
    UFYB 240: Burnout, Productivity, Parenthood & Patriarchy: A Conversation with Ali Ryan and Marissa McKool

    enJune 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective ways to heal and prevent burnoutJoin the 2022 Burnout Breakthrough for cutting-edge techniques to heal and prevent burnout through live training, Q&A sessions, and opportunities for live coaching, plus additional support in a private Facebook group.

      Burnout is a common experience, especially during challenging times, but there are effective ways to heal and prevent it by focusing on our thought processes and nervous system resilience, rather than relying on temporary solutions like bubble baths. The 2022 Burnout Breakthrough, starting on June 6th, offers cutting-edge techniques for dealing with burnout through live training, Q&A sessions, and even opportunities for live coaching. Join the exclusive pop-up Facebook group for additional support and resources. Don't let burnout control your life – take control and sign up now at unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/breakthrough.

    • Overcoming Burnout with Comprehensive SupportThe Burnout Breakthrough challenge provides live training, Q&A sessions, coaching calls, a private Facebook group, and a workbook to help individuals overcome burnout for $37, with an option to apply the investment towards the first month of the Clutch membership.

      The Burnout Breakthrough challenge offers comprehensive support for individuals looking to overcome burnout through live training, Q&A sessions, coaching calls, a private Facebook group, and exclusive workbook. The challenge, which costs $37, includes a bonus masterclass and the opportunity to apply the investment towards the first month of the Clutch membership. Marissa and Ali, two advanced certification and feminist coaching students, discussed their experiences coaching individuals in public health and parenting, highlighting the internal and external causes of burnout. Marissa helps public health professionals eliminate burnout without quitting their job, while Ali focuses on conscious parenting and thought work. Together, they emphasized the importance of addressing both internal and external factors to effectively combat burnout.

    • Burnout's internal causes: resentment, shame, and fearRecognize burnout's emotional and mental causes, such as resentment, shame, and fear, to find personalized solutions for feeling better and more rested.

      Burnout is not solely caused by external factors such as money or workload, but also by internal emotions and mental states like resentment, shame, and fear of judgment. Ali, a feminist certified coach specializing in family dynamics and conscious parenting, emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing these feelings, particularly in the context of motherhood where societal pressures and the fear of judgment can lead to quiet suffering and self-oppression. Burnout can manifest differently for each individual, and it's essential to recognize it on an emotional and mental level to find solutions for feeling better and more rested.

    • Burnout goes beyond physical and emotional exhaustionBurnout is characterized by an inability to refill emotional resilience, leading to negative emotions and a lack of patience, bandwidth, and self-worth.

      Burnout goes beyond just feeling emotionally or physically drained. It's characterized by an inability to refill one's emotional resilience tank, no matter what actions are taken. This constant depletion can lead to being stuck in emotions like resentment, and may even begin before becoming a parent or taking on a significant responsibility. Common thoughts among parents include feeling like they're serving a life sentence or putting themselves last, leading to a lack of patience, bandwidth, and self-worth. It's important to recognize that exhaustion is not just about being action-oriented, but also about acknowledging and addressing the underlying emotional and thought patterns that contribute to burnout.

    • Pressure to do it all as a parent can lead to burnoutSocietal expectations and patriarchal beliefs can cause endless to-do lists, overscheduling, and a sense of obligation, leading to burnout in parenting. Challenge these beliefs and prioritize self-care.

      The thought patterns leading to burnout in parenting are similar to those in the workplace, and are often rooted in societal expectations, particularly for women, to put themselves last and take on excessive responsibility. These beliefs, reinforced by patriarchal socialization, can lead to endless to-do lists, overscheduling, and a sense of obligation that can be detrimental to mental and emotional well-being. The pressure to do it all, combined with the belief that no one else will step up if we don't, can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-criticism when we're unable to meet these impossible standards. It's important to recognize these patterns and challenge them, reminding ourselves that we don't have to do it all and that we have the power to prioritize our own needs and well-being.

    • Feeling trapped in obligations and comparing ourselves to others can lead to internal burnoutRecognize that challenges and difficulties are a natural part of life and address the sources of internal burnout to avoid perpetuating harmful patterns

      The mindset of feeling trapped in obligations and comparing ourselves to others can contribute significantly to internal burnout, particularly in parenting. The speaker notes that this mindset can be passed down through generations, leading to a sense of helplessness and a belief that things must be done a certain way. This mindset can result in resentment and exhaustion, as individuals feel obligated to meet unrealistic expectations and compare themselves to others. It's essential to recognize that challenges and difficulties are a natural part of life, and it's important to recognize and address the sources of internal burnout to avoid perpetuating these harmful patterns.

