
    UFYB 129: A Year of Thought Work Vol. 1 - Parenting, Body Image, & COVID-19

    enApril 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Transformative Power of Thought WorkListen to the inspiring stories of the host's students in the clutch program who have used thought work to bring about significant changes in their lives within a year

      Learning from this episode of Unfucked Your Brain is the transformative power of thought work, as demonstrated by the experiences of the host's students in the clutch program. The host emphasizes that while some listeners may find inspiration in her own achievements, others may struggle with the belief that change is impossible for them. She invites listeners to learn from her students' stories, shared over the next few episodes, about how they've used thought work to bring about significant changes in their lives. The clutch program, which offers monthly coaching, has seen many students experience life-transforming progress within a year. The host encourages listeners to consider the potential for their own growth and change through this work, and looks forward to sharing the insights and experiences of her students to inspire and guide listeners on their own journeys.

    • The Clutch helps individuals work on self-worth and self-esteem issuesThe Clutch community and tools helped Bessie break free from negative self-talk and self-judgment, leading to improved self-worth and self-esteem.

      The Clutch, a community and set of tools, has helped individuals like Bessie, a 44-year-old recovering academic from Toronto, to work on their self-worth and self-esteem issues. Bessie, who struggled with low self-esteem and negative self-talk for years, found the Clutch podcast and joined the community to make a change. Before joining, she identified herself as shy, insecure, moody, and introverted, and had been telling herself she was worthless for a long time. This negative self-talk made it hard for her to get excited about her future. However, through the Clutch, she learned that her thoughts didn't mean anything and that she didn't have to figure out why she was having them or why they were true or not. This realization was a turning point for her, and she began to see baby steps of change. The Clutch provided her with the tools and community to help her break free from the cycle of self-judgment and start believing in her worth.

    • Learning from mistakes with self-compassionSelf-compassion leads to viewing mistakes as opportunities for growth and investing in oneself with pride and self-worth.

      Self-compassion is a powerful tool for personal growth. The speaker shared how they used to be extremely hard on themselves when they made mistakes, but through coaching and self-reflection, they learned to be kinder and more supportive towards themselves. This shift in mindset allowed them to view their mistakes as opportunities for learning rather than evidence of their worthlessness. An unexpected discovery was the sense of pride and self-worth that came from making a commitment to invest in themselves, such as going to college. This sense of self-value preceded any tangible progress, highlighting the importance of belief in oneself and the role of self-compassion in the journey towards personal growth.

    • Focusing on our children's experiences instead of making things personalShifting perspective to understand children's emotions reduces stress, makes us more effective parents, and helps navigate challenging times.

      Our reactions to our children's behaviors and emotions can significantly impact our parenting experience. When we make things personal and focus on ourselves, we create unnecessary stress and discomfort. However, when we shift our perspective and focus on our children's experiences, we become more curious, less reactive, and more effective parents. This approach also applies to managing our emotions during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. By acknowledging and processing our emotions, we can move on and find ways to adapt to new situations. Additionally, having a flexible structure and perspective can help us navigate the ups and downs of life, without getting stuck in extremes. Overall, learning to hold space for ourselves and others to experience the full range of emotions is essential for effective parenting and personal growth.

    • Finding Opportunities for Personal Growth in Unexpected DisruptionsUnexpected disruptions can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. Instead of becoming chaotic or rigid, strive for moderation and grace. Embrace possibilities of change and recognize self-imposed limitations.

      Life's unexpected disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can provide opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Instead of descending into chaos or becoming overly rigid in our thinking, we can strive for moderation and grace under unusual conditions. This can lead to a greater sense of self-worth and the belief that we have valuable contributions to make to the world. The speaker shares her own experience of overcoming black-and-white thinking and feelings of defensiveness, and learning to give herself permission to live and grow. She encourages embracing the possibilities of change, both in the world and within ourselves, and recognizing that our perceived limitations are often self-imposed.

    • Embracing Self-Trust and Community for Personal GrowthTrusting oneself and surrounding oneself with positive influences can lead to personal growth. Seek support from communities and avoid negative echo chambers.

