
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of internalized hierarchy on health and wellbeingRecognizing and challenging internalized hierarchy can lead to dismantling systems of oppression and living freer, more joyful lives with greater connection, contentment, and community.

      The internalized hierarchy in society, referred to as the "ladder of hierarchy" by Sonya Renee Taylor, significantly impacts our health and wellbeing by creating chronic stress and dysregulation within our nervous systems. This stress is particularly impactful for those who are further down the ladder due to factors such as race, gender, ability, age, and body size. The pressure to advance on the ladder and secure safety leads to a felt sense of safety and acceptance, but also results in harmful effects such as hyper perfectionism, inner critic, hyper vigilance, and attempts to secure relational attachment and safety. However, it's important to note that we all fall off the ladder at some point in life due to aging, illness, or mental health struggles. By recognizing and challenging this internalized hierarchy, we can work towards dismantling systems of oppression and living freer, more joyful lives with greater connection, contentment, and community.

    • Internalizing societal hierarchies and comparison can be self-destructiveExamining our own thought patterns and relationships with comparison can help destroy hierarchies and heal from past shame and self-judgment, leading to more equitable and compassionate societies.

      Our internalization of societal hierarchies and comparison can lead to self-destructive behaviors and perpetuate systems of oppression. Sonia Renee Taylor encourages us to destroy these hierarchies from within by examining our own thought patterns and relationships with comparison. The speaker personally relates to this issue as someone who was excluded due to her body size as a child, leading her to carry this shame and self-judgment into adulthood. The speaker also connects these issues to larger societal structures, such as the patriarchy and systems of oppression, which can leave lasting impacts on individuals and populations. Our beliefs and memories are deeply embedded in our nervous systems and bones, and these imprints can influence our health and wellbeing. By recognizing and challenging these internalized hierarchies, we can begin to heal and create more equitable and compassionate societies.

    • Recognizing and healing disconnectionThrough neuro-somatic skills, we can acknowledge systemic issues, settle our nervous systems, and cultivate empathy and compassion towards ourselves and others.

      Our deeply ingrained systems of oppression, including patriarchy, classism, sexism, and racism, have conditioned us to disconnect from each other and create a sense of fear and discomfort towards those who are different. This disconnection not only affects our relationships with others but also our own nervous systems, leading to a heightened state of anxiety or shutdown. Neuro-somatic skills and practices can help us settle our nervous systems, recognize the conditioning, and cultivate empathy and compassion towards ourselves and others. By acknowledging the systemic nature of these issues and maintaining a sense of curiosity, we can begin to dismantle these hierarchies and reconnect as human beings.

    • The vagus nerve and our ability to connectImproving vagus nerve function enhances our capacity to connect with others and find relief from comparison, promoting overall well-being.

      Our ability to connect with others is deeply linked to the health of our nervous system, specifically the vagus nerve. When we're in a state of stress or trauma, our vagus nerve function can be compromised, leading to a fight or flight response that makes it difficult to connect with others. This can be particularly challenging in systems of oppression, where we may not feel allowed to speak our truth or follow our heart. By focusing on regulating our nervous system and improving vagus nerve function, we can increase our ability to connect with others, find the antidote to comparison, and ultimately improve our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    • Weight-based stigma and depression impact healthWeight-based stigma and depression can lead to chronic stress, nervous system dysregulation, vagus nerve damage, and chronic inflammation. Society's normalization of judging people based on their bodies can be deeply traumatizing, but the nervous system is reshapeable through neuroplasticity, allowing us to challenge and recondition harmful beliefs.

