
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of mindset on various areas of lifeImproving self-image in one area of life can lead to positive changes in career and personal life.

      Our mindset and self-perception in one area of life can significantly impact other aspects. This was highlighted during the Body Image Masterclass, where students not only improved their self-image but also experienced positive changes in their careers and personal lives. Upcoming in the Clutch College Live event is a course focused on relationship anxiety, which will provide tools to manage stress and insecurities in various relationships. Given the high demand for these courses, it's essential for Clutch members to register promptly upon availability. The impact of these programs demonstrates the power of self-acceptance and personal growth.

    • Join the Clutch for personalized coaching or specialize in feminist coachingIndividuals can join the Clutch for more personalized coaching or pursue an advanced certification in feminist coaching through the Life Coach School

      The speaker is offering two distinct opportunities for individuals who are interested in coaching, but with different focuses and requirements. The first opportunity is to join the "Clutch," which is an online community for more personalized and in-depth coaching on relationship anxiety. This is open to anyone who wants more interaction and attention in their learning process. The second opportunity is for individuals who have already completed the Life Coach School certification and are interested in specializing in feminist coaching. This advanced certification will teach additional tools and techniques developed by the speaker, and is intended for those who want to build a business based on these principles and coach using a feminist lens. To stay updated on both opportunities, individuals should be on the speaker's email list.

    • Recognizing when to move onIt's important to acknowledge when a relationship or situation isn't meeting our needs and seek alternatives instead of trying to force a fit.

      It's essential to recognize when we're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and move on instead of wasting time and energy trying to make it work. The speaker uses the analogy of going to a store looking for a toaster but finding only oranges, or trying to get croissants in Copenhagen. These situations illustrate that it's futile to expect a store or a place to offer something it doesn't specialize in. Instead, we should focus on finding what we truly want and need in places that can deliver it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging when a relationship or situation isn't meeting our needs and seeking alternatives rather than trying to force a fit. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, from personal relationships to career choices and beyond.

    • Our pursuit of connections despite inconsistencies or unavailability is rooted in our evolutionary need for social acceptance and survival.We persistently seek validation from others due to our evolutionary need for social acceptance, leading us to pursue connections despite inconsistencies or unavailability.

      We often find ourselves persistently pursuing connections or validation from others despite the inconsistencies or unavailability, not because of the other person, but due to our own thoughts and fears. This phenomenon is deeply rooted in our human wiring to avoid rejection, which stems from our evolutionary need for social acceptance and survival. Our brains perceive rejection as a threat to our survival, and when it occurs, we are inclined to try and repair the situation to regain acceptance. This pattern can manifest in various aspects of life, including relationships, jobs, families, and friendships. Understanding this fundamental human behavior can help us become more aware of our motivations and work towards healthier and more fulfilling connections.

    • Fear of rejection and the cycle of validation seekingWomen's fear of rejection, rooted in societal conditioning, can lead to a cycle of seeking validation from perceived sources, despite rational understanding that it's not effective. Understanding the brain's response to rejection can aid in breaking free from this pattern.

      Our brains are wired to fear rejection, especially for women who have been socialized to believe their worth is determined by others' approval. This fear can lead to a cycle of anxiety and compulsion to seek validation from the perceived source of rejection, despite rational understanding that it's not working. This is due to the primitive brain's response to rejection and the prefrontal cortex's constant search for validation. The good news is that this cycle can be broken, and one can stop seeking validation from sources that don't provide it. Understanding the underlying causes can help in the process of breaking free from this pattern.

    • The Root Cause of Relationship Pain is Our ThoughtsUnderstand your thoughts and why you seek validation from others to resolve relationship pain through self-coaching.