      Trusting in one's ability to handle life's challenges and having a supportive community are essential forms of emotional security. The speaker emphasizes the limitless potential within each person and the importance of taking small steps towards compassion and acceptance. The coaching calls and community within the Clutch were particularly impactful for the speaker, providing new insights and opportunities for growth. The speaker also highlights the importance of avoiding negative echo chambers and seeking out thoughtful questions and perspectives instead. In essence, trusting oneself and surrounding oneself with positive influences can lead to significant personal growth.

    • Discovering the power of self-improvement through community and expert guidanceEven when we doubt our potential for personal growth, joining a supportive community and seeking expert guidance can help us break free from limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, leading to self-discovery and the ability to focus on our goals and create meaningful work.

      Personal growth and self-improvement are possible, even when we doubt it. Elizabeth shared her experience of joining a club that helped her break free from limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. She was initially skeptical but discovered the value of having a supportive community and guidance from experts. Through this process, she gained insights into her own mind and learned to make decisions that served her better. The time and energy she once spent on self-criticism and worrying about others' opinions were freed up, allowing her to focus on her goals and create meaningful work. It's a reminder that we all have the potential to transform our lives and be the best versions of ourselves, even if we don't believe it yet. Elizabeth's story is a testament to the power of self-discovery and the importance of seeking help when needed.

    • Finding a relatable coach helped speaker learn to love her bodySeeking guidance from someone with similar struggles can lead to body love and self-acceptance, rather than just weight loss.

      Seeking guidance from someone who has experienced similar struggles and achieved success can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth. The speaker in this discussion shared how she was drawn to a coach because of their relatable experience with body image issues and their plus size body. Before joining the coach's program, she was stuck in a cycle of shame and self-loathing, unable to look at herself in the mirror and convinced that weight loss was the key to happiness. However, as she began to focus on learning to love her body rather than just trying to change it, she discovered a new perspective and a renewed sense of self-trust. This shift in mindset was instrumental in helping her break free from the self-hatred that had been holding her back. It's a common experience for people to believe they can only love their bodies once they reach a certain weight or physical ideal, but the reality is that the journey to body love often involves challenging deeply ingrained beliefs and learning to trust and accept ourselves as we are.

    • Acceptance of body love doesn't mean neglectAcceptance of body love leads to healthier relationships with food, exercise, and self-perception. Recognizing and challenging negative thoughts can lead to a deeper connection with your body.

      The acceptance of body love doesn't mean neglect or disregard for one's body. Instead, it leads to a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and self-perception. The speaker discovered that she could cultivate feelings of confidence, strength, and sexiness without the need for weight loss. She learned that her thoughts and beliefs about herself hold significant power, and just because she had a thought, it didn't make it true. This journey also helped her shift her perspective in front of the mirror, transforming it into a place of self-love and positive affirmations. Unexpectedly, she found that recognizing and challenging negative thoughts led to a more profound connection with her body.

    • Challenging Negative Thoughts About Weight LossThought work involves questioning and redirecting negative thoughts about weight loss and body image to find more compassionate ways of thinking, building resilience and shifting perspective.

      Our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, particularly regarding weight loss and body image, can be deeply ingrained and hard to change. These thoughts often stem from black-and-white thinking, where we see ourselves as either "good" or "bad" based on our weight or food choices. This can lead to restrictive thoughts and behaviors that don't actually solve the underlying feelings. The practice of thought work, which involves questioning and redirecting negative thoughts, can be helpful in challenging these patterns and finding alternative, more compassionate ways of thinking. It's important to remember that it's normal to have negative thoughts, and that seeking support and community can be valuable in navigating the ups and downs of life, including during times of uncertainty like the current pandemic. The first step in using thought work is to create neutral, calming thoughts for yourself, such as "I am safe. I am in my home. I am healthy." Starting with one thought can help build resilience and shift your perspective.

