
    Podcast Summary

    • Coaching Yourself for Better ResilienceLearning to coach yourself can help manage emotions, reduce suffering, and navigate life's challenges effectively.

      Coaching yourself on a daily basis can help you better handle unexpected situations and reduce suffering. According to Tara Lowenthal, a Harvard Law School graduate, feminist rock star, and master coach, before she learned to coach herself, when something unexpected happened, she would feel overwhelmed and at the mercy of her emotions. But now, she notices that her emotions flow through her cleanly and intensely, and she recovers quickly. The difference, she explains, is that suffering often comes from our thoughts and stories about a situation. Pain, on the other hand, is inevitable. Suffering is optional. By learning to coach yourself, you can decrease the suffering and better navigate life's challenges.

    • Managing stress during the holiday seasonFocus on managing thoughts and emotions for a deeper transformation during the holiday season, despite family challenges

      The work of unfucking your brain and dealing with stress goes beyond just reducing anxiety and stress. It can lead to a deeper transformation that changes how you experience the world. This holiday season, which can be stressful for many, it's important to have reasonable expectations and not expect our families to change their behavior. Instead, focus on managing our own thoughts and emotions to make the most of family time. By applying the tools and techniques discussed in this podcast, we can navigate the challenges of the holiday season and even enjoy the experience.

    • Acknowledge challenging feelings and thoughts during family gatherings are naturalPrepare mentally by deciding what thoughts to focus on ahead of time to better handle emotions and situations at family gatherings

      Instead of having unrealistic expectations for how family gatherings will go and being at the mercy of your emotions and thoughts, it's important to acknowledge that challenging feelings and thoughts are a natural part of the human experience and that you have the power to decide what to think. Preparing yourself mentally by practicing deciding what thoughts to focus on ahead of time can help you better handle the emotions and situations that may arise during family gatherings. Instead of hoping for the best and feeling helpless when faced with negative emotions or thoughts, you can take control and choose your mental attitude. This will not only make the experience less draining, but it can also lead to a more enjoyable and peaceful family time.

    • Deciding how to think and feel about situationsInstead of reacting to situations based on past experiences, we can choose to manage our emotions and expectations to reduce stress and improve experiences.

      Instead of passively accepting and reacting to situations based on past experiences and hoping for different outcomes, we have the power to decide how we think and feel about them. Using the example of spending time with family, we often anticipate and stress out about potential negative behaviors, but since we know these patterns, we can choose to expect them and manage our emotions accordingly. For instance, if our mother always comments on our weight, rather than worrying and resenting her ahead of time, we can accept that she will do so and focus on our reaction and response. Similarly, if our partner is always late, instead of spending energy worrying about the inconvenience, we can decide to expect it and plan accordingly. By taking control of our thoughts and feelings, we can reduce stress and improve our overall experience in various situations.

    • Managing Emotional Responses to Others' ActionsInstead of being controlled by fears of others' actions, identify and challenge negative thoughts to reframe them positively, reducing emotional toll and improving emotional control.

      Instead of letting the potential actions of others control our emotions, we have the power to manage our own emotional responses. By identifying what we're worried might happen and why we're afraid of it, we can recognize that our fears stem from the thoughts we have about future feelings. Therefore, we can choose to replace those thoughts with more positive and productive ones, allowing us to feel in control of our emotional lives rather than at the mercy of others' actions. This exercise involves writing down our fears and the emotions they evoke, and then challenging those thoughts to reframe them in a more positive light. Ultimately, this approach allows us to use our energy more effectively and reduce the emotional toll of anticipated negative events.

    • Control your emotions by controlling your thoughtsYou can't control others or external events, but you can control your thoughts and emotions. Choose thoughts that lead to desired emotions and react intentionally to situations.

      Our emotions are not caused by external events, but rather by our thoughts about those events. So, when we're worried about how someone else might make us feel in the future, what we're really worried about is having a particular thought that will lead to an unwanted emotion. To react differently, we can decide ahead of time what thoughts we want to have when a potentially triggering situation arises. This gives us more control over our emotions and allows us to respond in a more intentional way. For example, instead of assuming our mom's comment about our weight means she thinks we look bad and feeling ashamed, we could choose to think she's just self-conscious about her own weight and feel compassion instead. Similarly, instead of feeling criticized by our sister's comment about our caregiving efforts, we could choose to focus on our own beliefs and actions that make us a good son or daughter. By consciously choosing our thoughts, we can change the emotional response to external events.

