
    UFYB 279: Greatest Hits - The Most Important Question You Can Ask Yourself About Your Life

    enMarch 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A humbling reminder of the challenges faced by refugeesWatching a film about refugees can offer perspective and gratitude for our fortunate circumstances

      Watching a film like "The Swimmers" on Netflix, which tells the true story of Syrian refugee sisters and their harrowing journey to Germany, can provide a valuable perspective check. It serves as a reminder of the relative nature of our problems and the importance of gratitude. While the movie is emotionally moving and a work of art, it also offers a humbling reminder of the challenges and hardships faced by those who have experienced life-disrupting events. This perspective can help put things into perspective and bring appreciation for the fortunate circumstances in our own lives. It's important to acknowledge and process emotions, regardless of their cause.

    • Balancing short-term and long-term perspectivesRecognize the importance of personal experiences while maintaining a broad perspective and engaging with communities and the world.

      We all experience a split consciousness between focusing on the daily details of our lives and maintaining a long-term perspective on ourselves and the world. It's essential to acknowledge and address both aspects to lead a fulfilling life. Some people may become too self-absorbed, while others may neglect their personal experiences. Most of us aim to contribute to the world and alleviate suffering, but we also face personal challenges and human suffering. Navigating this balance involves recognizing the importance of our individual lives while maintaining a broad perspective and engaging with our communities and the world at large. This episode, which speaks to this issue, is one of the most popular due to its relevance and importance.

    • Will I regret this when I'm dying?Asking this question can help prioritize essential worth and humanity in decision making, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

      Asking oneself the question "will I regret this when I'm dying?" is a powerful tool for making decisions in life. This question helps us zoom out and consider the bigger picture when faced with both major and minor decisions. It encourages us to prioritize what truly matters and align our actions with our essential worth and capacity for humanity. This question can be applied to various situations, including relationships and personal choices. While it may evoke emotions, it is a deeply important and thought-provoking query that can lead us towards living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Regret Reflection for a Fulfilling LifeReflecting on potential regrets can help prioritize self-love, serving others, and living authentically.

      Reflecting on what you would regret when you're dying can help you connect with your deepest values and priorities, guiding you towards the kind of life you truly want to live. This exercise allows you to see beyond the ego and small addictions, enabling you to make choices that honor and love yourself the most. It's about focusing on love for yourself and others, trying to help and serve as many people as possible, and not caring more about what society or others think of you than what you think of yourself. This powerful tool helps you stay oriented towards a fulfilling life.

    • People's end-of-life regrets are consistent: working too much, not spending time with loved ones, and not being true to themselves.Focus on living a meaningful life, prioritize loved ones, and be authentic to avoid regrets at the end of life.

      According to sociological studies, people's regrets at the end of life are consistent. They often regret working too much on jobs that weren't fulfilling, not spending enough time with loved ones, and not expressing their true selves. Therefore, it's essential to contribute to the world in a meaningful way, spend time on loved ones, and be truthful about who we are. Asking ourselves what we would want to be remembered for can help us live authentic lives and make decisions that align with our true desires. It's essential to remember that material possessions and conformity fade away, and what remains is what truly matters. It's crucial to break free from societal pressures to remain young and relevant forever and instead focus on living a life that feels authentic and in alignment with our values.

    • Embracing the reality of deathAcknowledging death's inevitability can help prioritize values and live meaningfully. Ask what you'd want remembered, accept death as natural, and make every moment count.

      Recognizing the inevitability of death and the limitations it places on our lives can help us live more meaningfully. In today's society, where we have longer life expectancies and less exposure to death, we can feel disconnected from this aspect of life. However, acknowledging the contrast between life and death can give our lives meaning and help us prioritize our values and decisions. The speaker suggests asking oneself what one would want to be remembered for if given a limited amount of time left. This question can help individuals orient their lives and make choices that align with their priorities, rather than striving for an unattainable perfection. The speaker also emphasizes that death is not something to be feared, but rather accepted as a natural part of life. By embracing this reality, we can live our lives to the fullest and make every moment count.

    • What will you regret?Focusing on what we'll regret instead of who we want to be can help us prioritize actions and align with a fulfilling life.

      The most important question we can ask ourselves is not "who do I wanna be?" but rather "what will I regret?" or "what will I feel was a life well lived?" According to the speaker, focusing on this perspective can help us prioritize our actions and align them with the person we want to be and the life we want to have, even when we encounter moments that are not in alignment. This perspective can help us avoid perfectionism and unrealistic expectations, and instead, focus on the overall orientation and movement towards a fulfilling life. The speaker also encourages listeners to check out The Clutch, a podcast community where they can learn new tools and connect with others to apply these concepts to their own lives.

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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/347

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/346

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    Take Back Your Brain!

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    IT'S HERE! My new book "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head... and How to Get it Out" is officially available wherever books are sold!

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    To join The Society, click here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

    UnF*ck Your Brain
    enJune 01, 2024

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

    UnF*ck Your Brain
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    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    343: THE BOOK IS OUT TODAY! (And Why Accomplishments Can Feel Anticlimactic and That’s OK)

    Drumroll, please! My book, Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out, is finally here!

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/343

    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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