
    UFYB 262: What Blocks Us from New Beliefs: A Conversation with Brooke Castillo Part 2

    enNovember 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying and Overcoming Psychological Barriers to SuccessBeliefs about not deserving success or societal pressures can create psychological blocks preventing us from achieving our goals. Coaches can help us identify and overcome these barriers.

      Our psychological blocks prevent us from fully embracing and achieving our goals, even when we genuinely desire them. These blocks can stem from societal pressures, such as the belief that we must earn what we have through hard work, or from internal beliefs about not deserving success. These beliefs can create a "no" response when we're presented with the possibility of achieving our goals, despite our initial affirmative desire for them. Coaches, like Brooke Castillo, can help us identify and overcome these psychological barriers, enabling us to fully embrace the possibility of achieving our impossible goals.

    • Focusing on creating value for othersShift from limiting beliefs about pay based on personal worth or hours worked to recognizing potential and responsibility to contribute positively to the world. Utilize resources and opportunities to make a difference.

      The concept of deserving a certain pay based on personal worth or hours worked is a limiting belief. Instead, focusing on creating value for others and providing solutions to their problems can lead to financial success. This mindset shift moves away from the idea that suffering or hard work is necessary for reward and towards recognizing the potential and responsibility we have to contribute positively to the world. It's essential to understand that access to resources and opportunities plays a significant role in achieving success, and for those who have these advantages, it's crucial to make the most of them.

    • Privilege is not a moral calculator for personal worthInstead of feeling guilty or ashamed for having opportunities and success, see it as a responsibility to use privileges to help those with less. Recognize having privilege doesn't diminish worth, striving for more comes from worthiness, not accumulation.

      Privilege is not a moral calculator for personal worth. Instead of feeling guilty or ashamed for having opportunities and success, individuals should see it as a responsibility to use their privileges to help those who have less. This perspective challenges the social conditioning that women are supposed to be grateful for what they're given and not ask for more, while men are encouraged to conquer and acquire. It's important to recognize that having privilege does not diminish one's worth, and striving for more success and ambition comes from a place of worthiness rather than a desire to accumulate enough to be satisfied.

    • The pursuit of success and material possessions doesn't guarantee happinessRecognizing that success and possessions are neutral can help us focus on inner fulfillment and self-worth for true happiness

      The belief that success or material possessions are the keys to happiness is a common misconception. This misconception can lead to a never-ending pursuit of more, even when we've already achieved significant success or possessions. This belief can also make us feel unworthy or unsatisfied with what we have, leading us to believe that we don't deserve happiness or success until we've achieved something else. The speaker shares her personal experience of believing that being thin would make her happy, but even after achieving that goal, she still felt unworthy and incomplete. Instead, it's important to recognize that success and material possessions are neutral; they don't inherently bring happiness or unhappiness. Instead, focusing on inner fulfillment and self-worth can lead to true happiness and contentment.

    • Fear of disappointment and perfectionEmbrace failures and learn from them, as they're a natural part of the growth process. Believe in yourself and keep trying to make a difference.

      People often sabotage themselves from achieving great things due to fear and the attachment to a fantasy of perfection. We hold on to this fantasy as if we're in a dysfunctional relationship with it, afraid of the disappointment that comes with its potential failure. But what we're truly afraid of is not the disappointment itself, but the belief that we're wrong or flawed for not living up to our own expectations. Believing in ourselves and trying to make an impact in the world, even if we fall short, is a better alternative than never trying at all. Disappointment is a natural part of the process, and it's important to remember that we can learn and grow from our failures. The worst-case scenario is not the failure itself, but the self-punishment and self-doubt that can follow. Ultimately, it's a decision to believe in ourselves and our ability to make a difference, even if we don't achieve our goals exactly as we planned.

    • Fear of disappointment and failureUnderstand that disappointment is a normal emotion, not a personal failure or shame. Learn to tolerate and move past it, recognizing setbacks as opportunities for growth.

      Many of us have a deep-rooted fear of disappointment and failure, which often leads us to avoid taking risks or trying new things. This fear can stem from past experiences where we felt unable to handle negative emotions or disappointments as children. As a result, we may label disappointment as a personal failure or shame, rather than just an inevitable part of life. It's important to recognize this distinction and understand that disappointment is a normal emotion that doesn't define our worth or abilities. We can learn to tolerate and move past disappointment, just as a child might be disappointed about a fallen ice cream but eventually get over it. By reframing our mindset and recognizing that setbacks are opportunities for growth, we can approach risks and challenges with more resilience and confidence.

    • Focusing on Negative Outcomes Holds Us BackInstead of dwelling on potential negatives, focus on positive outcomes and trust in your ability to succeed. Embrace the potential benefits of new opportunities and overcome self-imposed limitations.

      Our brains are wired to focus more on potential negative outcomes than positive ones. We often spend time contemplating what would happen if things don't go as planned, rather than considering the possibilities of success. This can hold us back from making decisions, such as joining a program like The Clutch, due to self-doubt and a lack of trust in our ability to succeed. However, it's essential to give equal consideration to the potential positive outcomes and the growth that can come from taking a risk and trying something new. Instead of letting fear and self-criticism hold us back, we should strive to trust ourselves and have faith that we have the capacity to make informed decisions and achieve our goals. By keeping an open mind and focusing on the potential benefits, we can overcome self-imposed limitations and unlock our full potential.

    • The power of making decisionsMaking decisions, even imperfect ones, demonstrates our ability to exercise authority in our lives and can lead to growth and success.

      It's okay not to follow through on every commitment or decision we make. We are all human and imperfect, and every decision we make, whether successful or not, holds power and demonstrates our ability to exercise authority in our lives. The fear of not making perfect decisions should not prevent us from making any decisions at all. Instead, making multiple decisions and learning from the outcomes can lead to more opportunities for growth and success. The most powerful decision we can make is to decide that we deserve to attempt to get what we want in life, regardless of the outcome. This decision can change our lives, not by getting the thing we want, but by giving us the courage and determination to try. It's essential to remember that our worth is not determined by our ability to follow through on every decision, but by our willingness to make them and learn from the results.

    • Don't live the lie, come to the clutchPrioritize living authentically and pursuing deep desires, even if uncomfortable, can lead to significant impact and personal growth.

      It's essential to prioritize pleasing yourself and living authentically, even if it feels uncomfortable or counterintuitive. Many people have been conditioned to put others' needs before their own, but when we tap into our deep desires and take risks to pursue them, we can make a significant impact on the world and help more people. This might mean making difficult decisions, such as leaving a marriage or starting a business, but living a life of integrity and authenticity is worth it. The podcast mentioned in the discussion, "Unfuck Your Brain," encourages listeners to break free from societal expectations and live their truth. By joining the podcast community, The Clutch, listeners can receive individualized help in applying these concepts to their own lives and connect with like-minded individuals. Remember, don't live the lie, come to the clutch.

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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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    Dr Joe Dispenza – https://link.chtbl.com/1494-pod

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