    • Decide emotions beforehandChoose desired emotions before entering triggering situations, for better control over reactions and improved relationships.

      We all have the power to decide what thoughts and feelings we want to have before entering potentially triggering situations, rather than reacting negatively in the moment. This practice can help us avoid the drama and emotional turmoil that often comes with family interactions or other challenging conversations. By deciding ahead of time how we want to feel and what thought will produce that feeling, we can take control of our emotions and respond in a calm and neutral way. This doesn't mean we won't set boundaries or make decisions about continuing a conversation, but we won't have to feel bad or ashamed about it. Practicing this skill can be challenging, especially when intense negative feelings have already been triggered, but it is a valuable tool for managing emotions and improving relationships.

    • Control emotions and thoughts during challenging interactionsDecide ahead how to respond, practice, and manage emotions for effective relationships during holidays and beyond

      We have the power to control our emotions and thoughts, especially during challenging situations or interactions with difficult people. By deciding ahead of time how we will respond and practicing that response, we can take the emotional driver's seat and navigate our relationships more effectively. This technique, known as "driving your own emotional bus," can be particularly helpful during the holiday season when family dynamics can be complex. Additionally, attending Kara Loewentheil's webinar, "Unfuck Your Brain," can provide valuable tools and insights for identifying and overcoming thought patterns that may be holding us back in our relationships. Overall, the ability to manage our emotions and thoughts is a powerful skill that can lead to greater fulfillment and connection in all areas of our lives.

    Recent Episodes from UnF*ck Your Brain

    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    Understanding what you want is key to creating a life you won’t regret when you die. So why do so many women struggle to pinpoint exactly what that is? If you can relate, in this Greatest Hits episode, I break exactly down what it means to want something (and why women especially might struggle to identify that), how to know what YOU truly want, and how to decide whether it's worth pursuing.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/348

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 27, 2024

    347. Confidence, Happiness & Self-Safety

    347. Confidence, Happiness & Self-Safety

    How do you know if you’re happy? Not just momentarily, but in the big picture sense of living the life you truly want with no regrets? Join me this week as I outline what big-picture happiness means, how it differs from the emotion of happiness, why creating big-picture happiness involves taking risks, and the roles confidence and self-safety play when it comes to going after what you want.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/347

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 20, 2024

    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    Do you find it hard to relax if there’s still laundry to be done, or if someone’s mad at you? Most women do. The reality is that most of us find resting and feeling pleasure in general extremely challenging. But why?

    Join me for part two of our mini-series on happiness this week to learn why we find it hard to rest, relax, and enjoy ourselves, and why it’s critical that we learn how to. I’m showing you how our socialization has alienated us from our bodies, the conflicting definitions of happiness we’re fed as women, and the importance of learning how to be physically present.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/346

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 13, 2024

    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

    Can you be a feminist and still participate in finding a partner in today’s dating landscape? How can you allow yourself to want a partner while maintaining your independence and autonomy? These are some of the questions we address in this bonus episode with one of my favorite people ever, Lily Womble.

    Lily is a feminist dating coach and the founder and creator of Date Brazen, a feminist dating coaching program and movement that I really wish was around when I was dating. We discuss dating apps and why they are both useful tools and addiction-creating slot machines, how to navigate the dating world with your values and true desires at the forefront, and how to give yourself the radical permission you crave to go after what you want. Her new book "Thank you, More Please!: A feminist guide to breaking dumb dating rules and finding love" is out today!

    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 11, 2024

    Introducing: The Happy Feminist Challenge!

    Introducing: The Happy Feminist Challenge!

    Introducing a brand new challenge I'm running June 17th - 22nd this summer! Feel like you've never heard the words "happy" and "feminist" used together? You're not alone. If you've ever felt guilty for prioritizing your own joy or wondered if it’s selfish to care about your happiness in challenging times, this episode is for you. Learn to break free from the beliefs that hold you back and discover how caring for your well-being, pleasure, and fun can empower you to continue the fight for equality more effectively. It's 5 days of happy brain hacks, emotional brain hacks, and so much more. Details about how to join us are in the episode now!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 07, 2024

    345. What is Happiness?

    345. What is Happiness?

    If you identify as a feminist, you've probably heard the stereotypes: we're "angry", "too serious", and "can't take a (typically sexist) joke". While being a feminist does mean caring about serious issues, another crucial part of taking your brain back from the patriarchy is learning... how to be happy, too. But what does that even mean and how do we do it?! If the idea of being happy confuses you, or you're not even sure if you SHOULD be happy, click play because I'm breaking it all down in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 06, 2024

    Take Back Your Brain!

