
    UFYB 300.5: Behind the Curtain of the Clutch: Part Two

    enJuly 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Clutch community provides personalized supportThe Clutch's coaching sessions and supportive community help individuals apply course teachings to their unique challenges, deepen their understanding of feminist principles, and achieve their goals.

      The Clutch community, and specifically its coaching sessions, offers valuable support and guidance in applying the transformative teachings and practices provided in its courses. While the podcast and course materials are powerful tools, they may not be enough to address the unique challenges and complexities of each individual's brain. By providing access to coaches and a supportive community, the Clutch creates an environment where members can receive personalized help and grow together in their journey towards rewiring their thoughts and achieving their goals. Additionally, the upcoming Feminist Summer School inside the Clutch offers exclusive trainings, challenges, and opportunities for connection that aim to make the most of the summer months and further deepen members' understanding of feminist principles and self-improvement.

    • Seeking Support in a Learning CommunityIn a new learning community, seek support through peer groups, coaching question forms, and one-on-one coaching sessions with experienced coaches. Observe others being coached for added learning.

      When joining a new learning community or program, it's normal and essential to seek support and help from others. The Clutch, for instance, offers various ways to receive support, including peer groups, anonymous coaching question forms, and one-on-one coaching sessions with experienced coaches. One-on-one coaching in the Clutch is particularly valuable because the coaches have access to a wealth of resources and materials, making the coaching more effective and efficient than hiring an external coach. Although most people in the Clutch don't get coached live by the program's founder, observing others being coached can be a powerful learning experience. Remember, you're supposed to need support, and everyone in the community is there to help you.

    • Focus on thought patterns during coaching sessionsIdentifying and understanding thought patterns during coaching sessions can help you gain insights into your own struggles and develop effective coping strategies.

      During live coaching sessions, instead of focusing on the specific people or issues being faced, it's essential to pay attention to the thought patterns being expressed. These thought patterns are what coaches aim for you to identify with and learn from, as they can be applied to your own struggles. In the given coaching session, the coach helped the coachee understand and manage her anxiety regarding her mother's health. The anxiety stemmed from the fear that she would feel intense grief upon losing her mother. By exploring these thoughts and feelings, the coach helped the coachee gain insight into her anxiety and develop strategies to cope with it. So, when watching or listening to live coaching sessions, focus on the thought patterns and emotions being expressed, as they can provide valuable insights for dealing with your own challenges.

    • Fear of Grief Causing AnxietyFear of experiencing grief can cause anxiety. Practicing acceptance and acknowledgement of grief's inevitability can help reduce anxiety.

      Anxiety around experiencing grief can be caused by the fear of the feeling itself. During the conversation, it became clear that the speaker had experienced grief before but was afraid of feeling it again due to its associated pain. The speaker described physical sensations such as a heavy heart and stomach ache when grieving. However, the fear of these feelings was creating anxiety. The therapist suggested that the speaker could practice acknowledging the inevitability of grief and the idea that she would be able to get through it, rather than trying to avoid the feeling altogether. By reframing the perspective towards embracing the grief as a natural part of life, the therapist aimed to help the speaker reduce the anxiety associated with the anticipated grief.

    • Accepting difficult emotionsIt's okay to acknowledge and accept emotions we don't want to feel, even if they come with difficult experiences. Understand where they come from and find ways to embrace them.

      It's okay to acknowledge and accept the emotions we don't want to feel, even if they come with difficult experiences. Instead of fighting against them, we can try to understand where they come from and find ways to embrace them. For example, grief and love go hand in hand, and holding the grief may be a sign of our deep love for someone. Additionally, we can practice giving ourselves the choice to feel the emotions we're experiencing, rather than trying to force ourselves to feel neutral or chill. This doesn't mean we're trying to coach ourselves to be sad or anxious, but rather recognizing that these emotions are a part of the human experience and we have the capacity to hold them.

