
    Podcast Summary

    • Perception of safety and security influenced by thoughtsBeing vulnerable and allowing healing can create a sense of safety and security, which can be influenced by our thoughts rather than external factors.

      Our perception of safety and security can significantly influence our lives, and it's often linked to our thoughts rather than external factors. Cara, the host of Unfucked Your Brain podcast, shared her experience of helping a client rewrite her story about past trauma and how the feeling of safety is created by our thoughts. She emphasized the importance of being willing to be vulnerable and allowing oneself to heal. Another client's story reminded Cara of her own journey and the gift of being a guide for others on their path to change. Ultimately, the podcast aims to teach listeners how to use psychology, feminism, and coaching to rewire their brains and get what they want in life.

    • Trusting the Process of Personal GrowthHaving faith and trust in personal growth can lead to significant transformation, even during difficult times. If you feel drawn to changing your mindset, trust the process, even if it seems unconventional.

      Having faith and trust in the process of personal growth, even during difficult times, can lead to significant transformation. The speaker shared her experience of guiding clients through their struggles, despite their own doubts and fears, and how she felt a deep connection with those who resonated with her podcast. She also shared an unexpected experience of seemingly psychic abilities during a consultation call. The speaker emphasized that if someone feels drawn to the idea of changing their mindset, it's a sign that this approach is the right one for them, even if it may seem unconventional or woo woo to some. Overall, the message is that trusting the process and having faith in oneself can lead to remarkable personal growth.

    • Trusting our inner guidanceWhen we find a practice or philosophy that resonates deeply with us, trust the feeling and give it a try, even if our brains introduce confusion and doubt. Trusting ourselves can help us make decisions with confidence.

      Our bodies and minds have innate needs and desires, and when we find a practice or philosophy that resonates deeply with us, it's more likely to bring about positive change. The speaker uses the analogy of a nutritional craving to illustrate this point. If you feel a strong pull towards thought work or any other practice, trust that feeling and give it a try. Our brains may try to introduce confusion and doubt, but if you trust the process and it makes sense to you, it's worth pursuing. In Greek mythology, the story of Odysseus offers a lesson on decision-making. Despite understanding that confusion is an illusion, making a decision can still be challenging. By recognizing our inner guidance and trusting ourselves, we can navigate the metaphorical straits of uncertainty and make decisions with confidence.

    • The importance of commitment and perseverance in making decisionsStay committed to long-term goals by creating accountability structures, setting clear objectives, and developing discipline to focus despite distractions

      Just like Odysseus and the Sirens, we are often faced with temptations and distractions that can derail us from our goals. The story of the Sirens serves as an analogy for the importance of commitment and perseverance in making decisions. Odysseus' solution of having himself tied to the mast represents the need to establish strong commitments and create situations where giving up is not an option. In our modern lives, this could mean setting clear goals, creating accountability structures, and developing the discipline to stay focused despite distractions. It's easy to get bogged down by decision paralysis or the allure of short-term pleasures, but by committing strongly to our long-term objectives, we can navigate through the challenges and stay on course.

    • Fear of future regret drives decision makingPeople struggle with decisions due to fear of future regret and shame, not the present situation or decision itself.

      Fear, not confusion, is the primary reason people struggle to make decisions and experience commitment issues. The fear isn't about making the wrong decision in the moment, but rather about the potential future thoughts and feelings of regret and shame. Even when it comes to tangible concerns like being unable to pay a mortgage, the fear stems from what we might think and feel about the situation, not the situation itself. Our brains don't distinguish between present and imagined emotions, so we end up experiencing fear, shame, and guilt now just by imagining them in the future. This fear-driven decision-making process is futile because we can't predict what an unmanaged mind will do. Instead, we should focus on managing our minds and emotions in the present to make informed decisions and reduce fear.

    • Our emotions don't determine our decisions, but our thoughts doRecognize that emotions don't control decisions, instead, learn to manage thoughts and challenge self-critical patterns for confident decision making

      Our feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, and regret are not caused by our past decisions, but rather by our brain's pattern of self-critical thinking. These thoughts are ingrained in our brain and would persist regardless of the decisions we make. Therefore, it's essential to learn how to manage our minds and challenge these thought patterns to make decisions based on what we truly want, rather than being held back by our emotions. When making decisions, it's helpful to ask ourselves what we would choose if we could feel however we wanted, or if our feelings didn't impact the outcome. These questions can help us tune in to our desires and make decisions that align with them. Ultimately, while our decisions do have consequences, it's our thoughts and emotions that determine our experience and reality. By learning to manage our minds, we can make decisions confidently and tune in to what we truly want.

    • Managing the mind for happiness and wellbeingThoughts create emotions, an unmanaged mind can lead to negative feelings, commitment is key, doubts and fears are illusions, and managing the mind is a continuous process.