    Take Back Your Brain!

    IT'S HERE! My new book "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head... and How to Get it Out" is officially available wherever books are sold!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    In this episode I sit down with Bonnie Hammer, Vice Chairman of NBC Universal and author of the upcoming book, "15 Lies Women Are Told at Work and the Truth We Need to Succeed." And while I'm not normally impressed by people's job titles... with a book like that on the way? We obviously had to sit down for a chat. ;)

    Join me as we discuss Bonnie's remarkable career journey, from her early days cleaning up behind-the-scenes to leading major TV networks. We delve into the importance of mentorship, the lies women face in the workplace, and how to shatter those barriers.

    To join The Society, click here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    Ever wonder if you're capable of having a world-changing idea? Or why so many women struggle with self-doubt and tend to downplay their successes? In this episode, I chat with Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and the author of the international best-seller 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do. Amy's personal journey through grief and loss led her to uncover the secrets to mental strength, and she's here to share her wisdom on building unshakeable confidence. We talk about the societal pressures that make women doubt themselves, explore fascinating research on how boys and girls are treated differently from a young age, and share some practical tips to help you stop self-doubt in its tracks and truly own your brilliance.

    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enMay 30, 2024

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    Drumroll, please! My book, Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out, is finally here!

    Having my book out in the world is such a surreal experience. I’m incredibly proud of the work it took to write it, and get it out into readers' hands all over the planet (and, hopefully, your hands too)! But honestly, there have been some serious highs and not-so-highs with the whole process, and I’m diving into why in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enMay 23, 2024

    Related Episodes

    How to Feel Better (Turn Panic Into Peace Series #3)

    How to Feel Better (Turn Panic Into Peace Series #3)

    Join me as I walk you through the difference between your thoughts and your feelings, and how to identify what a feeling is. From there, you’ll be able to start the process of intentionally creating emotions that you want to feel, and at the same time, you’ll be able to allow emotions that feel uncomfortable in your body without resisting them.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://unfuckyourbrain.com/feel-better-peace-3

    When You LOVE Drinking Alcohol

    When You LOVE Drinking Alcohol

    This week on the podcast I'm talking about creating a peaceful relationship with alcohol and enjoying it. 

    Four things you need to do: 

    1) Quit telling yourself alcohol is different than other things you enjoy consuming

    2) Make Your Drinks Worth It

    3) Tell the Whole Story

    4) Savor the Experience

    Resources Mentioned: 

    Step One

    Drink: The New Science of Alcohol and Your Health

    Buy Breaking the Bottle Legacy: How to Change Your Drinking Habits and Create A Peaceful Relationship with Alcohol on Amazon or most online retailers. 

    US Kindle

    US Paperback

    UK Kindle

    UK Paperback

    Apple Books

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    Join my private FB group Alcohol Minimalists here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/changeyouralcoholhabit

    Has this podcast helped you? Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts! 

    Follow me on Instagram: @AlcoholMinimalist 

    Have you grabbed your free e-book, "Alcohol Truths: How Much is Safe?" Get it here. 

    Low risk drinking guidelines from the NIAAA:

    Healthy men under 65:

    No more than 4 drinks in one day and no more than 14 drinks per week.

    Healthy women (all ages) and healthy men 65 and older: No more than 3 drinks in one day and no more than 7 drinks per week.

    One drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor. So remember that a mixed drink or full glass of wine are probably more than one drink.

    Abstinence from alcohol Abstinence from alcohol is the best choice for people who take medication(s) that interact with alcohol, have health conditions that could be exacerbated by alcohol (e.g. liver disease), are pregnant or may become pregnant or have had a problem with alcohol or another substance in the past.

    Benefits of “low-risk” drinking Following these guidelines reduces the risk of health problems such as cancer, liver disease, reduced immunity, ulcers, sleep problems, complications of existing conditions, and more. It also reduces the risk of depression, social problems, and difficulties at school or work.