      Weight-based stigma and depression have severe impacts on people's health, both physically and psychologically. The chronic stress caused by this internal and external oppression can lead to nervous system dysregulation, damage to the vagus nerve, and chronic inflammation. This stress is normalized in society, with many people accepting the idea that larger bodies are unhealthy and costly. However, there is a lack of evidence to support these beliefs, and the stress caused by weight-based discrimination can make it difficult for individuals to make desired health changes. The conditioning of society, including the normalization of judging others based on their bodies, can be deeply ingrained and traumatizing. It's important to recognize and challenge these harmful beliefs and work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society. The good news is that the nervous system is reshapeable through neuroplasticity, allowing us to recondition ourselves and manage the old conditioning in a healthier way.

    • Embrace variance for a thriving worldAppreciate unique perspectives and experiences, embrace diversity, and practice self-regulation for effective communication and connection.

      We have the power to reclaim our health and well-being, and tools like Athletic Greens can support us in this journey. The practice of self-regulation is essential for effective communication and connection with others. Additionally, embracing diversity, including body diversity and varying nervous systems, is crucial for creating a thriving world. As Sonya Renee Taylor says, "In order to have a thriving world, we need variance." Let us appreciate and learn from the unique perspectives and experiences of all individuals, as they hold essential wisdom for our survival and joy as human beings.

    • Acknowledging past mistakes and embracing differencesRecognize past errors, value women as leaders, embrace individual differences, and minimize institutional PTSD for improved institutions.

      It's essential to acknowledge past mistakes and focus on what enriches and empowers us, such as recognizing the value of women as leaders and embracing individual differences. Mental health diagnoses can lead to feelings of shame and oppression, often resulting in emotional suppression and potential health consequences. We're wired for stories and can jump to conclusions, creating unnecessary conflicts and stress. To improve our institutions, we should view them as living entities with a nervous system and work towards creating well-regulated organizations to support individuals and minimize institutional PTSD. Additionally, understanding the physiological impact of fear and oppression on different communities is crucial.

    • Our experiences impact our bodies and nervous systems, leading to stress and dysregulationRecognizing and addressing deep-rooted feelings of fear, survival responses, and chronic stress can help create a safer environment and promote nervous system regulation.

      Our experiences, both past and present, can significantly impact our bodies and nervous systems, leading to feelings of fear, survival responses, and even chronic stress or dysregulation. The Rodney King riots and the fear of being unfairly targeted are just one example of societal stressors that can activate these responses. For individuals, experiences of trauma or feeling unsafe, especially for women, can compound these stressors and lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms like addiction or disease. It's essential to recognize and address these deep-rooted feelings to create a safer environment for ourselves and others, and to work on nervous system regulation to show up in our highest capacity. Additionally, understanding the connection between our experiences, nervous systems, and behaviors can help us develop more effective coping mechanisms and create positive change.

    • The impact of past experiences on vulnerability and stress in datingPast experiences, especially those involving body boundary violations, can deeply affect us, leading to intense stress and self-soothing behaviors in dating situations. Women may be disproportionately affected due to societal pressures and past traumas.

      Our past experiences, particularly those involving body boundary violations, can deeply affect us at a subconscious level, leading to intense stress and self-soothing behaviors. These responses can be triggered in situations where we feel vulnerable, such as dating, and can result in freeze responses, which can be difficult to overcome and hinder daily functioning. Women, in particular, may experience heightened fears due to societal pressures and past traumas. The deep-rooted fear of danger, even if not consciously recognized, can lead to extreme stress and self-protective behaviors.

    • Regulating the Nervous System for Stress Management and Informed DecisionsEffective nervous system regulation through practices like breathing exercises, foot exercises, mindfulness, and co-regulation can improve well-being, make informed decisions, and prevent unhealthy patterns for future generations.

      Effective nervous system regulation is crucial for managing stress and making informed decisions. The nervous system can be thought of as a vertical communication system within the body, and when energy moves through it vertically, we are better equipped to regulate our responses and avoid unwanted outputs. Practices such as breathing exercises, foot exercises, and mindfulness can help regulate the nervous system and create a sense of presence and safety. Additionally, co-regulation through community and offering support to others can further enhance nervous system regulation and promote healing. By practicing these techniques, we can not only improve our own well-being but also prevent the inheritance of unhealthy patterns for future generations.

