
    Out of Creative Control: Bret Speaks with Matt Orfalea on the DarkHorse Podcast

    en-usFebruary 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Disproportionate Emphasis on Jokes and Entertainment vs. Actual Crimes and Important IssuesCreator Matt Orfalia's work challenges group think and reveals propaganda in the news, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and conscious media consumption.

      Society seems to place a disproportionate emphasis on jokes and entertainment compared to actual crimes and important issues. This was a topic of discussion during an interview on the Dark Horse podcast with video creator Matt Orfalia. Orfalia creates jaw-dropping and hilarious video compilations that challenge group think and reveal propaganda in the news. He described his work as trying to make videos that "fight back against group think." Orfalia's teaching background involved presenting information in a way that caused the mind to register an error, forcing conscious thought. His videos condense and make clear the narratives that are often presented in a way that is designed to be invisible. Orfalia's work first came to the interviewer's attention when he was flagged by YouTube for a video that had not even been published yet. Despite this, older videos were also deleted, and Orfalia was falsely accused of supporting violent criminal organizations. This incident highlighted the dangerous power of propaganda and the importance of critical thinking and conscious consumption of media.

    • Censorship of scientific discussions on YouTubeCensorship of scientific findings on YouTube raises concerns about control of info and potential impact on life-saving treatments. Importance of open discussions and critical thinking.

      The censorship of information, even before it is publicly available, raises serious concerns about the power and control of tech companies like YouTube. In this specific case, a discussion about the potential effectiveness of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 was censored, despite not being publicly available for viewing. This incident highlights the importance of open and transparent discussions about scientific findings, and the potential dangers of censorship, particularly when it comes to potentially life-saving treatments. Additionally, the persistence of propaganda and misinformation surrounding Ivermectin, even as other COVID-related topics have become more openly discussed, is noteworthy. The evidence supporting the use of Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment is significant, but the topic remains controversial and stigmatized. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of critical thinking and open-mindedness when it comes to scientific findings, particularly those that challenge established narratives or are subject to censorship. Furthermore, the sponsor message highlights the importance of making informed choices about the food we feed our pets, and the potential benefits of high-quality, human-grade ingredients in pet food. The enthusiasm of the dog in the example shows that the investment in better food can lead to noticeable improvements in their health and happiness.

    • Studies on Ivermectin's effectiveness against COVID-19 were designed to fail, but still showed some level of effectivenessConcerns of scientific fraud and biases arise when crucial information about Ivermectin dosage is hidden, potentially impacting its effectiveness against COVID-19. Transparency and integrity are essential for accurate scientific research and the development of effective treatments.

      Certain studies on Ivermectin's effectiveness against COVID-19 were designed to fail, yet they still showed some level of effectiveness due to the drug's potency. However, these studies hid crucial information, such as dosage per kilogram for overweight individuals, resulting in the fattest people receiving the lowest effective dose. This raises concerns about potential scientific fraud and biases in the research. Additionally, Ivermectin's effectiveness against a range of RNA viruses, including COVID-19, challenges the notion that it doesn't work. The suppression of Ivermectin's potential benefits, along with similar experiences with hydroxychloroquine, highlights the importance of transparency and integrity in scientific research. The idea that these drugs don't work and are dangerous is a misconception, perpetuated by studies that intentionally overdosed participants or failed to administer the drugs at optimal times. It's crucial to recognize that science relies on honest reporting and unbiased experimentation to advance our understanding and develop effective treatments.

    • Crisis can compromise scientific reliabilityDuring crises, anecdotes and corrupted institutions can cloud scientific information, making it essential to critically evaluate multiple sources and perspectives

      The reliability of scientific studies and information during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can be compromised. Anecdotes, while not definitive evidence, can be persuasive and confusing, especially when it comes to treatments for infectious diseases. The corruption of institutions and the prioritization of profit over health have also been revealed during the pandemic. The removal of information about natural immunity from the World Health Organization's website around the time of the first vaccine press releases is a notable example of this. It's crucial to approach information with a critical mindset and consider multiple sources and perspectives before drawing conclusions.

    • Profit and Politics Drove Widespread mRNA Vaccination Despite RisksDespite limited testing and potential risks, those in power, including Pfizer, pushed for widespread mRNA vaccination, driven by profit motives and political gain, causing potential harm to children and others on a global scale.

