overall health and well-being. Coaching is not a luxury, but a valuable tool for navigating life with more self-compassion, less anxiety, and less drama. Everyone can benefit from it, regardless of their current circumstances.

    • Seeking Guidance and Support for Personal GrowthWe all have blind spots and areas where we get stuck. Coaching can provide valuable insights and tools to help navigate challenges and evolve as individuals. Don't try to do it alone, seek out support.

      Everyone, regardless of their struggles with compassion, productivity, time management, or personal growth, can benefit from external help and guidance. The human brain, with its complex layers and biases, is not a 100% reliable system. We all have blind spots and areas where we get stuck, often due to our ego or cultural conditioning. Coaching can provide valuable insights and tools to help us navigate these challenges and evolve as individuals. It's important to remember that even the most respected coaches and thought leaders seek guidance and support from others. No one has it all figured out, and everyone can benefit from learning how to be more skillful in the human experience. So, don't try to do it alone. Seek out a coach, a friend, or a community to help you grow and create a more joyful and productive life.

    • The Power of Asking for Help and CollaborationSeeking help and outside perspective is crucial for personal growth and learning, even in small communities. Embrace collaboration and expert advice to enhance your learning journey.

      Seeking help and outside perspective is essential for personal growth and learning, no matter the size of your community. As shared in a story, even in a small town, unexpected connections can lead to valuable insights. Believing that you must figure things out alone is a common misconception, but the truth is, our brains benefit greatly from external advice and guidance. The Clutch, a community mentioned in the discussion, offers a self-coaching course and expert coaching to help individuals apply thought work effectively and deepen their understanding. Don't hesitate to ask for help and embrace the power of collaboration and expert advice to enhance your learning journey.

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    Connect with Marques Ogden: Website: https://www.marquesogden.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marquesogden

     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marquesogden