    • Understanding and regulating our nervous systems for self-care and effective communicationExploring energy circles and magnetic lines can help us expand our emotional capacity, build compassionate relationships with ourselves, communicate effectively, and connect with diversity. Self-care practices like grounding and deep breathing can dismantle unhelpful thought patterns and grant us more compassion for ourselves and others.

      Taking care of ourselves starts with understanding and regulating our nervous systems. Melanie's exploration of energy circles and magnetic lines has led her to appreciate the importance of being curious and fascinated by our individual and shared nervous systems. This practice has helped her expand her capacity to express emotions, build compassionate relationships with herself, and communicate effectively with others. By grounding down, taking deep breaths, and showing up for ourselves with curiosity and compassion, we can dismantle unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors, and create positive change. Nervous system regulation also grants us more grace and compassion for ourselves and others, allowing us to connect with the diversity of beings on this planet. Overall, this conversation emphasized the importance of self-care and understanding our nervous systems as a foundation for authentic communication, compassionate relationships, and meaningful connection with others.

    Recent Episodes from Trauma Rewired

    Redefining Mental Health From An NSI Perspective

    Redefining Mental Health From An NSI Perspective

    "The mental health system's adherence to the medical model not only neglects the complex interplay of genetic, developmental and environmental factors, but also serves to stigmatize and marginalize those who suffer."


    In the premiere episode of Season 4, hosts Elisabeth Kristof and Jennifer Wallace dive deep into the challenges and impacts of mental and physical health diagnoses from a Neurosomatic Intelligence (NSI) perspective. They share their personal journeys, battling with insomnia, anxiety, depression, gut dysfunction, breast cancer, and more, to highlight the importance of community support, validation, and autonomy during treatment.


    Throughout the episode, the hosts advocate for a deeper understanding and compassion towards individual sensory systems and neurodivergence, stressing the need to reduce shame and stigma. They introduce the upcoming episodes of the season, teeming with guests who will explore structural forces, therapy decolonization, healing, and identity.


    Both hosts share their profound discoveries from diving into complex trauma and nervous system health, promising to tackle crucial topics like depression, anxiety, ADHD, and the intersection of mind and body in the episodes to come.


    Topics discussed in this episode :


    • Mental and physical health diagnoses and the impact a diagnosis has

    • Understanding individual sensory systems and neurodivergence

    • Depression, anxiety, ADHD, chronic fatigue, and burnout

    • Structural forces, therapy decolonization, healing, and identity

    • Examining trauma's impact on the nervous system

    • Critique of current mental health model and systemic biases

    • Link between chronic stress and disease

    • Correlation between developmental trauma and coping mechanisms like addiction

    • Terminology changes, dropping "disorder," and understanding neurology of identity and beliefs

    • Importance of nervous system health and regulation


    For those eager to join the hosts on a rejuvenating retreat, further details can be found at rewireretreat.org. Don't miss out on an intimate opportunity for reflection, recharge, and rewiring your inner self.


    Neurosomatic Intelligence is Enrolling now! 



    Ready to transform Anxiety?

    Join lead NSI educator Matt Bush for an in-depth workshop where we peel back the layers of anxiety’s complexities and reveal the pathway to lasting relief. 



    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer:



    If you would like to WATCH the episode and/or have closed captions, check out our TraumaRewired YOUTUBE Channel


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    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Full Disclaimer


    Trauma Rewired podcast is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute

    medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a

    qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any

    decisions based on what you hear.

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and

    disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek

    professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are

    having a negative impact on your health and well-being.

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental

    health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

    If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911.

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.

    We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or

    up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about

    your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the

    information you hear in this podcast.

    We invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of

    their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the

    views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.


    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique.

