
    Your Brain In A Pandemic (Turn Panic Into Peace Series #1)

    enMarch 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding our brains' response to stressOur brains are wired to scan for threats, but recognizing this response as natural can help us manage stress by engaging our prefrontal cortex to put things into perspective

      Our brains have evolved to focus on potential dangers in order to keep us alive. This is the job of the amygdala, a primitive part of our brain that scans our environment for threats. However, in today's world, this instinct can lead to excessive anxiety and stress. It's important to understand that this response is not a malfunction, but rather a natural function of our brains. To manage this response, we need to engage our prefrontal cortex, the higher thinking part of our brain, to help us put things into perspective and reduce anxiety. So, instead of seeing our brains' response to stressors as a problem, we should recognize it as a natural part of our evolution.

    • Media-induced anxiety from constant coronavirus coverageMedia sensationalism can fuel unnecessary anxiety and fear, leading to a social contagion of anxiety, despite the actual danger being less severe.

      Our constant exposure to news and social media about potential dangers, such as the coronavirus, can significantly increase feelings of anxiety and fear, even if the actual danger may not be as great as perceived. This is due to the media's business model of providing sensational content to capture and keep our attention, leading to a constant stream of information that our brains are not evolved to handle. This overstimulation can result in a social contagion of anxiety, where everyone around us seems to be losing their minds, further validating our own fears. It's important to remember that while we should take necessary precautions, the overwhelming fear and anxiety are not representative of the actual danger and are not necessary. Our brains are just doing their best to evaluate and prioritize based on the information available to them.

    • Recognize the difference between thoughts and factsUnderstand that thoughts are powerful but not always true, and it's essential to distinguish them from facts to manage emotions and reduce anxiety.

      Our emotions and fears during challenging times can be influenced significantly by the thoughts in our minds, which may not always align with reality. Our primitive brain, particularly the amygdala, can generate negative thoughts that we may mistake for facts. These thoughts, although powerful in creating intense emotions, are not always true. It's crucial to recognize the difference between a circumstance and a thought. For instance, an epidemiologist's prediction about the number of people who might get sick is a circumstance, while our thoughts about it, such as everyone getting sick and dying, are just thoughts. To effectively manage our emotions and reduce anxiety, it's essential to write down all our thoughts and distinguish them from facts. Remember, thoughts are powerful but not always true. People can have different thoughts about the same thing, making it essential to separate facts from our subjective interpretations.

    • Distinguish facts from thoughts during uncertaintyRecognize the difference between facts and thoughts to reduce anxiety and gain a more peaceful perspective. Focus on facts to stay anchored in reality and limit fear and overwhelm caused by thoughts.

      It's essential to distinguish between facts and thoughts during times of uncertainty, such as the current virus situation. Our thoughts can be contradictory and often not based on objective reality. Recognizing this difference can help reduce anxiety and provide a more peaceful perspective. By focusing on the facts and circumstances, rather than our thoughts and speculations, we can anchor ourselves in reality and limit the fear and overwhelm caused by our hyper-vigilant brains. It's important to remember that most of what we think is not true but rather made up or based on interpretation, opinion, or speculation. By consciously redirecting our focus to the facts, we can change how we feel and reduce anxiety. However, this requires intentional effort as our brains naturally gravitate towards danger and fear, especially with the constant media coverage. By staying anchored in the facts, we can limit the fear and anxiety caused by our thoughts and better cope with the uncertainty.

    • Engage your prefrontal cortex for accurate informationLimit news consumption and engage in other activities to strengthen mental and physical health while staying informed

      It's crucial to consciously engage your prefrontal cortex when processing information, especially during times of high anxiety or uncertainty. This means actively seeking out accurate facts and circumstances, rather than relying on unconscious reactions or constant news consumption. The latter can lead to increased anxiety and fixation, making it essential to limit your exposure to news and social media. Think of it as a way to strengthen your immune system against the constant influx of potentially distressing information. Remember, being informed is important, but so is taking care of your mental and physical health. Set specific times to check the news and engage in other activities to keep your mind active and reduce the exhaustion that comes from constant engagement.

