
    UFYB 306: Feminist Marriage Brain Part 1 — Engagement Expectations

    enSeptember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Learn to Coach with a Feminist PerspectiveSign up for a free, limited-series podcast to gain insights on marketing, relationships, coaching tools, and goal-setting from a feminist perspective.

      As a coach or mental health professional working with women or people socialized as women, it's essential to add a feminist lens to your practice. This perspective is crucial for understanding and addressing the complex socialization that impacts your clients' self-perception and goals. The host, a Harvard Law School grad and master certified coach, is offering a free, limited-series private podcast called "How to Coach Like a Feminist." This podcast will provide valuable insights on marketing, creating relationships, coaching tools, and goal-setting from a feminist perspective. To access these episodes, sign up with your email address or text the code word "coach" to the provided number. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your coaching or therapeutic practice with a feminist perspective.

    • Exploring the history and cultural significance of engagementEngagement has transformed from a tool for social and political alliances to a modern-day ritual involving rings and varying lengths, reflecting societal norms and personal feelings.

      The practice of engagement and its expectations have evolved throughout history and continue to shape our societal norms and personal experiences in meaningful ways. From arranged marriages in some societies to modern-day engagements with varying lengths and expectations, the concept of engagement has undergone significant transformations. Historically, marriage was often used for social or political alliances, and engagement periods varied greatly. In some cases, engagements led to quick marriages, while in others, they could last for years. The tradition of giving a ring during engagement is believed to have originated from ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The idea behind placing a ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is rooted in the belief that this finger contains the "vena amoris," or the vein of love. Despite the historical uncertainty surrounding the origin of engagement rings, the practice has become a significant part of modern-day engagement rituals. Moreover, the experience of getting engaged can serve as a microcosm for navigating societal expectations and personal feelings, particularly regarding socialization and participation in patriarchal structures. By exploring the history and cultural significance of engagement, we can gain a deeper understanding of the role it plays in our lives and the ways in which we manage our expectations.

    • Historical origins of engagement rings and proposalsThe modern tradition of engagement rings and proposals has deep historical roots, shaped by societal norms and commercial interests. It reinforces the belief that a woman's value is determined by her attractiveness and a man's eagerness to pursue her. Understanding its historical context can help us critically examine these traditions.

      The modern tradition of engagement rings and proposals has deep historical roots, but is also shaped by societal norms and commercial interests. The idea of a man proposing to a woman with a diamond ring is a patriarchal construct that reinforces the belief that a woman's value is determined by her attractiveness and a man's eagerness to pursue her. The use of a diamond ring is largely due to De Beers marketing campaign in the early 20th century. The act of a man going down on one knee may have originated from medieval courtly culture or from silent films. Regardless of its origin, this gesture is now seen as a romantic and meaningful gesture that conveys a man's love and commitment. However, it's important to remember that these traditions evolved from marriage being mostly about economics and alliances to being a freely chosen form of intimacy and commitment. Therefore, we are socialized to believe that big romantic gestures are a sign of a man's love and our worthiness. It's essential to critically examine these traditions and understand their historical and societal contexts.

    • Societal Expectations of Romantic GesturesSociety's unequal distribution of household responsibilities and pressure to perform grand gestures can lead to misunderstandings and disappointment in relationships. Focus on mutual respect, communication, and shared responsibilities for a more fulfilling and equitable partnership.

      Our societal expectations around romantic gestures, particularly during moments like engagements, are connected to the unequal distribution of household responsibilities and the pressure to perform grand gestures in other areas of life. Women are socialized to desire these grand gestures as a measure of a man's love and their own worth. However, this can lead to disappointment and misunderstandings in relationships where partners have different personality types or approaches to showing affection. It's essential to recognize that these expectations are socially constructed and not a reflection of the value or love within the relationship. Instead, focusing on mutual respect, communication, and shared responsibilities can lead to a more fulfilling and equitable partnership.

    • Understanding Partner's Unique Abilities and ExpectationsCommunication and understanding are crucial in relationships as everyone's experiences, abilities, and expectations are unique.

      Expectations in relationships, particularly around romantic gestures, can often lead to disappointment. People's actions are driven by their individual brains and experiences, not by how much they love their partner. For instance, the speaker's partner, who has ADHD, is amazing at living in the moment but struggles with long-term planning. The speaker and her partner had already discussed getting married and had even made plans for their wedding, so his proposal was not a surprise. As society transitions towards gender equality and feminism, expectations around marriage and gender roles continue to evolve. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and abilities are unique, and communication and understanding are key to building a strong and fulfilling relationship.

    • Perceptions of romantic proposals shaped by societal expectationsExamine reasons behind feelings about proposal, align expectations with reality, prioritize authenticity and communication in relationship.

      Our perceptions of what constitutes a romantic proposal are often shaped by societal expectations rather than our own desires or realities. Many relationships today involve living together and even having children before getting engaged, making a grand, surprise proposal less feasible or necessary. However, if you've experienced a proposal that felt lackluster, it's essential to examine the reasons behind your feelings and whether they stem from unrealistic expectations or a need for your partner to prove their love or your value. Before getting engaged, consider the purpose and meaning you're attributing to the proposal and whether your expectations align with your partner's abilities and preferences. Additionally, consider whether you're open to proposing to your partner yourself and why or why not. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize authenticity and communication in your relationship, rather than adhering to outdated romantic ideals.