      The discussion revolves around the concern that those in power, including pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, pushed for widespread vaccination with mRNA technology despite limited testing and potential risks, driven by profit motives and political gain. The scale of indifference to harm to others, particularly children, is shocking and terrifying. While such behavior is not unprecedented, the global scope and the potential harm caused during the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented. The most important question might be how much harm was caused by the medical interventions and whether doing nothing would have resulted in fewer deaths. The discussion also touches on the role of the media in shaping public perception and the importance of questioning narratives. The speaker, Matt Stoller, collaborates with Matt Taibbi on projects revealing propaganda in the news.

    • Political authenticity and cancel cultureAuthenticity in politics can be powerful, but cancel culture can have negative consequences. A positive portrayal of Bernie Sanders led to the speaker's recruitment, but a past parody video led to their resignation despite their successful campaign contributions.

      Consistency and authenticity in politics can be powerful. The speaker shares an experience where they saw through the negative framing of a political figure, Bernie Sanders, and used their platform to highlight his positive history and actions. This led to their eventual recruitment by the Sanders campaign. However, the experience also showed the potential risks and downsides of cancel culture, as the speaker was pressured to resign due to a parody video they had created years prior. The irony lies in the fact that Sanders was advocating for job guarantees at the time, yet the person who created more successful campaign videos than the entire video department was not guaranteed a job. The speaker's observation of cancel culture in other contexts, such as the Evergreen incident, further emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances and potential consequences of public discourse.

    • The value of authenticity and its threatRecognize authenticity, value it, but don't become apathetic or disengaged. Vote for authentic candidates to keep authentic voices heard.

      Authenticity is a valuable and increasingly rare commodity in today's world. When people recognize authenticity, they value it, but when it's threatened, there's a natural instinct to try to control or tame it. This can be seen as a cautionary tale for figures like Bernie Sanders, who were once independent voices but became more mainstream over time. Authenticity is important, but it's also crucial to take action and not become apathetic or disengaged. Voting for authentic candidates, even if they're not perfect, sends a powerful message and helps to ensure that authentic voices continue to be heard. It's important not to join the ranks of the apathetic, as this only helps to perpetuate the status quo and the corruption within the political system.

    • The 2016 election challenged the two-party systemThe 2016 election showed the need for change, but a viable third party requires solid plans and effective leadership.

      The 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump served as a wake-up call that the two-party system, or duopoly, can be challenged. Trump's election, despite his temperamental unsuitability for the job, demonstrated that a viable alternative could exist. However, it's crucial that this power be wielded effectively by someone who knows what to do with it. The speaker acknowledges that Trump did some decent things but ultimately was not the right person for the job. The speaker also encourages people not to give up on voting and to make it clear that they're voting against the duopoly. The Democratic Party, once the go-to party for working people, has shifted strategies and become more interested in power than in using it for the greater good. The lack of likable, viable options in the two major parties leaves room for a third party that truly represents the people. The speaker is hesitant to fully commit to a third party movement, but is open to the idea if a viable plan emerges. In summary, the key takeaway is that the 2016 election demonstrated the need for change and the potential for a viable third party, but it's essential to have a solid plan and effective leadership to make it work.

    • Bipartisan plan for a center-left and center-right presidencyThe duopoly limits free speech and innovation in politics, promoting a false sense of choice and hindering true representation and democracy

      A bipartisan plan was proposed to neutralize the "lesser evil" problem in politics by having a president and vice president from the center left and center right, who would govern as a team and only make independent decisions in certain circumstances. This idea, known as Unity 2020, gained attention from those in power due to its potential to challenge the duopoly. However, the project faced censorship and obstacles, highlighting the limitations of free speech and the entrenched power structures in politics. Ultimately, the false sense of choice in our current political system, where leaders are vetted by established parties, is choking the life out of the West and leading us down a dangerous trajectory. This system, which provides a false sense of security that we have a say in who governs us, is more insidious than an authoritarian structure. It's important to recognize the limitations of our current political landscape and consider alternative solutions to truly promote democracy and representation for all.

    • Manipulating Political Landscape with Labels and AccusationsIndividuals can face intimidation through labels and accusations, but standing firm against them is crucial for change

      The political landscape can be manipulated through the use of labels and accusations, making it nearly impossible for genuine individuals to rise through traditional party systems. Trump's unconventional approach demonstrated this, as he was able to take over the Republican Party despite moral constraints. Sanders, on the other hand, held back and was labeled as a "Bernie Bro," effectively sidelining his movement. Epithets, such as racist, conspiracy theorist, or anti-vaxxer, can be terrifying and cause people to back down. However, if individuals learn to stare down these accusations, they may find themselves safer or insulated from potential authoritarian oppression. The power of these labels may eventually diminish, but there are still significant populations that continue to believe in them. It's essential to recognize this and understand that standing firm against baseless accusations is a crucial step towards change.