      While the choices we make in life such as jobs, living situations, or relationships may seem significant, the real determinant of our happiness and wellbeing lies in the management of our minds. Our thoughts create our emotions, and an unmanaged mind can lead to negative feelings regardless of external circumstances. Once a decision is made, commitment is key, even if doubts and fears arise. These feelings are an illusion, like the siren song that promises happiness but ultimately leads to danger. The real danger comes from acting on these feelings, rather than recognizing them for what they are and staying committed to our choices. It's important to remember that managing the mind is a continuous process, and it's okay to experience doubts and fears along the way. The key is not to act on them.

    • Embrace Decisions and Manage Negative EmotionsLearn to manage negative emotions and commit to decisions for personal growth, even if challenging. Ask which decision aligns with our desired adventure, not which one causes less negative feelings.

      Making a decision and sticking with it, despite feelings of anxiety, regret, or fear, is essential for personal growth. Our brains naturally react to change with these negative emotions, but they are not reasons to change course. Instead, it's crucial to learn how to manage these feelings and commit to the decision, even if it's challenging. The wrong question to ask is which decision won't cause negative feelings, as both options will likely produce them if we don't manage our minds. The better question is which decision aligns with the kind of adventure we want to have and is worth committing to, despite the potential negative emotions. To effectively manage our minds and deal with negative feelings, we need to learn the tools to change our thoughts daily and develop the ability to commit and stick with our decisions. This is the essence of personal growth and the hero's journey.

    • Embrace emotions, manage mind, seek helpAcknowledge negative emotions, manage mind, and seek help through programs like 'Unfuck Your Brain's The Clutch'.

      It's natural to experience negative emotions like anxiety, guilt, and self-doubt, and it's important to acknowledge and manage them, but not let them consume us. You are an expert in handling these feelings, having dealt with them throughout your life. While managing your mind is crucial, it's also essential to keep moving forward and not let these emotions hold you back. Additionally, there's help available to make this process easier. The "Unfuck Your Brain" program offers a self-coaching course, The Clutch, which provides guidance on how to apply thought work to any situation and comes with access to expert coaches for support. The program has proven effective for many people and will soon release bonus podcast episodes featuring client testimonials. So, embrace your emotions, manage your mind, and don't hesitate to seek help if needed. Remember, you have the power to change your life. Visit unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch or text your email address to 347 934-8861 for more information.

    Recent Episodes from UnF*ck Your Brain

    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    Understanding what you want is key to creating a life you won’t regret when you die. So why do so many women struggle to pinpoint exactly what that is? If you can relate, in this Greatest Hits episode, I break exactly down what it means to want something (and why women especially might struggle to identify that), how to know what YOU truly want, and how to decide whether it's worth pursuing.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/348

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 27, 2024

    347. Confidence, Happiness & Self-Safety

    347. Confidence, Happiness & Self-Safety

    How do you know if you’re happy? Not just momentarily, but in the big picture sense of living the life you truly want with no regrets? Join me this week as I outline what big-picture happiness means, how it differs from the emotion of happiness, why creating big-picture happiness involves taking risks, and the roles confidence and self-safety play when it comes to going after what you want.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/347

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 20, 2024

    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    Do you find it hard to relax if there’s still laundry to be done, or if someone’s mad at you? Most women do. The reality is that most of us find resting and feeling pleasure in general extremely challenging. But why?

    Join me for part two of our mini-series on happiness this week to learn why we find it hard to rest, relax, and enjoy ourselves, and why it’s critical that we learn how to. I’m showing you how our socialization has alienated us from our bodies, the conflicting definitions of happiness we’re fed as women, and the importance of learning how to be physically present.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/346

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 13, 2024

    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

    Feminist Dating Advice with Lily Womble

    Can you be a feminist and still participate in finding a partner in today’s dating landscape? How can you allow yourself to want a partner while maintaining your independence and autonomy? These are some of the questions we address in this bonus episode with one of my favorite people ever, Lily Womble.

    Lily is a feminist dating coach and the founder and creator of Date Brazen, a feminist dating coaching program and movement that I really wish was around when I was dating. We discuss dating apps and why they are both useful tools and addiction-creating slot machines, how to navigate the dating world with your values and true desires at the forefront, and how to give yourself the radical permission you crave to go after what you want. Her new book "Thank you, More Please!: A feminist guide to breaking dumb dating rules and finding love" is out today!

    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 11, 2024

    Introducing: The Happy Feminist Challenge!

    Introducing: The Happy Feminist Challenge!

    Introducing a brand new challenge I'm running June 17th - 22nd this summer! Feel like you've never heard the words "happy" and "feminist" used together? You're not alone. If you've ever felt guilty for prioritizing your own joy or wondered if it’s selfish to care about your happiness in challenging times, this episode is for you. Learn to break free from the beliefs that hold you back and discover how caring for your well-being, pleasure, and fun can empower you to continue the fight for equality more effectively. It's 5 days of happy brain hacks, emotional brain hacks, and so much more. Details about how to join us are in the episode now!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 07, 2024

    345. What is Happiness?

    345. What is Happiness?

    If you identify as a feminist, you've probably heard the stereotypes: we're "angry", "too serious", and "can't take a (typically sexist) joke". While being a feminist does mean caring about serious issues, another crucial part of taking your brain back from the patriarchy is learning... how to be happy, too. But what does that even mean and how do we do it?! If the idea of being happy confuses you, or you're not even sure if you SHOULD be happy, click play because I'm breaking it all down in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 06, 2024

    Take Back Your Brain!