    These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and

    you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and


    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic

    practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your

    doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous

    system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general

    nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a

    substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health


    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they

    are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those


    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of

    others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing

    us jennifer@traumarewired.com All rights in our content are reserved


    Stress Response In Relationship

    Stress Response In Relationship

    This week on Trauma Rewired, hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth welcome back Matt Bush of Next Level Neuro to explore the physiology of stress and the transformative power of neurosomatic intelligence.

    We know that connection is crucial to our survival as humans, but for those with complex trauma, even the healthiest relationships can trigger a stress response and lead to maladaptive behaviors. This episode provides a comprehensive look at how stress impacts our relationships and physical health, and highlights the importance of consistent nervous system training to rewire the brain’s response to stress and build resilience.

    The conversion starts by examining what happens in the brain when a stress response is activated, and how developmental trauma shapes our nervous system and subconscious reactions as adults. Matt breaks down complex neurological processes, covering the role of the HPA axis, immune dysregulation and increased inflammation. Jennifer also introduces a new concept, called “shameflammation,” as they delve into the connection between chronic stress and disease in the body.

    Listen to this episode to learn more about stress response in relationships and how you can retrain it through NSI!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Understanding the HPA axis and stress response

    • How developmental trauma shapes our stress response

    • General adaptation response and the impact of stress on the body

    • Shame and the inflammatory response

    • The neurological response to stress

    • The connection between social threat, inflammation and stress response

    • Neurosomatic intelligence as a tool for change


    UNLOCK ANXIETY with Matt Bush! 



    Become NSI certified and bring Neuro-Somatic Intelligence into your practice. Book a discovery call to see how NSI can support you. 



    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching:



    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com/?utm_medium=aff-traumarewired&utm_content&utm_source


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846

    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com


    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Emotional Neglect

    Emotional Neglect

    When we think about adverse childhood experiences, emotional neglect is often seen as less significant compared to other forms of trauma. Its subtleties make it easy to overlook, but the truth is that emotional neglect has a profound effect on our relationships and health as adults, from the detrimental effects on the brain and immune system.

    In this episode, hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth define emotional neglect and go over the signs and behaviors of those who’ve experienced it in childhood. They outline how it affects one’s ability to self-regulate, discern and express emotions, form healthy attachments, and more.

    As they explore the topic of emotional neglect, you’ll gain a better understanding of the nuances of emotional neglect, and how emotional neglect manifests in your adult behaviors. Most importantly, Jennifer and Elisabeth tools and strategies that can help you heal and learn emotional regulation.

    Tune in as we peel back the layers of emotional neglect and teach you how to nurture your emotional well-being!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Subtleties of emotional neglect

    • The impact of neglect on emotional regulation

    • Signs of childhood emotional neglect

    • What healthy emotional modeling looks like

    • Emotional repression and immune function

    • Boundaries and parentification

    • Strategies to heal emotional neglect


    Listen to Trauma Rewired’s episode on “ACE Scores & Health Across Your Lifetime” here: https://illuminatedwithjennifer.libsyn.com/ace-scores-health-across-a-lifetime


    UNLOCK ANXIETY with Matt Bush! 



    Become NSI certified and bring Neuro-Somatic Intelligence into your practice. Book a discovery call to see how NSI can support you. 



     Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching:



    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846

    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved

    What is Neuro-Somatic Intelligence? FAQ: Your Questions Answered

    What is Neuro-Somatic Intelligence? FAQ: Your Questions Answered

    Our latest episode dives deep into the transformative power of Neurosomatic Intelligence (NSI) and its potential to ripple positive change across communities. 

    We explore how understanding the nervous system can sharpen our existing strengths, address our weaknesses, and cultivate resilience. By intentionally training our nervous systems, we’re not just enhancing our personal health but fostering a connectedness that benefits the larger society.

    Whether you're a therapist, coach, or simply someone invested in personal development, this episode is packed with insights to help you harness the power of your nervous system for more effective and empathetic interactions. The discussion emphasizes the significance of understanding and intentionally training the nervous system for better outcomes as well as exploring the interplay between emotions and behaviors.