    • Allow yourself to feel sadness to reduce anxietyEmbrace sadness to build resilience and reduce anxiety, not for constant happiness or calmness

      When experiencing anxiety, it's essential to allow oneself to feel and process sadness instead of trying to avoid it. Anxiety arises when we resist the inevitable sadness that life brings. By opening up to sadness and trusting in our capacity to hold it, we can reduce anxiety and become more present with our emotions. The work is about building resilience and faith in our ability to handle difficult emotions, not about constant happiness or calmness. Joining the clutch offers access to daily, weekly, or monthly coaching sessions aimed at helping individuals learn to trust themselves and achieve their goals.

    • Join Clutch for ongoing support and resources to build self-trust and achieve goalsClutch offers live coaching calls, specialized courses, individual coaching, and a supportive community to help women challenge limiting beliefs, recognize their true selves, and build the skills needed for personal growth and success.

      The Clutch membership program is designed to help women learn self-trust, change negative thought patterns, and achieve their goals by providing ongoing support and resources. The program includes live coaching calls, access to specialized courses, opportunities for individual coaching, and a supportive Facebook group. The initial course, the "feminist mindset fix," teaches women to recognize and challenge social programming that may limit their self-belief and confidence. Through the program, women can uncover their true selves and build the skills and mindset needed to overcome daily challenges and pursue their desires. The ongoing support and resources provided by the Clutch program help women navigate the ups and downs of life and build a strong foundation for personal growth and development.

    • Personalized journey towards self-trust and confidenceChoose specialized courses, build self-trust, and enjoy life with exclusive tools and training sessions

      The Clutch coaching program offers a personalized journey towards self-trust and confidence in all areas of life. In phase 2, participants can choose their own specialized courses to address their specific needs and goals. In phase 3, the program focuses on building self-trust and reducing self-doubt, allowing individuals to trust themselves to handle challenges and make strong decisions. The program also offers exclusive training sessions and tools to help individuals feel confident and enjoy their vacations, reduce stress, and live pleasurably throughout the year. By joining now, individuals can begin their journey towards self-improvement and break free from societal expectations that undermine women's self-worth. The program provides valuable strategies to help individuals feel better about themselves and their situations, rather than just being grateful for what they have.

    • Embrace the 'amazing' mindsetPush beyond mediocrity, commit to personal growth, and overcome self-doubt through the Feminist Summer School's resources and coaching.

      We don't have to settle for mediocrity in life. Instead, we should aim for "amazing" in all areas, from relationships to self-perception. The speaker encourages pushing beyond tolerating issues and instead solving them. This mindset shift can be facilitated through the Feminist Summer School, which offers resources and coaching for transforming thoughts and creating an amazing life. The annual upgrade, with its added benefits and savings, can be an effective way to fully commit to this mindset and overcome self-doubt. However, it's essential to ensure that this financial commitment is accessible and sustainable for each individual. Ultimately, the choice to join and fully engage in the program depends on one's belief in the value of personal growth and the willingness to step out of comfort zones.

    • Long-term commitment boosts self-beliefA longer-term investment in personal growth, such as an annual membership, can help build self-confidence and shift identity from self-doubt to self-belief

      Committing to a longer-term investment, such as an annual membership, can have a significant impact on personal growth and self-belief compared to a month-to-month approach. When we dabble or hesitate, we add anxiety and self-doubt, which can hinder progress. However, committing to a longer-term plan allows us to give ourselves the time and space to practice and integrate new skills, ultimately shifting our identity from someone who doubts their ability to change to someone who is confidently making big moves. The Clutch, a coaching program, offers this container for growth, with members ranging from young adults to seniors, and the ability to change and learn new skills is not limited by age. If you find yourself hesitating or doubting your ability to commit, it's important to address those thoughts and consider the benefits of a longer-term commitment to building self-belief and creating lasting change.

    • Exploring the Challenges of Changing ThoughtsJoining a coaching program like The Clutch can provide expert guidance, personalized resources, and a more comprehensive approach to changing thoughts and improving mental wellbeing, compared to relying solely on podcasts or self-learning.