      Our thoughts, not external actions or people, are the root cause of our anxiety and pain in relationships. Our brains go through a three-step process: taking others' behavior personally, calculating that changing their behavior will make us feel better, and needing a different reaction from them to feel good. However, the solution requires individual introspection to understand what we're trying to get from the person and why, and learning to manage our thoughts through self-coaching. Our brains mistakenly believe that we need others to unlock certain beliefs about ourselves, leading to an obsession with getting their validation. Ultimately, mastering thought work and learning to coach ourselves is the key to resolving these patterns.

    • Breaking free from the cycle of seeking validationIdentify and address the root thoughts driving the need for external validation to find inner peace and self-worth.

      The power to change your thoughts and feelings lies within you, not in external validation or situations. The speaker emphasizes that relying on others for self-esteem or validation can lead to prolonged cycles of seeking and disappointment. Instead, identifying and addressing the root thoughts driving these behaviors is essential for breaking free. The Clutch, a self-coaching program, offers guidance and expert support to help individuals change their thought patterns in their unique contexts. By learning to shift your perspective and take control of your thoughts, you can end the cycle and find true freedom.

    • Access valuable resources for personal growthVisit unf*ckyourbrain.com/theclutch or text your email to receive tools and support for overcoming mental blocks and making positive changes in your life.

      There's a resource called "Unf\*ck Your Brain" that aims to help people make positive changes in their lives. You can access this resource by visiting unf\*ckyourbrain.com/theclutch or texting your email address to 3479-3488 61 to receive a link directly to your cell phone. This resource offers valuable information to help you overcome mental blocks and move forward in your personal growth journey. It's important to recognize that making positive changes in your life requires effort and dedication, but with the right tools and support, you can make progress towards achieving your goals.

    Recent Episodes from UnF*ck Your Brain

    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    Understanding what you want is key to creating a life you won’t regret when you die. So why do so many women struggle to pinpoint exactly what that is? If you can relate, in this Greatest Hits episode, I break exactly down what it means to want something (and why women especially might struggle to identify that), how to know what YOU truly want, and how to decide whether it's worth pursuing.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/348

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 27, 2024

    347. Confidence, Happiness & Self-Safety

    347. Confidence, Happiness & Self-Safety

    How do you know if you’re happy? Not just momentarily, but in the big picture sense of living the life you truly want with no regrets? Join me this week as I outline what big-picture happiness means, how it differs from the emotion of happiness, why creating big-picture happiness involves taking risks, and the roles confidence and self-safety play when it comes to going after what you want.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/347

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 20, 2024

    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    Do you find it hard to relax if there’s still laundry to be done, or if someone’s mad at you? Most women do. The reality is that most of us find resting and feeling pleasure in general extremely challenging. But why?

    Join me for part two of our mini-series on happiness this week to learn why we find it hard to rest, relax, and enjoy ourselves, and why it’s critical that we learn how to. I’m showing you how our socialization has alienated us from our bodies, the conflicting definitions of happiness we’re fed as women, and the importance of learning how to be physically present.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/346

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 13, 2024

    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

    Can you be a feminist and still participate in finding a partner in today’s dating landscape? How can you allow yourself to want a partner while maintaining your independence and autonomy? These are some of the questions we address in this bonus episode with one of my favorite people ever, Lily Womble.

    Lily is a feminist dating coach and the founder and creator of Date Brazen, a feminist dating coaching program and movement that I really wish was around when I was dating. We discuss dating apps and why they are both useful tools and addiction-creating slot machines, how to navigate the dating world with your values and true desires at the forefront, and how to give yourself the radical permission you crave to go after what you want. Her new book "Thank you, More Please!: A feminist guide to breaking dumb dating rules and finding love" is out today!

    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 11, 2024

    Introducing: The Happy Feminist Challenge!

    Introducing: The Happy Feminist Challenge!

