
    UFYB 183: QA: Phobias, Neutralizing Circumstances & Taking Ownership of What You Want

    enApril 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Our perception of circumstances is shaped by our thoughts, not their inherent neutralityFocus on practicing belief in the neutrality of circumstances and clearing away thoughts that cloud our perspective to navigate challenges effectively and reduce emotional distress

      Our perception of circumstances, whether good or bad, is shaped by our thoughts, and these thoughts are not inherently neutral. However, it's important to remember that circumstances themselves are neutral. They only gain meaning based on our thoughts and interpretations. When we struggle with difficult circumstances, it's often because our thoughts are clouding our ability to see their true neutrality. Instead of trying to neutralize a bad circumstance, we should focus on practicing belief in its neutrality and working to clear away the thoughts that prevent us from seeing it that way. This perspective shift can help us navigate challenges more effectively and reduce emotional distress.

    • Our thoughts and perceptions shape the value and meaning of experiencesRecognizing the impact of thoughts and perceptions on experiences can help manage fear and anxiety, leading to a more fulfilling life

      Our perception of value and meaning in the world is shaped by our thoughts and perspectives. An object or event, such as a tree falling, has no inherent value or meaning until a human mind assigns it one. Similarly, fear and anxiety can be magnified by our resistance to these emotions and the catastrophic thoughts we have about them. For instance, someone with a fear of flying may fear not only the flight itself but also the embarrassment or shame they might experience if they have a panic attack. However, by accepting that anxiety is a natural part of the experience and refraining from catastrophizing, one can reduce the fear's intensity. In essence, our thoughts and perceptions have a significant impact on our experiences and emotions, and learning to manage them can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    • Accepting anxiety as natural responseRecognizing anxiety as normal and focusing on changing thoughts can help reduce its impact. Accepting reality and shifting perspective can lead to progress towards goals.

      Anxiety is a normal feeling that comes with certain situations, such as flying, and trying to resist or label it as a problem can make it more intense. Instead, accepting that anxiety is a natural response and focusing on changing the thoughts that cause the anxiety can help reduce its impact. Additionally, recognizing that others may not judge us for experiencing anxiety and that indecision can stem from a desire for something more, can help us navigate through confusion and make progress towards our goals. It's important to remember that our thoughts and labels have power, and by shifting our perspective and accepting reality as it is, we can make significant progress in managing our emotions and achieving our desired outcomes.

    • Commit to specific goals and resist second-guessing thoughtsTo make progress in self-coaching and personal growth, focus on specific goals and resist engaging with indecisive thoughts, recognizing they're a result of your own choices and unconscious biases.

      When it comes to self-coaching and personal growth, vagueness and generalizations can hinder progress. Instead, it's essential to get concrete and specific about what you want and the thoughts behind your indecision. You may believe that indecision or confusion just happens to you, but in reality, you're choosing to indulge in indecisive thoughts and listen to your brain's doubts. Your preferences and desires are not random; they're shaped by your thoughts, many of which are unconscious. To make meaningful progress, commit to your goals and resist the temptation to engage with your brain's second-guessing. By focusing on the specifics and taking ownership of your thoughts, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of personal growth.

    • Overcoming brain obstacles to pursue goalsRecognize that our brains' doubts aren't facts, commit to our desires, and put in effort to change thought patterns to pursue goals.

      Our brains can be our biggest obstacle when it comes to pursuing what we want. Perfectionists often make grand plans but then doubt themselves when faced with the challenge of starting. Our brains may try to convince us that we don't really want what we thought we did or that it's too hard. However, it's essential to recognize that these thoughts are not facts and that we have the power to decide what we truly want and commit to pursuing it, despite our brains' attempts to sway us. Additionally, some situations may require more thought work for certain individuals than others, but ultimately, it's up to us to put in the effort to change our thought patterns and find ways to feel good in any circumstance. In summary, taking ownership of our desires and ignoring our brains' attempts to change our minds is crucial for making progress towards our goals.

    • The amount of thought work required varies greatly from person to personRecognize that everyone has unique thought patterns and experiences that affect the amount of thought work required in different situations, and it's not a reflection of the worth or ability of the individual.

