
    UFYB 247: The Inherent Brain Error Everyone Makes

    enJuly 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Internal contradiction errorRecognize and accept the inherent challenges and risks of our chosen paths to effectively navigate our goals and live more authentically.

      Many of us hold internal contradictions in our goals and desires, unwittingly setting ourselves up for frustration. I call this the "internal contradiction error." For instance, some people long to be entrepreneurs, desiring the freedom and potential wealth that comes with it. However, they also want the experience to be predictable and risk-free, which contradicts the very nature of entrepreneurship. This error is not limited to entrepreneurship; it can manifest in various aspects of our lives. To avoid this error, it's crucial to acknowledge and accept the inherent challenges and risks that come with our chosen paths, and to focus on the long-term benefits rather than short-term comforts. By recognizing and embracing the contradictions, we can more effectively navigate our goals and live more authentically.

    • Entrepreneurship and non-monogamy: both offer freedom but come with inherent complexitiesRecognize and embrace the inherent complexities of entrepreneurship and non-monogamy for personal growth and success

      Entrepreneurship comes with inherent risks and unpredictability, but it also offers unique benefits such as autonomy and freedom from working for someone else. Entrepreneurs must teach themselves how to run their business and navigate its complexities, but some may hold an "entrepreneurial delusion" expecting it to be as stable and predictable as a traditional job. Similarly, non-monogamous relationships offer more complexity due to multiple people and commitments, but some individuals may desire them without the accompanying emotions and challenges. It's essential to recognize and embrace the inherent nature of these situations for personal growth and success.

    • Embracing the Challenges of Valued ExperiencesAccepting the inherent challenges of valued experiences reduces emotional suffering and leads to greater peace and fulfillment in life

      We often resist the inherent challenges and uncertainties of experiences we value, such as entrepreneurship or non-monogamy, leading to unnecessary emotional suffering. These experiences come with their own unique costs, like instability and risk, which are necessary parts of the package. Instead of fighting against these challenges, it's essential to accept and embrace them as part of the experience. By understanding and accepting the inherent nature of the experiences we choose, we can reduce the emotional drama and find more peace and fulfillment in our lives. Whether it's starting a business, exploring non-monogamy, or pursuing any other path, the more we customize our lives, the more we will encounter challenges and the more we need to be prepared to face them head-on.

    • The inherent challenges and complications of what we wantRecognizing and accepting the challenges as a necessary cost of achieving our goals can help us stay focused, make better decisions, and maintain a positive self-concept.

      People often experience challenges and complications in pursuing what they want, whether it's in business or non-monogamous relationships. Instead of recognizing these as normal and natural parts of the process, many individuals react negatively and blame themselves. This reaction can lead to self-doubt, negative decision-making, and a skewed self-concept. For example, entrepreneurs may view their business failures as evidence of their incompetence, rather than as inevitable parts of the entrepreneurial journey. Similarly, individuals in non-monogamous relationships may view jealousy and possessiveness as signs of a partner's infidelity or their own inadequacy, rather than as normal emotions that come with the territory. To overcome this mindset, it's important to recognize and accept the inherent challenges and complications of what we want, and to view them as a necessary cost of achieving our goals. This perspective can help us stay focused, make better decisions, and maintain a positive self-concept.

    • Recognizing the inherent challenges in lifeUnderstanding that challenges are a natural part of life and not a reflection of our worth or capability can help us reduce internal inconsistencies and live more fulfilling experiences.

      We often create unnecessary suffering for ourselves by expecting certain experiences or roles in life to be free of challenges, and when these challenges arise, we may interpret them as a reflection of our own inadequacy or a sign that something is inherently wrong. This internal contradiction can hinder our growth and prevent us from fully embracing and enjoying the journey. It's important to recognize that challenges are an inherent part of any experience or role, and we don't have to make them mean anything about our own capability or worth. By acknowledging and accepting the normal variations and challenges in our lives, we can reduce our internal inconsistencies and live more fulfilling and authentic experiences. If you'd like additional support in applying these concepts to your own life, consider joining The Clutch, the podcast community for all things Unfuck Your Brain, where you can connect with other like-minded individuals and receive personalized guidance and coaching tools.

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