
    UFYB 194: QA: How Patriarchy F*cks With Your Brain

    enJuly 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of societal expectations on women's brainsSocietal expectations shape women's brains, affecting competitiveness, humility, and guilt in seeking help and paying for it. Learn to identify and challenge these influences in the 'Deprogramming the Patriarchy from Your Brain' boot camp.

      The way we're socialized as women according to patriarchal norms can significantly impact our brains and our thinking, often in ways we don't even realize. In the upcoming "Deprogramming the Patriarchy from Your Brain" boot camp, we'll explore this concept in depth and provide coaching on how to identify and challenge these influences. Some specific topics include the impact of societal expectations around competitiveness, humility, and guilt when it comes to seeking help and paying for it. Don't miss this opportunity to learn valuable tools and skills that can change your life. Sign up now at unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/5daychallenge or text/email +13479971784 with the code word "5daychallenge."

    • Questioning Our Thoughts and BehaviorsExamine thoughts and behaviors critically, gain clarity, and make informed decisions by putting them into a model. Mindfully evaluate and make deliberate choices that align with values and priorities.

      It's essential to examine our thoughts and behaviors critically and consider if they serve us positively. The speaker emphasizes the importance of putting our thoughts into a model to gain clarity and make informed decisions. In the given scenario, the individual's tendency to label outsourcing activities as wasteful or lazy should be questioned and explored further. By doing so, they may realize that the time and energy spent on these tasks could be better utilized, or they might reconsider their definition of wastefulness and laziness. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to evaluate our thoughts and actions mindfully and make deliberate choices that align with our values and priorities.

    • Re-evaluating thoughts on outsourcing and competitionExamine beliefs about disliked tasks and competition, challenge negative thought patterns, and focus on personal growth and productivity.

      Our thoughts and beliefs about certain situations can significantly impact our actions and decisions. In the first part of the discussion, the importance of re-evaluating our thoughts about outsourcing tasks we dislike or find wasteful was emphasized. If we don't enjoy doing a task, but it's not financially necessary, we should consider either coaching ourselves to enjoy it or outsourcing it to free up time and energy for activities we enjoy or that generate income. The key is to not get stuck in negative thought patterns, such as labeling ourselves as lazy or wasteful, but instead to examine the origins of those beliefs and decide if we want to continue holding onto them. In the second part of the discussion, the idea that women are inherently competitive with each other was challenged. The speakers agreed that competition is just a thought, and it's possible for competition to be one-sided because it doesn't exist in the real world. Instead, we should focus on understanding our own thought patterns and motivations behind feeling competitive and work to shift our mindset if necessary. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being aware of our thoughts and beliefs and actively working to challenge and shift them if they're not serving us well.

    • Managing Competitive ThoughtsUse thought work techniques to manage competitive thoughts and practice humility to recognize our equal worth as humans

      Competition is primarily a mental construct. It's a set of thoughts we have about ourselves in comparison to others. These thoughts can be one-sided, as we may not even be aware that someone else is thinking about us in the same way. To manage these competitive thoughts, we can use thought work techniques, such as bringing awareness to the thoughts, getting to know them, and shifting them. Humility is another concept that can be useful in managing our minds. However, it's important to use humility correctly. Rather than using it as a cover for insecurity, humility is about recognizing our equal worth as humans. By understanding that we are all equal, we can let go of hierarchies and the need to compare ourselves to others.

    • The importance of recognizing equality and staying open-mindedHumility is recognizing all people have equal worth, staying open-minded, transparent, and honest, and fostering growth through curiosity and respect for the human experience.

      Humility is the recognition that all people are equal in worth and value, and that none of us possesses superior knowledge or abilities. Humility is not the opposite of confidence, but rather the opposite of hierarchy and a false sense of omnipotence. It's about remaining open-minded, transparent, and honest about what we don't know and continuing to learn. Humility is an important quality that allows us to connect with others and appreciate the complexity and depth of the world around us. It's a mindset that encourages growth, curiosity, and a deep respect for the human experience.

    • Recognizing the difference between healthy and toxic humilityUnderstand humility as acknowledging limits, not self-deprecation. Focus on self-compassion and self-acceptance, and shift from comparison to self-improvement.

      Humility is an important concept for promoting equality and open-mindedness, but it can become problematic when used as a cover for insecurity or self-deprecation. It's essential to recognize that humility is not about self-deprecation or self-loathing but about acknowledging the limits of our knowledge and perspective. Regarding the issue of comparing oneself to others, it's crucial not to give too much power to these thoughts. They are just thoughts and not a reflection of reality. The friend or family member in question is not the root cause of these thoughts; rather, they serve as a mirror reflecting our own self-perception. To address this issue, it's essential to focus on developing self-compassion and self-acceptance, recognizing that everyone has their unique strengths and weaknesses. By shifting our focus from comparison to self-improvement, we can break free from the damaging cycle of negative self-talk and build healthier relationships with ourselves and others.

    • Understanding our thoughts about others stems from ourselvesRecognize thoughts about others are self-reflections, focus on self-improvement, and join a 5-day boot camp for further growth.

      Our thoughts about others, including people like a significant other or a daughter, often stem from our own perceptions of ourselves and our own unrealistic expectations. It's essential to recognize that these thoughts are not a reflection of the other person but rather a reflection of our own beliefs and judgments about ourselves. By understanding this, we can focus on working on our thought process and becoming more accepting of ourselves as normal, imperfect humans. This realization can lead to significant personal growth and improvement in relationships. Additionally, the speaker encourages joining a 5-day boot camp to help deprogram the patriarchy from our brains, which can further aid in self-improvement and understanding of these concepts.

    • Join the 5-day challenge to deprogram patriarchyText or visit to join a 5-day intensive learning experience to deprogram patriarchy and promote personal growth.

      The speaker is inviting listeners to participate in a 5-day challenge aimed at deprogramming the patriarchy from their brains. This challenge can be accessed by texting "5 day challenge" to +1347 997-1784 or visiting unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/5daychallenge. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning these crucial life skills, which they did not acquire until they worked with a coach. They believe that committing to this intensive learning experience can lead to significant progress in one's personal growth journey. The speaker expresses their excitement for this opportunity and encourages listeners to join them in this transformative boot camp.

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

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    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Brown bottle flu reference

    Belonging by Owen Eastwood. 
    Brain Rules by John Medina. 


    About Paul Haury:

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    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

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