    NSI brings a holistic approach that acknowledges the complexities of trauma, emphasizing safety, calibration, and the importance of dosage in therapeutic practice. We aim to provide practical tools for practitioners working with the nervous systems of their clients, ensuring that interventions are tailored to individual needs. Our goal is to not only impact individual well-being but also catalyze social change by being trauma-informed and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive.

    Hosts Elisabeth and Jennifer are joined by Matt Bush, a lead educator from the NSI certification course. 

    In this episode we discuss:

    • What is Neuro-Somatic Intelligence?
    • Who is this course for?
    • The importance of a trauma-informed approach
    • Practical Tools for therapists, coaches, therapists, and community healers
    • The imapct of the nervous system on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
    • Uncover how a holistic appraoch to your nervous system can reshape your world to create lasting, postivie change. 


    I'm ready to book a discovery call! 



    Register for the upcoming workshop here! 



    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com



    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    The Neurology of Empathy

    The Neurology of Empathy

    Believe it or not, empaths and narcissists have foundational similarities. Not only does the brain chemistry look the same, but empaths and narcissists both struggle with nervous system regulation and look to others to help them regulate their emotions. But whereas the narcissist avoids the emotions of others, empaths are deeply affected and have a physiological experience to the emotions of others on a subconscious level. This can lead to emotional fatigue, chronic stress, poor sense of self and more.

    So what’s the difference between having empathy and being an empath, and how can you change subconscious behavior? In this episode, Elisabeth, Jennifer and Matt cover the signs of being an empath, the causes of elevated empathy, such as deficits in the interoceptive system, and how it impacts our overall health.

    If you identify as an empath, tune in to learn about the power of nervous system regulation for changing harmful empath behavior!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What it means to be an empath
    • Empathy from a neurosomatic perspective
    • Causes of high empathy
    • Why being an empath isn’t always a good thing
    • How deficits in the interoceptive system lead to empath behavior
    • The correlation between sensory mismatch and empathy
    • How to retain your empathic gifts and also prioritize yourself
    • Nervous system regulation as a tool for change

    Join us for the next Neuro-Somatic Intelligence worshop! Get more information at



    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer:



    Book a discovery call for the upcoming NSI cohort



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com



    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved

    Healing The Relationship To Our Body

    Healing The Relationship To Our Body

    Relationship to the Body

    Season 03, Episode 30

    Our bodies are always speaking to us, but often we’re not able to understand or listen to what they’re trying to communicate.

    In this episode, hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth unpack the complexities of our relationship to the body, including how our perceptions, emotions and beliefs about our bodies significantly impact our overall well-being. They dive deep into the impact the interoceptive system has on the nervous system, emotions and behaviors, especially in relation to disordered eating and body dysmorphia.

    Jennifer and Elisabeth explore how past traumas shape our body image and inhibit our ability to express emotions safely through the body, sharing their own journeys from the cycle of maladaptive behaviors to loving acceptance.

    Tune in to hear their insights into having a healthier, more compassionate relationship with your body!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Exploring the relationship to the body
    • How we develop our body image
    • Interoceptive awareness and our ability to connect to the body
    • The connection between trauma and the relationship to the body
    • Understanding body dysmorphia and dissociation
    • Sensory mismatch in relation to body dysmorphia
    • The emotional aspect of the relationship to the body
    • Building a healthier relationship to the body


    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching:



    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com/?utm_medium=aff-traumarewired&utm_content&utm_source


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846

    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved

    Healing Dissociation

    Healing Dissociation

    “You can’t be present and dissociated at the same time.”

    These wise words from co-host Jennifer Wallace encompasses why this topic is so important to explore. Presence is the truth of our emotions and our reality, because we cannot heal what we do not feel. Being present with our emotions, and feeling them in our body, allows us to truly understand and heal our nervous system in ways that dissociating from the body cannot.

