
    UFYB 209: Reconciling Political & Religious Values with a Feminist Self-Concept: A Conversation with Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching Graduates Judith Gaton and Simone Seol

    enOctober 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • A conversation with politically conservative students of 'Unfuck Your Brain' podcastFeminist coaching and thought work are inclusive, applicable to individuals with diverse political beliefs, and can be learned through the 'Unfuck Your Brain' podcast's advanced certification program, open to certified coaches only.

      Thought work and feminist coaching are not limited to individuals with progressive or leftist political beliefs. The podcast "Unfuck Your Brain" welcomes individuals from all political backgrounds to learn and apply these techniques to rewire their brains and achieve their goals. The host had a conversation with two of her students, Judith and Simone, who grew up with or currently identify as more politically conservative than she is, but still went through the advanced certification in feminist coaching. They shared their experiences with the evolution of their thoughts and beliefs and the intersection of their political backgrounds with the advanced feminist work taught by the host. This conversation is relevant for anyone interested in the application of these techniques across different points on the political spectrum. Additionally, the podcast is launching the applications for the advanced certification in feminist coaching for 2022, and it is only open to certified coaches through the Life Coach School. The course begins in March 2022 and applications closed on November 12, 2022. Scholarships are available for individuals from marginalized communities.

    • Two Feminist Coaches Share Their JourneysDespite diverse backgrounds and beliefs, coaches can find common ground and value in feminist coaching. It promotes open-mindedness, growth, and the power of community to overcome personal biases and expand understanding of feminism.

      Even those with diverse backgrounds and beliefs can find common ground and value in feminist coaching. In this conversation, Judith Gatton and Simone Sol shared their experiences as curvy style coach and marketing coach for life coaches, respectively, who went through advanced feminist coaching certification with some reservations due to their past conservative political or religious beliefs. They discussed how the training helped them reframe their perspectives and understand the importance of intersectional feminism. Judith, a master certified life coach and style coach for curvy women, shared her journey of embracing her identity and learning to help other women do the same. Simone, a master coach and host of the joyful marketing podcast, talked about her experience of being introduced as a master coach despite not holding that title and the challenges of managing a growing team. Together, they highlighted the importance of open-mindedness, growth, and the power of community in overcoming personal biases and expanding one's understanding of feminism.

    • Navigating Coaching with Diverse Belief SystemsRespect each person's unique beliefs and interpretations, and approach coaching with sensitivity and openness.

      Belief systems, whether related to feminism, politics, or religion, can present challenges when it comes to coaching and personal growth. The speaker in this podcast expressed her trepidation about how to reconcile her religious beliefs with her desire to learn about feminism and participate in a coaching program. She wondered where God fits into the model and how to approach coaching clients with different beliefs. The speaker ultimately concluded that it's essential to respect each person's unique perspective and beliefs, and that these beliefs can be placed in different areas of their mental model depending on their individual interpretation. The coach emphasized the importance of checking in with clients to understand their beliefs and how they view their circumstances, rather than imposing one's own beliefs on them. The speaker also acknowledged that there may be some circumstances that are more subjective and open to interpretation, while others are more objective and universally agreed upon. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting and understanding diverse belief systems and approaching coaching with sensitivity and openness.

    • Respecting Individual Beliefs and Experiences in CoachingCoaching requires acknowledging the subjectivity and fluidity of experiences, respecting individual beliefs, and approaching the process with an open-mind and nuanced understanding.

      Coaching, especially at an advanced level, is a complex and nuanced process where clear-cut rules and labels may not always apply. Jude emphasized that coaching is not about imposing our own beliefs or perspectives on clients, but rather acknowledging the subjectivity and fluidity of our experiences. Simone added that her understanding of spirituality is experiential and can manifest in various aspects of her life. Cara, the certification leader, shared her hesitations about joining the program due to perceived political biases, but ultimately decided to trust the experience and found it to be intellectually engaging and worthwhile. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respecting individual beliefs and experiences, and the need for an open-minded and nuanced approach to coaching.

    • Exploring Biases in CoachingAcknowledging biases and fostering open dialogue encourages critical thinking and the creation of unique coaching practices, regardless of political or religious backgrounds.

      Being aware of our biases and acknowledging their existence is essential for effective coaching. During the course, the instructor provided permission for open and honest dialogue, allowing for the exploration of various perspectives and beliefs, including those influenced by religion or gender. This approach encouraged critical thinking and the creation of unique feminist coaching practices, regardless of political or religious backgrounds. The instructor did not impose their beliefs but instead challenged participants to question their own, fostering a learning environment that welcomed diverse viewpoints and encouraged growth. This approach not only made the learning experience more engaging but also allowed participants to develop their own coaching styles and best practices, making the course more impactful and personally relevant.

    • Exploring the impact of cultural contexts in coachingConsidering cultural contexts and promoting critical thinking in coaching can lead to deeper understanding and personal growth for both coach and client, fostering self-awareness and integrity in the process.

      Engaging with systems of oppression and promoting critical thinking in coaching can lead to deeper understanding and personal growth for both the coach and the client. The discussion highlighted the importance of considering the impact of cultural contexts, such as religious beliefs, on weight loss courses and the potential harm caused by fat phobia. The coach emphasized the importance of creating a safe space for clients to explore their beliefs and encouraging them to think deeply about their own positions. This approach allows clients to find their own answers and fosters integrity and awareness in the coaching process. The conversation also touched upon the impact of religious beliefs on personal decisions and the use of religious texts to support those decisions. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of promoting critical thinking and self-awareness in coaching to create meaningful and transformative experiences for clients.

