
    Universe Calling

    en-gbDecember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Listen to the signs from the universeIgnoring the universe's signs can lead to missed opportunities or danger. Be flexible and adapt when circumstances change.

      It's essential to listen to the signs from the universe, even when we're under pressure and rushing against time. Kate's story illustrates this perfectly. She was so focused on making her flight that she overlooked the road closures due to President Biden's visit in Atlanta. Despite everyone's warnings and her own sense of urgency, she kept pushing herself to the limit. However, she eventually made it to the airport, thanks to the help of her Uber driver. The universe, in this case, was trying to tell Kate to slow down and accept that sometimes things are beyond our control. We all have habits and routines, but it's crucial to be flexible and adapt when circumstances change. By ignoring the signs and pushing ourselves too hard, we risk missing out on important moments or even putting ourselves in danger. Therefore, the next time you feel the universe nudging you to take it easy, listen and respond accordingly. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and take things one step at a time. After all, rushing through life may get us to our destination faster, but it won't allow us to enjoy the journey.

    • The Significance of Cherished Items and Self-CareCherished items bring comfort and joy, self-care is essential, losing things can be a sign to slow down and prioritize self-care.

      Sometimes in our busy lives, we may overlook the importance of taking care of ourselves and holding onto the things that bring us comfort and joy. In the story shared, the speaker realized the significance of her favorite scarf and the impact its loss had on her. Although it was just a scarf, it was a cherished item that went with everything and brought her a sense of familiarity and calm. When she was unable to replace it, she was forced to slow down and prioritize self-care. The universe seemed to intervene, allowing her to retrieve the scarf from the Uber driver. This experience served as a reminder that losing things or leaving them behind can be a sign that we need to take a breather. It's essential to recognize these moments and make time for ourselves, even if it means adjusting our schedules or making small changes. By taking care of ourselves and holding onto the things that bring us joy, we can better navigate the challenges of life and approach each day with positivity and resilience. So, today, take a moment to reflect on what brings you comfort and joy, and make sure to prioritize it in your daily life. Remember, you have 100% got this!

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    God of All Comfort

    God of All Comfort

    Episode 12 – Grief: God of All Comfort            

    Intro – grief patch story from:



    2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (ESV)


    Psalm 10:14 (NIV)


    God is thoughtful about our grief and holds our grief with us.

    So we are: thoughtful about grief for one another, and we help one another hold the grief and the weight of that grief


    Psalm 34:17-18 (NIV)


    God of All Comfort = God of all losses

    Exercise: write down all the losses that you’ve encountered personally, or those you see around them, then write the word All or God or Jesus or a favorite Bible verse over it

    We have both – honor the losses and embrace the comfort


    God isn’t far off – He is big, but also personal

    Isaiah 53:3-4



    Jesus encountered his own grief and entered into other people’s grief

    Jesus took on the judgment of grief as well


    Biblical narratives of loss:

    Mary, Martha, Lazarus – loss of loved one, the experience of illness

    Mary and John and the crucifixion – comfort in one another, finding a community to morn with

    Joseph – loss of family, loss of freedom, loss of dreams, loss of promises, restoration

    David – loss of men in battle, loss of an infant, loss of a son to betrayal

    Solomon – Ecclesiastes, loss of time and opportunity, sense of hopelessness but comfort

    Ruth and Naomi – widowhood, loss of livelihood, loss through moving


    What loss narratives have given you comfort in Scripture?


    Luke 7:11-17  (NIV)