    • Falsely Accused of RacismBeing falsely accused of racism can be damaging, but staying calm and rational can expose the accusers' prejudiced views

      The fear of being labeled as offensive or hateful by the media and society may be overblown, as many people can see through the empty accusations. The speaker shares his personal experience of being falsely accused of racism and how he was able to prove the accusations were baseless due to his past experiences and relationships. He also points out that the current hyperawareness of race is preventing people from living a life that could challenge the accusations. The speaker encourages an open-minded approach and the importance of not letting fear of being labeled hold us back. He emphasizes that responding calmly and rationally to accusations can expose the accusers as the ones holding prejudiced views.

    • Power dynamics in high-pressure situationsRecognize power dynamics and don't let fear dictate actions, even when facing negative publicity or intimidation.

      Power dynamics in high-pressure situations can lead individuals to succumb to intimidation and resign, even when they have valid concerns. In the case discussed, a campaign manager felt pressured to resign after old comedy videos were leaked and misconstrued, despite being able to disprove the accusations. The campaign used the threat of negative publicity as a weapon, and the manager felt powerless to push back. This tactic is effective because it's difficult to prove a negative, and each person's capitulation drives the next. If the manager could do it over, they would have stood firm and used the situation to their benefit by highlighting the irony of the accusations and their own support for the campaign's values. Overall, it's crucial to recognize the power dynamics at play and not let fear dictate our actions.

    • Standing up for oneself and learning from past mistakesRegret not pushing back against past injustice, but now see value in sharing story as a lesson for others. Importance of composure and perspective, even in hostile environments.

      In the face of adversity or perceived injustice, it's important to stand up for oneself and not let the immediate situation define the larger narrative. This was a lesson learned from the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign, where a staff member's past criminal record was overlooked by the campaign manager. The speaker regrets not pushing back more at the time but now sees the value in sharing the story as part of their history and a lesson for others. Another takeaway is the importance of maintaining composure and perspective, even in the face of public criticism or hostile environments. The "room is not the room" concept emphasizes that the immediate context may not be the most important one and that actions taken, even if seemingly insignificant at the time, can have greater impact in the long run.

    • Creating powerful, cinematic experiences without opinionContent creator Matt Orfala values audience intelligence and lets facts speak for themselves, creating thought-provoking mashups without opinion or narration.

      Matt Orfala, a content creator known for his thought-provoking mashups, values the intelligence of his audience and allows them to draw their own conclusions from the facts presented. This approach is particularly important in today's polarized society where people are quick to dismiss content based on the creator's beliefs. Orfala's goal is to create powerful, cinematic experiences that force viewers to recognize there's more to the story than meets the eye. He is currently working on a documentary about the Kenosha 2020 unrest, using his signature mashup style to present the facts without narration or opinion. Orfala's approach to content creation is a beautiful way to eliminate the possibility that he is simply persuading people into a particular viewpoint. His mantra, "Matt Orfala, out of creative control," reflects his belief in letting the content speak for itself.

    • The response to jokes and actual crime is disproportionateJokes serve an essential role in navigating difficult topics, but society's response can be disproportionate, with some public figures facing intense scrutiny for comedy while others receive softball coverage for questionable actions.

      Society's response to jokes and actual crime seems disproportionate, with jokes being subjected to greater scrutiny and even punishment. This is problematic as jokes serve an essential role in helping us navigate difficult topics. Two harmful instincts are at play: one that seeks to suppress jokes, and another that excuses unacceptable behavior if it seems to benefit a particular group. These instincts are not necessarily connected, but their intersection can lead to confusion and concern. An example of this can be seen in the unequal treatment of public figures like Sam Bankman-Fried and Joe Rogan. While Bankman-Fried receives softball coverage despite questionable actions, Rogan faces intense scrutiny for a comedy podcast. The line between acceptable and unacceptable humor is a fluid one, and it's crucial to remember that the role of comedy is to challenge boundaries and push the conversation forward. However, it's equally important to recognize that the law should not be used to persecute comedians for crossing these lines. Instead, we should engage in open dialogue and use humor as a tool for understanding and growth.