    This is a powerful conversation highlighting what goes on in the brain and nervous system when we dissociate, and how this protective mechanism can become maladaptive when its original function no longer serves us. There is a way to overcome dissociation and authentically feel emotions in the body to truly heal.

    In this episode, Elisabeth Kristoff and Jennifer Wallace deep dive into dissociation and its characteristics. The discussion begins with defining what dissociation is and how it is learned at an early age as a protective mechanism, followed by unraveling how dissociation shows up in the brain, specifically which brain structures are involved in disassociation, as well as the connection between the vagus nerve and the interoceptive system as it pertains to dissociation.

    It’s not enough to just understand these concepts intellectually, the real healing happens when we can experience them, which means feeling them in our bodies. That’s where Neurosomatic Intelligence Coaching comes in, where we teach you the tools you need to heal the whole self, and move out of dissociation and into the body in a safe way.

    Tune in for this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Definition of dissociation

    • How dissociation is on a spectrum

    • The protective aspects of dissociation

    • How dissociation gets wired in the brain from an early age

    • The function of the thalamus and how it’s related to dissociation

    • The deep connection between the vagus nerve and the interoceptive system

    • How the brain makes predictions based on our past experiences

    • The possibility to train in new protective skills that are not maladaptive

    • Knowing about the  nervous system is not the same as experiencing it

    • Spiritual bypassing and dissociation 

    • The importance of presence in understanding the truth of emotions

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/

    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Self Abandonment of Complex Post Traumatic Stress

    Self Abandonment of Complex Post Traumatic Stress

    The essence of who we are radiates when we live in our purpose. When we can connect with our true self and share it with others. There are many blockers stopping us from being able to express our feelings, or even know what we’re experiencing, and one of them is self abandonment.


    Don’t let the “self” fool you — sometimes, we unintentionally abandon ourselves because of the survival responses born as a result of trauma. Until healing begins, we can get stuck living through learned patterns of ignoring our own needs in favor of others around us, suppressing feelings to protect ourselves from the neglect of others, and rejecting our intuition.


    Trauma Rewired host, Jennifer, and Elisabeth Kristof of Brain-Based Wellness are finishing the CPTSD series by discussing this final component of CPTSD: self abandonment. They talk about the ways we abandon ourselves through the lens of their own experiences, and how it manifests in a cycle of self-abuse and shame.


    If you find yourself disregarding your own health and happiness, tune in to understand this component of CPTSD and how healing is possible!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Jennifer shares a recent story of self abandonment

    • Elisabeth defints self abandonment

    • Dissociation as a survival response

    • The effects of parentification

    • Healing self abandonment

    • How all the components of CPTSD work together

    • Becoming an expert of your nervous system

    • Toxic stress and disease

    • Learning to say “no” and self-regulate

    • The power of self-expression

    • Join the live-recording Q&A episode AND the new Facebook group!



    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/

    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Social Anxiety of Complex Post traumatic Stress

    Social Anxiety of Complex Post traumatic Stress

    The term social anxiety gets tossed around a lot these days, however individuals with CPTS who experience social anxiety feel its effects on a visceral level. It can be highly debilitating and can affect the way we relate and connect to others, when the need for connection is at the very core of what makes us human.

    Knowing if you actually have social anxiety can be tricky, especially if there are socially acceptable coping mechanisms like overconsumption of substances involved. The proof is in the nervous system outputs, such as migraines, pain, exhaustion, or binge eating, after every social event. As well as, if these outputs cause you to refrain from being in social settings all together. At these times, it's important to reflect on whether you're genuinely comfortable in social situations or if social anxiety may be at play.

    In today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer explore the world of social anxiety, specifically what signs in your nervous system to look out for if you suspect you have social anxiety, the difference between social anxiety and being socially awkward, the role substance use plays, how your attachment style can indicate your level of social anxiety, and how to repattern the nervous system using NSI tools to overcome social anxiety, and much more.