      The amount of thought work required to process and respond to different situations in life varies greatly from person to person, and it's not a reflection of the neutrality or difficulty of the situation itself. Instead, it's a result of the unique thought patterns and experiences each brain brings to the table. Some people might find it easy to love a certain workplace, while others might require more thought work to do so. Similarly, one person might easily love a partner that another person finds challenging, and vice versa. The key is to recognize that this variation is normal and that everyone has areas where they require less thought work and areas where they require more. It's important to remember that the thought work required is not a reflection of the worth or ability of the individual, but rather a result of the interaction between the situation and their unique thought patterns.

    • The power of thoughts and perceptions in shaping experiencesUnderstanding the impact of our thoughts and perceptions on relationships and interactions can lead to more effective navigation of life.

      Our thoughts and perceptions play a significant role in shaping our experiences, including our relationships and interactions with others. Some thoughts may require more effort and energy to process than others. The concept of "instant chemistry" or unexplained physical reactions to others can be explained by the thoughts and perceptions we have towards them. While the idea of vibrations and energy healing modalities may be popular in contemporary self-help, it's essential to approach these concepts with a critical and scientifically grounded perspective. Our thoughts and perceptions create our reality, and understanding this can help us navigate various aspects of our lives more effectively.

    • Making decisions based on emotions or intuitionThe validity of energy healing and other alternative practices doesn't depend on scientific validation, as personal beliefs and experiences can significantly impact our wellbeing.

      The concept of "listening to your heart" is largely a metaphor for making decisions based on emotions or intuition, rather than a physical phenomenon. Our thoughts and beliefs play a significant role in our experiences with practices like energy healing, and our brains are responsible for interpreting sensory information and giving it meaning. While some people may have profound experiences with energy work, others may not, and this variability can be attributed to both the placebo effect and individual differences in perception and interpretation. Ultimately, the validity of energy healing or other alternative practices does not require scientific validation, as personal beliefs and experiences can be just as powerful in shaping our wellbeing.

    • Choosing Empowering Beliefs About EnergyDecide on purpose what you believe about energy and choose beliefs that empower and enhance your life. Explore resources for further learning and application.

      Our senses receive information in the form of energy and vibrations, but it's our brain that interprets and gives meaning to these signals. Therefore, what we believe about the nature of energy and its impact on us is a personal choice that can shape our experiences. The speaker recommends deciding on purpose what we believe and ensuring it serves us positively. She also encourages exploring resources like The Clutch community for further learning and application of these concepts. Ultimately, our perception of reality is shaped by our thoughts, so it's essential to choose beliefs that empower and enhance our lives.

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    So what’s it like inside our heads and how can we improve the way we converse with ourselves?


    Self-Help: Cutting Through the Pseudoscience:

    Ethan’s book, entitled Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It provides a welcome academic perspective on the power of that little voice in your head. He provides a refreshing take on how even the oft-overlooked act of talking to ourselves the inner dialogue has a science to it. that leads to obsession, overthinking, and rumination is broken down into chemicals and reactions in your brain. 

    If you’ve ever found yourself obsessing over an issue that happened years ago, or staying up at night because you found yourself triggered by a passing memory, Ethan’s insights on how the immaterial manifests into material may be the key to reining those thoughts in and getting a good night’s sleep.

    One common critique of the self-help industry is that most coaches and authors often sell placebos for negative ways of thinking. They cover up the problem instead of getting to the root of an idea. 

    While Ethan concedes that placebos can have a powerful effect on one’s mental state, it can also prevent people from seeking the help they need to turn their life around. Mental wellbeing is an important aspect of adult life that may need attention. While his book is not a replacement for therapy, it does give people the opportunity to find sound scientific advice without having to shell out a lot on seeking psychiatric help, which can come at prohibitively high prices even with healthcare insurance.


    Learning How to Self-Regulate:

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    We’ve all heard of how we need to trust our intuition; however, it’s not a foolproof method to solving all our conflicts. A better understanding of how our brain is wired to think—and how we wire our brains to think—can better help us distinguish between those two states.