    • Understanding legal frameworks for speech and expressionComedians can face legal consequences for their jokes, but it's important to challenge restrictions and stand up for freedom of speech. Be cautious of misinformation and manipulation online.

      Freedom of speech and expression, even for comedians, can be challenged and restricted under certain laws and regulations. The case of Canadian comedian Mike Ward, who was ordered to pay $42,000 by a human rights tribunal for his comedy, highlights this issue. This incident underscores the importance of understanding the legal frameworks that govern speech and the potential consequences for those who push boundaries. Despite the cost and time involved in appealing the decision, it's crucial for individuals to stand up for their rights and challenge such restrictions when necessary. The case of Hamilton 68, a program that claimed to track Russian bots but was actually monitoring regular Americans, further emphasizes the need for critical evaluation of information sources and the potential for misinformation and manipulation.

    • Historical tensions with Russia shape perceptionsHistorical contexts influence contemporary interactions, requiring clear communication and patience to navigate complex topics.

      The legacy of the Cold War continues to shape perceptions and reactions towards Russia in American society. This was evident in a conversation between two individuals discussing a planned video analysis, which was met with automatic caution and suspicion due to historical tensions. Despite the excitement for the upcoming project, the conversation also showcased the importance of clear communication and patience when explaining complex ideas. Matt Orfala, one of the individuals, emphasized the need for simplification of his moniker from "Matt Orfala" to "Orf," highlighting the importance of understanding and adapting to others' preferences for effective communication. Overall, the conversation underscored the enduring impact of historical contexts on contemporary interactions and the importance of clear communication in navigating complex topics.

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    Find Phil on X: @phillyharper (https://twitter.com/phillyharper)
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    Cartoon mentioned at minute 56: https://imgix.bustle.com/lovelace/uploads/1055/dba34200-2841-0133-775b-0aecee5a8273.jpg?w=760&h=508&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=50&dpr=2


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    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    Who Wins & WHO Loses? The 227th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Who Wins & WHO Loses? The 227th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 227th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

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    Our sponsors:

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    WHO’s Your Daddy (DarkHorse Livestream 197): https://rumble.com/v3pr3ao-bret-and-heather-197th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html

    Meryl Nass on the defeat of the WHO’s Treaty: https://x.com/nassmeryl/status/1795151440182218878

    WIAA main site, links to heat sheets and final scores for both Yakima & Tacoma meets: https://www.wiaa.com/tournament-xtr/

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Science Friction: The 226th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Science Friction: The 226th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

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    Our sponsors:

    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ohalo Genetics: https://ohalo.com

    Discussion with Ohalo CEO on The All-In podcast: https://x.com/noorsinghrai/status/1793006932862587370.

    Wood et al 2009. The frequency of polyploid speciation in vascular plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 106(33): 13875-13879. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.0811575106

    Otto et al 2007. Climatic variation and the distribution of an amphibian polyploid complex. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76(6): 1053-1061. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01300.x

    Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan: https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=DMKHwvPdbnlFt3hJ

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    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 20, 2024

    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 225th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss assassination attempts, the sun, pharmaceuticals, and the American presidency. Assassination: Robert Fico, the president of Slovakia, was shot several days after announcing that his country would reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The sun: last weekend’s dramatic aurora were the visible manifestation of the strongest solar storm in 19 years; how should we be thinking about mitigating the risks to our electrical grid, and to our society, from future storms that will surely come? Also: how do risks from biotic vs abiotic forces differ? Pharma: Semaglutide (aka Ozempic) helps protects against heart disease! Or…not. We dive into the research that supposedly produced this result, complete with conflicts of interest between Novo Nordisk and the conference in Italy where the work was presented. Biden: invites Trump to debate, with conditions.


    Our sponsors:

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    MDHearing: To get our $397 when you buy a PAIR offer plus free charging case, head to shopmdhearing.com/DARKHORSE and use code DARKHORSE.

    American Hartford Gold: Get up to $5,000 of free silver on your first qualifying order. Call 866-828-1117 or text “DARKHORSE” to 998899.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Why President Fico was a special problem for the powers that be: https://twitter.com/april_harding/status/1790817554493010143

    Ben Davidson on the Sun and on DarkHorse: https://rumble.com/v4ucpc6-apocalypse-when-ben-davidson-on-darkhorse-live.html

    Ozempic—don’t be fooled: https://twitter.com/HeatherEHeying/status/1738959829321036212

    Chao et al 2023. Semaglutide for the treatment of obesity. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 33(3): 159-166.