    As humans, we need to connect to others, and we need relationships to thrive. Social anxiety can impede these very human needs, however there is a way around it. It is possible to change how your nervous system takes in information, and change the way it reacts to that information, using simple tools to rewire and regulate.

    Tune in to hear how and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What is social anxiety?

    • The nervous system outputs associated with social anxiety

    • Substance use and social anxiety

    • How the inner critic and toxic shame shows up in social anxiety

    • What is hypervigilance?

    • Physiological reasons why stress in social situations can cause protective outputs

    • How ADHD and social anxiety overlap

    • How attachment styles are related to social anxiety

    • Repatterning the nervous system to experience new outputs using NSI 

    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/

    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us at traumarewired@gmail.com 

    All rights in our content are reserved


    Toxic Shame Of Complex Post Traumatic Stress

    Toxic Shame Of Complex Post Traumatic Stress

    As a human, you have most likely felt shame to some degree. Although it is a normal human protective emotion to keep us safe on a societal level, shame can become toxic when it persists and when we internalize the critical narrative from that shame.

    Toxic shame shows up in many ways, however, the way it shows up physiologically is understood the least, but the most telling. From posture, dilated pupils, tense muscles, to inflammation in the body, headaches, and diseases, it is possible to visibly see shame on a person’s body. This is a result of the body protecting itself, and there is no shame in that. However once it becomes maladaptive, and absolute “I am” statements start becoming permanent fixtures in rumination, one’s perception of self shifts, which can eventually cause serious mental and physical health issues.

    On today’s episode, Elisabeth and Jennifer discuss how toxic shame differs from regular shame, how toxic shame shows up, what happens in the body when it does, where toxic shame originates from, how shame and pleasure shows up in those with a history of childhood sexual abuse, and what you can do to recognize and repattern toxic shame with Neuro-Somatic Coaching.

    Just as toxic shame is developed, it can be undeveloped, by learning how to recognize when and how it shows up in the body, then repatterning the neural pathways in real time using NSI tools, and allowing repressed emotions to mobilize.

    This episode is filled with knowledge and insight you don’t want to miss. Tune in for this and more!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • The difference between guilt and shame
    • Difference between regular shame and toxic shame
    • How toxic shame affects posture
    • How shame is a protective response
    • What is shame inflammation and its correlation to disease states?
    • Why mobilizing the body is crucial to process emotions
    • What is emotional attunement?
    • Overcoupling of shame and pleasure in the case of childhood sexual abuse
    • The types of body boundary violations
    • What to do if you are having a toxic shame response?
    • Why it’s important for practitioners to understand when a client is in a shame response
    • Repattering shame in real time



    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching: https://brainbased-wellness.com/rewire-private-neuro-somatic-coaching/

    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site: https://www.rewiretrial.com


    Connect with us on social media: @trauma.rewired


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired


    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com


    Trauma Rewired podcast  is intended to educate and inform but does not constitute medical, psychological or other professional advice or services. Always consult a qualified medical professional about your specific circumstances before making any decisions based on what you hear. 

    We share our experiences, explore trauma, physical reactions, mental health and disease. If you become distressed by our content, please stop listening and seek professional support when needed. Do not continue to listen if the conversations are having a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

    If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or in mental health crisis and you are in the United States you can 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  If someone’s life is in danger, immediately call 911. 

    We do our best to stay current in research, but older episodes are always available.  We don’t warrant or guarantee that this podcast contains complete, accurate or up-to-date information. It’s very important to talk to a medical professional about your individual needs, as we aren’t responsible for any actions you take based on the information you hear in this podcast.

    We  invite guests onto the podcast. Please note that we don’t verify the accuracy of their statements. Our organization does not endorse third-party content and the views of our guests do not necessarily represent the views of our organization.

    We talk about general neuro-science and nervous system health, but you are unique. These are conversations for a wide audience. They are general recommendations and you are always advised to seek personal care for your unique outputs, trauma and needs. 