    • Perfectionism and Burnout: A Dangerous CyclePerfectionism can lead to burnout, but recognizing self-worth beyond external milestones can help break the cycle, leading to sustainable self-care and activism.

      Perfectionism and burnout are closely linked. The constant pursuit of perfection can lead to an endless cycle of hustling for worth and value, leaving individuals feeling burnt out and unable to refill their cups. This relentless pursuit is often fueled by societal expectations, particularly for women, who have internalized the belief that they must be perfect to prove their worth. Burnout can even be seen as a badge of honor in certain professions, creating a culture where exhaustion becomes the norm. However, it's important to recognize that this exhaustion benefits those in power, keeping us focused on our individual struggles rather than collectively fighting to dismantle systems of oppression. To break free from this cycle, it's crucial to recognize that feeling good and being valuable don't require external milestones or promotions. Instead, we can focus on getting off the proverbial treadmill and finding ways to feel better right now. By challenging the belief that burnout is a necessary part of caring, we can reframe our approach to self-care and activism, ultimately leading to more sustainable and impactful change.

    • Unconscious commitments fuel burnoutDeep-rooted beliefs about dedication and worthiness through overworking can make it hard to escape burnout, especially for women and those in helping professions

      Burnout is often fueled by unconscious commitments and societal expectations, leading us to view our suffering as a badge of honor. We may believe we want to work less or prioritize self-care, but deep down, we've unconsciously committed to the idea that overworking is a sign of dedication and worthiness. This is particularly true for women and those in helping professions, who are often socialized to believe this is their role and don't receive adequate support. This psychological investment in continuing to overwork can contribute to burnout, making it difficult to break free from the cycle despite our conscious desires to do so.

    • The belief of women's value coming from hard work leads to burnoutWomen need to challenge their unconscious commitment to overworking and seeking validation through constant effort to reduce burnout and live balanced lives.

      Women are often socialized to believe their value comes from working hard rather than their brilliance or talent. This belief can make it difficult for them to take time off or delegate tasks, leading to burnout. Perfectionism also plays a role, as women may believe they must achieve certain things to prove they are good parents or valuable employees. To combat these issues, it's important to identify and challenge unconscious commitments to overworking and seeking validation through constant effort. By focusing on the deep work of understanding these patterns and finding healthier ways to prove our value, we can begin to reduce burnout and live more balanced, present lives.

    • Focus on one area and change thought patterns for better mental healthTo overcome burnout, focus on changing thought patterns in one area of life, prioritize rest, and allow uncomfortable feelings to surface and be processed.

      When feeling burnt out, instead of trying to fix all areas of your life at once, focus on one area and work on changing your thought patterns related to it. Additionally, rest is not just a short period of recovery but an essential part of the human experience that should be prioritized. Expect it to be uncomfortable at first, and allow yourself to feel the discomfort as you work through feelings and thoughts that may have been repressed. By practicing intentional thinking and allowing yourself to feel, you can begin to deconstruct thoughts that contribute to burnout in various aspects of your life, not just parenting. Pausing and reflecting on your thought patterns can help break the cycle of exhaustion and lead to a more balanced and purposeful approach to life.

    • Transforming daily struggles through mindset shiftRecognizing the importance of mindset shift in daily struggles can lead to improved experiences, relationships, and overall well-being. Mistakes are natural, and learning to address internal thought patterns and external stressors can help prevent burnout.

      Changing the way we think about our circumstances can significantly improve our experiences and relationships. The speaker shares an example of a daily struggle with her child over getting ready for school, which she transformed by questioning the necessity of the fight and finding a simple solution. This mindset shift not only resolved the issue but also encouraged self-compassion and reduced overall stress. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing that we are all human ecosystems and making mistakes is a natural part of life. For those feeling burnt out, the speaker offers a solution through her Burnout Breakthrough program, which focuses on addressing internal thought patterns and external stressors. By learning to shift our mindset and give ourselves a break, we can improve not only our own well-being but also the well-being of those around us.