    If you' are unsure about whether or not you have alcohol use disorder, please visit the NIAAA for more information.


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    Caffeine Cast: How To Deal With The VOICES In Your Head [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Caffeine Cast: How To Deal With The VOICES In Your Head [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Everyone has arguments in their heads. This negative voice that tries to warn us. However, this negative voice creates obstacles to ourselves and doesn't serve us. You deserve more, so focus on the good things, coach yourself, show the world who you are, don't be a fraud and attract the right people around you!  

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    AFter Alcohol-Free Magazine with Nicole Hough

    AFter Alcohol-Free Magazine with Nicole Hough


    This week on the podcast I'm talking with Nicole Hough, from AFter Magazine, the magazine for non-drinkers, sober-curious or anyone who is evaluating their relationship with alcohol. 

    Resources Mentioned: 

    AFter Magazine

    Buy Breaking the Bottle Legacy: How to Change Your Drinking Habits and Create A Peaceful Relationship with Alcohol on Amazon or most online retailers. 

    US Kindle

    US Paperback

    UK Kindle

    UK Paperback

    Apple Books

    Barnes & Noble


    Join my private FB group Alcohol Minimalists here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/changeyouralcoholhabit

    Has this podcast helped you? Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts! 

    Follow me on Instagram: @AlcoholMinimalist 

    Have you grabbed your free e-book, "Alcohol Truths: How Much is Safe?" Get it here. 

    Low risk drinking guidelines from the NIAAA:

    Healthy men under 65:

    No more than 4 drinks in one day and no more than 14 drinks per week.

    Healthy women (all ages) and healthy men 65 and older: No more than 3 drinks in one day and no more than 7 drinks per week.

    One drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor. So remember that a mixed drink or full glass of wine are probably more than one drink.

    Abstinence from alcohol Abstinence from alcohol is the best choice for people who take medication(s) that interact with alcohol, have health conditions that could be exacerbated by alcohol (e.g. liver disease), are pregnant or may become pregnant or have had a problem with alcohol or another substance in the past.

    Benefits of “low-risk” drinking Following these guidelines reduces the risk of health problems such as cancer, liver disease, reduced immunity, ulcers, sleep problems, complications of existing conditions, and more. It also reduces the risk of depression, social problems, and difficulties at school or work.

    If you' are unsure about whether or not you have alcohol use disorder, please visit the NIAAA for more information.


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    Challenge Your Thinking to Change Your Drinking

    Challenge Your Thinking to Change Your Drinking

    This week on the podcast I'm talking about the process for challenging your thinking to change your drinking. I'm getting granular and breaking down the Behavior Map-Results Cycle.

    I'm also talking about Dryuary and if you want to hear about my Dryuary experience from last year, go back and listen to episode #56.

    Resources Mentioned: CTFAR Worksheet

    Interested in Step One? 

    Buy Breaking the Bottle Legacy: How to Change Your Drinking Habits and Create A Peaceful Relationship with Alcohol on Amazon or most online retailers. 

    US Kindle

    US Paperback

    UK Kindle

    UK Paperback

    Apple Books

    Barnes & Noble


    Join my private FB group Alcohol Minimalists here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/changeyouralcoholhabit

    Has this podcast helped you? Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts! 

    Follow me on Instagram: @AlcoholMinimalist 

    Have you grabbed your free e-book, "Alcohol Truths: How Much is Safe?" Get it here. 

    Low risk drinking guidelines from the NIAAA:

    Healthy men under 65:

    No more than 4 drinks in one day and no more than 14 drinks per week.

    Healthy women (all ages) and healthy men 65 and older: No more than 3 drinks in one day and no more than 7 drinks per week.

    One drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor. So remember that a mixed drink or full glass of wine are probably more than one drink.

    Abstinence from alcohol Abstinence from alcohol is the best choice for people who take medication(s) that interact with alcohol, have health conditions that could be exacerbated by alcohol (e.g. liver disease), are pregnant or may become pregnant or have had a problem with alcohol or another substance in the past.

    Benefits of “low-risk” drinking Following these guidelines reduces the risk of health problems such as cancer, liver disease, reduced immunity, ulcers, sleep problems, complications of existing conditions, and more. It also reduces the risk of depression, social problems, and difficulties at school or work.

    If you' are unsure about whether or not you have alcohol use disorder, please visit the NIAAA for more information.


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