    Take Back Your Brain!

    IT'S HERE! My new book "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head... and How to Get it Out" is officially available wherever books are sold!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    In this episode I sit down with Bonnie Hammer, Vice Chairman of NBC Universal and author of the upcoming book, "15 Lies Women Are Told at Work and the Truth We Need to Succeed." And while I'm not normally impressed by people's job titles... with a book like that on the way? We obviously had to sit down for a chat. ;)

    Join me as we discuss Bonnie's remarkable career journey, from her early days cleaning up behind-the-scenes to leading major TV networks. We delve into the importance of mentorship, the lies women face in the workplace, and how to shatter those barriers.

    To join The Society, click here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    Ever wonder if you're capable of having a world-changing idea? Or why so many women struggle with self-doubt and tend to downplay their successes? In this episode, I chat with Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and the author of the international best-seller 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do. Amy's personal journey through grief and loss led her to uncover the secrets to mental strength, and she's here to share her wisdom on building unshakeable confidence. We talk about the societal pressures that make women doubt themselves, explore fascinating research on how boys and girls are treated differently from a young age, and share some practical tips to help you stop self-doubt in its tracks and truly own your brilliance.

    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enMay 30, 2024

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    Drumroll, please! My book, Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out, is finally here!

    Having my book out in the world is such a surreal experience. I’m incredibly proud of the work it took to write it, and get it out into readers' hands all over the planet (and, hopefully, your hands too)! But honestly, there have been some serious highs and not-so-highs with the whole process, and I’m diving into why in this episode.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enMay 23, 2024

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    Kwame Scruggs inspires men through mythology, drumming and connection to community and culture. As a young man Kwame discovered his inner fire through African-based initiatory rites. He asked himself “What is it I really want to do? Not what could I do. What did I want to do?”

    His passion for myth and drumming led him to graduate studies and creating programs in which story is the catalyst for inspired manhood and realization of potential. Story, fellowship and rhythm create an alchemical mixture that facilitates connection with self and others and the deep archetypal wellsprings of mature masculinity. As one participant exclaimed, “It works—it really works!” Alchemy, Scruggs’ award-winning program for young men, is the backdrop of a documentary film, Finding the Gold Within. On February 6 Kwame Scruggs brings his wisdom to a four-week online program, Men and Mythology (link below). 


    Here's the dream we analyze

    "I am in an enormous, old building with a male friend. We are on a trip in a Middle Eastern, South Asian or North African country, and this building houses a huge market full of people, goods and activity. We, however, are in a big dusty storage/junk room, and there is no one else there. The ceilings are extremely high and light fills the room from windows near the top. The room is a pleasant warm color, and I feel contented. We aren't doing anything in particular and have no agenda. I have no problems, questions or desires. My friend goes into an adjoining room that is also very large and stores old, forgotten stuff, but it's completely dark. I can only make out the body of a dead man on a table and can only see his feet, which have a mummified appearance. My friend approaches the body, which surprises and somewhat alarms me. He reaches out and removes the tag from its toe. He flings it toward me while bent over with laughter. I turn away and the tag lands on the back of my left shoulder. I'm aware that we don't know the cause of death and think there could be smallpox on the tag for all we know. I'm not scared, though, just a bit disgusted and very annoyed."



    Michael Meade. Men & the Water of Life (Amazon)

    Loving and Respecting Yourself

    Loving and Respecting Yourself

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    Look at self-love as a skill you want to learn and develop. Like any skill, it takes a little bit of time and practice to get it "right" or become more familiar with it.

    For me, self-love requires three things - awareness, strength, and action.

    You become aware of your triggers and what makes you question or hustle for your worth.

    Then, you have to have the strength to make choices and decisions that aren't always easy but necessary for your well-being. And then you have to put it into practice since love is a verb, not only a feeling.

    The best time to test the level of self-love and self-respect comes when you are in the arena, in real-life situations.

    In the second part of this episode, I will share with you three steps on how to develop more love and respect towards yourself.

    As I mentioned earlier, the first step is to recognize your triggers and understand your behavior.

    The second step is to commit to this journey. Consider it your very first serious "attempt" to love and respect yourself.

    And last but not least, get into a habit of making what I call "hard choices", respect your boundaries and standards and understand the definition of "choosing yourself."

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    Today we will discover the type of people we need to get to the places of growth we are called to get to!

    Follow me on Instagram, FB, or Twitter @michaelscarlton https://solo.to/michaelscarlton