
    Bret and Heather 30th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Is it Safe to Go Back to School

    en-usJuly 18, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • 30 livestreams in a row, new channels, and Q&A sessionsDark Horse podcast team continues to innovate with new channels, Q&A sessions, and a strong commitment to their audience.

      The world is moving at an incredible pace, and the team behind the Dark Horse podcast has an impressive track record of 30 livestreams in a row. They have launched the Dark Horse Clips channel and a Discord server for patrons, and are planning private Q&A sessions. Doctor Heather Hying provided an update on Unity 2020, expressing optimism about its progress. They discussed the current state of COVID-19, acknowledging that cases are increasing but the case fatality rate is either flat or decreasing. They criticized the handling of the lockdown in the United States, which they believe led to a second wave and various negative consequences, including protests and riots. The team emphasized the importance of addressing governmental corruption to bring about meaningful change.

    • Outdoor environment reduces COVID-19 risk, but viral particles matterThe outdoor environment reduces the risk of contracting COVID-19, but the number of viral particles encountered is crucial. Indoor spaces and prolonged exposure to infected individuals pose greater risks. Masks and social distancing are necessary indoors, and individual actions and societal response are essential.

      The outdoor environment, with its increased airflow and sunlight, significantly reduces the risk of contracting or getting severely sick from the virus that causes COVID-19. However, it's important to note that models and understanding of the virus have evolved, revealing that the number of viral particles encountered is crucial. Enclosed spaces and prolonged exposure to infected individuals pose greater risks. Despite this, there remains a double standard in how people perceive and respond to different groups of protesters regarding social distancing. While outdoor protests are generally safer, the importance of masks and social distancing indoors cannot be overlooked. Ultimately, it's essential to understand the nuances of the virus's transmission and the importance of both individual actions and societal response.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Mask-Wearing During a PandemicRecognize the complexity of individual situations when it comes to mask-wearing and avoid shaming others for their behavior. Respect each category of mask-wearers and stay informed to adapt to evolving guidelines.

      During the ongoing pandemic, it's essential to recognize the complexity and nuance of individual situations when it comes to following health guidelines, such as wearing masks. A recent discussion on Nextdoor, a neighborhood app, highlighted this issue when someone suggested that those not wearing masks in a local park should not use the trails. While agreeing with the importance of mask-wearing, it's crucial not to impose unhealthy rules that could potentially harm people's mental and physical well-being. Some individuals may have valid reasons for not wearing masks, such as mental health issues or physical impairments. Shaming these individuals for not following the rules could lead to a backlash and make people less likely to adhere to all guidelines, including the essential ones. It's essential to acknowledge the different categories of people during this pandemic: those who refuse to wear masks, those who wear them excessively, and those who follow a high-quality model of the infectious problem and use masks accordingly. Each category should be respected, and individuals should avoid shaming others based on their mask-wearing behavior. It's also essential to remember that guidelines and recommendations evolve as new information becomes available, and it's crucial to stay informed and adapt accordingly.

    • Masks not required for hiking or outdoor activities, but carry oneNew mask mandate in Oregon could discourage outdoor activities, impacting mental and physical health; prioritize public health while considering individual well-being

      While masks are required in public settings according to the law in some places like Oregon, they are not necessary when hiking or engaging in outdoor activities where social distancing can be maintained. However, it's essential to carry a mask with you. The new order from the governor of Oregon could potentially discourage people from going outside and engaging in physical activities due to the added requirement of wearing masks, which could negatively impact mental and physical health. The importance of vitamin D and sunshine during this time should not be overlooked, as it can help build up immunity for the upcoming winter months. The politicization of mask-wearing and the ongoing confusion between COVID-19 and the flu have made it challenging for people to make informed decisions about their health and safety. It's crucial to prioritize public health and safety while also considering the potential consequences of new regulations on individuals' mental and physical well-being.

    • Long-term health effects of COVID-19COVID-19 not only causes immediate harm, but also leaves long-term health issues for survivors, including damage to vital organs and ongoing respiratory and cognitive impairments.

      The COVID-19 virus not only poses an immediate threat to life through death, but also has long-term effects on survivors. The virus attacks vital organs, including the circulatory system, and can lead to ongoing health issues such as reduced respiratory function and cognitive impairment. While doctors are learning to provide better care for COVID-19 patients, the virus is also evolving, making it likely that those who have survived will be less vulnerable to severe symptoms in future waves. However, the initial wave of the virus disproportionately affected those most vulnerable, leaving a larger population of less affected individuals. It's important to recognize that the impact of the virus goes beyond just deaths and that long-term health consequences should be considered when assessing the damage caused by COVID-19.