      While it's natural to have doubts and uncertainties, it's important to keep an open mind to the possibility of change. Changing one's thoughts and perspectives is possible, as demonstrated by past experiences of learning new facts or changing opinions about people. However, the process of changing thoughts can be challenging and may require expert guidance. Joining a coaching program like the clutch offers a more focused and organized approach to learning and implementing new thought patterns. It provides additional content not available on podcasts, expert support, and troubleshooting to help individuals identify and address any obstacles preventing them from effectively changing their thoughts. The clutch is designed to cater to neurodiverse women and offers personalized coaching and resources to help them overcome unique challenges. In essence, the clutch provides a more comprehensive and effective solution for individuals seeking to change their thoughts and improve their mental wellbeing, compared to relying solely on podcasts or self-learning.

    • Welcome to The Clutch: A Thought Work Community for Neurodiverse IndividualsThe Clutch is a thought work community that supports neurodiverse individuals, offering various access methods and neurodiversity-specific trainings, with a feminist perspective complementing other self-help efforts.

      The Clutch, a thought work and self-development community, welcomes and caters to neurodiverse individuals. Neurodiverse people are drawn to thought work due to their questioning nature and desire to understand how things work. The Clutch offers various ways to access materials, including written formats, peer coaching, and live calls. Neurodiversity-specific trainings are also available. The program complements other self-improvement efforts, such as therapy or coaching, by providing a feminist social conditioning perspective, which is crucial for understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals in a neurotypical world. The Clutch is not exclusive to feminists, but rather welcomes individuals who are open to feminist ideas and perspectives. It's important to note that self-help and self-improvement efforts should not be seen as competing, but rather as complementary parts of a holistic approach to personal growth.

    • Welcoming all who support gender equality with a focus on self-reflection and growthThe Clutch is a feminist community that provides a safe space for self-empowerment and growth, addressing a wide range of personal concerns beyond gender issues, and encourages individuals to seek coaching to address any anxieties or uncertainties about joining.

      The Clutch, a feminist community, welcomes individuals who support gender equality but acknowledges the movement's historical complicity with white supremacy and the need for self-reflection and growth. The coaching provided within the Clutch goes beyond gender issues and covers a wide range of personal concerns. If someone is considering joining but feels anxious or uncertain, they are encouraged to seek coaching to address their specific concerns. The Clutch is not about promoting a particular ideology but rather providing a safe space for self-empowerment and growth. The speaker emphasized that her coaching is not about hating men or promoting stereotypes but rather helping individuals understand and challenge societal norms that limit their potential.

    • Historical societal pressures impact women's confidence and entrepreneurshipAddress historical context and mindset to help women build self-confidence and succeed in entrepreneurship

      Social media and societal pressures can hinder confidence and empowerment for women, particularly entrepreneurs. This stems from centuries of socialization that has made it dangerous for women to stand out and have their own power. The perfectionist aspect of social media can make one feel like they have to be perfect or fail. Business coaching should address this historical context and mindset first to help women overcome these barriers and build self-confidence. The "Feminist Mindset Fix" and "Self Confidence" courses can be particularly helpful in this regard. It's essential to remember that one is not alone in experiencing these feelings, and working through them with a supportive community can make a significant difference. By acknowledging and addressing the root causes of these issues, women can shift their mindsets and rewire their thoughts to empower themselves and succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

    • The power of changing our thoughts to overcome anxiety and procrastinationThrough thought work and practical strategies, we can challenge and change limiting thoughts, leading to significant improvement in managing anxiety and procrastination. The 'Clutch' program provides concrete tools to help individuals address their procrastination, rooted in emotional responses and self-perception.

      Our thoughts have the power to hold us back, particularly when it comes to anxiety and procrastination. But, through thought work and practical strategies, we can challenge and change these thoughts, leading to significant improvement. This was a revelation for the speaker, who had never before considered the idea that she could actively alter her own thoughts. The "Clutch" program, specifically its modules on time management and organization, offers concrete tools to help individuals address their procrastination, which is often rooted in emotional responses and self-perception. The speaker, who herself struggled with procrastination, emphasized the importance of this issue and expressed her confidence that the program could help others overcome it as well. To join the program and begin this transformative journey, individuals must sign up by July 31st.

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    Support ADHD Chatter:

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    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

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