    • Understanding Self-WorthSelf-worth is inherent and not something we need to earn through perfection or societal standards. Practice self-compassion and acceptance to foster growth and love for ourselves.

      Our perception of ourselves and our relationship with ourselves are shaped by our thoughts and beliefs. We often criticize ourselves and believe that not meeting our own expectations makes us flawed or unworthy. However, these thoughts are just skills we've learned, and our worthiness is not determined by our ability to follow a schedule or meet societal standards. Instead, we can practice self-compassion and acceptance, recognizing that worthiness is inherent and not something we need to earn. Additionally, resources like coaching and community can provide valuable insights and support in our personal growth journey. Remember, learning to love and accept ourselves is an act of love and brings us closer to our goal.

    • Self-love and self-improvement: A continuous journeyInvesting time and effort in understanding and caring for oneself is essential for living a fulfilling life. Self-love and self-acceptance are possible, and their impact can be life-changing for individuals and society.

      Self-love and self-improvement are acts of love and practicing self-acceptance, liking, and eventually loving oneself is a continuous journey, not a destination. Investing time and effort in understanding and caring for oneself is an essential aspect of living a fulfilling life. Thought work, as a tool for self-coaching, can help individuals believe in their ability to love themselves and accept their current state, seeing the progress they make along the way. The more we share this practice with others, the greater the impact on our communities and society as a whole. As Bessie and Elizabeth's stories demonstrate, self-love and self-acceptance are possible, and the ripple effect of this transformation can be life-changing for ourselves and those around us.

    • Maximizing Learning Experience with Clutch's Bonus Podcast RoadmapNew members of The Clutch, a feminist coaching community, can deepen their understanding of essential skills like processing emotions and using the coaching model through a bonus podcast roadmap and intro course.

      The Clutch, a feminist coaching community by Kara Loewentheil, offers a bonus podcast roadmap for new members to maximize their learning experience. This roadmap, combined with the intro course, provides additional support and immersion during the first few weeks of membership. The self-coaching course teaches essential skills like processing emotions and using the coaching model to identify and change thoughts. The podcast roadmap guides listeners to specific episodes to deepen their understanding of these concepts. For existing members, these resources are already available in the membership site. With many people spending more time at home and seeking mind management tools, the Clutch is an excellent resource for learning and applying thought work to one's life. To join, visit unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch or text your email address to +13479348861.

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    Peter acknowledges that people struggle and the human experience is challenging but he offers a different way to look at life and your current problems. He believes our subconscious dialogue – the self-talk that’s rooted in childhood conditioning and that we may not even be aware of – gives us a certain idea of who we are. By questioning this, and realising it’s not the truth, we can find freedom from suffering. We can get to know the triggers that make us feel less-than, and break free of our limitations. 


    If you heard my last conversation with Peter, you’ll know how life-changing his philosophy can be. This conversation has even more anecdotes that will help you apply Peter’s philosophy into your life. This is a really powerful conversation and I hope it helps you to find more freedom in your life. 

    Thanks to our sponsors:




    Order Dr Chatterjee's new book Happy Mind, Happy Life: UK version: https://amzn.to/304opgJ, US & Canada version: https://amzn.to/3DRxjgp

    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/259

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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    Listen to the episode, and then start your journey with this journal prompt:

    1. Can you recall the first time you felt conscious of your body? When you were aware of how your body moves, how it looks, how it fees.
      1. What you liked?
      2. What you wanted to change?
      3. How did this consciousness affect how you move your body in certain spaces?


    Find Samie HERE 

    & Find more info on Talking Bodies HERE


    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I opened a few more 1:1 Functional Nutrition & Mindset Coaching Spots

    If you're interested in learning more, visit 






    Today's episode is about beliefs: the power of what we think and believe and how we can start to become aware of what our thoughts are creating for us through our emotions and actions. The truth is we can create whatever we want to create through our thoughts! And today's episode is an introduction into thought work. Follow @artistsrisingco, @iamjennyrebecca and send JennyRebecca a message or inquire about coaching at mail@jennyrebecca.com.