    • The CFR of COVID-19 is decreasing but it doesn't mean a less severe situationThe decreasing CFR of COVID-19 should not be misinterpreted as a less severe situation, as symptoms and impact on individuals can still be severe. US pandemic response created travel restrictions, causing profound economic and mental health implications.

      The CFR (case fatality rate) of COVID-19 is constantly changing due to the shrinking number of infected individuals. However, this decrease should not be misconstrued as a less dire situation, as the symptoms and impact on individuals can be severe. Additionally, the US's handling of the pandemic has created a situation where Americans are facing travel restrictions to other countries, leading to profound economic and mental health implications. The inability to travel for necessary reasons compounds the mental health effects of the pandemic, which is just one of many challenges we face in this unprepared world. A more effective response early on could have prevented some of these issues, but now we must deal with the consequences and find less palatable solutions to control the virus's spread.

    • Effective testing and contact tracing were missing during initial lockdownDespite efforts to reopen schools, finding a balance between education and safety remains a challenge due to ongoing risks of virus spread

      Effective testing and contact tracing were crucial elements missing during the initial lockdown period, which hindered the ability to identify and isolate cases, leading to a less effective response. This mirrors the ongoing challenges with Unity 2020 and the belief that it's already too late for significant improvements. As for schools, there's a trend towards reopening for younger students, but the risks increase with older students. Proposed solutions include virtual learning for high schoolers and hybrid models for middle schoolers, with in-person instruction for the youngest students. However, even with these measures, there's a risk of spreading the virus further. New Zealand's successful handling of the crisis is an exception, but it's essential to remember that not everyone can simply move to an isolated island. The ongoing challenge is to find a balance between education and safety, as the virus continues to evolve and winter approaches.

    • The origins of COVID-19 and its unique characteristicsThe origins of COVID-19 are still under investigation, and its potential lab origins could lead to unique characteristics like non-transmission outdoors or to children, influencing symptoms and epidemiology.

      The origins of the virus causing COVID-19 are still under investigation, and it's crucial to determine where it came from due to potential differences in its evolution and transmission. A hypothesis suggests that it may have originated in a lab, leading to unique characteristics. For instance, it might not transmit outdoors or to children, as lab experiments often use adult tissues and don't have an endpoint for cell replication. Additionally, the symptoms and epidemiology could be influenced by lab techniques. However, even if it originated in the wild, its impact on humans could still be different due to these factors. Another pressing issue is the treatment of children during the pandemic, specifically in relation to schooling. A case in Michigan highlights the failure of virtual learning and the potential harm it can cause. A 15-year-old girl, who has an IEP and a history of mood disorders, was sent to juvenile detention for not doing her homework during the transition to online learning. This decision, which was based on a violation of her probation, is a misinterpretation of what education truly is. School is not just about sitting in classrooms and completing written tasks; it's about fostering growth and development. We'll delve deeper into this topic in our upcoming book. Now, a technical question: Is there a statute of limitations on not doing your homework?

    • The limitations of traditional schooling and Stanley's unconventional educationStanley's hands-on learning and working with caring adults offered a better educational experience than traditional schooling, which prioritizes waiting and submission.

      Traditional schooling may not be the most effective way for children to learn and develop self-direction. The story of Stanley, a truant who learned valuable skills by working for his relatives instead of attending school, illustrates this point. John Taylor Gatto, a former teacher who wrote about the destructive effects of compulsory education, argued that schools prioritize teaching students to wait their turn and submit to the judgment of strangers, rather than fostering self-direction and addressing real-life problems. Stanley's unconventional education, which involved hands-on learning and working in the company of caring adults, provided him with a better educational experience than what he would have received in a classroom. Gatto's book, though flawed in its understanding of evolutionary theory, offers valuable insights into the limitations of traditional schooling and the importance of self-directed learning.

    • Recognizing unique learning styles in educationEffective educators cater to diverse learning styles and needs to foster student growth and success

      Traditional education systems, which make learning abstract and irrelevant to individual experiences, can lead to student apathy and indifference. This system, designed to produce passive and anxious workers for the economy, can stifle growth and self-mastery. However, teachers and professors who understand and cater to students' unique learning styles and needs can help students break free from these constraints and succeed in their academic journeys. The story of the speaker's experience at the University of Michigan, where they had vastly different backgrounds and experiences, illustrates how the department managed to recognize and value their diverse approaches to learning. This approach not only benefited the students but also contributed to the university's success in becoming an elite institution.