    Introducing a brand new challenge I'm running June 17th - 22nd this summer! Feel like you've never heard the words "happy" and "feminist" used together? You're not alone. If you've ever felt guilty for prioritizing your own joy or wondered if it’s selfish to care about your happiness in challenging times, this episode is for you. Learn to break free from the beliefs that hold you back and discover how caring for your well-being, pleasure, and fun can empower you to continue the fight for equality more effectively. It's 5 days of happy brain hacks, emotional brain hacks, and so much more. Details about how to join us are in the episode now!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 07, 2024

    345. What is Happiness?

    345. What is Happiness?

    If you identify as a feminist, you've probably heard the stereotypes: we're "angry", "too serious", and "can't take a (typically sexist) joke". While being a feminist does mean caring about serious issues, another crucial part of taking your brain back from the patriarchy is learning... how to be happy, too. But what does that even mean and how do we do it?! If the idea of being happy confuses you, or you're not even sure if you SHOULD be happy, click play because I'm breaking it all down in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 06, 2024

    Take Back Your Brain!

    Take Back Your Brain!

    IT'S HERE! My new book "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head... and How to Get it Out" is officially available wherever books are sold!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    In this episode I sit down with Bonnie Hammer, Vice Chairman of NBC Universal and author of the upcoming book, "15 Lies Women Are Told at Work and the Truth We Need to Succeed." And while I'm not normally impressed by people's job titles... with a book like that on the way? We obviously had to sit down for a chat. ;)

    Join me as we discuss Bonnie's remarkable career journey, from her early days cleaning up behind-the-scenes to leading major TV networks. We delve into the importance of mentorship, the lies women face in the workplace, and how to shatter those barriers.

    To join The Society, click here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    Ever wonder if you're capable of having a world-changing idea? Or why so many women struggle with self-doubt and tend to downplay their successes? In this episode, I chat with Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and the author of the international best-seller 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do. Amy's personal journey through grief and loss led her to uncover the secrets to mental strength, and she's here to share her wisdom on building unshakeable confidence. We talk about the societal pressures that make women doubt themselves, explore fascinating research on how boys and girls are treated differently from a young age, and share some practical tips to help you stop self-doubt in its tracks and truly own your brilliance.

    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enMay 30, 2024

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    Drumroll, please! My book, Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out, is finally here!

    Having my book out in the world is such a surreal experience. I’m incredibly proud of the work it took to write it, and get it out into readers' hands all over the planet (and, hopefully, your hands too)! But honestly, there have been some serious highs and not-so-highs with the whole process, and I’m diving into why in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enMay 23, 2024

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    “Is this Drama Me or Healthy Me?” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Ghosts That Linger

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    Chapter Summaries:

    Empowering Women in Midlife (0:01:58)

    I discuss the common occurrence of women neglecting their own desires and dreams in midlife and urge the listener to break free from this pattern and prioritize their own happiness, rather than being a supporting character in their own life story.

    Breaking the Cycle of Self-Neglect (0:06:21)

    The issue of women often playing the role of the best supporting actress in their own lives, acknowledging that it is not their fault and aiming to uplift rather than induce guilt. And how societal conditioning leads women to prioritize the needs of others, causing them to wait for external validation or permission before making decisions about their own time. This behavior pattern results in delayed personal growth and self-neglect.

    Finding Yourself Through Reflection (0:09:20)

    I encourage you to create your own retreat by booking a weekend away to reflect on your life. Explore potential hesitations and self-reflection, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with oneself amidst prioritizing others.

    Moving Beyond Weight Obsession (0:14:28)

    The discussions about weight and diet are uninteresting and wish to shift the focus toward more meaningful aspects of life, such as purpose and relationships. I convey enthusiasm and empathy, emphasizing the need to move away from weight-related concerns and redirect attention toward broader life goals. Additionally, I suggest a reciprocal relationship between weight and other areas of life, highlighting the interconnected nature of these factors.

    Breaking Free From Good Girl Mold (0:23:06)

    Many women have been conditioned from a young age to suppress their desires and conform to societal expectations, leading to a fear of asking for what they want and a sense of worthlessness. However, breaking free from these roles and embracing personal empowerment can be uncomfortable but ultimately liberating and fulfilling.

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