    We are not doctors or licensed medical professionals. We are certified neuro-somatic practitioners and nervous system health/embodiment coaches. We are not your doctor or medical professional and do not know you and your unique nervous system. This podcast is not a replacement for working with a professional.

    The BrainBased.com site and Rewiretrail.com is a membership site for general nervous system health, somatic processing and stress processing. It is not a substitute for medical care or the appropriate solution for anyone in mental health crisis. 

    Any examples mentioned in this podcast are for illustration purposes only. If they are based on real events, names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. 

    We’ve done our best to ensure our podcast respects the intellectual property rights of others, however if you have an issue with our content, please let us know by emailing us jennifer@traumarewired.com  All rights in our content are reserved

    Related Episodes

    Beliefs, Future Self Attunement, and your Nervous System

    Beliefs, Future Self Attunement, and your Nervous System

    “I think a lot of people try to move into manifestation and belief work, and can end up being really frustrated and down on themselves. It can be hard when you don't also have the tools to work with your nervous system.”


    In this second part of the Trauma Rewired belief series, co-hosts Jennifer Wallace and Elisabeth Kristoff of Brain-Based Wellness are joined by Angella Jaber, an NSI practitioner who’s helping clients attune to their future self energy and create lasting change. During today’s discussion on the nervous system, they’ll explain the complex ways our past traumas keep us in a state of dysregulation, and why self-acceptance is key to truly healing.


    Angella also shares her story of listening to her inner voice to live her authentic life, and bridging the work of nervous system healing and spirituality. You’ll also hear how applied neurology and NSI tools have helped them find self-awareness and work through the trauma responses, or protective outputs, not serving them.


    As Elisabeth states above, our growth is limited when we don’t understand the way our nervous system operates. Tune in to start learning!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


      • Angella’s journey to following her inner guidance
      • Combining NSI training with future self energy
      • Creating and preparing for permanent change
      • How she guides clients in future self attunement
      • Benefits resulting from integrating NSI tools
      • Shadow work and self-acceptance
      • Gaining freedom through self-regulation
    • Angella’s process for shifting vibrations and manifestation
    • Using neuro tools to reach a new level of connection to yourself


    Learn more about Elisabeth Kristof and her company, Brain-Based Wellness, here: https://brainbased-wellness.com/about/


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:






    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique.

    Reflections on Neuro-Somatic Intelligence

    Reflections on Neuro-Somatic Intelligence

    Do you understand neurology, but have little comprehension of somatic healing? Or, are you trying to heal trauma with a therapy that lacks focus on the brain and body connection? Enter the Neuro Somatic Intelligence Certification!


    Founders and educators of the Neuro Somatic Intelligence Certification, Elisabeth Kristoff, Melanie Weller and Matt Bush, just finished teaching the first cohort in the program and their expectations have already been surpassed. While coaching a diversity of professionals and non-professionals, they’ve also learned a lot about the far reach of this training for trauma healing.


    Trauma Rewired host Jennifer is talking to them all about the various applications for this work, and the exciting results students and clients are achieving through the course. They also share how they’re navigating teaching students with a variety of prior knowledge, and the excitement and hardhips of teaching a new profession that doesn’t yet exist.


    This is a time of growth in the NSI field, so tune in to join the conversation and find out how this certification can help you personally and/or professionally!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What everyone learned from the NSI program
    • What sets NSI apart from other certifications
    • How NSI can strengthen common therapies
    • Learning when not to use a tool, and what to do instead
    • The most important things taught in the course
    • Why they feel compelled to grow the program


    Get more information on the Neuro Somatic Intelligence Certification: https://neurosomaticintelligence.com?aff=traumarewired


    Subscribe to the free Brain Training Video Series & Learn more about Brain-Based Wellness, here: https://brainbased-wellness.com?aff=Jenebug


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique http://podcastboutique.com