    Time Travel and Personal Development:

    Hindsight is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for both good and bad. This idea of staying in the moment can be harmful because it encourages people to remain stagnant, and ignore opportunities to process important experiences.

    The pressure to always stay in the moment also places restrictions on what your brain is really capable of. Your mind is constantly working on making calculations based on your past experiences, and translating it into forecasts for the future. In this way, it’s a lot like time traveling.


    Breaking Destructive Thought Cycles:

    It’s easy to believe that our internal thought process won’t have an impact on our actions. However, the truth is that living in a constant state of harm or fear does not afford a good foundation for individuals to make good choices— not just for themselves, but also for others. 

    A natural consequence of experiencing adversity is our attempt to look inward and try to analyze every facet of that event. While this may be done with the best intentions, it is all too easy to get stuck in negative thought loops; reliving the worst parts of the challenge in their head. This is a debilitating process which can quickly become a habit. 

    Another aspect of this is that sadness becomes a familiar, and even a comfortable, state of being. The negative chatter is accustomed to highlighting the worst parts of our lived experience. As a result, our ability to process in a healthy way becomes affected. 


    Closing Thoughts: The Road to Better Chatter:

    Cognitive bias is a quiet problem with a serious impact. It takes plenty of commitment for an individual to successfully change the way they think, feel, and behave about themselves despite outside pressure. 

    Thankfully, Ethan points out plenty of ways for you to retrain your thinking. The key is to give yourself psychological space, or an opportunity to view yourself as another person struggling with their own unique problems. This is where the metaphorical fly on the wall idea comes in: if you’ve ever found it much easier to give advice than to follow it, distancing techniques are the key to internalizing these messages.  

    Ethan and Chatter gave plenty of insight on how external divides may come from internal manifestations of unresolved emotion and cognitive bias. In a world where people are separated by a multitude of different beliefs, perspectives, and experiences, this discussion could be a step forward to more open dialogues—especially when people begin with themselves. www.tartle.co


    Tcast is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


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    Spread the word!

    “Thoughts Vs. Emotions - Who’s In Control?”, with Andre Popa!

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    Listen in now and learn how to take over the thoughts and emotions that drive you and be the captain of your ship making sure you’re heading to a place of love, happiness, peace, and freedom.


    "Nobody has control over our emotions unless we give them power.”

    What's amazing is the options that we have as human beings to control our thoughts and emotions.

    “Life goes in the direction of our thoughts, words, and beliefs.”

    “I believe that our belief system is the core of this universe, of this existence.”

    “Your thought is the emotion that you're feeling.”

    “What you resist will persist.”

    Show Notes:

    (01:18) Where do things begin?

    (03:07) Who’s in control?  

    (05:31) Why do we feel all those negative emotions?

    (06:48) A belief system that governs everything

    (11:49) How do we change the emotion? 

    (14:22) We have the power

    (18:33) Having bigger thoughts than the emotions

    (24:03) Don’t resist what you’re feeling

    (24:47) Laughter


    Learn more about Andre Popa here: https://www.badasseryfactory.com/


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    As defined in earlier episodes, Quantum Leaps can come without any strong efforts. It is a string of high-velocity actions and concerted patterns that helps you maximize your performance. Invariably, Quantum Leaps are not complex and intricate maneuvers. It tends to be simple, energy-efficient, and time-saving. Quantum leaps come when you seek an elegant solution. 


    Doing what you do best could be the worst thing you could ever do. Because no matter how well you can do something it won’t matter if it’s not the right thing needed to be done. You gotta shift gears. Discipline and Persistence have staying power in the long-term development of your personal growth. Remember this, trying harder only produces incremental leaps, not quantum leaps. YouSquared is taking the path of least resistance. Stop trying harder.


    Your personal effectiveness to achieve maximum performance in life. Your level of performance, both physical and material, is based on these built-in biases and belief systems. Breaking free from these dogmatic, belief-based systems will accelerate your growth at exponential rates. Jason strongly encourages us to literally “squaring yourself”, it will only take less effort than you ever did in the past. If you want to Quantum Leap you start doing unconventional things and you’ll find how fast you are wrong the moment you take the opportunity.


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    040- Over and Under Tolerance for Discomfort

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    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com