    The Times of London: Weight loss jab cuts heart disease deaths by 20%: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-weight-loss-jabs-prescription-drugs-ozempic-7dbsvkblg

    31st European Conference on Obesity: https://eco2024.org

    Abstracts from Conference: https://karger.com/ofa/issue/17/Suppl.%201

    Biden speaks: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1790713878248038478

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Live at 12:30 PT, May 10th. Bret and Ben discuss potential impacts of the sun on humanity in the coming days.

    Find Ben Davidson on X: @SunWeatherMan (https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan)


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 224th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss animal behavior: the implications of an orangutan using a medicinal plant to treat a wound, and the one-off videos that we’ve all seen—of cats preventing toddlers from falling, of a beluga whale retrieving a woman’s phone. What does this say about the minds of these other organisms, and about us? Also: dog domestication, from wolves, but not from foxes. And: the New York Times publishes more insipid garbage about vaccine injury, Bret returns to the question of what safety means, and The Nation turns its back on its muckraking roots.


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    Momentous: high-quality, science-backed, rigorously tested supplements. Go to livemomentous.com and use code DARKHORSE for 15% off.

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Laumer et al 2024. Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.8932. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-58988-7

    County Highway: https://www.countyhighway.com

    Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    Chris Martenson on the NYT: https://twitter.com/chrismartenson/status/1787602191114526836

    Benn et al 2023. Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?. Iscience, 26(5): https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/publications/randomized-clinical-trials-of-covid-19-vaccines-do-adenovirus-vec

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    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 223rd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss science and religion, materialism and other ways of understanding our world. Can analysis and quantification explain everything? Can narrative, intuition, and creativity? All are or should be part of the scientific process; science is incomplete with only one mode. We also discuss models, how they fail, how difficult they are to assess, and what one recent climate model has to say about the role of air pollution in Earth’s temperature. Enlightenment values require that we use our freedom to inquire about all things that we are curious about. Also: happy Beltane!


    Our sponsors:

    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

    ARMRA: Colostrum is our first food, and can help restore your health and resilience as an adult. Go to www.tryarmra.com/DARKHORSE to get 15% off your first order.

    Helix: Excellent, sleep-enhancing, American-made mattresses. Go to www.HelixSleep.com/DarkHorse to get up to 30% of all mattress orders AND 2 free pillows.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Third Man Syndrome and Shackleton: https://twitter.com/brianroemmele/status/1785827941718614291

    Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming: https://www.science.org/content/article/clearer-skies-may-be-accelerating-global-warming
    Hodnebrog et al 2024. Recent reductions in aerosol emissions have increased Earth’s energy imbalance. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1):166: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01324-8

    Nature editorial: What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00993-x

    Animation about mental health and climate change: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publications/all-publications/the-impact-of-climate-change-on-mental-health-and-emotional-wellbeing-current-evidence-and-implications-for-policy-and-practice.php

    Growing up is hard to do (do not pay others to do your thinking for you): https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/growing-up-is-hard-to-do

    Support the Show.

    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    Dr. Kat Lindley is the President of the Global Health Project. Bret Talks to her about the state of the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty.

    Find Dr. Lindley on X: @KLVeritas (https://twitter.com/KLVeritas)



    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.

    Sole: Carefully designed, personally moldable footbeds for healthy feet. Go to https://yoursole.com/darkhorse to receive 20% off their new Jasper Chukkas.


    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 222nd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss evolution, and how we know that it is true. We discuss the different kinds of beliefs that people have—beliefs that attempt to reconcile with reality, vs beliefs that reconcile with social standing and comfort. If your beliefs put you on the outs with your friends, do you change your beliefs, or your friends? Are you willing to give up the cocktail party for reality? We also discuss research published in 2000 and funded by Fauci’s NIAID, which demonstrated that it was possible to make chimeric coronaviruses, swapping the spike protein from one to a different species entirely. Finally: sex-biased gene expression, in which genes are expressed differently in the two sexes, in anatomical systems as varied as brain, kidneys, and liver.

    Our sponsors:

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Kennedy 2023. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bio-Weapons Arms Race: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510773981/the-wuhan-cover-up/

    Kuo et al 2000. Retargeting of coronavirus by substitution of the spike glycoprotein ectodomain: crossing the host cell species barrier. Journal of virology, 74(3):1393-1406: https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/jvi.74.3.1393-1406.2000

    Rodríguez-Montes et al 2023. Sex-biased gene expression across mammalian organ development and evolution. Science 382(6670), p.eadf1046: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf1046

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    #165 Skepticism ≠ Terrorism (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    #165 Skepticism ≠ Terrorism (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    In this 165th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.