    • Importance of questioning traditional education and adapting to students' needsStudents are unique individuals with diverse learning styles and motivations, and traditional education systems don't always cater to these needs. Instead, we should invest in communities and adapt to students' unique ways of learning and finding motivation.

      Traditional education systems don't cater to every student's unique learning style and motivation. The speakers in this discussion, who received top awards despite their different backgrounds and approaches to learning, highlight the importance of questioning the purpose of education and adapting to students' needs. They argue that students are not just brains in jars, but living beings who need to interact with the world in meaningful ways. The speakers also criticize the carrot-and-stick approach of schooling, suggesting that some students find motivation outside of the classroom. Lastly, they emphasize the importance of investing in communities as a potential solution for addressing past injustices, rather than relying on reparations alone.

    • Creating Good Schools for All Students: A Current Crisis and Potential SolutionsAdvocate for engaging, fun, and developmentally-focused education, acknowledge challenges in implementing change, and suggest a maximum 6-week lockdown followed by testing, tracing, and dealing with flare-ups to address the current crisis in education.

      While individual educators can be effective, our current educational system as a whole does not have a proven solution to creating good schools for all students. The speaker advocates for a shift towards more engaging, fun, and developmentally-focused educational experiences. However, he also acknowledges the challenges in implementing such changes on a large scale. Another concern raised is the potential negative consequences of school closures, particularly for children at risk of abuse or neglect. To address the current crisis, the speaker suggests a maximum possible and plausible lockdown of 6 weeks, followed by intensive testing, tracing, and dealing with flare-ups. Ultimately, the goal is to create an educational environment that fosters intellectual growth and prepares students for the future.

    • Racing to the Top: States Competing for Effective COVID-19 MeasuresStates can lead the way in addressing COVID-19 challenges by implementing smarter, more targeted lockdowns focusing on outdoor activities and communication technologies, potentially leading to economic advantages for the first movers.

      The ongoing COVID-19 crisis calls for urgent and effective action, whether at a national or state level. The speaker acknowledges the challenges, such as constitutional issues and border control, but also suggests the potential benefits of a "race to the top" among states that successfully address the problem. They argue that a smarter, more targeted approach to lockdowns, focusing on outdoor activities and communication technologies, could make the situation more bearable and even lead to economic advantages for the first states to implement such measures. The speaker expresses a complex reaction to the situation, acknowledging the political challenges but also the potential benefits and the need for innovative solutions. They suggest that the term "lockdown" itself may need to be rebranded to reflect the possibility of spending time outside and connecting with others while still adhering to public health guidelines.

    • People's political beliefs are complex and multifacetedIndividuals' political beliefs can be influenced by upbringing, experiences, and the people they meet, leading to complex and nuanced perspectives that may not align perfectly with their party label.

      People's political beliefs can be complex and multifaceted, and it's essential to recognize that not all individuals who identify with a particular party hold the same views. The speaker shared a personal story about his father, who identified as a progressive Republican. He explained that his father's political stance was influenced by his upbringing and experiences, as well as the people he met throughout his life. The speaker emphasized that his father was not a conservative in the traditional sense, but rather someone who held progressive values while also supporting certain Republican policies. This story illustrates that individuals' political beliefs can evolve over time and be shaped by various factors, and it's crucial to avoid making assumptions based on party affiliation alone.

    • A father's influence on developing a 'male mindset' despite progressive valuesDespite promoting progressive values, a father's influence led his daughter to adopt a 'male mindset' for intellectual growth, showcasing the existence of subtle prejudice and the need for open-mindedness and diversity of thought in society to uphold democratic processes.

      Prejudice exists in various forms, even among those who aren't overtly racist. This was exemplified in the speaker's upbringing by a father who, despite being a progressive Republican, didn't let his daughter's gender affect his intellectual engagement with her. He encouraged her to develop a "male mindset," enabling her to see things from different perspectives. The speaker also discussed the recent resignations of Barry Weiss from The New York Times and Andrew Sullivan from New York Magazine, citing the increasing intolerance and aggression within these organizations that stifles journalistic exploration and diversity of thought. This trend, if left unchecked, could lead to the erosion of the democratic process.

    • The importance of open communication in journalismOpen dialogue and community building are essential for journalism as prominent media outlets face departures and diverse viewpoints are compromised. Engage with audiences through platforms like Discord and Patreon, and attend events like Q&A livestreams and conferences to continue the discussion.