    • Managing burnout involves addressing both internal and external factorsFocus on rest and addressing external stressors to cope with burnout, as recommended by Marissa McCool and Ali Ryan

      Managing burnout involves addressing both internal and external factors. External burnout refers to the impact of external stressors, such as the news or workplace challenges, on our mental well-being. To cope with external burnout, Marissa McCool recommends focusing on rest through her podcast, Redefining Rest. Meanwhile, Ali Ryan advocates for practicing love and positivity towards oneself and others, especially towards children, through her brand, Think Love Be Love. Both emphasize the importance of addressing external stressors in addition to internal emotions to effectively manage burnout. To learn more from Marissa and Ali, check out their respective websites, Instagram accounts, and LinkedIn profiles, all of which will be linked in the show notes. And for more resources and community support, join The Clutch, the podcast community for Unfuck Your Brain.

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    Follow and contact Susan...

    Atma Ayurveda website - https://atma-ayurveda.com/

    Bonus: free 20 min Discovery call with Susan - https://atma-ayurveda.com/product/health-strategy-session/

     Get a free copy of Susan's Harmonize Your Hormones eBook (complete a quiz) - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScU6dfw8YobyiSlihRK2gjo5d5O4OwugxvxpUOUVA8aYhqbHA/viewform

    Wie Veränderung ganz leicht wird (Folge: 265)

    Wie Veränderung ganz leicht wird (Folge: 265)

    Jeder von uns kommt immer wieder an einen Punkt, an dem sich etwas ändern muss. Eine Situation ist nicht mehr tragbar. Es ist gut, dass der Leidensdruck so hoch ist, dass uns die Situation endlich bewusst wird. Häufig jedoch geraten wir in eine Starre und warten auf den goldenen Ritter, der uns befreit. Manche warten auf eine besondere Eingebung. 

    Klar ist: Der goldene Ritter kommt nicht, aber die Idee mit der Eingebung geht in die richtige Richtung, denn: 

     ->> Das, was sich ändern muss, ist unser Mindset. Unser Mindset beschreibt die Art und Weise, wie wir denken. Es ist die Grundlage unserer Gewohnheiten und diese wiederum bestimmen unsere Ergebnisse. Soll sich etwas ändern, wollen wir andere Ergebnisse erzielen, dann ist der Ansatz bei unserem Mindset. 

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    Wenn sich etwas ändern soll - du andere Ergebnisse in deinem Leben erhalten möchtest, darfst du dich von dir nicht dienenden Gedanken und Gewohnheiten trennen. Dies ist zunächst einmal mit etwas Arbeit verbunden, jedoch unumgänglich. 

    In diesem Podcast bekommst du 10 Schritte gezeigt, die dir dabei helfen, den Mindshift zu schaffen.

    Diese 10-Schritte-Formel gehen wir ganz genau durch im Mindset Seminar, welches Ende Oktober stattfindet. 

    Du kannst sehr gerne dabei sein und bist herzlich willkommen. Dafür trage dich einfach in die Warteliste ein. Sobald der Termin feststeht, wirst du benachrichtigt und kannst zunächst am kostenlosen Webinar teilnehmen. Ich freue mich auf dich ⭐

    ⭐Hier hast du Zugang zu der Warteliste für mein Mindset-Seminar “Der Selbstheilungscode”.

    -> https://muskana-akademie.de/warteliste-gesundes-mindset/

    Alles Liebe 

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    Buch “Verzahnt”: https://www.m-vg.de/riva/shop/article/15075-verzahnt/?pl=3887e229-9ea5-4043
    Buch "Yoga sei Dank" von Dr. Annette Jasper: https://www.komplett-media.de/de_yoga-sei-

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    Want to learn more about how your language and verbal communication is shaping your actions, relationships and behaviours, tune in and listen folks.

    In this episode, we dive into:

    • How language shapes our thoughts
    • The power of language to shape our behaviour
    • Being mindful of language
    • Words and their connotation
    • Map of consciousness for words


    Useful resources:






    020: Overcoming Perfectionism with Monica Lensink

    020: Overcoming Perfectionism with Monica Lensink

    Overcome your perfectionism by learning when and how to embrace "good enough" so you can move forward in your business and life.
    - Establish criteria for your blog so you know when it's time to click publish.
    - Grow your blog and enhance your life by having a growth mindset.
    - Remember that everyone started somewhere.
    - Understand that you are in the GAP. Keep striving, working hard and also have tons of grace for yourself!