    This week we discuss mis-, dis-, and mal- information, and terrorism, in light of testimony before Congress regarding the Twitter files and government interference in the exchange of information. We learn how the government would like us to quash narratives that it finds displeasing or inconvenient. We discuss the nature of respiratory disease and pandemics, and consider how much of the destruction that happened in the last three years might have been iatrogenic: caused by medical treatment (rather than by the virus). We consider what happened in 2018-2019, during the Spanish Flu, and the evidence that much of the damage then might have been iatrogenic—specifically from exceedingly high doses of aspirin. And we share the words of theologian Paul Tillich, who broadcast warnings and passion into Nazi Germany, his homeland, to reach the people and encourage resistance.






    Mindbloom: at-home ketamine therapy. Use code DARKHORSE at www.Mindbloom.com to receive $100 off your first six session program.


    American Hartford Gold, Trusted Leader in Precious Metals: https://offers.americanhartfordgold.com/darkhorse/” Get up to $5,000 of free silver on your first qualifying order. Call 866-828-1117 or text “DARKHORSE” to 998899. 


    Vivo Barefoot: Shoes for healthy feet—comfortable and regenerative, enhances stability and tactile feedback. Go to www.vivobarefoot.com/us/darkhorse15 to get 15% off, and a 100-day free trial.




    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at


    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com


    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


    Become a member of the DarkHorse LiveStreams, and get access to an additional Q&A livestream every month. Join at Heather's Patreon.


    Like this content? Subscribe to the channel, like this video, follow us on twitter (@BretWeinstein, @HeatherEHeying), and consider helping us out by contributing to either of our Patreons or Bret’s Paypal.


    Looking for clips from #DarkHorseLivestreams? Check out our other channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWCKUrmvK5F_ynBY_CMlIA


    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.




    Mentioned in this episode:


    Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Hearing on the Twitter Files (3-9-23): https://www.youtube.com/live/i-Ip_MHYmkY?feature=share


    Anyone, at anytime, can spread malinformation (clip from DarkHorse Livestream #115, first aired 2-13-22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTOWCZEkNiI


    Rumor Control Page Startup Guide: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-01/rumor-control-startup-guide_508.pdf


    The Greatest Lie Told During Covid, by gato malo, in bad cattitude, 3-8-23: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-greatest-lie-told-during-covid


    Starko 2009. Salicylates and pandemic influenza mortality, 1918–1919 pharmacology, pathology, and historic evidence. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 49(9): 1405-1410. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/49/9/1405/301441?fbclid=IwAR0m4SSuPqedlg8

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    #184: Suspend Your Disbelief (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    #184: Suspend Your Disbelief (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    In this 184th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.


    In this episode we discuss RuPaul’s Drag Race, Barbie, and the deep state. How do drag and Barbie reveal similar confusions about sex and gender, feminism, and whether or not you’ve been red-pilled? Are drag queens women? Is Barbie? Then: an exploration of the meaning of the term “deep state,” its implications for recent American history, and its possible connection to capture, corruption, and foreign influence.


    Suspend your disbelief…or else.




    Our sponsors:


    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including 100% grass fed, organic, naturally fermented beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.


    MUD\WTR: is a coffee alternative with mushrooms and herbs (and cacao!) and is delicious, with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorsepod and use DARKHORSEPOD at check out for 15% off. 


    Hillsdale College: Since 1844, Hillsdale has been providing an education focused on freedom and character. Go hillsdale.edu/DARKHORSE to register for any of 39 free on-line courses.




    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at


    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com


    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


    Become a member of the DarkHorse LiveStreams, and get access to an additional Q&A livestream every month. Join at Heather's Patreon.


    Like this content? Subscribe to the channel, like this video, follow us on twitter (@BretWeinstein, @HeatherEHeying), and consider helping us out by contributing to either of our Patreons or Bret’s Paypal.


    Looking for clips from #DarkHorseLivestreams? Check out our other channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWCKUrmvK5F_ynBY_CMlIA


    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.




    Q&A Link: https://rumble.com/v32iclu-your-questions-answered-bret-and-heather-184th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html


    Mentioned in this episode:


    You Go Girl: https://open.substack.com/pub/naturalselections/p/you-go-girl


    The Deep State Theory, Explained: https://www.thoughtco.com/deep-state-definition-4142030

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