
    UFYB 231: How to Know When Emotional Difficulty Is Worth It

    enMarch 31, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Lessons from moving for a relationshipEmbrace discomfort, recognize growth isn't always easy or pleasant, and value ongoing personal development in relationships and beyond

      Personal growth, whether it comes from a relationship or any other context, can be difficult and uncomfortable, but it's worth it. Host Tara Lowenthal shares her experience of moving for a relationship and the many lessons she's learned, including the importance of embracing discomfort and recognizing that growth isn't always easy or pleasant. She encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences and challenges the stereotypes and expectations we often face, particularly in the realm of relationships. Ultimately, Lowenthal emphasizes that growth is a valuable and ongoing process, regardless of the specific context or outcome.

    • The belief that relationships should always feel easy and fun is a misconceptionEmotional growth, which is essential for any relationship, often feels challenging and uncomfortable, but it's necessary for self-awareness and a more authentic relationship.

      The notion of relationships being easy and fun in the beginning and then becoming hard and boring is a misconception. The way we feel about our relationships is largely influenced by our thoughts about them. If we have positive thoughts, we'll feel good, regardless of the length of the relationship. However, people often fall into the trap of believing that relationships should always feel easy and pleasurable. This belief is fueled by social media quotes that suggest if something feels hard, it's not meant for us or the person is toxic. But emotional growth, which is essential for any relationship, often doesn't feel good. It can be challenging, triggering, and uncomfortable. Instead of avoiding these feelings, we should embrace them as opportunities for growth and self-awareness. By recognizing that emotional growth is a necessary part of any relationship and that it won't always feel easy or pleasant, we can approach our relationships with a more realistic and authentic mindset.

    • The ease of something doesn't determine its rightfulnessRecognizing challenges as opportunities for growth can lead to greater fulfillment and happiness in life

      The idea that whatever is easy for us is automatically meant to be, or the right fit, is a misconception. Our brains are complex, and personal growth and development can bring up challenges in various areas of our lives, including relationships, careers, and personal intimacy. These challenges do not indicate that we are not meant for something, but rather that there is room for growth and improvement. It's essential to recognize that our thoughts and self-concept can significantly impact our experiences and emotions. Therefore, embracing the discomfort and working through the challenges can lead to greater fulfillment and happiness in the long run.

    • Discerning the value of challenging experiencesNot all challenges are growth-inducing, some are abusive. Focus on experiences that help you learn, grow, and heal, rather than enduring unnecessary hardships.

      Not all challenging experiences are valuable, and not all easy experiences are without merit. It's essential to discern the difference between growth-inducing challenges and unnecessary hardships. Some things that are valuable may also be challenging, but not everything that's hard is worthwhile. Abusive relationships, for instance, are not worth the difficulty. The key is to ask yourself why you want to endure the discomfort of a situation and connect it to your big-picture vision for your life. Avoid staying in difficult situations out of insecurity, scarcity, or ego. Instead, focus on experiences that help you grow, learn, and heal.

    • The power of reasons behind our actionsUnderstanding and aligning reasons with values leads to fulfilling work and personal growth, while scarcity or insecurity reasons may hinder progress.

      The reasons behind why we do something significantly impact our experience and motivation towards it. When our reasons stem from a place of scarcity or insecurity, the work may not feel fulfilling or lead to personal growth. However, when our reasons align with our values and what we care about, the work can be worthwhile and even help us discover new aspects of ourselves, even if the process is emotionally challenging. It's essential to acknowledge and validate our emotions, but also recognize that they are a result of our thoughts and not inherently good or bad. Ultimately, having a strong and value-driven reason for doing something can help us navigate the difficult moments and stay committed to the work.

    • Developing discernment and self-trustEmotions and thoughts are not always accurate or objective. Ask yourself why you're facing a challenge, what you're learning, and if it aligns with your values for informed decisions.

      Our emotions and thoughts are important guides, but they are not always accurate or objective. It's crucial to develop discernment and self-trust to determine when difficulties are worth enduring based on our values and goals. The feeling of ease or difficulty is not a definitive indicator of whether an experience is worthwhile or not. Instead, it's essential to ask ourselves why we're going through a challenging situation, what we're learning from it, and whether it aligns with our values and desired growth. By considering these questions, we can make more informed decisions and approach difficulties with a clearer perspective.

    • Embrace the Challenges that Lead to Personal GrowthNot everything that's hard is bad, and not everything that's good is easy. Discerning why something is hard and whether it's worth pushing through can lead to self-discovery and personal growth.

      Not everything that feels hard in life is inherently a bad experience, and not everything that is good for us or aligns with our goals will be easy. It's essential to discern why something is hard and whether it's worth pushing through. If it's due to external circumstances beyond our control or unhealthy thought patterns, it may not be worth the effort. However, if it's a challenging growth experience that leads to self-discovery and personal growth, it's worth embracing. The key is to ask ourselves why something is hard and whether the potential benefits outweigh the challenges. And remember, what's for us won't always feel easy. Instead, it may require effort, courage, and resilience. So, let's develop our discernment, ask ourselves the right questions, and embrace the challenges that lead to personal growth. If you're looking for more support in applying these concepts to your life, consider joining The Clutch, the podcast community for all things Unfuck Your Brain.

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    • 36:00 - The break-up
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    • 50:00 - Revisiting 1’s and 0’s
    • 52:00 - Justin
    • 56:00 - Connecting with others
    • 60:00- Quiet
    • 01:02:30 - Scales of connection
    • 01:04:00 - Why human connection is at risk
    • 01:10:00 - Thank you Alexa!
    • 01:12:30 - Game over

    Connect with Elizabeth Day on Instagram @elizabday and find out more about her work here.

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    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
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    Website: mogawdat.com

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