    • Societal expectations and gender roles can limit individuals in expressing love and commitmentChallenge socialized beliefs and approach relationships openly and collaboratively for more meaningful connections.

      Societal expectations and gender roles can limit individuals, particularly women, in expressing their ambitions and desires, such as proposing marriage. This limitation can lead to feelings of impatience, frustration, and self-doubt. It's essential to challenge these socialized beliefs and consider alternative ways to express love and commitment, such as proposing to your partner or approaching marriage discussions openly and collaboratively. By doing so, we can invest in our own minds and thoughts, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. For professionals working with women or those socialized as women, it's crucial to understand the deep-rooted socialization that can impact their mindset and approach to relationships. To help navigate these complexities, consider subscribing to the free private podcast "How to Coach Like a Feminist," which explores adding a feminist lens to coaching and therapy. By engaging in these conversations and challenging societal norms, we can create a more equitable and empowering world for all.

    • Exploring Feminist Coaching in Marketing and Client RelationshipsSubscribe to the private podcast feed for insights on applying a feminist coaching lens to marketing, client relationships, coaching methods, and session running.

      The speaker is launching a new private podcast series focused on bringing a feminist coaching lens to marketing, client relationships, coaching methods, and session running. To access this content, listeners need to subscribe to the private podcast feed by sending an email to unfuckyourbrain.com/coach with the code word "coach." The speaker is enthusiastic about this new venture and plans to discuss these topics from various angles in a concise and distilled way. This podcast series aims to provide valuable insights for those interested in feminist coaching and improving their coaching practices.

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

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    “She’s very nosy, which is frustrating.” 

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    244: Krister Ungerböck: Learning The Language Of Leadership

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    On stage, Krister is a keynote speaker, but when he works one-on-one with CEOs and their highest potential executives, he’s more like a speech writer. Krister helps great leaders craft the words they use in high-stakes conversations, the million-dollar conversations that can make their year or their career, as well as the countless other conversations those leaders have every day.

    His upcoming book, The Language of Leadership: Words to Transform How We Lead, Live and Love, provides leaders a practical, fill-in-the-blanks approach to learning a powerful new language of leadership that helps leaders speak in a more impactful, emotionally intelligent way and maximize employee engagement, productivity and employee retention.

    In his candid conversation with us, Krister shares his defining moment in life and how it reshaped his view of leadership going forward. We explore the use of specific words and phrases and how they can either break trust or foster connection. Krister further explains the language of expertise and why top performers hate it.

    Want to transform your business and personal relationships and be a more influential and effective leader? Listen as Krister teaches us the language of leadership.

    Key Takeaways

    1. The number one destructor of business value is broken relationships.
    2. Fear shuts down creativity.
    3. Drop the “you should” or at least replace it with “consider”.
    4. Let your words match the intention of your heart.
    5. In order to get an enthusiastic YES you have to give people permission to say NO.
    6. We listen for people’s needs, not their words.
    7. Top performers hate to be lead with the language of expertise.
    8. Are you leading with questions or following with answers?
    9. Build employee engagement by building better bosses.

    Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/leadership/244-krister-ungerbock-language-of-leadership 

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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    #172 - Esther Perel: The effects of trauma, the role of narratives in shaping our worldview, and why we need to accept uncomfortable emotions

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    Esther Perel is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author who is an expert on modern relationships. In this episode, Esther describes how being a child of parents who narrowly survived the Holocaust shaped and influenced her perspectives and ultimately led to her to a career in therapy. She discusses how the generational differences in parenting, among other things, led to the rise of individualism with a focus on happiness and self-esteem to the detriment of our relationships and sense of community. Ultimately, the conversation focuses on the value of our relationships with others for one’s sense of wellbeing, ability to deal with past trauma, resilience, and even our lifespan. She uses real world case studies to emphasize the therapeutic value of creating healthy relationships with others and oneself, explaining how our relationships with others can be a mirror into our own maladaptive behaviors. Esther explains how our self-narratives, which are often shaped by past trauma, may negatively impact our relationships with others and our emotional health, and emphasizes the value in trying to change them when warranted.


    We discuss:

    • Esther’s background, adventures in hitchhiking, and how she ended up in the US [2:30];
    • The lasting effects of the Holocaust on Esther’s parents [8:45];
    • Grappling with a dark past and feeling alive again after trauma [16:45];
    • How Esther came to understand her parents in a new light [23:15];
    • Why Esther chose therapy as her career [30:00];
    • Using the concept of sexuality to understand society, culture, and people [40:00];
    • The significance of sexual revolutions, and the similarities of medical advancements and advancements in psychotherapy [50:15];
    • The impact of the rise of individualism and the focus on happiness and self-esteem [56:00];
    • Generational differences in parenting and changing role of fathers [1:09:15];
    • How our narratives affect our sense of wellbeing and relationships with others, and the challenge of changing them [1:17:15];
    • Generational effects of past trauma, and how relationship to others can be a mirror into your maladaptive behavior [1:30:30];
    • The role of willpower in one’s ability change their behavior and improve their relationships [1:40:00];
    • How your relationships impact longevity and the importance of being capable of sitting in uncomfortable emotions [1:43:45];
    • Esther’s definition of resilience and the dangers of believing everything you think or feel [1:50:00];
    • Questions about the human condition that Esther wants to explore [1:57:30]; and
    • More.

    Learn more: https://peterattiamd.com/

    Show notes page for this episode: https://peterattiamd.com/EstherPerel 

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