      Open and honest communication is crucial for journalism, and it seems that this value is being compromised in the current landscape. This was discussed during a podcast, where the hosts expressed concern over recent departures from prominent media outlets, such as The New York Times and New York Magazine. They emphasized the importance of expressing diverse viewpoints and encouraged listeners to read letters from those who have left the industry. Additionally, the hosts mentioned the importance of engaging with audiences through platforms like Discord and Patreon, where they can receive feedback and build a community. They also mentioned upcoming events, such as a Q&A livestream and the Unity 2020 conference, where these issues and more can be further discussed. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of open dialogue and community building in journalism and beyond.

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    Find Phil on X: @phillyharper (https://twitter.com/phillyharper)
    Find Phil on Substack: https://philharper.substack.com/

    Cartoon mentioned at minute 56: https://imgix.bustle.com/lovelace/uploads/1055/dba34200-2841-0133-775b-0aecee5a8273.jpg?w=760&h=508&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=50&dpr=2


    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    Who Wins & WHO Loses? The 227th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Who Wins & WHO Loses? The 227th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 227th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss the failure of the WHOs Pandemic Preparedness Treaty—what it means, what the world did right, and what Goliath may have learned from the experience against a scrappy band of emergent Davids. Also: who cheats in high school sports, who does not, and what the Washington State Track and Field meet in Yakima demonstrated about athleticism, sportsmanship, and honor, with special mention of Braelyn Baker. Finally: thoughts about dreams.


    Our sponsors:

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    WHO’s Your Daddy (DarkHorse Livestream 197): https://rumble.com/v3pr3ao-bret-and-heather-197th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html

    Meryl Nass on the defeat of the WHO’s Treaty: https://x.com/nassmeryl/status/1795151440182218878

    WIAA main site, links to heat sheets and final scores for both Yakima & Tacoma meets: https://www.wiaa.com/tournament-xtr/

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Science Friction: The 226th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Science Friction: The 226th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 226th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss a new breakthrough in plant genetics: polyploid potatoes and corn from Ohalo Genetics, which are claimed to double the harvest from individual plants. Beginning with a discussion of naturally occurring polyploidy in other species, including frogs, we analyze the discussion of Ohalo’s new products with an evolutionary lens. Is it possible that biotechnology can evade trade-offs, or is this utopian thinking in the corporate world? Why do so many mistakes of modernity come in the form of people accustomed to complicated systems, applying their knowledge to complex systems? Finally: does Terrence Howard (recently on Joe Rogan) have a predictive model, or is he just blowing smoke?


    Our sponsors:

    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ohalo Genetics: https://ohalo.com

    Discussion with Ohalo CEO on The All-In podcast: https://x.com/noorsinghrai/status/1793006932862587370.

    Wood et al 2009. The frequency of polyploid speciation in vascular plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 106(33): 13875-13879. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.0811575106

    Otto et al 2007. Climatic variation and the distribution of an amphibian polyploid complex. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76(6): 1053-1061. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01300.x

    Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan: https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=DMKHwvPdbnlFt3hJ

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    Russelling with God | Russell Brand on DarkHorse

    Russelling with God | Russell Brand on DarkHorse

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    Find Russell on X: @rustyrockets (https://x.com/rustyrockets)
    Find Russell on Rumble: https://rumble.com/russellbrand


    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 20, 2024

    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 225th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss assassination attempts, the sun, pharmaceuticals, and the American presidency. Assassination: Robert Fico, the president of Slovakia, was shot several days after announcing that his country would reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The sun: last weekend’s dramatic aurora were the visible manifestation of the strongest solar storm in 19 years; how should we be thinking about mitigating the risks to our electrical grid, and to our society, from future storms that will surely come? Also: how do risks from biotic vs abiotic forces differ? Pharma: Semaglutide (aka Ozempic) helps protects against heart disease! Or…not. We dive into the research that supposedly produced this result, complete with conflicts of interest between Novo Nordisk and the conference in Italy where the work was presented. Biden: invites Trump to debate, with conditions.


    Our sponsors:

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    MDHearing: To get our $397 when you buy a PAIR offer plus free charging case, head to shopmdhearing.com/DARKHORSE and use code DARKHORSE.

    American Hartford Gold: Get up to $5,000 of free silver on your first qualifying order. Call 866-828-1117 or text “DARKHORSE” to 998899.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Why President Fico was a special problem for the powers that be: https://twitter.com/april_harding/status/1790817554493010143

    Ben Davidson on the Sun and on DarkHorse: https://rumble.com/v4ucpc6-apocalypse-when-ben-davidson-on-darkhorse-live.html

    Ozempic—don’t be fooled: https://twitter.com/HeatherEHeying/status/1738959829321036212

    Chao et al 2023. Semaglutide for the treatment of obesity. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 33(3): 159-166.