    • Self-perception and God's relationshipOur beliefs about ourselves can impact our understanding of God. Using the Bible for justification to leave a commitment may stem from self-perception issues rather than religious ones. Coaching can offer new insights as they don't share the same biases or beliefs.

      Our beliefs and perceptions about ourselves can greatly influence how we approach and understand our relationship with God. In this discussion, the speaker shared an experience of using the Bible as evidence to justify leaving a commitment, but ultimately realized it was a human desire for external justification rather than a religious issue. The speaker also highlighted how coaching from an outside perspective can provide valuable insights as they don't share the same biases or beliefs. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing the connection between our self-perception and our beliefs about God, and the potential for coaching to help us gain clarity and understanding in this area.

    • Beliefs and Perceptions Impact Personal Growth and Financial AspirationsOur upbringing, experiences, and beliefs can shape our approach to personal growth and financial aspirations, creating either a sense of duty or excitement. Self-reflection is crucial in reconciling seemingly contradictory beliefs and finding harmony within oneself.

      Our beliefs and perceptions of ourselves can create a significant barrier to achieving our goals. During the conversation, it became clear that the individual felt the need to justify and meet certain expectations, creating a sense of onerous duty rather than excitement or discovery. This mindset was reflected in their approach to their own personal growth and financial aspirations. However, the conversation also highlighted the importance of self-reflection and the influence of upbringing and experiences on our beliefs. For instance, the individual's background in a matriarchal family and education from an all-women's Catholic college shaped their understanding of feminism and the relationship between religious beliefs and progressive values. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of reconciling seemingly contradictory beliefs and finding a sense of harmony within oneself.

    • Exploring the connection between faith, spirituality, and the value of womenRecognizing the inherent worth and value of all individuals, including women, is deeply connected to one's faith and spirituality. Exploring feminist perspectives in religious texts can foster a better understanding of these concepts.

      The concepts of human dignity, self-worth, and the value of women are deeply interconnected with one's faith and spirituality, regardless of the specific religious beliefs or practices. The speaker emphasizes that these ideas come from a divine source and are not exclusive to any particular religion or paradigm. She also encourages exploring feminist perspectives in religious texts and revisiting them with a fresh perspective. The speaker's background as a Jewish person who follows religious customs despite not having a personal relationship with a divinity further illustrates the complexity and diversity of the concept of religion. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of recognizing the inherent worth and value of all individuals, including women, and the role that spirituality and faith can play in fostering this understanding.

    • Awareness of personal beliefs and experiences in coachingBeing aware of personal beliefs and experiences in coaching is crucial to avoid imposing our views on clients and to create an enriching coaching experience. Examining the origins and impact of our emotions and beliefs can lead to self-awareness and growth.

      Our beliefs and experiences in various areas of life, including religion, can influence our approach to coaching. If we have strong emotions or beliefs related to our religious background, we may bring those same feelings into our coaching relationships and coaching dogma. It's essential to be aware of these patterns and examine their origins and impact on our thoughts and actions. Coaching and religion share some similarities, such as providing a set of beliefs and a community, but it's crucial not to view coaching as a means to perfection or salvation. Instead, coaching is about self-awareness, growth, and understanding our thoughts and behaviors. Being open to different perspectives and recognizing that various ways of thinking exist beyond our own cultural and religious backgrounds can lead to a more enriching coaching experience.

    • Exploring the role of beliefs in coachingCoaching can help expand self-understanding and relationship with God, regardless of beliefs. Create an inclusive space for diverse perspectives in coaching communities.

      Coaching can be effective and meaningful regardless of one's beliefs or background. The relationship with God, as perceived by the individual, serves as a reflection of their self-perception. The coaching process aims to help individuals expand their understanding of themselves and their relationship with God, without requiring coaches to share the same beliefs. The beauty of coaching communities like ACFC lies in the diversity of perspectives and the freedom to interpret and apply coaching concepts in unique ways. The importance of creating an inclusive and accepting space for individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs cannot be overstated. The coaching process is not about imposing a specific set of beliefs or opinions, but rather about offering new ways of thinking and encouraging personal growth.

    • Understanding the diversity within feminismFeminism encompasses various perspectives and approaches, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and critical thinking to overcome biases and empower women individually.

      There is no unified agenda in any social justice movement, including feminism. People have different ideas about goals, processes, and what empowerment looks like for various individuals. It's essential to understand that reasonable disagreements exist, and everyone should take ownership of their biases. Feminism is about empowering women in various ways, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. The advanced certification mentioned in the podcast aims to help individuals think critically and deeply, unlocking their own genius and overcoming internalized biases. It's important to remember that no external authority figure, including coaches or systems of thought, should hold power over your personal growth. Instead, engage in thoughtful disagreements and trust yourself to discern what is true or helpful.

    • Struggling with decision making and self-doubt? Join supportive communitiesRewire thought patterns and connect with like-minded individuals in communities like The Clutch to overcome self-doubt and make empowered decisions.

      Women often struggle with feeling equipped to make decisions for themselves and challenge the status quo due to a lack of belief in their own authority and capacity to discern. This struggle leads to people pleasing and self-doubt behaviors. To overcome this, it's essential to rewire these thought patterns and join supportive communities, like The Clutch, where individuals can learn new coaching tools and connect with like-minded individuals to apply these concepts to their lives. The Clutch is a podcast community for all things Unfuck Your Brain, and it will change your life.

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