    • Stay Centered and Sane During Crisis with Free Webinar and Community SupportAttend a free webinar for three tools to stay focused and productive during crisis or join a community for ongoing support

      During times of crisis, it's essential to shift into neutral thoughts and maintain focus, creativity, and productivity. To help achieve this, consider attending a free webinar at unfuckyourbrain.com/sanity on March 26th, 6 PM Eastern. The webinar will provide you with three valuable tools and concepts to stay centered and sane. If you can't attend live, sign up to receive the replay. For those seeking more in-depth support, join The Clutch, a feminist coaching community at www.unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch. Text your email address to 13479971784 with the code word "sanity" to receive a link. The Clutch offers individual help applying concepts, new coaching tools, and a community to connect with like-minded individuals.

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    20170416 Retrain the brain- from likes.dislikes to inner peace 00_00_07-

    20170416 Retrain the brain- from likes.dislikes to  inner peace 00_00_07-
    Self-engineering Technology for well-being
    This program is for YOU, if you are ready to transform your life.
    oLearn how to replace stress response with relaxation response.
    oRetrain body, brain, breath and mind to restore well-being.
    oManage day-to-day challenges of anxiety, stress, fatigue & insomnia.
    ‘As you uninstall the old software and reinstall updated for smooth functioning of PC, the great masters taught us to update the mind and the brain for well-being, inner peace and happiness’
    Self-engineering gives you the tools to change the mental state to change the brain for awakening. The program imparts practical wisdom and powerful practices to help manage body, breath, brain, mind and emotions. The program is,
    Retrain the Brain, Release the Stress and Awaken to Inner Peace.
    Now you can learn it weekly. In 60 minutes, session, you explore intellectually ‘the essence of your true nature’, steps of practice, guided practice, helpers and barriers.
    Benefits: reduction in anxiety, stress, fatigue and rich experience of well-being, inner peace, happiness and creativity.
    Eastern Wisdom crosses all barriers of religion, dogma, belief. This wisdom reveals by understanding the principles and doing practice in daily life
    Eastern Wisdom declares four steps to succeed in any practice
    -Listen and learn from a teacher the principles
    -Contemplate for conviction and clarity and reflect for freedom from doubts.
    -Practice regularly with wisdom- know from teacher, how many times, when and where
    -Experience the change – give feedback to the teacher for progress and perfection
    Every Episode in this show is unique because it deals with suffering, cause of suffering, way to end the suffering and awakening
    Select the title of the series and start the journey
    Ideal Practitioner: anyone aspires for inner peace and happiness can do the practice.
    Pl note that we have kept the unedited version for originality
    Your feedback is welcome
    Girish Jha
    Disclaimer: please read disclaimer before practice at www.girishjha.org

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    #219 - Thinking of you today!

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    Wishing you all the best, 

    Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

    03.23.2017 Retrain the Brain - Change the mind to awaken to happiness

    03.23.2017 Retrain the Brain - Change the mind to awaken to happiness
    Self-engineering Technology for well-being
    This program is for YOU, if you are ready to transform your life.
    oLearn how to replace stress response with relaxation response.
    oRetrain body, brain, breath and mind to restore well-being.
    oManage day-to-day challenges of anxiety, stress, fatigue & insomnia.
    ‘As you uninstall the old software and reinstall updated for smooth functioning of PC, the great masters taught us to update the mind and the brain for well-being, inner peace and happiness’
    Self-engineering gives you the tools to change the mental state to change the brain for awakening. The program imparts practical wisdom and powerful practices to help manage body, breath, brain, mind and emotions. The program is,
    Retrain the Brain, Release the Stress and Awaken to Inner Peace.

    Now you can learn it weekly. In 60 minutes, session, you explore intellectually ‘the essence of your true nature’, steps of practice, guided practice, helpers and barriers.
    Benefits: reduction in anxiety, stress, fatigue and rich experience of well-being, inner peace, happiness and creativity.

    Eastern Wisdom crosses all barriers of religion, dogma, belief. This wisdom reveals by understanding the principles and doing practice in daily life
    Eastern Wisdom declares four steps to succeed in any practice
    -Listen and learn from a teacher the principles
    -Contemplate for conviction and clarity and reflect for freedom from doubts.
    -Practice regularly with wisdom- know from teacher, how many times, when and where
    -Experience the change – give feedback to the teacher for progress and perfection
    Every Episode in this show is unique because it deals with suffering, cause of suffering, way to end the suffering and awakening
    Select the title of the series and start the journey
    Ideal Practitioner: anyone aspires for inner peace and happiness can do the practice.
    Pl note that we have kept the unedited version for originality
    Your feedback is welcome
    Girish Jha
    Disclaimer: please read disclaimer before practice at www.girishjha.org