
    exam season: stress, pressure and balancing priorities

    enMay 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing stress through accepting urges and practicing stress reduction techniquesAccept urges to eat during stress, practice stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, showering, or walking, identify and address sources of stress, and develop effective strategies for managing stress to promote overall well-being.

      Dealing with stress involves both managing stressors and regulating our responses to them. The speaker shares her personal experiences and strategies for handling stress eating, which can include accepting the urge to eat and practicing stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, taking a shower, or going for a walk. However, it's important to be aware of the potential negative effects of continuous stress eating and to learn new skills for regulating our food intake. Additionally, identifying and addressing the sources of stress in our lives can help reduce overall stress levels. This might involve setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, or seeking support from others. By understanding our unique stressors and responses, we can develop effective strategies for managing stress and promoting overall well-being.

    • Identify tasks to delegate for stress reductionDelegating tasks can help manage workload, promote problem-solving, and increase motivation. Taking purposeful breaks can prevent procrastination and improve productivity. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity.

      Reducing stress is an important aspect of personal and professional growth. To achieve this, it's essential to identify tasks and activities that can be delegated to others. This not only helps in managing workload but also promotes problem-solving and effective time management. Additionally, taking purposeful breaks can help prevent procrastination and increase motivation. Instead of feeling guilty for not studying every day, giving yourself a day off can actually improve productivity and overall well-being. It's important to remember that constant studying or working can lead to burnout and decreased performance. So, take a break, recharge, and come back refreshed and inspired. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity.

    • Understanding emotions behind procrastination and perfectionismRecognize emotions causing procrastination and perfectionism, give yourself time off, and challenge the perfectionist voice in your head.

      To effectively manage procrastination and perfectionism, it's essential to give yourself time off and check in with your emotions. Procrastination can stem from feelings of not being good enough or not liking a particular subject. Giving yourself a little bit of room and understanding that you don't have to be perfect can help. Additionally, recognizing the root cause of perfectionism, often stemming from childhood experiences, can be a significant step towards healing and enjoying life more. Overcoming perfectionism is a process that requires therapy and work, but gaining this perspective can help you catch and challenge the perfectionist voice in your head. By acknowledging that you've done enough for the day, you can prevent the cycle of doing just a little bit more and more.

    • Seeking validation through achievement from childhood to adulthoodRecognizing and acknowledging our hard work and inner child's efforts can help us find validation within ourselves, breaking free from patterns of seeking external approval.

      Our past experiences, especially those involving a lack of validation or approval from significant figures in our lives, can shape our present behaviors and beliefs about ourselves. In the speaker's case, she recalls her attempts to gain her father's attention during their annual visits by striving to be the best version of herself. This pattern of seeking validation through achievement continued into adulthood, leading to feelings of never being good enough no matter how much she accomplished. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the hard work we've done and reminding our inner child that it's time to rest and be proud of ourselves. By understanding the roots of these patterns, we can begin to break free from them and learn to find validation within ourselves.

    • Reflecting on past experiences and giving ourselves validationRecognizing past experiences' impact, reflecting on past selves, and practicing self-compassion can help break the cycle of seeking external approval and embracing inherent worth.

      Recognizing and acknowledging our past experiences and the impact they have on our present behaviors, particularly in relation to perfectionism and seeking validation from others, is crucial for personal growth. Reflecting on our past selves and giving them the love and validation they deserve can help us break free from the cycle of striving for external approval and embracing our inherent worth. When faced with the urge to compare ourselves to others, especially in areas like productivity or social media, it's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique and that focusing on our own growth and progress is the most effective way to avoid the negative effects of comparison. By practicing self-compassion and self-love, we can learn to value ourselves for who we are and not just for what we accomplish.

    • Embrace individuality and prioritize personal needsRecognize the importance of self-acceptance and setting personal priorities, even if it means letting go of some responsibilities or expectations.

      Focusing on self-acceptance and prioritizing personal needs is essential for overall well-being. Comparing oneself to others can lead to unnecessary stress and unhappiness. It's crucial to recognize individuality and the importance of setting personal priorities. This may mean taking time off from activities like the gym or school work when necessary. Remember, it's okay to let go of some reins and give yourself permission to do things at your own pace. Ultimately, it's important to listen to your body and mind, and trust that you are doing the best you can. Don't feel guilty for not having your life figured out; instead, focus on the present moment and making the most of it.

    • Exploring passions in your twentiesIt's okay to not have a clear career path or attend university in your twenties, explore passions, try new things, and find purpose in them for fulfillment and motivation.

      It's okay not to have your life figured out in your twenties, and you don't need to feel guilty about not attending university or not having a clear career path. Instead, view this time as an opportunity to explore different passions, try new things, and make new friends. Finding purpose in these pursuits can provide motivation and drive. It's important to remember that not knowing exactly what you want to do doesn't mean you can't find fulfillment or make a difference. Whether it's through practicing a new skill, participating in a hobby, or creating content on social media, following your passions can bring joy and satisfaction. So, embrace the uncertainty and enjoy the journey of self-discovery.

    • Express yourself and growExperiment, set goals, connect with diverse people, stand firm against negativity, and focus on personal growth.

      Creating content, whether it's for yourself or for the world to see, can be a meaningful and growth-inducing experience. Don't let societal pressure or negative comments deter you from expressing yourself. Experimenting with new things, setting mini goals, and connecting with diverse people can broaden your horizons and help you develop as a person. When faced with negativity, stand your ground, use your voice, and establish boundaries. Remember, everyone is different, and what works for you may not work for others. Don't let their opinions bring you down. Instead, focus on your goals and the growth that comes from your experiences.

    • Standing up to mean girls and self-careEmpower yourself by ignoring mean comments, increase self-worth, prioritize mental and emotional wellbeing, and use effective studying techniques for efficient learning

      It's important to stand up for yourself and not let negative comments bring you down. The speaker shares her experience of dealing with mean girls in school and how she learned to ignore their comments and not give them the attention they sought. She also emphasizes the importance of increasing self-worth and self-confidence to keep toxic people out of your life. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of rest and effective studying techniques. She encourages working smarter, not harder, and suggests using active learning methods like quick fire recall and teaching someone else to help solidify understanding. Overall, the speaker's message is one of empowerment and self-care. She encourages listeners to prioritize their mental and emotional wellbeing, stand up for themselves, and approach learning in effective and efficient ways.

    • Using voice notes for active learning and practiceUse voice notes for memorization, practice questions to understand exam formats, and focus on the present moment for motivation.

      Effective studying involves a combination of active learning techniques and practice. The speaker shares her experience of using voice notes to memorize content and emphasizes the importance of doing practice questions to understand exam formats and marking schemes. Additionally, she advises focusing on the present moment when feeling unproductive and turning negative feelings into motivation. Remember, the present moment is the only moment where we can make a change, no matter what has happened in the past or will happen in the future. So, keep trying your best, and you'll be able to turn your day around and succeed in your studies.

    • Strive for your best, no matter the circumstancesKeep pushing forward, maintain a positive attitude, and remember we're all in this together.

      Everyone, no matter the circumstances, should strive to do their best. The speaker expressed love and encouragement, and promised to see everyone again soon. This simple message carries a powerful reminder that our efforts and dedication are what truly matter. Despite the challenges we may face, it's essential to keep pushing forward and maintain a positive attitude. The speaker's words of love and reassurance also serve as a reminder that we are all in this together, and that we'll continue to support each other through the ups and downs of life. So, let's all do our best, stay positive, and look forward to the future with optimism.

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