    The Times of London: Weight loss jab cuts heart disease deaths by 20%: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-weight-loss-jabs-prescription-drugs-ozempic-7dbsvkblg

    31st European Conference on Obesity: https://eco2024.org

    Abstracts from Conference: https://karger.com/ofa/issue/17/Suppl.%201

    Biden speaks: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1790713878248038478

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Live at 12:30 PT, May 10th. Bret and Ben discuss potential impacts of the sun on humanity in the coming days.

    Find Ben Davidson on X: @SunWeatherMan (https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan)


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 224th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss animal behavior: the implications of an orangutan using a medicinal plant to treat a wound, and the one-off videos that we’ve all seen—of cats preventing toddlers from falling, of a beluga whale retrieving a woman’s phone. What does this say about the minds of these other organisms, and about us? Also: dog domestication, from wolves, but not from foxes. And: the New York Times publishes more insipid garbage about vaccine injury, Bret returns to the question of what safety means, and The Nation turns its back on its muckraking roots.


    Our sponsors:

    Momentous: high-quality, science-backed, rigorously tested supplements. Go to livemomentous.com and use code DARKHORSE for 15% off.

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Laumer et al 2024. Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.8932. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-58988-7

    County Highway: https://www.countyhighway.com

    Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    Chris Martenson on the NYT: https://twitter.com/chrismartenson/status/1787602191114526836

    Benn et al 2023. Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?. Iscience, 26(5): https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/publications/randomized-clinical-trials-of-covid-19-vaccines-do-adenovirus-vec

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    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 223rd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss science and religion, materialism and other ways of understanding our world. Can analysis and quantification explain everything? Can narrative, intuition, and creativity? All are or should be part of the scientific process; science is incomplete with only one mode. We also discuss models, how they fail, how difficult they are to assess, and what one recent climate model has to say about the role of air pollution in Earth’s temperature. Enlightenment values require that we use our freedom to inquire about all things that we are curious about. Also: happy Beltane!


    Our sponsors:

    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

    ARMRA: Colostrum is our first food, and can help restore your health and resilience as an adult. Go to www.tryarmra.com/DARKHORSE to get 15% off your first order.

    Helix: Excellent, sleep-enhancing, American-made mattresses. Go to www.HelixSleep.com/DarkHorse to get up to 30% of all mattress orders AND 2 free pillows.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Third Man Syndrome and Shackleton: https://twitter.com/brianroemmele/status/1785827941718614291

    Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming: https://www.science.org/content/article/clearer-skies-may-be-accelerating-global-warming
    Hodnebrog et al 2024. Recent reductions in aerosol emissions have increased Earth’s energy imbalance. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1):166: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01324-8

    Nature editorial: What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00993-x

    Animation about mental health and climate change: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publications/all-publications/the-impact-of-climate-change-on-mental-health-and-emotional-wellbeing-current-evidence-and-implications-for-policy-and-practice.php

    Growing up is hard to do (do not pay others to do your thinking for you): https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/growing-up-is-hard-to-do

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    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    Dr. Kat Lindley is the President of the Global Health Project. Bret Talks to her about the state of the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty.

    Find Dr. Lindley on X: @KLVeritas (https://twitter.com/KLVeritas)



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    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 222nd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss evolution, and how we know that it is true. We discuss the different kinds of beliefs that people have—beliefs that attempt to reconcile with reality, vs beliefs that reconcile with social standing and comfort. If your beliefs put you on the outs with your friends, do you change your beliefs, or your friends? Are you willing to give up the cocktail party for reality? We also discuss research published in 2000 and funded by Fauci’s NIAID, which demonstrated that it was possible to make chimeric coronaviruses, swapping the spike protein from one to a different species entirely. Finally: sex-biased gene expression, in which genes are expressed differently in the two sexes, in anatomical systems as varied as brain, kidneys, and liver.

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    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Kennedy 2023. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bio-Weapons Arms Race: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510773981/the-wuhan-cover-up/

    Kuo et al 2000. Retargeting of coronavirus by substitution of the spike glycoprotein ectodomain: crossing the host cell species barrier. Journal of virology, 74(3):1393-1406: https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/jvi.74.3.1393-1406.2000

    Rodríguez-Montes et al 2023. Sex-biased gene expression across mammalian organ development and evolution. Science 382(6670), p.eadf1046: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf1046

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Looking for a link we mentioned? It's here: https://linktr.ee/philosophyforourtimes

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    There are thousands of big ideas to discover at IAI.tv – videos, articles, and courses waiting for you to explore. Find out more: https://iai.tv/podcast-offers?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=how-to-spot-an-emergency

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